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What pieces or Agent Armor or Weapons do you like the looks of the best?


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Almost all agent gear is fugly. If you hunt around you can find some oranges that will build an imperial dress uniform that looks kinda spiffy though. The hooligan's hat is the only hat that matches it however, except some low level greens.
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After defeating Trapjaw (Tatooine world boss) with 8 men i found a great looking prototype jacket. My brother who was playing as his Sith Assasin managed to get the roll for the medium armour jacket (He accidently clicked need) so he traded it to me, now my operative looks epic! i will send the name of it once i next go on swtor, i will edit this comment for it.


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The first item you list is available as reward on Balmorra i believe. Its the reward for Heroic+2 Bombs.


The second item is available from a vendor on Nar Shadda.


Sorry I dont have more details. I'm at work and access is limited.


good luck!

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I looted a chest piece doing the Czerka Quest on Tat and I can't remember what it was called. Not orange though, and that made me sad; but it was black with a little should flare and some blue highlights. Still have the level 20 PvP armor pants though for now until I find a nicer looking pair but the Chest was better than my PvP gear jacket when I looted it.


I'll see if I can look it up when I get home from work. It looks more like what I would picture for an agents armor than the bulky jackets which I am not a huge fan.

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The first item you list is available as reward on Balmorra i believe. Its the reward for Heroic+2 Bombs.


The second item is available from a vendor on Nar Shadda.


Sorry I dont have more details. I'm at work and access is limited.


good luck!


thanks! :p

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I like to throw in some Marauder gear (such as the Force Sentinel headpiece). just strip the mods and replace with more applicable ones.


That's exactly what I did. For Belsavis commendations you can buy a sweet "shark fin" helmet (technically an Imperial Royal Guard helmet). I added some Marauder PvP stuff and an oj belt from space commendations. I look like a marauder with a gun.

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I'm not too big on the longcoat stuff--it makes my rear end look big. (Seriously, there's a clipping issue that makes it pad your butt.)


Rakata has some nice colors, but I'm not big on most of the actual design--gloves and helm are okay. Columi/Tionese can go jump off a cliff, as I am in no need of being stealthy in HUNTER ORANGE LOOK AT ME colored gear.


Vendetta and Energized (as mentioned earlier) are pretty sweet, though. Makes me feel like a field-op/scout stormtrooper.

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My three favourite pieces of great looking gear are:


Cademimu Sharpshooters Jacket, because all agents look especially agent-y in a long black coat (picked up from Cademimu FP, of course).


Imperial Officer's Sniper Rifle, because it looks like what I think a sniper rifle should look like (level 24pvp rifle from the fleet vendor).


Fervent Battle Headgear, because it's mask-y without messing up my hair (Nar Shaddaa specialty vendor, just swap the mods).


All three are orange moddable and I think they make me look good getting my 'agent' on. ;)

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The first item you list is available as reward on Balmorra i believe. Its the reward for Heroic+2 Bombs.


The second item is available from a vendor on Nar Shadda.


Sorry I dont have more details. I'm at work and access is limited.


good luck!


Hammer Lookout is from the Hammer instance. The "Bombs" jacket that you're thinking about is the Hoodlum jacket.

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I'm still wearing the Cadamimu Sharpshooter's Jacket :rolleyes: Nothing looks better on me IMO.


This jacket, the shotgun-blaster from HK-47, black leggings (they can't really be called trousers when they're that tight lol) and simple black gloves / boots. I'm currently wearing a full-face mask with funny goggle things on the head (just because it's funny looking), but will be switching back to the visor-helm look once the amusement wears off :)


Edit: Added link for jacket, rifle and helm

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I love my sniper rifle and my sniper rifle loves me...


I got it on Cademimu flashpoint, when all my Sith mates got killed and I had to do the General alone, an almost hopeless fight, he dropped it when I dropped him. I had 5% HP left. Good memories, feels well earned.


Could not find it in Torhead database but it looks a bit like the K-406 Combat Ripper which I also have and like, only ALL black+gunmetal. Goes well with my all black unassuming secret agent "Burberry" and "Raybans".

Very pro-looking very cool. I shall not part with it ever.


EDIT: sorry, found it: Cademimu Marksman Eliminator I modded it with prototype purple mods - whats not to love?

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I personally love the Hammer Station FP drops, which come together to form an Imperial Dress Uniform. Really fits my agent's look.


That said, I also like the look of the Athiss gear, too. It seems like what my Agent would wear on the ground versus what we would wear in conversations (the Hammer Gear).


Weapons-wise, I like the Athiss Deadeye Exterminator for my Agent's "Operation" look, and I prefer the Clan Varad Militia Sniper for the times when he wears his Officer's uniform.

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