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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Daniel Erikson commented in some Conference interview some time before game release how each class has around 200 hours worth of story. Unless I have to sleep through 150 of those 200 hours, I don't see more than 50 hours of unique class story at ALL. All planet stories are common to classes on the same faction.

Most likely, they're including each of the possible responses separately... like when you can make choices... so you won't see all 200 hours on a single run through of the game.
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Game doesn't have Star Wars feeling. There are no Wars or support for Wars anywhere. As a Star Wars fan, when you think of Star Wars, you actually envision epic battles -- the epic battle at the end of the original movie with all those hundreds of X-wings and tie-fighters duking it out while Luke tries to blow up the death star. The massive imperial raid on the rebel base on Hoth at the start of "Empire Strike back".


SWTOR - no wars. As a Star Wars fanboy, that in itself is a massive let down.


Years back, when I first saw the Deceived trailer, when I first saw the army of Sith descending into the Jedi temple at Coruscant and the epic fight between Master Ven Zallow and Darth Malgus, it sent shivers down my spine. I was excited. At last a game that will have the epic Star Wars feeling.


And you can I was "deceived". My Sith Inquistor turned out to be a glorified librarian.


That "Deceived" trailer still excites me. It's probably one of the best game trailers ever made. And it's miles and miles better than the game it tries to advertise. And therein lies my disappointment.

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Don't worry about low population servers, Guild Wars 2 will be out in a few months, and open beta will be out in a few weeks.


You wont need to bother with this game soon.


I'm actually really looking forward to that, just so that all of you people will leave us alone and go complain about that game instead.

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I'm actually really looking forward to that, just so that all of you people will leave us alone and go complain about that game instead.


So you are hoping that a game with population issues loses more of its playerbase?



That makes zero sense.

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So you are hoping that a game with population issues loses more of its playerbase?



That makes zero sense.


According to the majority of the people that are "looking forward" to GW2, they've all unsubbed anyway, or plan to as soon as the beta is released. So yes, I'm looking forward to not having to deal with these idiots any longer. There is nothing SWTOR can do that will keep them as subscribers.


There are lots of us that actually enjoy this game. It will still have a plenty healthy population once GW2 and Tera (lol) come out. I've played both, neither will have a significant impact on this game. All 3 games are so fundamentally different that if one appeals to you, chances are the other 2 won't. Tera is only fun because of its combat style. The art style, setting and questing are all straight korean grinder. GW2 isn't nearly as good as people are thinking it is, but that just comes with the territory.


I have a feeling people will flock back to SWTOR once those games are released. It's difficult to go back to the regular style of questing after you've played this game. Plus by the time those 2 games are released we'll have 1.2 (for Tera) and 1.3 (for GW2). This game will be incredibly polished by that point while the other 2 are just starting to go through their growing pains.

Edited by KrittaB
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Daniel Erikson commented in some Conference interview some time before game release how each class has around 200 hours worth of story. Unless I have to sleep through 150 of those 200 hours, I don't see more than 50 hours of unique class story at ALL. All planet stories are common to classes on the same faction.


Both the Deceived and Hope trailers are massive slap in the face of the playerbase. There are no epic world PvP as shown in those trailers. Game doesn't support anything more than 8 v 8 PvP. Illum is a disaster. There's no large scale massive PvP fights as shown in the Sacking of Coruscant in the Deceived trailer. So, that trailer is a massive lie.

Then it appears good sir that you have already decided there is pretty much nothing about this game that appeals to you. Why continue embracing the frustration? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Game doesn't have Star Wars feeling. There are no Wars or support for Wars anywhere. As a Star Wars fan, when you think of Star Wars, you actually envision epic battles -- the epic battle at the end of the original movie with all those hundreds of X-wings and tie-fighters duking it out while Luke tries to blow up the death star.
hundreds? 22 X-wing + 8 Y-Wing vs Vader's personal tie fighter squadron (black squadron) Edited by ferroz
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I'm actually really looking forward to that, just so that all of you people will leave us alone and go complain about that game instead.


I feel sorry for Arenanet, IIRC they recently said that they were going to have forums (unlike what they did with GW)


Poor bastards...

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Yes. This.


I mean, we have 50 people on fleet on both side during peak time. Add planets, add instanced people and you come max up to 1000 players per server, which is nearly not enough for serious MMO. And if you know your server population by names, it means it's closer to 500 players...


Sorry, this is not "standard".


Not only do "standard" servers seem small, even the ones that are heavy, very heavy and full have a very low population cap.


I think very heavy or full here are equal to medium in WoW. Which is probably around what? 2-2.5k total at peak hours. And the thing in WoW is, I can log on US servers from Sweden during my daytime and still have an easy time finding groups and whatnot.


When I log on here in ToR I can do WZs during my daytime, but trying to find a FP group is close to impossible. But finding a WZ group isnt very hard, since you need a whole 8 people per side. In WoW its alot of 40vs40 BGs even on off-peak hours, thanks to x-server queues and such. Sadly, this game would probably not even be able to handle 40vs40 WZs if you look at the disaster state the ToR engine is in.


Today I re-downloaded WoW and I'm pondering reactivating my sub. Most friends I had that went here from WoW are back in WoW or have quit MMOing for now, waiting on GW2 or another MMO. I also have friends that didnt go to ToR at all and just stayed in WoW because they feared it was going to be a waste of money trying ToR.


The selfproclaimed "epic" w-pvp that ToR was going to have has been the biggest marketing hoax I've seen in MMO history. It doesnt even come close to any prior games.


Easy solution would be to just merge servers, let people have the same name and legacy, just have the database add a code string to each name to seperate them. Why is it so bad to see more than one player with the same name? It works in the world, why not in an MMO? Old outdated thinking imo.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Not only do "standard" servers seem small, even the ones that are heavy, very heavy and full have a very low population cap.


I think very heavy or full here are equal to medium in WoW. Which is probably around what? 2-2.5k total at peak hours. And the thing in WoW is, I can log on US servers from Sweden during my daytime and still have an easy time finding groups and whatnot.


When I log on here in ToR I can do WZs during my daytime, but trying to find a FP group is close to impossible. But finding a WZ group isnt very hard, since you need a whole 8 people per side. In WoW its alot of 40vs40 BGs even on off-peak hours, thanks to x-server queues and such. Sadly, this game would probably not even be able to handle 40vs40 WZs if you look at the disaster state the ToR engine is in.


Today I re-downloaded WoW and I'm pondering reactivating my sub. Most friends I had that went here from WoW are back in WoW or have quit MMOing for now, waiting on GW2 or another MMO. I also have friends that didnt go to ToR at all and just stayed in WoW because they feared it was going to be a waste of money trying ToR.


The selfproclaimed "epic" w-pvp that ToR was going to have has been the biggest marketing hoax I've seen in MMO history. It doesnt even come close to any prior games.


You aren't saying anything new.


The reason why you find groups in WoW is because there is a Cross Server LFG. Not because the population is higher.


So, compare apples to bowling balls all you want.

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Easy solution would be to just merge servers, let people have the same name and legacy, just have the database add a code string to each name to seperate them. Why is it so bad to see more than one player with the same name? It works in the world, why not in an MMO? Old outdated thinking imo.


Yeah this would be a sensible solution to the Legacy issue.

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Just move now, Then bring everyone else over later.



You will be able to bring those toons to your new server in the near future


if they do it like WoW did,you have a choice of like 5 servers to go to,you do not have a choice of any on the list....somethin to think about

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easy answer: your server population dwindled, and instead of rerolling another character on a more populated server, you people scream "MERGE" cause your too lazy to reroll, fyi it isnt going to happen for a while if at all so heres a easy answer:




this is a narrow minded way of thinking.all you people saying to reroll arent taking into account the countless hours weve spent on toons and other aspects of the game on our now dead servers.when transfers come around there is no gaurantee we will be able to transfer to the server we have rerolled on.re rolling is not the answer,transfers are.

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Well right now, Rerolling is a good idea.


Until server merge is out, reroll on a different server. Make some new friends, get into a guild and when the time comes, you'll be able to move your main there. At least, you'll have some people to play with and new friends more than happy to accept your alts! :)

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Well right now, Rerolling is a good idea.


Until server merge is out, reroll on a different server. Make some new friends, get into a guild and when the time comes, you'll be able to move your main there. At least, you'll have some people to play with and new friends more than happy to accept your alts! :)


there are no gaurantees you will be able to move to the new server you re rolled on.other games have had a limited list of servers you could move to.

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you guys know that there is instancing in these servers right? having 100 people on the fleet doesn't mean there is only 100 people, it means there is only 100 people in your instance; i see republic fleet, fleet 1 , fleet 2 when i check people from my guild and i cannot see them when they are on a different instance...
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you guys know that there is instancing in these servers right? having 100 people on the fleet doesn't mean there is only 100 people, it means there is only 100 people in your instance; i see republic fleet, fleet 1 , fleet 2 when i check people from my guild and i cannot see them when they are on a different instance...


The fleet does (or did once) instance, but it takes a pretty high number IIRC (having said that those counts aren't always accurate either so YMMV).

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you guys know that there is instancing in these servers right? having 100 people on the fleet doesn't mean there is only 100 people, it means there is only 100 people in your instance; i see republic fleet, fleet 1 , fleet 2 when i check people from my guild and i cannot see them when they are on a different instance...


The fleet shows total number of players regardless of instances.

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The fleet shows total number of players regardless of instances.


it is hard to believe considering there are 1.7 million subscribers to the game; if a standard server means 200 people, there should be 40k subscribers in total, so where the hell is everybody?

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it is hard to believe considering there are 1.7 million subscribers to the game; if a standard server means 200 people, there should be 40k subscribers in total, so where the hell is everybody?


Not everyone logs in at the same time and stays at one place unless for some reason you expect all players to be standing at fleet.

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it is hard to believe considering there are 1.7 million subscribers to the game; if a standard server means 200 people, there should be 40k subscribers in total, so where the hell is everybody?


truthfully i think those numbers are inflated,i cant believe there are that many active subscribers...considering my server has about 100 active people on the whole server,i play both sides and never see more than 20 people on fleet and between 2 and 10 per planet. edit...and there is no instancing on my server,there would have to be people to do that

Edited by tloops
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Not everyone logs in at the same time and stays at one place unless for some reason you expect all players to be standing at fleet.


i am not m8 i am reading people here, they are saying 100 people at peak hour on the fleet and 10-20 on planets so what does that make? 400-500 that doesn't even come close to the number they've announced...these servers should hold thousands together even more so whats your saying just dont add,thats all i am saying...

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i am not m8 i am reading people here, they are saying 100 people at peak hour on the fleet and 10-20 on planets so what does that make? 400-500 that doesn't even come close to the number they've announced...these servers should hold thousands together even more so whats your saying just dont add,thats all i am saying...


If you can tell me official capacity of one server maybe we can come up with some reasonable explanation? like i said not everyone logs in at same time and players are divided all over the game which is apparently quit huge. Also, two sides divide population further so hard to say how many players are where at the given moment.

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If you can tell me official capacity of one server maybe we can come up with some reasonable explanation? like i said not everyone logs in at same time and players are divided all over the game which is apparently quit huge. Also, two sides divide population further so hard to say how many players are where at the given moment.


Its not. You can /who your way and get a count.


Standard servers have been seen with as little as 350 total players, counting both sides. That is simply not enough for a MMO.

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