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Sooo all the useful legacy unlocks are not in 1.2, but 1.3?!


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I am extremely disappointed in the 1.2 legacy system. Everything is SOOOO expensive. Also, everything that I was excited about and was told was going to be in the legacy system (and I assumed 1.2 because it is called the "legacy patch") is not going to be in until 1.3?


Some of the things that I expected to happen in 1.2 was increased experience from warzone/flashpoints etc, because questing has lost its fun. Also the increased sprint speed and anything that would be actually useful is in 1.3?


IDK..... i'm losing faith guys :(


What do you all think?


(borrowed from another post)

the Coming Soon in 1.3 section starts around 2:40


What do I think? I think there are people out there that will not be satisfied no matter what they do....and its getting worse. Not only do they want it and want it now, but they want it custom fit to their expectations and no regard to what others think.


I see it in business, and I see it all over these boards on a regular basis. I imagine people going from game to game, spending the entirety of their time looking at what is not there rather then what is there and never enjoying any of them.


In short, I think I'm glad that I'm enjoying this game and am looking forward to the things we ARE getting in the next patch. ;p

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Legacy is mostly about alting. Too bad for all us players who already have their alts lvled to 50 or at the very least have them lvled above 30 which for me is the point where I will not reroll. Getting to 50 takes 3.5 days played if you take it at a semislow pace thats 1 50 per month for most players. Raiding and running HMs on the main included. For Legacy, which was a major selling point for this game, to be of any value to a lot of us who have been subbed since Dec 2011 / Jan 2012 it would have needed to be functional at launch. Adding this feature now has no effect for the existing playerbase.


Legacy, sgra and similar core content that is only relevant while beginning your main and or founding alts is by now largely irrelevant for the players that have been around since launch. Sucks to be me since these were both features that specifically informed my decision to buy this product. At this time I have to agree with above poster that they might as well scrap these features until exp and instead focus on rolling out raid content, sorting server transfers, making space combat meaningful, add more pvp content, fix bugs everywhere and work really really hard at their public apology for suckering all of us paying customers into buying this game now instead of a year later.

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Got it, they don't want to make money by making Endgame content that lasts. or matters. so what is the point of this game? please dont tell me it was the stories, because they were boring at best.


erhm no offense, but bioware promised a story mmo, and they delivered a story mmo, i think perhaps u are on the wrong game.

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No, you aren't entitled to anything. You paid for current content, nothing more. Everything you pay for is already ingame, anything in the future is bonus content. That's the end of the discussion, as no matter what you say, it won't change that fact.


And they aren't entitled to our money. If we leave it hurts them, not us.


You know, I know and Bioware knows that if they run a company like this they won't have any customers, and no matter what you say it won't change that fact.

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I'm not sure why one would say all the useful legacy unlocks are in 1.3 I'm almost always overleveled as is with all my alts. I have no desire to get additional EXP and be even more overleveled.


The vast majority of useful features seems to be in 1.2

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Ill laugh everyone saying ill go to gw 2 when gw 2 does not live up to the hype and blows they will be going off on the gw 2 forums. It took wow a good amount of time to get content. the game has not been out that long cool your jets people. if you dont like it leave come back when you feel they have enough content thats your right. but This is a mmo your not entitled to anything then what you already have. Yes iv gone off in posts before with the dev, but this is a mmo i understand. should this have been in at launch yes, but its not so stand back cool off an just wait. im willing to beat you will come back in 6 months an still get alll pissy with something there are ppl like this in every mmo, So again YOUR NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING THEN WHAT YOUR ALREADY GETTING your paying 15 a month for bio to store your char,alll your goods if you leave for a year and come back its still there. would u rather bio delete all your toons so when you come back in a year you have to start alll over, i think not


ya im gonna laugh if gw2 ever gets an official forum.i bet i can spot the ex sw tor players by the amount of "ARENANET,I WANT LOOKING FOR GROUP OR IM GONNA UNSUB".the sad reality is,world of warcraft pretty much ruined a decent community in a mmorpg

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I'm not sure why one would say all the useful legacy unlocks are in 1.3 I'm almost always overleveled as is with all my alts. I have no desire to get additional EXP and be even more overleveled.


The vast majority of useful features seems to be in 1.2


i think the problem with usefulness is.the whole legacy system itself just seems pretty meh to me


alt rolling isnt my idea of good end game.and that pretty much seems like what bioware thinks good end game is


not to mention,with all the joking about spacebaring cutscenes ive heard.i dont think your average player really cares about the great storylines anyway

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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I see it in business, and I see it all over these boards on a regular basis. I imagine people going from game to game, spending the entirety of their time looking at what is not there rather then what is there and never enjoying any of them.


Good quote.

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Originally Posted by Blackardin


I see it in business, and I see it all over these boards on a regular basis. I imagine people going from game to game, spending the entirety of their time looking at what is not there rather then what is there and never enjoying any of them.


maybe its because whats there.just isnt all that great


i mean,i havent really did any operations.but the flashpoints ive did were ok,but the main thing that i hated for years in my previous mmo is.the pvp expierance was lackluster compared to the pve expierance


they seems to be about the same in this game.but i dont know,novare coast looked cool and maybe there improving the pvp in 1.2 but im not going thru lackluster pvp,great pve like i did with years in world of warcraft

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Stop jacking your expectations unrealistically high and you'll be less disappointed :)


Legacy is designed for alts, I don't expect them to have had it at launch, but I don't think expecting it one or two months after launch is entirely unreasonable. I am by no means a "hard core" player, maybe 10 hours a week, but I already have three level 50's two of them are BM and one is in full BM gear and the other is 1/2 champ 1/2 bm. Now it's been four months since I started playing this game, I have all the alts I want for now leveled to 50, and most players that will roll alts do as well.


The fact that these major systems that were promised and talked about and hyped up so much back in the spring of LAST YEAR still aren't actually in the game is disgusting, Bioware is guilty of a huge bait and switch.

Edited by Durasturan
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The fact that these major systems that were promised and talked about and hyped up so much back in the spring of LAST YEAR still aren't actually in the game is disgusting, Bioware is guilty of a huge bait and switch.


mmos take time to implement stuff,so im sure there still working on that stuff they just didnt wanna put in some half assed version of it


wtb more people who have played other mmorpgs besides world of warcraft.this game already got to many of the people who ruined that game.eather way,legacy will only suceeed if the community actually cares about the storylines of the alts there playing and stuff in the first place since alot of this game focuses on story.but its quite obvious they dont,they wanna blast thru the levels and get to max level


why do think so many people joke about spacebaring cutscenes in this game.cuz they dont care about the journey they only care about the destination.and when they get there,they just ***** and moan about it being terrible

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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erhm no offense, but bioware promised a story mmo, and they delivered a story mmo, i think perhaps u are on the wrong game.




“Today represents an amazing milestone for BioWare, EA and Star Wars fans everywhere and we are confident it has been worth the wait,” said Dr. Ray Muzyka, Co-Founder, BioWare and General Manager, EA’s BioWare Label. “The support and resources going into Star Wars: The Old Republic are not ending today. The innovations we’re bringing to the category are just the start of a journey and ongoing investment in our players that will grow, evolve and transform based on player feedback over the weeks, months and years ahead.

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The innovations we’re bringing to the category are just the start of a journey and ongoing investment in our players that will grow, evolve and transform based on player feedback over the weeks, months and years ahead.


this game is doomed if they listen to there playerbase that much



welcome to star wars the old republic.or should i say,welcome to world of starwarscraft

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No one is is entitled to anything.


All Americans are entitled to the rights and liberties ennumerated in the Constitution of the United States of America as interpreted by the Supreme Court.


All consumers are entitled to pay for a product that satisfies their demands at a reasonable price OR to take their money elsewhere.


You are entitled to breathe. You are entitled to speak, to be as wrong as you are. I am entitled to point out that you have no idea what you're talking about.

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mmos take time to implement stuff,so im sure there still working on that stuff they just didnt wanna put in some half assed version of it


wtb more people who have played other mmorpgs besides world of warcraft.this game already got to many of the people who ruined that game.eather way,legacy will only suceeed if the community actually cares about the storylines of the alts there playing and stuff in the first place since alot of this game focuses on story.but its quite obvious they dont,they wanna blast thru the levels and get to max level


why do think so many people joke about spacebaring cutscenes in this game.cuz they dont care about the journey they only care about the destination.and when they get there,they just ***** and moan about it being terrible


I've been playing MMO's for nearly twenty years. I've played 10 different MMO's each for years at a time. The stories the different classes have are awesome. That's why I've leveled three to 50 already. The fact is they should have had this system ready at launch and by their own admission they have mismanaged the nearly infinite resources they were given. It is their own fault. Not that it was too much to do, just that they sucked at getting it done. They have had huge management problems since the get go and the game we paid for is lacking because of it.

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I am extremely disappointed in the 1.2 legacy system. Everything is SOOOO expensive. Also, everything that I was excited about and was told was going to be in the legacy system (and I assumed 1.2 because it is called the "legacy patch") is not going to be in until 1.3?


Some of the things that I expected to happen in 1.2 was increased experience from warzone/flashpoints etc, because questing has lost its fun. Also the increased sprint speed and anything that would be actually useful is in 1.3?


IDK..... i'm losing faith guys :(


What do you all think?


(borrowed from another post)

the Coming Soon in 1.3 section starts around 2:40



If you can't wait, then quit ...



I don't understand this need for people that are leaving SWTOR for GW2, Losing Faith, Mad Cause blah-blah-blah wasn't in at launch, etc ... Feel the need to cry on the forums in and continue to pay for something they hate so much. Just quit, like a normal person that has a life would do, if you dislike something, then stop doing it ...



ArenaNet has the right idea, no public forums for their game, it makes the doomsayers and whiners (and yes, GW2 forums will/are/would look just like these with all the snowflakes suddenly disappointed that GW2 doesn't give their life purpose ...) have to find some place else to gather and emo-out at ..

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If you can't wait, then quit ...



I don't understand this need for people that are leaving SWTOR for GW2, Losing Faith, Mad Cause blah-blah-blah wasn't in at launch, etc ... Feel the need to cry on the forums in and continue to pay for something they hate so much. Just quit, like a normal person that has a life would do, if you dislike something, then stop doing it ...



ArenaNet has the right idea, no public forums for their game, it makes the doomsayers and whiners (and yes, GW2 forums will/are/would look just like these with all the snowflakes suddenly disappointed that GW2 doesn't give their life purpose ...) have to find some place else to gather and emo-out at ..


At no point did the person you quote mention leaving SWTOR for GW2, they talked about how they were looking forward to this patch because of Legacy and then were disappointed that the features they wanted were coming out in 1.3, not 1.2. Reading is fundemental, l2comprehend.

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just a note to the people who say .. oo look at me i can make 1.5 million credits a day so the cost of legacy unlocks is still too cheap... well good for you .. not everyone can do that and after you grind your way to legacy 50 and find you still have to shell out as many credits as someone who has a legacy level of 10 is a joke and that is a fact !!!.
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just a note to the people who say .. oo look at me i can make 1.5 million credits a day so the cost of legacy unlocks is still too cheap... well good for you .. not everyone can do that and after you grind your way to legacy 50 and find you still have to shell out as many credits as someone who has a legacy level of 10 is a joke and that is a fact !!!.


Again, what the heck are you blowing all your creds on? Is it the cantina girls? Is it the novelty ship models on Nar Shaddaa?


I bet it's the ship fuel. Fuel prices are skyrocketing. Last year I could get 287 per gallon. Now it's up to 564!


This deal just keeps getting worse all the time!

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The truth is- you have no idea what "coming soon" means. It doesn't say anywhere that "coming soon" is 1.3.


People freak out so much with so little information regarding something that hasn't even LAUNCHED yet.


My bet is that that stuff is locked while on the PTS- just like most of the new loot isn't on the PTS.


When you have been here since @ least 2010 pre launch you come to despise the phrase "coming soon" and everyone that utters it. As far as Bioware is concerned when it comes to "coming soon" it is when they feel like working on it or when it its near completion.

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All this legacy stuff should have been in at launch, people are totally entitled to nerd rage over it.


I think that its the developers say on when something should be implemented so you saying it should've been in at launch is another way of you showing that you believe that something should happen just because you say so. A little self-entitled? Chill out and let the Devs implement things as finely-tuned and bug-free as possible so that people like you won't come back to the forums ************ about how they rushed it and that thing are too buggy for play and all the other **** people like you tend to complain about.

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Playing 20 hours per week does not net you that much cash. Dailies is what, 300k per day - repairs?


I have several fifties. Between selling the purples you loot on the heroics that you can solo, then doing just the Belsavis dailies which you can knock out in like 30 minutes a toon, I make between 500k and a million a day, depending on how stuff sells and how much I loot.


That's not a big deal if crafters could make endgame items but right now they can't so theres really not a whole lot to spend money on. I'm hoping 1.2 changes that. I really don't like raiding and would be perfectly happy grinding out the loot to just buy what I want.

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