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  1. You do realize that some of the greatest game designers in the industry, were actually gamers first long before they were designers don't you. In fact some of the best game designs have come from the game enthusiast not the stuck up dev's who have the god syndrome complex. Counter Strike, which originated from a Half-Life modification by "Gooseman" and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe. Biggest block buster ever created, still has millions of players playing came from enthusiasts, same with Team Fortress. How about the one who started it all Richard Garriott, creator of Ultima Online. You think he had a college diploma in making games. So now you should be feeling embarrassed by your post because most of the top gaming innovations came from enthusiasts who had no college degree in gaming design.
  2. Because experience is experience and if you have years playing in the same genre and playing in multiple games in the genre; you tend to get a good feel for what works and doesn't. Just because he doesn't work for EA doesn't mean he can't contribute his years of experience in the mmo world, to tell him to go to hell when he's got years of experience makes you a completely arrogant twit or self absorbed. Either way you squander a valuable resource, that your competition will gladly pick up and say Thank you very much for the wealth you just gave us.
  3. Hate to burst you bubble bud, but wow lost 2.2 million accounts for the same reasons TOR is taking a bloodbath. People hit max level in WOW and unless you are a hardcore raider and raiding 3 or more times a week Cataclysm has nothing else to do if your not raiding. They even lost some of their hardcore raiders as well, NOT because the raids were to EZ/EASY. Not at all, everyone forgot including Wow's devs, that hardcore raiders had talked their families, extended families into playing wow. Those WHO were NOT raiding with their guilds often did other things in game, in Wrath it was so easy for extended families to play while a main family member raided. When there was nothing for families to do it breaks up a shared hobby. I know of 10 people who dumped wow because family had nothing to do in game, these 10 people use to raid and after they raided would join their families in game and do stuff, when their families bailed it left them very upset. There was ALWAYS SOMETHING to do in Wrath. In cata there wasn't and it cost them 2.2 Million accounts. Same thing is happening in TOR - woo whooo you made 50 now the boredom begins. Sadly, half the player base can't even do the TOR raids, because finding a stable group to actually raid and raid on a consistant basis on all servers (excluding the lucky 3 servers that managed to retain decent numbers) is NON EXISTANT. This is entertainment for a lot of people, if they are being bummed out and bored and frustrated, they will leave. It's a fact of real world. Time all you guys who keep yelling crap learned, especially in hard times people will be much more discriminating with where their disposable income goes; that's real world deal with it.
  4. Not happening, everyone I recommended buy this game is gone, my arena buddy is the only one remaining and I doubt he'll be staying much longer, having 40 people ****ed at you for strongly recommending them buy a game that falters this badly isn't fun.
  5. On the contrary Celebrus, the Devs DIDN'T FOLLOW ANYTHING WOW did, more aptly put they followed exactly what Warhammer Developement team did and GUESS WHAT? THEY GOT THE SAME RESULTS. A sadly broken game with dwindling server population base and vacant or near to vacant servers. So NO your wrong they followed NOTHING Wow did, they followed a path of an MMO that was decimated for exactly the same reasons, REFUSING to BORROW/INCORPORATE things that actually work and work very well in other mmo's currently on the market. Don't you dare freak out either, NOBODY hoped this game would be A HUGE SUCCESS more than me and I'm incredibly bitter at this dismal failing that has occurred. I'm still being picked at by a hell of a lot of people whom say " you sucked me in to buying that game." So yeah I'm highly annoyed at this dropping of the ball by EA.
  6. Sad to say I feel your wrong in your conclusion there chap, giving the player base yet another level grind to trudge through won't encourage any players to come back and will probably cause more players to question even remaining in the game. EA just has to decide to SUCK IT UP and do a massive server merge to get what little remains of the current population onto servers where they can actually play the game with other players OR just admit that allowing former Mythic Personel near this title was a colosal BLUNDER and APOLOGIZE to the player base for screwing up. Either way at this point getting players together to actually BE ABLE to complete the current content of heroic 2's, 4's, flashpoints and operations SHOULD BE Ea's #1 on their TO DO list. Those who are on very healthy servers, which I believe amounts to a LOUSY 2 OR 3 SERVERS can just move along, you were **** house lucky you got on a server that didn't crap out on you. For the rest of the population things aren't that rosey and to say re-roll, I ask you to re-roll on a very light population server, try playing the game where you see 1-4 people on various planets and 20-40 on the fleet and walk a few days in those people's shoes before you mouth off everything is fine. My advice to EA shelve your embarrassment and just do the right thing and get your transfer's moving PDQ or just bite your pride and MERGE SERVERS NOW while you STILL have some semblance of a population base left. It's either that or tell Lucas you ****** up and put the game out of it's misery like you were forced to do with Daoc and Warhammer. p.s. guildie who still actively plays said " leveling further with NO people around on the server is a deal breaker, I'll quit before I do that again."
  7. No you didn't say don't return but the way you said it, would leave anyone with that exact feeling of "yeah I'm gone, thanks and good riddance." ROFLMAO people did this same crap in DAOC, guess what einstein; they didn't return. You can stand on your soap box all you want and try to preach to the masses, I'm telling you having already gone through this same crap in DAOC and Warhammer; your approach is wrong and your doing more harm than good. So having been through this twice before listen to experience when I say, antagonizing an already highly agitated subscriber base isn't helping Bioware. But keep throwing the gas on the flames and try to convince them your helping.
  8. No, Ea is only introducing F2P to level 15 to try and hoodwink the shareholders about population levels after the people who paid for 6 month subs suddenly drop off.
  9. Okay unsubbed, please keep up the good work thomas you might be able to kill the last remaining 500k subscribers swtor has left before Bioware can release 1.3. Then you can post all the rosy cheerful statements on the forums yourself; you'll be one of only a handful who'll be here to read it. Let us all know if Bioware thanks you for your efforts of P***ing off more of the subscriber base. p.s. reminds me exactly of an incident in Dark Age of Camelot, a lot of tools started posting crap like thomas posted, I visited a friend who still had 1 account active logged on to my old server and was totally amazed when I yelled in the major city - I got an echo back of what I yelled; why? because there was nobody left on the server to hear me screaming hello in the city.
  10. This is exactly the same crap that happened in Dark Age of Camelot only Vivendi wouldn't put up with the crap and sold the developement company off on the cheap to get rid of them. As it stands now, my top officer in my guild (other mmo) who is the guild master here has said enough and that's shocking because he lives, breathes Star Wars. So you've managed to piss off all my officer and asst Gm's I brought here and will likely cost me a long term friendship when I unsub because my buddy still has delusions you will get your act together. This announcement of a late June/July for 1.3 leaves me very little belief this will survive under your direction.
  11. Roflmao in short with your signature why don't you just come right out and say it. Let the game die a miserable death! Because if Bioware listens to your signature; that's the only result that will happen.
  12. Maybe they will sell the mmo to George Lucas and maybe Georges team at Lucas Arts can try to make the corrections that are needed to actually fix the game up to do it justice of it's Original IP.
  13. I agree completely I did not elect to be on the server I'm on, the guild was placed there at the start of the game. Now our attempt at a chapter in Swtor is dead and buried and the resulting reverberations forced us to become a Mega Guild by eating up several smaller guilds on our home server/mmo. That was the result of attempting a sister chapter here, am I pleased NO but I had to bend to the will of my officers since it was " I " who talked them all in to coming here and the huge disappointment they ended up enduring. So NO Bioware if your thinking we'll charge $25.00 for a transfers of each character, I can honestly say to you; you try that and watch your subscriptions tank even faster then they are right now. Watched the same crap happen in Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer; so be smart just eat the extra work your going to have to do and maybe you can save your game.
  14. Roflmao no doubts he's responding back to the taunts he got from players like you when he actually cared about the game and still wanted to play it, so now his only revenge is to tell Bioware un-subbed and taunt you right back like you were taunting him. Karma's a ***** isn't it.
  15. Here's just a thought what would you prefer to stand on the fleet and scream and hear an echo that reverberates around the fleet for an hour or to pick up your sad puny legacy rebuild it and have ton's of other players to run heroic 2/4 flashpoints/operations/warfronts until your fingers get cramped and sore and you have to log off exhausted from all the content you've run. In the end which is more important to you????????? Furthermore if Bioware had done the legacy system right, from the beginning we wouldn't be facing this crap to begin with. All they had to do was make the legacy bound to account NOT whatever toon you maxed out first and this issue would never have happened. Thus NO matter where you went be it Republic, Imperial PVP/PVE/RP your legacy would have traveled with you and you would retain all benefits from it. Seriously and I'm sorry Bioware but this is 2012, you had more than enough time to look at successful and failed mmo launches through the years, YOU should have been able to make your launch successful with Zero gaffs/major blunders. P.S. Easiest way Bioware for a server merge to ALLOW you to save face, select 5 servers as a destination server of choice, let people select what server out of the block of 5 they want to go to. Once you have enough to make a reasonable population - that is when you do the bulk of transfers. Then with the old server's rename them "Future Expansion" and leave them sit vacant and you save face!
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