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Server population is dropping...


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Well I know I wont be re-rolling no matter what, i have 2 50s and a bunch of alts so the list of reasons why to NOT re-sub continues to grow. Tuesday I'm pre-ordering GW2 and I'm sure I wont be worried about SWTOR one bit once I'm Playing D3 may 15th and playing GW2 beta sometime this summer. It's sad really but seriously, even Aion was better than this crap lol.


Why are we not surprised. I'm just glad I won't be playing that game. It seems all the self-important blow hards are going to be playing it.

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Botton line, Bw has handled the server population issue badly from the start. So badly infact im wondering whoever was in charge of implementing ridiculous amounts of servers right after launch isn't already somewhere cleaning toilets in a local MacDonands.

I mean comon, with the amount of servers they could handle WoWs subscription base of 10 million instead of 1.7 million. Did they really expect to hit 10 million right after launch :rolleyes:


On server merges, those most likely arent happening any time soon since the EA overlords still remember Warhammer. Server merges were the reason it died...right? :p

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Why are we not surprised. I'm just glad I won't be playing that game. It seems all the self-important blow hards are going to be playing it.


Let's not get hostile at Bioware, hostility breeds hostile responses. I'm not slamming them per-say because what they have created is very good and ground breaking, fully voice immersive story line, instanced so you don't have a bunch of jerks camping a quest line. Fabulous ground breaking crafting, I can actually level and play my characters vs spending 2-4 hours gathering for guild events.


Yes I'm dreading moving back to wow as a full time mmo for my time, it's a lot of freaking work being GM and my officers scheduling and making raids work, making sure it's prepared for success. I'M NOT looking forward to gathering for hours on end to make sure we have success!


The hard stuff Bioware handled, it's the easy little but necessary things that make Guilds Function in mmo's Bioware has just well neglected to put in. Sadly whether all you people like it or not Looking For Group Tool is pretty much mandatory now for the industry, ignoring that and you'll continue to get games that show promise and then die off in populations because nobody can group to progress their characters.

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Why wasn't such an important feature ready at launch?


Oh, oh, ask me, ask me, I know!


The answer is simple economics: Given a set of competing priorities and scarce resources, you put your resources to bear where they are most important. In other words, you focus on the features required to be in place on launch day.

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Because majic wands don't exist in the real world?

Silly thing to say...


Bioware KNEW that there would be lots of "red zoners" playing the game, that would want to relocate once they actually managed to stuff some servers somewhere in their region. That alone was more than enough reason for a "we need to anticipate" moment..


If you remember back before release, when (i think it was Damion Schubert if memory serves) who went on a wild rave about their reporting software that they had developed for the game, so they could see who died where, how often, and generally get a metric ton of statistical data on the game.. that thing they could make without any trouble at all.. but they couldnt move something from A to B ? (yes, i realize its not the same thing, but a failure to anticipate this and plan accordingly is quite astounding).

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Let's not get hostile at Bioware, hostility breeds hostile responses. I'm not slamming them per-say because what they have created is very good and ground breaking, fully voice immersive story line, instanced so you don't have a bunch of jerks camping a quest line. Fabulous ground breaking crafting, I can actually level and play my characters vs spending 2-4 hours gathering for guild events.


Yes I'm dreading moving back to wow as a full time mmo for my time, it's a lot of freaking work being GM and my officers scheduling and making raids work, making sure it's prepared for success. I'M NOT looking forward to gathering for hours on end to make sure we have success!


The hard stuff Bioware handled, it's the easy little but necessary things that make Guilds Function in mmo's Bioware has just well neglected to put in. Sadly whether all you people like it or not Looking For Group Tool is pretty much mandatory now for the industry, ignoring that and you'll continue to get games that show promise and then die off in populations because nobody can group to progress their characters.


Did you even see what I quoted? I was being hostile toward GW2 fanbois. I have no reason to be hostile to Bioware.

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Oh, oh, ask me, ask me, I know!


The answer is simple economics: Given a set of competing priorities and scarce resources, you put your resources to bear where they are most important. In other words, you focus on the features required to be in place on launch day.

Considering the budget that this title (alledgedly) had, saying "scarce resources" kind of misses the mark by a country mile....

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Considering how buggy and some stupid things/bugs they have made, im not surpriced.


Last stupid thing i have encountered.


If you die at the last boss in a FP, and boss gets killed (the group i was just in, 1 survived) and considering we had didnt not long before that, we had to revive as the ress function was on CD. Now we cant get back in, and cant get the loot from the last boss, because they implementet it in such a stupid way. In HM, you can lose out on some good gear and you will lose out on the crystals.... sigh, im about to give up on this game. The legacy things I have seen from video's, dosnt even seem that cool.

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Well I know I wont be re-rolling no matter what, i have 2 50s and a bunch of alts so the list of reasons why to NOT re-sub continues to grow. Tuesday I'm pre-ordering GW2 and I'm sure I wont be worried about SWTOR one bit once I'm Playing D3 may 15th and playing GW2 beta sometime this summer. It's sad really but seriously, even Aion was better than this crap lol.


Have fun with that. I just got a taste of the gw2 community this past weekend while beta testing Tera Online (you know the other game everyone is going to be flocking too). Nothing but constant stupid racial slurs and politics in chat, or typical f2p fare as I call it.

Edited by Qoojo
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Considering the budget that this title (alledgedly) had, saying "scarce resources" kind of misses the mark by a country mile....



The scarce resource would be time. Trying to meet a deadline and fixing the most vital things within that frame. Unfortunately they didn't anticipate the server issues.

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Silly thing to say...


Bioware KNEW that there would be lots of "red zoners" playing the game, that would want to relocate once they actually managed to stuff some servers somewhere in their region. That alone was more than enough reason for a "we need to anticipate" moment..


If you remember back before release, when (i think it was Damion Schubert if memory serves) who went on a wild rave about their reporting software that they had developed for the game, so they could see who died where, how often, and generally get a metric ton of statistical data on the game.. that thing they could make without any trouble at all.. but they couldnt move something from A to B ? (yes, i realize its not the same thing, but a failure to anticipate this and plan accordingly is quite astounding).

Actually, the one mistake BW did make was overreacting to the login queue rants leading up to launch. The reporting software that DS was refering to has more to do with back-end analytics than anything else. Analytics don't translate to tools, resources or infrastructure. They are just numbers which by themselves make nothing happen for the same reason schematics don't build the designs - they merely illustrate them.


Stuff doesn't happen at the snap of a finger, regardless of how much money is thrown at it. I think that is a fact of life which seems to elude some. No one game will ever be everyone's everything - especially right out of the gate.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Oh, oh, ask me, ask me, I know!


The answer is simple economics: Given a set of competing priorities and scarce resources, you put your resources to bear where they are most important. In other words, you focus on the features required to be in place on launch day.


More like poor allocation of resources.


1. Allocated too much monetary resource into VO and not enough on developing game play.

2. Bad engine choice resulted in BW internal devs to having to waste a lot of time completely rewriting and re-customizing the engine to suit their needs.

3. Not enough time allocated for gameplay development.



Game lacking rudimentary MMO features at launch.



They spent too much resource on the garnish and not enough on the actual dish.

Edited by Muskaan
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The scarce resource would be time. Trying to meet a deadline and fixing the most vital things within that frame. Unfortunately they didn't anticipate the server issues.

ToR was delayed what, twice ? (i cant remember), so it really had nothing to do with lack of time.. this should be a part of the server software, so if they had anticipated it, it would likely have been done several years before the game was actually released (they were running the beta since what, mid 2010 i think)


ah well :)

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More like poor reallocation of resources.


1. Allocated too much monetary resource into VO and not enough on developing game play.

2. Bad engine choice resulted in BW internal devs to having to waste a lot of time completely rewriting and re-customizing the engine to suit their needs.

3. Not enough time allocated for gameplay development.



Game lacking rudimentary MMO features at launch.



They spent too much resource on the garnish and not enough on the actual dish.

Depends on what one is hungry for. The game came as advertised. The disappoint for some lies in their going to a restaurant featuring a live band, lots of animation, copius amounts of server interaction and Hollywood cuisine when all they really wanted was a cheesburger and fries with all the usual trimmings. At that point the common sense thing to do is excuse oneself and drive to a burger joint ... not start launching verbal tirades & RPGs through the front door. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Depends on what one is hungry for. The game came as advertised. The disappoint for some lies in their going to a restaurant featuring a live band, lots of animation, copius amounts of server interaction and Hollywood cuisine when all they really wanted was a cheesburger and fries. At that point the common sense thing to do is excuse oneself and drive to a burger joint ... not start launching verbal tirades & RPGs through the front door.



The disappointment comes from someone going to Olive Garden and getting dressed-up KFC quality food at Olive Garden price.

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The disappointment comes from someone going to Olive Garden and getting dressed-up KFC quality food at Olive Garden price.

BW made it perfectly clear what the game was about and what their design vision was. Superimposing what one wants over what's actually there does nothing but blur one's perspective. Edited by GalacticKegger
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BW made it perfectly clear what the game was about and what their design vision was. Superimposing what one wants over what's actually there does nothing but blur perspective.


No.... no they didn't. They said it was going to be the best MMO of all time with the biggest sign ups and that you would be getting an experience unlike any other in a Star Wars environment. At no point did they say "you see the gear customisation, fluid gameplay, solid style and looks you're getting in the beta? Well we're not going to give you any of that on release, we're not going to fix any of the major issues with any of the patches, and we will give up on you the moment it starts... like an abortion."

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BW made it perfectly clear what the game was about and what their design vision was. Superimposing what one wants over what's actually there does nothing but blur one's perspective.


This I disagree with, but its not worth whining about.

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Oh, oh, ask me, ask me, I know!


The answer is simple economics: Given a set of competing priorities and scarce resources, you put your resources to bear where they are most important. In other words, you focus on the features required to be in place on launch day.


Actually, if you want simple economic theory then you would say given a set of competing priorities and scarce resources you are probably investing in a weak and dying market so look for something more niche and use your money and resources for something they are more suited for.

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BW made it perfectly clear what the game was about and what their design vision was. Superimposing what one wants over what's actually there does nothing but blur one's perspective.



Daniel Erikson commented in some Conference interview some time before game release how each class has around 200 hours worth of story. Unless I have to sleep through 150 of those 200 hours, I don't see more than 50 hours of unique class story at ALL. All planet stories are common to classes on the same faction.


Both the Deceived and Hope trailers are massive slap in the face of the playerbase. There are no epic world PvP as shown in those trailers. Game doesn't support anything more than 8 v 8 PvP. Illum is a disaster. There's no large scale massive PvP fights as shown in the Sacking of Coruscant in the Deceived trailer. So, that trailer is a massive lie.

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A few thousand around peak hour should be expected, this game doesnt even come close to half that on most servers. We used to have atleast 3k people online way back in DaoC on the populated servers. My WoW server had alot of people on most of the day (Emerald Dream US).


Standard server here has around what? 500 per side? Its a freaking joke calling it an MMO.


A modern MMO server should hold around 10k people with no problem i.e 5k per side.


Yes. This.


I mean, we have 50 people on fleet on both side during peak time. Add planets, add instanced people and you come max up to 1000 players per server, which is nearly not enough for serious MMO. And if you know your server population by names, it means it's closer to 500 players...


Sorry, this is not "standard".

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The disappointment comes from someone going to Olive Garden and getting dressed-up KFC quality food at Olive Garden price.

olive garden is a terrible restaurant. You're already getting dressed up fazoli's quality food at olive garden prices... Edited by ferroz
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