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Sooo all the useful legacy unlocks are not in 1.2, but 1.3?!


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all i know is Wrath of the LICH KING launched without you being able to actually fight the lich king.


it took about what 7 months for the lich king to become available to fight.


In many players minds MMOs are supposed to launch with every bit of content imaginable right now. If they do not launch with every bit of content imaginable then obviously they are destined to fail. Didnt you get the memo?

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. When I first saw the 1.2 trailer, I thought they were adding the stuff in the trailer at 1.2. Why? Because maybe it saids in big letter, "1.2 LEGACY TRAILER". Not 1.3, not 1.4, not 1.5. But 1.2. Did I misunderstood it somehow?


The system is design to be updated over time, what we are getting for 1.2 is the system. 1.3 and beyond will increase it's features.

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The system is design to be updated over time, what we are getting for 1.2 is the system. 1.3 and beyond will increase it's features.


Except the part at the end where it have big letters said 1.2 then flashing all these cool features. When 1.2 was first announced, there was no words on it being a "system" and gradually expanding. I'm sure they can add more stuff and the stuff showed in the trailer. But having video showing all these cool feature and then naming the video 1.2 Legacy Trailer will make people think that it was going to be implemented 1.2. I am sure they will add more stuff to it, but what about the stuff promised in the video? Like match chest color, low level sprint, and etc.?


It's like showing a video saying.


1) Here comes 1.2 with all these Legacy features, just you wait.

2) Well, we were just showing you features that "might" be added in 1.2, but really they will come in 1.3 and beyond. Keep Subbing!!

3) 1.3 comes, what then?

Edited by heikaze
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How ppl forget,


1. this ant wow

2.rome was not built in a day

3. took wow years to get where it is now, an sucked at launch,allmost unable to play

4.wow was released on November 23, 2004

5.The first expansion set of the game, The Burning Crusade, was released on January 16, 2007 THATS THREE YEARS UNTILL A MAJOR EXPANSION


6.Wrath of the Lich King, was released on November 13, 2008.[11] The third expansion set, Cataclysm, was released on December 7, 2010


If all you people are ready to jumpship then jump ship already, people jumped ship on wow to only come back after new content , content takes time they just dont call the magic content nerd an boom new content you people want new content every week


I didnt know that,glad i played EQ2 for seven years,there has been five expansions plus 2 small ones,when it come to content EQ2 is king if thats the case.

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Because Legacy is supposed to encourage you to roll alts. Most people have already made all the 50s they want within this 4 month period of a really stale game. Legacy is too late, to put it simply.


I won't say the game is stale, but I will say that the legacy system is too late. I've already got two 50s and have been working on other characters since launch. I would have changed a considerable amount of my choices if I had known what was coming in the legacy system. With systems like these that affect player decisions and are very, very important, I wish they had given us more information even if it wasn't hard facts. Something like "choose your species carefully" or "pick your alts with caution" or "don't make two of the same class or you'll run out of room" would have been just fine.

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The system is design to be updated over time, what we are getting for 1.2 is the system. 1.3 and beyond will increase it's features.


The problem is, the useful levelling stuff won't be in until 1.3....seems counter-productive to add the levelling bonuses, speed etc etc AFTER most people take advantage of the Legacy system to reroll alts.


Not very helpful or useful at all except to new people by that point.

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You need to change your title OP. something like, "the Legendary unlocks in 1.2 aren't what I want!"


because your pretty much griping at the fact that what you wanted isn't coming in 1.2


personally, I like the 1.2 legendary. It has many of the tings i wanted. the stuff coming in later is just gravy.


so your title is misleading.

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Discuss yes, demand, no. Demand implies you have a right to outright "demand" anything, without reason. Request however, implies you are willing to compromise.


The use of language is important, as demanding is what mobs do, requesting is what the civilized among us do.


If I had "demanded" a PlayStation for Christmas, I would have gotten a smacked arse and no dinner, and probably grounded, but if I had requested one, and politely explained the reasons why, as well as understanding if it wouldn't happen, then my parents were very willing to compromise, ending up giving me and my brother one to share.


Once you put down your signs and stop your demanding regime, join us up here in the VIP lounge, where the coffee is fresh, the manners flow like water, and we don't treat our fellow man like tied up dogs. K silly bears?


Although I agree with you that we pay for what is already in the game, I find the fact that you used that example hilarious.


Although content isn't entitled to us, It still is a customer NEED, not just a customer want. Let's see how long people keep their recurring subscriptions when all they get is repeated content at end game, I can't see many people staying around for the game.


About your parent argument etc. This is completely invalid. Your parents aren't a business, you don't give them money to buy you presents do you? Bioware HAS to add content if they are to make money, it's the way it works. If the customers demand it, the business must respond or it will fail, at the end of the day for the people who work at BW it's not just a game, it is what their life depends on. So if they want to keep their job, they'll do whatever the community demand. Simple business, kid. Bioware don't add content because they're 'nice', they really do HAVE to do it.

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You need to change your title OP. something like, "the Legendary unlocks in 1.2 aren't what I want!"


because your pretty much griping at the fact that what you wanted isn't coming in 1.2


personally, I like the 1.2 legendary. It has many of the tings i wanted. the stuff coming in later is just gravy.


so your title is misleading.


Not going to change the title because what I have stated is what I believe to be true. Almost everything is 1.2 is useless to me. All the ship unlocks are pointless imo. I have all that stuff in the imperial fleet and at least while I'm on the fleet there are other players to interact with.

That's just an example... but most of the other 1.2 unlocks can be met with similar statements.

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We payed for original copy of the game (Digital deluxe in my case) so thats about $80. Also, we are paying $15 a month that's a total of $125 so far invested into this game.. some people even more if they got the CE. I believe we are entitled to content.. WE are the people paying BW/EA without us they have no income to keep the games running. And without proper content they lose customers.


How do you figure that? You are entitled to what BW is selling not what you think they are selling. If you don't believe me, pay some laywer $1000/hr to tell you the same thing.

Edited by JerokTalram
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How do you figure that? You are entitled to what BW is selling not what you think they are selling. If you don't believe me, pay some laywer $1000/hr to tell you the same thing.


We have already worn out this subject. We have been warned twice by mods to stay on the topic of the OP. So lets do so pls

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All this legacy stuff should have been in at launch, people are totally entitled to nerd rage over it.


The only people who should be mad about Legacy system not being in at launch, are the people that only bought this game because of the Legacy System. Bioware even told us that the legacy was not going to be in at launch, when they first began to talk about it a few months before release.

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It's not a regular GTN. It's a neutral GTN. And this is not useful. Why? Go to Nar Shadaa. Check out the neutral GTN. See anything? No? :o How shocking!

And to make it worse, very few will have this on their ship so it won't improve the usefulness at all.

If it was a regular GTN it would be useful. Then I could live on Belsavis/Corellia and I'd never have to go to fleet again. I was grinding money for this GTN, but then I realised it's useless so I stopped. At 7 million credits.


If yer so unhappy just quit and be gone.

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The only people who should be mad about Legacy system not being in at launch, are the people that only bought this game because of the Legacy System. Bioware even told us that the legacy was not going to be in at launch, when they first began to talk about it a few months before release.


At least you could gain Legacy XP starting at launch along with the trigger for unlocking the Legacy and naming said Legacy. They could have left all of that until everything was done and ready to be implemented, but they didn't because of how many players would be mad and rightfully so. Instead we have players complaining that the Legacy unlocks they've gained Legacy levels for and want are coming in 1.3 instead of 1.2.



At least they have Legacy levels in the first place.

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People forget that this 2012 and technology has improved so much since 2004; so there is no excuse for swtor not to be able to match a 7 year old game (wow). Also, swtor is competing in the market now not in 2004. Furthermore, if I released a cell phone now that had the same features of a cell phone in 2004 no one would go will cell phones in 2004 didn't have this, this is a new company give them time.

Yes technology progresses, and as it does, becomes more complicated and harder/longer to design. Also, WoW has had over 11 years of writing content (forgetting what they copied from older games), to make it to what it is today. TOR hasn't, and on top of that they have had to understand the hero engine and the best way to design TOR around that crappy *** engine, not tweak their already designed engine they made themselves for warcraft3. TOR has suffered from EA's crappy budgeting on stupid expenditures giving a massive shortfall in much needed areas whereas WoW's budget would of probably been alot higher especially when you take into account economic inflation over the past decade. Yes sure they could of copied all of WoW's ideas and construed them to fit within SW lore, but by doing so they would of still of been in production an extra 5 years and would be running at an irretrievable loss. Jesus Christ man, think a little.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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I've played just about every mmo at release.


Every time there were posts complaining about paying for beta testing it.


Major MMO's always launch with content that didn't make the cut and sometimes it gets added later.


Being completely honest with myself, even with all the problems i have with this game in its current state, I have to say it was the smoothest MMO launch and has the fewest bugs in it than any other MMO ever.


We can disagree with design decisions and time management choices we would have done differently; but seriously get off your *** and make a MMO if you can do it sooo much better.


Edit: PS if they had pushed the game release back to april this year in order to get legacy in for release most would have complained the whole time about how they needed to just hurry up and release it. ( i remeber a poll that had 70% or so people saying they'd pay a sub to beta test it anyways; couldn't find it on search might have been in the old beta forums)

Edited by K_Schrimer
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On the issue of WOW vs. SWTOR:


Look I remember when WOW first came out and the big honcho was EQ. Everyone said the same thing to Blizzard "Oh you'll never beat EQ." Then after vanilla WOW came out and people started signing up for it by the traincar I remember the complaints, "Oh but its no EQ, EQ has this and that and Blizzard will never compete if it doesn't have this or that from EQ".


But Blizzard carved their own path and eventually not only destroyed EQ, but now EQ is in the dustbin of history. Yah some people still play the game, but htese are kind of people that just won't let go out of familiarity or diehard fans.


The problem with SWTOR is not that it isn't like WOW, or it doesn't have some of the features WOW has (that's coming most assuredly) but that its TOO MUCH like WOW, it has too many of the same elements and in a lot of ways SWTOR is WOW with lightsabers.


And that's why people are growing bored with it and too quickly.


SWTOR needs to carve its own path and come up with some new innovations in order to be a great game in its own right. They started off with the right foot in the questing/dialouge system but are stepping away from that -- for example now lightt or dark makes really no difference other than some graphical issues. A Sith can use a blue lightsaber crystal, while a jedi can use red.


And why? To cater to the little kids and whiners who are here today and gone tomorrow.


They should stick to their concept and continue to innovate. The more they copy WOW, the lower the game becomes in my eye.


And for god's sake Blizzard, open up the game to real PVP. The WOW style WZ's are ultimately a losing proposition. Yah some people might quit when they get ganked once or twice on PVP server, but whats worse, losing some fools who played on a PVP sever aand were carebears or sinking the entire game?

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At least you could gain Legacy XP starting at launch along with the trigger for unlocking the Legacy and naming said Legacy. They could have left all of that until everything was done and ready to be implemented, but they didn't because of how many players would be mad and rightfully so. Instead we have players complaining that the Legacy unlocks they've gained Legacy levels for and want are coming in 1.3 instead of 1.2.



At least they have Legacy levels in the first place.


For some reason, this just isn't that comforting...


At least you have wooden nickels!

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