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Everything posted by StephenTheOne

  1. The 13/28 build is very interesting, doing some good dmg with it. It takes a little getting used to since i've been 23/1/17 for months now haha. Did you get the name from the anime..."Akira" its kinda old, but awesome!
  2. Atm I have 1 point in SS, I do change back a forth quite a bit though. A point in SS will increase your burst a decent bit when it procs, its nice for quickly dropping healers. If you put 1 point in Infil tactics, your sustained dps will go up a little more. You will be able to get in another PA'd project instead of waiting for force to regen. I'd say try both and see what you like.
  3. Sadly no! I just wear the chest piece for that reason...I don't mind missing one augment slot at the moment to look a little different haha! I may change though to maximize stats...not sure yet lol.
  4. ME: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/screenshot2012050513424.jpg/
  5. Im sorry, but if you don't think instant force lift is amazing/godsend then your not using it to its full potential.
  6. 925-1125 502 melee bonus dmg 831 force bonus dmg 1000 resil infiltration spec atm.
  7. Sooo Shin your voice is Hella Sexy! hahah...anyways like ive been saying for months hybrid is amazing! cough 23/1/17 cough.
  8. I don't think sents/Maras are op. They needed a slight boost in burst and they got it. I play my bros 50 sent a lot and yeah I find it to be really fun and a class with a high skill cap, but not op. I'd take my shadow over it anyday.
  9. Well a lot of my mods are from post 1.2 bm stalker pieces, I have full augmented gear with all over kill augments. I also purchased the Force mystic one-hand and used its mods in my saber. Also ive been focusing on buying WH force mystic gloves and the WH force master boots. (I may have the names mixed up...its the one with best power mods). Also the WH force healers relay is amazing get that. Once i get the stalker implants that will be another 138 power just from those two items...so thats 840 power right there. You also don't really need to focus on crit with the 23/1/17 build because most your dmg is based of PA procs.
  10. 23/1/17 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcrozrskZ0zZf0cRrM.1 I am not using the shield generator in this spec I'm basically going for raw dps. ATM I run about 860 expertise, I have 702 power, I have 79.19 surge, 23.5 % cirt and 92% acc. I usually get 400k+ a match. You should always be moving with this spec. Remember to use force lift whenever its up (I try to lift Jugs/Maras). Try to hit as many targets as possible with FIB. I start usually with double strike till i get PA then i project/fib/Breach depends on how many enemies there are. Your main attacks should mostly be double strikes and projects.
  11. So I went Infil the other night and it still melts faces...not sure what the fuss is about???
  12. I having a blast running 23/1/17 with 700 power and 79% surge!
  13. Yes, at least 10 times when my guild runs premades.
  14. I agree with you mostly...I now have basically all the gear I want/modded the way I want and I melt everything. I really don't think infiltration is bad. I usually only die max 5 times a match, and players Know to get on me to stop my dmg. I think the more you play it the better you get at learning tactics on surviving. Don't get me wrong I play 31/0/10 and 23/1/17 all the time also and I find them far better, but I just like infiltration so much!
  15. I'd say just give it a try and see for yourself. I don't find Slowtime to be that godly of an ability. You also get instant force lift which I really enjoy. I also double strike way more often and harder in this spec, which triggers the combat tech heals quite often. You also get a slight heal from FiB. So i completely disagree when you say you lose too much utility with this spec. I get almost the same overall dmg as I do as infiltration. If we are talking ranked wz's i would prob bring one shadow of each spec anyway,besides infiltration/balance.
  16. I always fight in combat stance...I do not take the force strike ability at all...give it a try I think most people will enjoy the spec.
  17. Same as this 23/0/18 spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcrokdskZZf0cRrMz.1 Except I took the point out of Force Strike and put it into shadow respite for 25% regen. I feel just as tanky as 31/0/10, with almost equal utility, having the instant force lift is amazing imo...I also do about 50k-100k more dmg a match with 23/1/17 then I do with 31/0/10.
  18. Awesome video and great idea showing multiple view points of your guildies! I've been wanting to do the same thing with my guild, footage just takes forever to get when you have multiple parties. Keep up the great vids!
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