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Who here is completely satisfied with the Light/Dark Side Allignment system?


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I have many problems with it.


A. Force powers are not alignment neutral magic spells.

Force lightning is using the force to directly cause pain, torment, and death to another person. This is clearly darkside. One should not be able use force lightning, force choke, and similar powers and still be light side. Its clearly shown in the movies and the EU that even acting aggressively or selfishly can bring a force sensitive to the darkside. So how could someone possibly be considered a light sider while still using force lightning to torture and kill people or using force choke to strangle someone to death? Ridiculous.


B. Non- force sensitives should not be affected by force alignment at all.

This is what I posted in another thread about the subject of dark side corruption.


"Its really stupid.


Its not even common among dark side users in canon. Ancient Sith? None that I can think of except for Naga Sadow maybe and he was just kind of pale. Darth Bane? No. Darth Tyrannus? No. Darth Maul? No. Darth Ruin? No. Darth Krayt? Just some paleness and eye discoloration. Darth Talon? No. Galen Marek? No.


Outside of Bioware characters and Darth Sidious the only darkside users who displayed extensive corruption (other than eye discoloration) that I can think of off the top of my head were King Ommin (who was a powerful sorcerer) and Darth Plagueis (also a powerful sorcerer). And even Sidious's corruption was a special case because it was exacerbated by getting hit in the face by his own lightning via Mace Windu. Darth Andeddu, Darth Sion, and Darth Nihilus were also special cases.


Only the most extreme dark side sorcerers should display Sith corruption. Not every single person who commits a few violent acts, even those who aren't even force sensitive. Its just really really stupid imo."


Regular joes murder people and lie and cheat and steal all the time in the star wars. It doesn't make them dark siders. Non force classes should have a renegade/paragon alignment system and should be unaffected by force alighnment.






The legacy system could be developed in a way to fix this IMO. It must be possible (if not always easy) as we're already getting the animations in the heroic legacy options.

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I am not really satisfied, because there shouldn't be a penalty for someone wishing to have an allignment that is a mixture of both light and dark. I levelled my most recent toon on the premise that I would go with whatever option I fancied at the time .... I am at lvl 39 and am still "neutral".
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It's an optional fun addition. If you don't care about it, just hide the corruption and spacbar away. What anyone else thinks is completely irrelevant to my enjoyment of it. I use it to define my characters to myself, that's it.
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Well, the game rewards blind alignment choices, based only on the alignment, and not in the content of the choice itself.


Why would I choose anything but Full Dark or Full Light, if the rewards for getting it are almost demanded for endgame (and even leveling)?


After getting endgame gear, you can just ignore your alignment, since sets don't have alignment restriction and you'll get better relics through it.


Right now, I feel obligated to go Full Dark/Light up to the point where I can get endgame PvE or PvP relics.

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I'm not happy with it. Here's why:


  • Darkside Corruption is overdone and looks plain silly after DS II. We look like zombies or frail pandas once you start making our mouths, eyes and noses darker... The glowing red eyes are the only cool part, and the only part that is actually (arguably) canon.
  • The choices don't always match up. There have been times I've done something particularly nasty and gotten rewarded with LS points for it. W-T-F?
  • Powers should be tied to LS/DS, at least for force users. It would be easy enough. It is completely anti-canon for LS to use lightening or Force Choke, Sith or not. I can't think of any of the cheesy Jedi powers that would be forbidden to DS though, so maybe that's why they didn't pursue it.
  • The Legacy abilities should be tied to LS/DS as well. I'll buy that a Smuggler could have a bit of Force sensitivity if there was a powerful Force user in their family, that would manifest in a "Heroic Moment" (I'll give them kudos for that rationale). But if the Smuggler is evil, then it should be Force Choke. If they are good, then it should be whatever the LS equivalent is. If they are neutral, they should get to pick until the meter falls too far one way or the other.
  • I have yet to find a decision that affects my character once the current quest is completed (except for the odd email, which always seems to provide the same rewards, just worded differently based on the LS/DS choice). There seems to be no long-term reprecussions for choices made, except in the case of the Sith Warrior and Jessa Willsam (if only they would do more stuff like that quest series and variable outcome, which IMO was pretty damn cool).
  • Alignment should do more than grant you access to certain gear and make you ugly.
  • What about the glowing blue/white eyes for a high LS? Or the removal of scars? Or something significant?

I don't know. Maybe they have plans for it in the future. But right now it seems like a badly-conceived, tacked-on feature with no real thought or importance behind it.


Jawa says "Ppbblllttt..." :jawa_tongue:


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"Who here is completely satisfied with the Light/Dark Side Allignment system?"


Just curious to see how many of you actually like the current system.

I like the system as it is for now, but I wouldn't go so far as to agree with your ultimatum of a title thread about being 'completely satisfied'. Edited by Shrikestalker
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I'm not happy with it. Here's why:


  • Darkside Corruption is overdone and looks plain silly after DS II. We look like zombies or frail pandas once you start making our mouths, eyes and noses darker... The glowing red eyes are the only cool part, and the only part that is actually (arguably) canon.
  • What about the glowing blue/white eyes for a high LS? Or the removal of scars? Or something significant?



I'll admit to not knowing enough about canon but, aren't you breaking canon by suggesting this? Seems like you are contradicting yourself.


I don't recall anyone as a Jedi Master or such to have 'glowing white/blue' eyes as canon while walking around or even fighting.


Even Yoda who was probably the heaviest hitter didn't have glowing blue or white eyes. In fact, Yoda's pupil's were midnight black, not white like a Marvel superhero or something.

Edited by Shrikestalker
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I'll admit to not knowing enough about canon but, aren't you breaking canon by suggesting this? Seems like you are contradicting yourself.


I don't recall anyone as a Jedi Master or such to have 'glowing white/blue' eyes as canon while walking around or even fighting.


Even Yoda who was probably the heaviest hitter didn't have glowing blue or white eyes. In fact, Yoda's pupil's were midnight black, not white like a Marvel superhero or something.


Yeah, probably. Just seems like if one side gets a visible manifestation of high achievement of Force attunement, then so should the other. But I really can't think of what that would be, especially to not break canon. Just seems silly to me that Jedi must be so damned pure, but don't glow or something from that purity when they reach its apex...


Some have mentioned on this thread that only certain characters in lore have shown any particular manifestation of the Force physically, and those were amongst the most powerful in SW history. But remember, the story lines are setting up each character to be the most powerful of their class... So you could take some slight liberties here, as long as they were subtle.


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I'm not happy with it. Here's why:


Darkside Corruption is overdone and looks plain silly after DS II. We look like zombies or frail pandas once you start making our mouths, eyes and noses darker... The glowing red eyes are the only cool part, and the only part that is actually (arguably) canon.

Concur. Why in the heck does Bioware stick with the corrupted look for Dark Side users, when the movies show no evidence of it (save prolonged reflected force lightning to ones face or occassional yellow eyes)?

Edited by GreySix
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Yeah, probably. Just seems like if one side gets a visible manifestation of high achievement of Force attunement, then so should the other. But I really can't think of what that would be, especially to not break canon. Just seems silly to me that Jedi must be so damned pure, but don't glow or something from that purity when they reach its apex...

You can't do much about that, it's always that way with everything.


Remember when Episode whatever came out and people saw Darth Maul for the first time? I think about half the audience (or more) instantly stopped wanting to be a Jedi and wanted to wield a dual LS and have cool horns on their heads.


It wasn't fair that he was instantly more interesting than Anakin or Obi Wan, who the story was about anyways. He simply was.


You can't really change things the way they are/aren't because it's not as 'cool' or 'fair' as the other thing because if you do it once, then you start adding pandas or something.

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Concur. Why in the heck does Bioware stick with the corrupted look for Dark Side users, when the movies show no evidence of it (save prolonged reflected force lightning to ones face or occassional yellow eyes)?
Forget the movies.


It must be in novels someplace otherwise Lucas or people at LucasArts would have noticed such an obvious feature to the game and said "Hey George.. look at this **** these Bioware clowns did to the Sith's faces! Want us to sue em for ya?"

Edited by Shrikestalker
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[*]Powers should be tied to LS/DS, at least for force users. It would be easy enough. It is completely anti-canon for LS to use lightening or Force Choke, Sith or not. I can't think of any of the cheesy Jedi powers that would be forbidden to DS though, so maybe that's why they didn't pursue it.


With the fairly limited range they have in SWTOR, it shouldn't be too difficult. Of course that's not saying they'd ever do it.

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I wish people would stop asking questions like "are you completely satisfied with xxxx feature" since its a dumb question (well its a poorly phrased question at least).


Nobody is ever completely satisfied with anything... ever...


its just a way of trying to get people to join you in whatever annoyance you have with the particular question (since you wouldnt ask if you were actually satisfied with said feature) by making it harder to disagree with you.


are you satisfied with this? are you reeeeeally satisfied? are you sure there isnt some little tiny thing you would have changed?


that way, almost nobody will say they are completely satisfied.



anyway, rant over, yes im satisfied with it... it works as intended and as announced.

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I wish people would stop asking questions like "are you completely satisfied with xxxx feature" since its a dumb question (well its a poorly phrased question at least).


Nobody is ever completely satisfied with anything... ever...


its just a way of trying to get people to join you in whatever annoyance you have with the particular question (since you wouldnt ask if you were actually satisfied with said feature) by making it harder to disagree with you.


are you satisfied with this? are you reeeeeally satisfied? are you sure there isnt some little tiny thing you would have changed?


that way, almost nobody will say they are completely satisfied.



anyway, rant over, yes im satisfied with it... it works as intended and as announced.

I'm not completely satisfied with your post, sir.
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Forget the movies.


It must be in novels someplace otherwise Lucas or people at LucasArts would have noticed such an obvious feature to the game and said "Hey George.. look at this **** these Bioware clowns did to the Sith's faces! Want us to sue em for ya?"


Yes because we all know George would never mess up star wars right?

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I have many problems with it.


A. Force powers are not alignment neutral magic spells.

Force lightning is using the force to directly cause pain, torment, and death to another person. This is clearly darkside. One should not be able use force lightning, force choke, and similar powers and still be light side. Its clearly shown in the movies and the EU that even acting aggressively or selfishly can bring a force sensitive to the darkside. So how could someone possibly be considered a light sider while still using force lightning to torture and kill people or using force choke to strangle someone to death? Ridiculous.


B. Non- force sensitives should not be affected by force alignment at all.

This is what I posted in another thread about the subject of dark side corruption.


"Its really stupid.


Its not even common among dark side users in canon. Ancient Sith? None that I can think of except for Naga Sadow maybe and he was just kind of pale. Darth Bane? No. Darth Tyrannus? No. Darth Maul? No. Darth Ruin? No. Darth Krayt? Just some paleness and eye discoloration. Darth Talon? No. Galen Marek? No.


Outside of Bioware characters and Darth Sidious the only darkside users who displayed extensive corruption (other than eye discoloration) that I can think of off the top of my head were King Ommin (who was a powerful sorcerer) and Darth Plagueis (also a powerful sorcerer). And even Sidious's corruption was a special case because it was exacerbated by getting hit in the face by his own lightning via Mace Windu. Darth Andeddu, Darth Sion, and Darth Nihilus were also special cases.


Only the most extreme dark side sorcerers should display Sith corruption. Not every single person who commits a few violent acts, even those who aren't even force sensitive. Its just really really stupid imo."


Regular joes murder people and lie and cheat and steal all the time in the star wars. It doesn't make them dark siders. Non force classes should have a renegade/paragon alignment system and should be unaffected by force alighnment.




I am also annoyed by the whole red eyes thing, it is complete non-canon, no Sith get Red Eyes, they only ever have sickly yellow ones.

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Well for the most part, I'm pretty satisfied with it. Though the only downside is I am currently levelling a Shadow in Biochem and Diplomacy requires me to sometimes take light side medical supplies.


I have 5000+ Dark side and 80 Light. I wanted no light side whatsoever :(


It's not a big deal but I don't feel pure evil anymore lol

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For a game that is so invested in story and having you 'be' your character. The light/dark choices are asinine at times. When I play my toon and think of the choices that are logical, half the time they will wind up breaking the light/dark "Must be one or the other" paradigm. It's really frustrating actually.


I remember way back around launch one of the devs said they would make true grey gear, but I think that was just to shut us up.


Furthermore- I never play force users. So the idea that I would get sith corruption is nonsense (Yes I know I can turn it off).

Edited by zerosaint
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I am also annoyed by the whole red eyes thing, it is complete non-canon, no Sith get Red Eyes, they only ever have sickly yellow ones.


Yeah when I saw the red eyes I raised an eyebrow I had to justify it to myself by saying the SON in the clone wars had red eyes and he is pretty much the incarnation of the dark side. Its a stretch a huuuge one but I can't think of any other way to justify it. I personally think bioware should allow us to display the level of corruption we want. lets not forget the yellow eyes is missing the red outline around the eyes.

Edited by lokdron
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tbh they really cant do it way people want... here is the thing... IF they make it so, you get super awesome rewards for being pure light/dark then what about those of us that are grey? are alot of folks myself included who, play story as we feel our character or ourselves would. Truth is idea of an ultra light or dark character are kinda rare... even sidious wasn't pure dark V OH i know someone gonna say ***?! BUT it is true! his entire motive for prequals...everything he did was to prepare for a much greater enemy(if you include EU anyway) and while he was pretty dark character i don't consider him a pure dark character. Even vader was more grey then dark, since he still had goodness in his heart and even saves his son rather then slaughter him.


So at end of the day giving any kind of reward for light or dark is actually find if its cosmetic, and are equal rewards for grey characters, but personally i don't think should be rewards for any of it. Light/Dark should purely be for corruption and i think lightside should get an effect such as a halo, or some kind of glow around them, and eventually a force ghost mode maybe? stuff like that wouldn't bother me in the least.


but rewards in general make game easier, or better by choosing to be pure light or dark is bad! because then your forcing players to go one direction or the other, rather then playing there character the way they want.

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