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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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If you can tell me official capacity of one server maybe we can come up with some reasonable explanation? like i said not everyone logs in at same time and players are divided all over the game which is apparently quit huge. Also, two sides divide population further so hard to say how many players are where at the given moment.


m8 i started playing at early acces and there were queues on my server for hours and I dont remember seeing more than 250 people on the fleet? if what's your saying is correct than we should have seen 1000-2000 on the fleet when there are queues to log in.. am i wrong?

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Its not. You can /who your way and get a count.


Standard servers have been seen with as little as 350 total players, counting both sides. That is simply not enough for a MMO.



350 total players at one map or 350 total players at every planet of game? sorry but you are being very vague. How does one planet population represent entire server population?

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.



I have 5 characters on a light prime time server.. Forced to play on a diff server as there are no one to play with anymore.... Grind grind again.


This was something i was not expecting when i bought the game.

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350 total players at one map or 350 total players at every planet of game? sorry but you are being very vague. How does one planet population represent entire server population?


You can tally up a total by level ranges, that way you can see how many players are in your entire faction. It doesn't matter where they are.

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They should have just left the numbers off the zones. Ignorance can be bliss sometimes.


Even on the night of a queue (saturday night) there were only 200 people in fleet on Fatman and I've never seen it over 250. So either the game is lying about how many people are there, or there were tons and tons of people in the lower zones. Which wouldn't surprise me. I started a sage last week and there were 150 people on Tython at 8am on a Sunday.

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A few thousand around peak hour should be expected, this game doesnt even come close to half that on most servers. We used to have atleast 3k people online way back in DaoC on the populated servers. My WoW server had alot of people on most of the day (Emerald Dream US).


Standard server here has around what? 500 per side? Its a freaking joke calling it an MMO.


A modern MMO server should hold around 10k people with no problem i.e 5k per side.


They listed DAOC's server pop at log in. Max capacity was 3500.

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it is hard to believe considering there are 1.7 million subscribers to the game; if a standard server means 200 people, there should be 40k subscribers in total, so where the hell is everybody?


The counter for planets is notoriously inaccurate. That might be part of the problem.

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They should have just left the numbers off the zones. Ignorance can be bliss sometimes.


Even on the night of a queue (saturday night) there were only 200 people in fleet on Fatman and I've never seen it over 250. So either the game is lying about how many people are there, or there were tons and tons of people in the lower zones. Which wouldn't surprise me. I started a sage last week and there were 150 people on Tython at 8am on a Sunday.


exactly what i am saying.

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350 total players at one map or 350 total players at every planet of game? sorry but you are being very vague. How does one planet population represent entire server population?



As said by Skipinder -

You can tally up a total by level ranges, that way you can see how many players are in your entire faction. It doesn't matter where they are.



it is hard to believe considering there are 1.7 million subscribers to the game; if a standard server means 200 people, there should be 40k subscribers in total, so where the hell is everybody?


One way I've worked out the population -




Byerley did a fairly decent job of explaining it. If you search, Notdonnareed had a fairly similar conclusion in regards to population caps as well.


350 appears to be the the bare minimum required for standard ranking on the server list. Where this number caps at is still speculation, but it is probably around 2000. 1800 was reported by others a few times.


Assuming that the heavy and full servers are at 2500 or more, and noting that there are only 5 or so out of the (last I heard) 200 or so other servers.


Even saying there are 10 good servers with an average population of 2500 or more between EU and US, that's only 25,000. The other 190 servers with an average of 500 (which includes the light servers with under 350, and the standard servers with 1800 or so, so 500 is the number I went with) comes out to be a bit short of 100,000.


125,000 is roughly consistent with the fact that rarely, if ever, do MMO's have more then 10% of their player base playing. Which, when multiplied out, comes to a bit under 1.25 million subs (given that I rounded up slightly earlier). This number isn't too unrealistic either. If you increase the average population per server to be 600 or even 700, you still don't see much of a total increase, only get the subs up to 1.4 mil or so. You still don't have enough of a population to make a difference, simply because there are too many friggen servers.


This is why you have the population disparity.

Edited by Frostvein
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They should have just left the numbers off the zones. Ignorance can be bliss sometimes.


Even on the night of a queue (saturday night) there were only 200 people in fleet on Fatman and I've never seen it over 250. So either the game is lying about how many people are there, or there were tons and tons of people in the lower zones. Which wouldn't surprise me. I started a sage last week and there were 150 people on Tython at 8am on a Sunday.


It's the latter- Fatman pop is nicely spread out. I re-rolled on fatman two weeks ago. Finally left Tatooine which had (hovering around) 100 players last Sunday afternoon. Went to fleet to do dailies and there were around 250 players. I then went to Alderaan and there were 80 players when I got there around 7PM PST (Yes I'm a west coaster playing in an east coast server. Desperation due to a dead server would do that.)


Fatman has the perfect population size for a thriving server. I have no problem finding groups for FP and warzone queue doesn't take longer than 2 mins. My old server I stopped bothering in February.

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I agree telling us to reroll is a lame excuse. People that say to reroll to a higher pop server need to stop drinking the koolaid. I already rerolled once to a high pop server and now that one is dying off too.
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I agree telling us to reroll is a lame excuse. People that say to reroll to a higher pop server need to stop drinking the koolaid. I already rerolled once to a high pop server and now that one is dying off too.


Yeah, well I rerolled on 3 low pop servers and they doubled in population!


Vague accusations work both ways.

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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.

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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.

Attention hustlers do that. :( Edited by GalacticKegger
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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.


So you don't see a problem with a faction only having 100 players logged in? Remember that those 100 players would be spread out between 17 planets plus the fleet.

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They listed DAOC's server pop at log in. Max capacity was 3500.


Yep, that was big back then. If 3500 is the heavy, very heavy or full capacity on ToR servers its sad, but it also explains why they created so many servers. Sure its nice with no lag, but its nicer with tons of people and minimal lag spikes.


I really want to see population numbers. Not characters but accounts. Characters wont tell you much because many have reserved names for characters still not played. And many people play many alts.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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So you don't see a problem with a faction only having 100 players logged in? Remember that those 100 players would be spread out between 17 planets plus the fleet.


There is a problem with it yes and It needs addressing.


That said there are only about 40 servers that I have checked out (and I spent a few days checking most of them out) that I would say needs to be merged in with other servers.

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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.


exaggerating?now thats funny....roll a toon on talos restoration project,you will never find more than 20 people in any zone,including the fleet for both factions.in fact 20 people may be too high,lets try 15 people.so do that and then come back here and say how much we are exaggerating!

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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.


Your welcome to try and check out Ula Wii on any time of the day, peak times empire fleet caps at around 20 people, 0-5 people per planet.

Thinks really are that bad on some servers. Cant really say about the other ones.

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I think people are somewhat exaggerating how few players are playing on the lowest of low server.


I checked out a few and the lowest I have seen was about 100 people in all for the republic on that server.


I would recommend grouping up about 40 servers into bundles of 3s and slamming them into the standard realms.


Problem solved.


You do know how little 100 players are in an MMO. I mean, 100 people, thats 28 less players than a crappy homemade server holds in a multiplayer game. Thats imo wasted money, both for the company aswell as the players that are on the server.


Both BW and the customers would benefit alot if they do as you suggest.


Its by far from exaggerated imo, its pretty much the truth.

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