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Have you ever seen a 600 to 0 Alderaan Civil War?


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Wait I thought the latest nerfs/patches were supposed to make PVP more competitive?


Just wait till 1.2 then it will all be equal!! It's the gear I tells ya!!!




Wow, 600-0 is damn impressive. Well done!!


To the OP though, did the other team just give up?? Lol...


Judging by your kill totals they didn't give you much of a fight...

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Highest ive seen is a 480-0 win for us Reps. We where behind at first (they even had more players) but managed to ninja a three cap and then held it for a good 9 minutes, more or less cementing the win.


Given it was against an Imp team made up of some players from the top Imp PvP guild on the server it was a great score. Ive been in a number of close call matchs (usually 15-0 or 5-0) where turrets are constantly being taken back and forth and they are definitely alot more fun, but sometimes a high score win takes just as much effort as a nail bitter.


Best matchs are where the battle for the mid lasts a good solid non stop 5 minutes, very intense, especiay where one side decides to pincer the middle... ive even run out of energy sometimes.


The Reps on our server (RP) have come along way since it started... Imps used to roflstomp us every time, now we regularly win and give em a damn hard time at it.


Wouldnt mind seeing a 600-0 win somday...


Suffered a 600 - 0 loss just yesterday. Worse, I was the ops leader. I felt lower than whale poop. :(


I wouldnt feel bad about loosing under your leadership if your team wasnt listening at all its there fault not yours if it was a better opposition you did your best. My guild more or less made it its priority this last week to get Rep sides working as a team on our server and it seems to be working extremely well. They actually listen to the Ops leader now and I think they've learned that doing what they say usually means victory (hopefully they take it into the 50's bracket)... heck Rep side pugs used to never throw the huttball, now the regular pugers throw it like pros and win most of their matchs now, or they all learn to run past mid turret in Alderaan to keep the Imps on the back foot so we can get a two cap asap (I think the Imps have taken Mid at teh start only 3 times this week in matchs ive been in), or running down the middle of voidstar attacks and sticking to the middle and fluidly moving between doors.


Given that my Valor rank and level usually stuck me in that leaders position until i just hit 50 it often got tiresome typing everything out every game but once the regulars saw how to win and the newbies got to be in winning games instead of being constantly steamrolled moral has picked up 200% and PuG's are doing wonders.


But somedays you just run into an opposition that kicks your face in... shrug and give everyone a pat on the back for effort. You still get something out of it...reque and try again. Positivity seems to be the key from personal experience.

Edited by BigfootNZ
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Seen 600-0 victory twice since launch. Both times happened against fewer Republic players in the zone (8 imps vs 4-6 pubs). And of course as Republic players continued to join the game, they'd leave seeing the three cap. The warzone shutdown for imbalanced teams never got a chance to reach zero as a result.
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Taugrim almost got a flawless civil war the other day on his stream. Almost. Lol. Grats OP.


I was in that first Civil War match in the stream, my team was terrible and I had no idea it was a Maven premade until it was too late. :c


However, we did show that premade whatfer in Huttball later (Starts at 53:00, I think.) Taugrim was all over me that match. :c


I'm one of the twin twi'leks, llil-ill (Lala). Go PuGs!

Edited by Varicite
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I've had 4 of them that I've participated in. (Winning side) Have SS for all of them :cool:


I've also been on the losing side for one.


In the 50 bracket that is. I don't count the vanilla chaos that happens in the 10-49 bracket.

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I've never been in a 600-0, but I was in a losing side 590-0. I was the only person to cap for my team, too. I went for our gimme, the rest zerged middle. 2 Repubs went for my turret, one for their's, and the 5 in the middle held off our 7 until the 2 who killed me got into the middle. Then I kept going for the turret I had capped, and they kept dying in the middle. I topped the charts for my team, at about 100K. :p
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Not realy that special. All three with random Reps.


PS. But I get it, that some people get exited about it.


Also, very funny, how most guys do not show their stats from those games, just a blank UI screenshot.

Edited by Karenai
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Been in a few, both winning and losing.


Was also in one where we were winnning 600-70 while middle had still not been capped by either team. Did not get a screenshot and the imps capped when they had 70, was quite funny watching them constantly zerg middle all game.

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Not realy that special. All three with random Reps.


PS. But I get it, that some people get exited about it.


Also, very funny, how most guys do not show their stats from those games, just a blank UI screenshot.


"Also, very funny, how most guys do not show their stats from those games, just a blank UI screenshot."


okay, if I knew there was gonna be a thread on 600-0 screenshots, I probably would of thought ahead and taken the screenshot with the stats, but NOOOOOOO. People jump to conclusions because everyone's a tard on the net. I didnt think to show my stats because the match wasn't over yet, theres always tht brief moment of lag time between when the counter hits 0 and when your stats show up, so thats when i took the screen shot.


My excuse and reason for you stupid comment. Nice pics tho.

Edited by blazerSERVE
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