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10pm downtime? Really?


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It's about more than that.


If this was a F2P MMO, no big deal. I'm not paying for the service, so they can bring down the servers anytime as far as I care.


But, here, I am paying for a service. The service is, access to their servers.


They set an established downtime window, they should live by it.


I'm an engineer. I deal, in precision. Precision measurements, precision estimates, precision in schedules and delivery dates.


I expect those that I do business with, to do the same.


Consider for example: Season tickets to the <INSERT NBA TEAM HERE>


You buy those tickets, with the expectation to gain entrance to the game, upon turning the ticket over at the gate.


If the team decides to suddenly change it's starting times to 3 in the morning, when you can't show up, you'd be a little peeved, wouldn't you? In fact, if suddenly, you had no use for those tickets because of the time change, you'd likely demand a refund from the front office, would you not?




If you have any self respect stop embarrassing yourself. Divide your 15 bucks over the course of one month and tell me how many cents you lost on that 8 hours down time.


And then have a good hard look in mirror and tell yourself 'i am a grown man, i am better than this'.

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No... we were told today. The patch starts tomorrow at 10pm That's slightly more than 1 days notice, and far less than 2 days notice.


But the patch itself arrives on thursday does it not? So I am counting today, tomorrow and thursday. Thats 3 days, I ain't counting the times.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I find it amazing how many people are willing to write this game off, to whine, and complain and ***** and moan and piss fire, over a game that has been active for just a little over 4 months.


If you read what some of these pirhannas are posting, you'd think they expected to see 3 complete expansion packs since launch, as well as new Raids every week.


It's not even remotely realistic to think such things, and yet, these forums seem to breed the most incessant hate I have seen in a forum setting, in a very long time.


I will be continuing to play. So will my girlfriend. We are happy with it, we enjoy it, and we look forward to it's future.


That's YOUR quote from another thread.

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Wasn't really counting the times, was counting the dates. They announced it today, so theres tomorrow and then thrusday thats 3 days.


This reminds of the discussions I have with my 7-year old about how many days are left until Christmas...

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If you have any self respect stop embarrassing yourself. Divide your 15 bucks over the course of one month and tell me how many cents you lost on that 8 hours down time.


And then have a good hard look in mirror and tell yourself 'i am a grown man, i am better than this'.


Sir, I wish I could give you some sort of medal.... You have the exact adult, mature mannerisms thatwe need on the forums and in the game...kudos to you good sir...


You should now retire to the lounge and have a nice stiff brandy and realize that people like you are few and far between.


but seriously... completely and totally true.

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you do realize that if they bring down the game at 10...2 hours earlier there is a very good chance that they will bring it up 2 hours ealier.. ( 8 hour downtime) so really..its not like they are stealing 2 hours of your life.....


Might be great for all you college kids and what not, who play in the morning, during the day, whatever.


I don't.


I play at night, and this is right in the middle of when I'm normally on.


Glad it works out so nicely for you. For me, it's less time I get to play, and considering that I pay for it, I don't particularly appreciate paying, only so you can play more and I can play less.

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Lets see...


Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday, and then the patch is released on Thursday.


Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday = 3 days based on my math.


Technincally you are wrong.


Had they released that information at exactly midnight Tuesday morning, then yes, it would have been three days.


As you can clearly see on the dev tracker, this was not the case. Thus, they have only given us 2 and one half days of notice. Clearly this is a major issue, and should be immediately redressed through at least fifty different thread creations, followed by a parade of dyed llamas, and then summed up succinctly by a speech from the Organized Society of Retired Stormtroopers Local 201.


Im just sayin....

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This is the best thread I've read in ages... im positively crying a river right now... much more and I'll be forced to break my own rules.. no coke and candy on weekdays..... :eek:


I do hope OP you put an ingame ticket in so that all of BW can share in the humour.... with the undoubted amount of hard work they have been putting in to get us this update this week, they could probably use some light relief :D

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If you have any self respect stop embarrassing yourself. Divide your 15 bucks over the course of one month and tell me how many cents you lost on that 8 hours down time.


And then have a good hard look in mirror and tell yourself 'i am a grown man, i am better than this'.



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Normally, it starts at 12pm Pacific.


This time, it's 10pm Pacific.


At 10pm in most time zones people are in bed and since it is in the school year and during the work week what is to complain about. They are doing it when most people will not be playing. Yeah a few have to sacrifice a few hours.. go enjoy a movie or dare I say it.. YOUR FAMILY.

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Might be great for all you college kids and what not, who play in the morning, during the day, whatever.


I don't.


I play at night, and this is right in the middle of when I'm normally on.


Glad it works out so nicely for you. For me, it's less time I get to play, and considering that I pay for it, I don't particularly appreciate paying, only so you can play more and I can play less.


Are you seriously still going to use ' i pay for it' card? i pay for it too and i work till 8 in night.


How many cents are you losing on 8 hours? tell Bioware to send you the cheque. :eek:

Edited by Gorrdan
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Technincally you are wrong.


Depends on how you define a day then...


If you you define it as 24 hours, then yes, you would be correct because that would mean they'd have to say something at least 72 hours ahead of time.


But I tend to think of days as business days, so anything on Tuesday counts as being on Tuesday. Even though it won't be a full 72 hours, it will still be 3 days.


Although I suppose you could make the argument that for the West coast it's only 2 days sense it will actually happen at 10pm on Wednesday.

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West coast prime time is from midnight to 2am?


Really you're going to try and make that claim?


Midnight, it begins to drop off a little. 12pm Pacific.


However, 10pm Pacific, it's quite lively on my server, and generally the best pop times for PvP.


Why so late?


It's after dinner Pacific time, and, it's the beginning of Prime Time for Hawaii, Alaska, and any New Zealanders and Australians that are still on my server.


So, if your normal playtime is between the hours of 7pm PDT and 2am PDT, then yes, it would be the defacto primetime for you.

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i, too, am mad. i had today all planned out for an epic marathon. i bought 2 bags of cheetos, some mountain dew, and some cupcakes. now it turns out i'll have to turn in early at 10pm, which means i'll have a massive surplus of treats which will likely stale.


i demand an immediate refund for the grocery items i bought.

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Might be great for all you college kids and what not, who play in the morning, during the day, whatever.


I don't.


I play at night, and this is right in the middle of when I'm normally on.


Glad it works out so nicely for you. For me, it's less time I get to play, and considering that I pay for it, I don't particularly appreciate paying, only so you can play more and I can play less.


whne the people in europe couldnt play it was cool tho right? as long as it didnt affect you?? are you really that selfish? give it up or quit the damn game, really its only one day for something awesome...let it go.

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Lets see...


Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday, and then the patch is released on Thursday.


Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday = 3 days based on my math.

The servers are coming down on Wednesday for the OP; that's tomorrow.


If you tell me that I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow... that's 1 day of notice. not 3. Not 2.


You're rounding something that is less than 1.5 days (~1.291667 days) to 3 days. That makes no mathematical sense.

Edited by ferroz
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