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countering Mara combat teams in WZs?


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Before 1.2, a Group running 2 Pyro Powertech's with probably drop the Marauder group pretty hard, as you really can't live through that much burst.


Probably best setup would be Juggy/2 Pyros/1 Sorc , or an assassin in the Juggies place.


But yea, pretty much they'll instant gib most things out there.

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Love these threads about ranged being bad. It's like people come to this game and have no idea what kiting is. Marauders are one of the easiest classes to kite in the game. We have no CC immunity (outside resolve), and still have too deal with all the snares, knockbacks, stuns, and roots that ranged have. We don't even have a single 30m "pity" ability like the other melees.


Anyways, back to the topic at hand. If you're talking 3v1 of any class you're gonna get your stool pushed in. Even without class stacking a group of organized players is probably gonna destroy whatever WZ they're in.

Edited by Bloodgaze
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Before 1.2, a Group running 2 Pyro Powertech's with probably drop the Marauder group pretty hard, as you really can't live through that much burst.


Probably best setup would be Juggy/2 Pyros/1 Sorc , or an assassin in the Juggies place.


But yea, pretty much they'll instant gib most things out there.


2 DPS pyro, 1 hybrid pyro, 1 healing Merc. Would destroy them. Marauder's healer dies instantly to triple pyro without a guard, and a guarded merc healer is invincible for 15 seconds effectively.

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I'm not sure it's so much an issue of Marauders as it is an issue of focus-firing. As others have noted, any group composed of the same DPS class that focus-fires and coordinates is going to be problematic. It's hardly just Marauders.


For example, I queued with a group of 3 full BM gunslingers on Saturday who focus-fired and coordinated over Mumble. No one survived against this focus-fire very long. It was brutal (once all 3 got their 5k medals on the same target at the same time to give you an example of the kind of DPS they were putting out). As a Sage I didn't even need guard because my attackers went down so fast. My friend would tell his fellow gunslingers to target so and so and they were gone in seconds, even full BM juggs.


The Imps were qq'ing over /say saying the group was unbeatable and they were using critical hacks.


You stop focus-firing with focus-firing + a tank and if possible a healer.

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2 DPS pyro, 1 hybrid pyro, 1 healing Merc. Would destroy them. Marauder's healer dies instantly to triple pyro without a guard, and a guarded merc healer is invincible for 15 seconds effectively.




Melee assist trains are the hardest thing to counter in this game when done properly. The only real counter is to mirror them. So heavy melee vs heavy melee typically comes down to guard and taunt, which is why 3 maras are not ideal.


Ideally you have 1 mara for the debuff, and 2 or 3 pyro PTs or rage Juggs for the burst and for guard.

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2 DPS pyro, 1 hybrid pyro, 1 healing Merc. Would destroy them. Marauder's healer dies instantly to triple pyro without a guard, and a guarded merc healer is invincible for 15 seconds effectively.


You must come from a heavy Imp v. Imp server. LOL. The OP is a Commando and said he is new so let me mirror your suggestion: 2 DPS Vanguards, 1 hybrid Vanguard, and 1 healing Commando.


This too...


"Ideally you have 1 mara for the debuff, and 2 or 3 pyro PTs or rage Juggs for the burst and for guard"


1 Sentinel, 2 or 3 Vanguards or focus Guardians.

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A pre made of 1, 2, 3, and 4 can focus fire and kill anything other then another pre made group. This is fact, and a problem.


What 1, 2, 3, and 4 are is not a problem. Watch how fast you die if 4 operatives all drop out of stealth at the same time, use their opener on you, then jump back into stealth (which wont require the cooldown use, seeing the only target they attack is dead and they are now out of combat)


Or 4 commandos picking someone to spam grav round from 30 meters away. The first hit will be for about 8k (2k x 4) and even if you instantly move, the next hit of about 10k is unavoidable. So you've taken 18k damage after 1.5 seconds.


Or just have 4 gunslingers dot you twice each. That's 4kish damage every second for 15 seconds of so while they are running away from you.


As veiled attempts to QQ about a class being over powered the "4 of them focusing fire is unbeatable" line is just about the dumbest way you can go.

Edited by lexiekaboom
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This is a great topic, Maras/Sents are great when stacked few other classes have the tools that they have.


Stacked Maras can out dps most other classes while preventing escape.


I have struggled with this same thing if anyone has any ideas how to solve it?


Also similar case with multiple ops.




The other day I ran into a post mentioning that wz were going to become 2 classes




Mara support.


If this post does not have an answer then it appears so.



I will throw out a first idea.

1 sage (slows and cc), commando heal (heals), 2 vanguards for shield (dps) could this take out 3 maras and a healer of their choice?


Tools? LOL What toolls do they have besides DPS and a random situational speed buff? Their CC is terrible. Awe is very nice but it doesn't make up for things like concussive shot and whirlwind.

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Commandoes can be interupted and killed easily even 3 of them. maras are almost completely instant abilities. Maras can easily dominate an entire wz, they are very hard to kite and have a huge amount of burst damage.


Please tell us about all this burst that a Annihilation marauder receives.

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3 anything focus firing is a dream come true in a WZ, ill be happy to throw them a guard while they eat you troopers, oh & id aoe taunt just in case you try to grav round i mave even interupt your grav round just to make you rage
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Their leap makes them incredibly mobile and able to be on you "like white on rice" as soon as you open up.


3v1 you're still boned but if they are leaping on you first thing they already messed up and if you're an assault commando you should be able to kite that *one*.


Again, 3v1 of any DPS and you're SOL. But against 1, if they leap first thing I always laugh proceed to kite. Any good mara or jugg will save their leap for your first KB or stun.

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There's a handy button at the bottom of the screen. Right click and choose 'leave warzone'. That's how you counter marauder teams.


I love you. Honestly once their cool downs are popped they die pretty easy. Its just lasting through their cool downs.

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A stack of GS or Snipers can be brutal. While we are weak in a 1 on 1 against most clases, get 2 or 3 of them grouped up and watch the big red numbers flash over your head.


Started doing this more and more when I can find anouther GS in the warzone it helps us off set each others shield mechanics. Plus it does present a problem to other clases its not like you can target one and not worry about the other pouring damage into your backside for long.


But as to the problem of 3 mara and a healer groups just get 3 good tanks and a healer. They can do a number on them constant taunt's plus adding in push pull mechanics can really screw up thier damage rotations.

Edited by Zbus
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Cause this is just a poorly disguised and executed "nerf marauders" thread.


Now THAT is absurd. I don't want to nerf Maras -- with my alt I'm trying to learn to play Sentinel, its mirror class and that's plenty tough as it is.


Go do your troll gig somewhere else, please.

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I've had 2 operatives open up on me at the exact same time and pretty much kill me instantly. That's just what happens when people stack up on you. It's called being focused on for a fast kill. Want to deal with marauders? Go into the assault tree and kite them to death. You can cure leg slash, do your knockback and then go back to slowing them with your basic attack.
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best counter to melee train is to have a tank that can taunt and aoe slow them (warrior/sin with weather) and ask others to aoe them down.


That could work! And it would be a lot easier to coordinate than a gaggle of DPS guys.


So how when a PUG is getting ready to go you hear "any healers?" all the time but never hear "any tanks?" (At least, I haven't.) :confused:

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That could work! And it would be a lot easier to coordinate than a gaggle of DPS guys.


So how when a PUG is getting ready to go you hear "any healers?" all the time but never hear "any tanks?" (At least, I haven't.) :confused:


Because its a pug group...

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All I got from this is someone complaining about not being able to survive a 3 vs 1 situation...


Sorry, I wasn't clear. I have seen three-man teams of cooperating Maras tear through attackers, including me. They are clearly working together in a coordinated attack. (What they are doing is awesome, but I'd like to put up a better fight.)


And I'm not complaining -- I'm trying to figure out how to counter this. It seems to me that having so many defenders away from the assets would create a vulnerability, if only one could figure out how to slow or even survive their attacks.

Edited by SweetOldBob
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Sorry, I wasn't clear. I have seen three-man teams of cooperating Maras tear through attackers, including me. They are clearly working together in a coordinated attack. (What they are doing is awesome, but I'd like to put up a better fight.)


And I'm not complaining -- I'm trying to figure out how to counter this. It seems to me that having so many defenders away from the assets would create a vulnerability, if only one could figure out how to slow or even survive their attacks.


Thank you for the clarification. If you are certain that the group is working together then they are probably a premade group. Basically the only way to counter this would be with your own premade and the use of CC and coordination between your group memebers. This isn't specific to marauders however, given 3 of any class they will tear through a single person regardless.

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Stealth classes and snipers destroy marauders. Marauders melt like butter without their defensive CDs, so my operative or assassin is usually able to knock one down below 50% before they can react. Kite a bit and dispel their bleeds while they try to stay on top of you, and boom, finish them off once their undying rage is off.


Snipers are self explanatory, can't be charged, have a long *** root, has a knockback, and does insane burst from 30+ yards--they are the anti-marauder.


Annihilation marauders are the marauder spec of the month atm (1.2 will change this), but they are hard countered by dispelling (you can dispel both of their dots and 3 stacks of deadly saber with 1 GCD every 5 seconds). In fact, all 3 marauder specs have hard counters.


Annihilation: dispels

Carnage: watch for gore, use your knockback/root/stun and they are done

Rage: Spread out, use defensive CDs/knockback before the inevitable smash


I'm not going to bother responding to "how do i beat 3 marauders pounding on me," because you aren't going to. A team of any 3 classes, a 3 man premade of any custom set of classes will train you solo or as an uncoordinated group.

Edited by Anbokr
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