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It doesn't bother anyone that there are so many Marauder/Sentinel?


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I play a Jedi Guardian, because I liked Lightsabers and... thats it. I picked it because it was my test class, and just stuck with it.


I sometimes get the feeling you people see other players, sitting at the character creation screen laughing maniacally to themselves as they make their FOTM class, saying "Yeeessss I will make all the numbers".

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I play a Jedi Guardian, because I liked Lightsabers and... thats it. I picked it because it was my test class, and just stuck with it.


I sometimes get the feeling you people see other players, sitting at the character creation screen laughing maniacally to themselves as they make their FOTM class, saying "Yeeessss I will make all the numbers".


Basically the same type of reasoning I had with my first character. "I like Han Solo, so I'll play a Smuggler first." I like the game enough that I want to experience more than just that though.

Edited by MCesca
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My problem is that I really don't like the look of dual wielding lightsabers(this is an understatement) but that my preferred playstyle in general is the DPS kind of playstyle. I have tried to play a guardian but I just suck at it and at 25 I was just tired of playing it. On the sentinel I have way more fun but those darn lightsabers! I had hoped they would have made the choice of one lightsaber, saberstaff or dual lightsabers a cosmetic one but alas, so dual lightsabers it is and a wish that some day they make this a cosmetic choice(although I know they don't). Maybe I should ask them why they made this choice in one of the Q&A's)...
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They addressed this, and they say there is nothing they can do if more people want to play a particular class.


Maybe they can help out the least picked class by giving them harmless stuff like better looking armor, but short of making them OP, there is no way to balance this. If people want to play a marauder or sentinel, then they are free to do so.

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Why would I play anything else? Sentinel are one of the best DPS classes if only for their Heroism/Bloodlust ability, and they're the single best PvP class right now. No other class combines their damage, survivability, group utility, and to top it off they're the best 1v1 class in the game. In short, if you aren't playing a Sentinel you're doing it wrong.
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Why would I play anything else? Sentinel are one of the best DPS classes if only for their Heroism/Bloodlust ability, and they're the single best PvP class right now. No other class combines their damage, survivability, group utility, and to top it off they're the best 1v1 class in the game. In short, if you aren't playing a Sentinel you're doing it wrong.


They don't have CC. :p

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Yeah, big surprise that Sent is the most played class when idiots continue to buff them and nerf all others.


Bioware knows what its doing.


I agree -- Ops should never had been nerfed. The only reason they were supposedly op was because people had not geared up yet. Now look at BM geared Mara's or Jug's and still tell me that operatives can one hit them; I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


And how about nerfing Assassin's 30m range on lightning? Ever see a sin play anything than a tanksin? No...and why ? because the DPS trees were so nerfed its an obscenity.


Mara's are the FOTM right now because BW hasn't gotten around to realizing everyone is playing them and hasn't nerfed them yet.

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This is nothing new. OP classes and higher than normal dps classes are always the most played. The number of people playing a class almost never lie about a class' OP or DPS in my experience.
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I agree -- Ops should never had been nerfed. The only reason they were supposedly op was because people had not geared up yet. Now look at BM geared Mara's or Jug's and still tell me that operatives can one hit them; I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


I take it you were never killed solo during the length of one stun by them then. :rolleyes:

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I would very much like to see these stats once again after v1.2. I suspect many peoples "favorite" advance classes will change once the shift in buffs and nerfs have settle in.


With that in mind, OP, can you re-release this data about 2-3 weeks after 1.2 is released? :)



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I agree -- Ops should never had been nerfed. The only reason they were supposedly op was because people had not geared up yet. Now look at BM geared Mara's or Jug's and still tell me that operatives can one hit them; I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


And how about nerfing Assassin's 30m range on lightning? Ever see a sin play anything than a tanksin? No...and why ? because the DPS trees were so nerfed its an obscenity.


Mara's are the FOTM right now because BW hasn't gotten around to realizing everyone is playing them and hasn't nerfed them yet.


You realize that comes from a long CD buff which can only be used twice before it wears off, right?

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What really annoys me, and prevents me from playing the classes, is that you only use one hand to wield a double-bladed saber. It looks ridiculous.


The have no weight And they us the force, why would it matter??

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Apparently your new to forums,


This been posted like 600 times..lol Caused i posted 1 last week on the very same tropic


Since they announced a buff to mara/sent that what all the bandwagon players are jumping too.. its the latest and great so they gotto get on top so they can ego boost about pvp..lol..


I been checking around severs and the general starting classes for beginer worlds are sent/maraduars last nite on a server 19 players in Corscaunt 13 sent 2 shadows and 1 gunsligner, 2 troopers, and me


Have you thought that it might have something to do with players now knowing what gear to expect, what companion to expect, what story to expect. I have to say that having tried them all I tend to like the Sentinel though I guess Guardian would follow the same plot. There really are only four options for me character wise , forgetting the differing factions, as I don't play Empire. And now it boils down to what the character progress and the fun that levelling is... and the Sage and the Smuggler have terrible companions and I wouldn't play trooper cus eventually you die in a sea of armor. I want to see my character... Using two sabers isn't a real issue and this gives you plenty of options in terms of just how you want to customise the character. In the end the Sentinel is DPS and in this game is not healing, out of combat and what did you say... using computers. Didn't understand that but then I'm knew to Star Wars. A Sentinel is no Rogue or Paladin or Warrior in truth... Just pure Melee DPS is what I find. In the end the Jedi Knight is the true Star Wars hero and I guess most coming to the game know that character best. And if you have to rerun the game again and again its probably the easiest to replay.. Well thats how I feel anyway.


Sage would be my choice if I could get rid of that bloody Lizard. Next companion is a healer which is a bit puzzling. I'm playing Sentinel with my companion melee DPS which is potty as I should use the tank but I really can't understand droid chat. They need to let us customise these companions and choose them like in STO, plus the gear and then you may see other combinations coming through.


The game kinda fails at end game so levelling is what folk do I guess. Not sure about PvP as I don't play it.

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I agree -- Ops should never had been nerfed. The only reason they were supposedly op was because people had not geared up yet. Now look at BM geared Mara's or Jug's and still tell me that operatives can one hit them; I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you..




First off there is only a small bump in stats from Champion to Battlemaster, so it was not a gear issue.... Maybe if you compare green 50 gear to Battlemaster then yeah...


I remember on my fully Champion Geared BH Tank Spec a Operative could knock me down and by the time I got back up 80% of my health was gone..... It was the only class that could do that kind of burst DPS to me... And then a few hits after that would kill me off.... Opeartives were so OP it was not even funny....


Your just sour that your FOTM class finally got nerfed.... And here's the thing Operatives STILL do a great amount of burst DPS so it's not like the nerf left them gimp, it just balanced them with the other classes...


Just like Sorc's healing is getting nerfed to bring them more in line with Agent/Smugglers and BH/Trooper healers... You can't just leave alpha classes in the game because a few players want a "I Win Button"

Edited by Monoth
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