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Meetra Surik(The Exile) Cooler than revan IMO


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Thats nonsense, and you know it.

He didnt tell them because he didnt had any prove at the time, he folow the clues and was overpowerd by the emperor influence and then didnt warn then because he couldnt ( his memories erased for instance). The exile only returned because, of her situation with a force after malachor, given the nature of her connection to the force and force bonds, she felt extremely guilty, at malachor due to this.


And its laughable the jedi order wasnt right at all, they were doing exactly what the emperor wanted. They let the mandalorians going rampage and weaken the republic. revan stop it, and goes after trying to find real hard evidence. I realize thsi could be seen a win win situation to the empire, however at least the mandalorians were stoped.

Apathy is death remember ;) the order did nothing was allmost extint if wasnt for Surik.


Try harder next time not be so arrogant.


How about you try harder to learn your lore before going toe to toe with Rayla ( Her lore-ness herself, trust me, she knows a hell of a lot) Ima point out your flaws one by one.....

Ima try not to do a bastilla here, but the council only wanted time to assess the situation. Why were the mandolorians attacking? Why wage war now? But revan decided to meet force with force, and that is not the jedi way, if you think about it, revan had fallen the moment he met the mandolorians on the battle field. And meetra realised this afterwards.

Wow...... Just wow....... Revan hadnt had is mind erased by that point, had he asked for their aid the council may have banished him but they never would have erased his mind, they did that after he TRULY fell... truly as in it was obvious......

Dude, just because you brought up a kotor 2 refference will not hide that fact that you... are... In fact..... A.......

Revan Fanboy! :p

Edited by Selenial
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(Snip -_-)


Regardless she enabled the continuation of the order by her actions in kotor 2.

But it was her companions made jedi that in fact rebuilt the order.

(Snip -_-)

Dude, the order was stable when meetra left, she knew the republic and the Jedi were worth more than Revan.. Its subtly mentioned in the revan novel,


I think its somewhere back when meetra and bastilla were in her appartment. The narative mentioned meetra and her followers had rebuilded the order by the time she left.


Edited by Selenial
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How about you try harder to learn your lore before going toe to toe with Rayla ( Her lore-ness herself, trust me, she knows a hell of a lot) Ima point out your flaws one by one..... lol i coulndt care less i can think for myself thank you

Ima try not to do a bastilla here, but the council only wanted time to assess the situation. Why were the mandolorians attacking? Why wage war now? But revan decided to meet force with force, and that is not the jedi way, if you think about it, revan had fallen the moment he met the mandolorians on the battle field. And meetra realised this afterwards.

Wow...... Just wow....... Revan hadnt had is mind erased by that point, had he asked for their aid the council may have banished him but they never would have erased his mind, they did that after he TRULY fell... truly as in it was obvious......

Dude, just because you brought up a kotor 2 refference will not hide that fact that you... are... In fact..... A.......

Revan Fanboy! :p


Maybe i explain myself poorly.

In wich time revan was able to warn the republic or the council?

He was looking for the sith empire , and the time he found it he was brainwashed by the emperor, he and malak a like.... great flaw in your argumnet there. He just fell to the dark side over night. It was the sith emperor that dominated his Mind. Maybe you should check you lore, read the book Revan if you must, instead on leaning on others like a sheep. Think fot yourself for once.

You show your ignorance, in not mentioning that The council only replaced his memories, when bastilla group capture him, after Revan and malak RETURN from The sith empire regions conquering the republic, at that time obvious he had already fell by the sith emperor hands mind you It wasnt the mandalorian wars that make revan fell to the dark side, the book dismiss that, in the Kotor games it was always an assumption, it change him off course like war change poeple, but didnt make him fell to the dark side.


You know what i find idiotic and fanboyism is to make the exile more then it was at expense of distorted lore.

Exile being or not more cooler then revan it is a matter of opinion, if you must know i have other characters that i find much more cooler then those two.

I dont realy care about revan as much as you think, i just find that in this forums there is a current of posts that bash his character for no reason at all.

I think your assuming much with the whole "Revan knew they were right and he didn't want to admit he was wrong" thing.

Oh rayla assume alot of stuff alot of time its not a suprise there.

Dude, the order was stable when meetra left, she knew the republic and the Jedi were worth more than Revan.. Its subtly mentioned in the revan novel,
well i recall is the mention of darth traya and teh jedi civil war noothing about the jedi order


After Malak had been defeated, Bastila, like most other citizens of the Republic, had hoped

to enjoy many decades of peace. Instead, a group of rogue Jedi had broken away from the

Order, plunging the galaxy once more into civil war.

Led by a woman named Kreia, the rogue Jedi turned to the dark side teachings uncovered by

Malak and Revan. Kreia took the name Darth Traya, and her followers called themselves the

Sith after the long-lost species that had invaded the Republic a millennium before. They began

a systemic purge of the galaxy, hunting down those who still held fast to the Jedi Code, killing

them by the tens of thousands. Their relentless pursuit virtually wiped out the Order, and only

those few who managed to flee or hide survived.

Had Revan returned to face this new threat, Bastila would have eagerly fought by his side.

Together they might have been able to quell the uprising, ending it before the horrors of war

enveloped the Republic and millions lost their lives. But she had heard nothing of her husband

since he had set off with Canderous four years earlier.

Alone, she dared not challenge Darth Traya and her followers. Instead, she had focused on

keeping her son alive. It had been the Exile—Meetra Surik—who had taken up the fight against

the rogue Jedi. Three years after Revan’s unsuccessful attempt to locate her, she had emerged

on her own to oppose and eventually defeat Darth Traya. Like Revan before her, she became

the savior of the galaxy. And also as with Revan, there were many who felt her recent actions

could not atone for the sins of her past.

And now this woman—hero to some, villain to so many others—was sitting in the living room

of Bastila’s apartment, patiently waiting for her to finish putting her son to bed.

“He’s asleep,” Bastila said as she returned, speaking softly.

“He’s beautiful,” Meetra answered, adding, “He looks like his father.”

Bastila nodded at the compliment. She wasn’t sure what to make of the woman before her.

Meetra had short brown hair, pale white skin, and piercing blue eyes. She was taller than

Bastila, and almost a decade older, though she would still be considered beautiful by any

empirical measure. She possessed a presence and confidence, along with an enviable natural

grace. She was clad in the simple robes of a Jedi Master, but somehow she managed to make

even the drab brown cloth seem stylish.

Foolish as it was, Bastila couldn’t help but feel some hint of jealousy. Meetra had known

Revan long before Bastila; she had answered his call to go to war against the Mandalorians, and

in doing so she became one of his most trusted advisers and closest friends. Bastila knew they

had shared a special bond not unlike that of Padawan and Master. Worst of all, Meetra was an

integral part of Revan’s lost past—a past he had felt compelled to go in search of, even though

it meant leaving his pregnant wife behind.

There is no emotion, there is peace, she thought. The familiar words of the Jedi mantra were

easy to recite, but much more difficult to follow.

“You said we needed to speak,” Bastila said.

“I wasn’t sure if we should come,” Meetra admitted. “I understand this might be difficult for

you. But Tee-Three insisted.” She reached out and patted the little astromech accompanying

her on the head.

The last time Bastila had seen T3-M4 he had been boarding the Ebon Hawk with Revan and

Canderous. Her husband was still missing, but the droid had returned. Clearly he had latched on

to Meetra, following at her heel as he had once followed Revan … one more small detail to feed

Bastila’s irrational jealousy.

“As much as I tried, I couldn’t get him to tell me anything,” Meetra added.

Bastila smiled faintly. “I gave him special instructions the night before he left with Revan. I

told Tee-Three if they ever became separated, he had to come find me. I programmed him so

he wouldn’t tell anyone else what had happened until I heard it first.”

Meetra nodded. “A wise move. We’ve both experienced enough betrayal to understand you

never know whom to trust.”....

and continous without any mention of her rebuilding the jedi order, in fact this all sugests it wa sallmost imediatly after the end of the jedi civil war. The only piece of "lore" we have about the jedi order being rebuilt its what Kreia tell us at malachor In KOTOR2 about our companions.

Edited by Spartanik
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i just find that in this forums there is a current of posts that bash his character for no reason at all.


Wow really? would have thought you'd know better than that.


Revan fans in the hundreds have spent years on these forums completely disregarding any facts put forth to them including canonical ones, simply for the sake of arguing that Revan was a much more powerful force user than he ever was, with comparisons made to Luke, Vader and Sidious every other thread, some of us don;t like seeing our beloved universe spat on in such a way and the occasional wishing death on Lucas just because of the canonisation of Sidious and Luke as most powerful of their respectful orders.


Revan fanboys had there fun, some of us got bitter and simply annoyed in the mean time at the complete and utter hijacking of this entire section, now we simply hate the mention of the name Revan and everything he stands for due to the sheer amount of Revan fanboyism over the years.


If you really want the people to blame for all of this, the Revan fanboys themselves are the sole reason for all of it.


I would still have Revan as one half of my favourite all time Star Wars characters if it wasn't for all of that.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Wow really? would have thought you'd know better than that.


Revan fans in the hundreds have spent years on these forums completely disregarding any facts put forth to them including canonical ones, simply for the sake of arguing that Revan was a much more powerful force user than he ever was, with comparisons made to Luke, Vader and Sidious every other thread, some of us don;t like seeing our beloved universe spat on in such a way and the occasional wishing death on Lucas just because of the canonisation of Sidious and Luke as most powerful of their respectful orders.


Revan fanboys had there fun, some of us got bitter and simply annoyed in the mean time at the complete and utter hijacking of this entire section, now we simply hate the mention of the name Revan and everything he stands for due to the sheer amount of Revan fanboyism over the years.


If you really want the people to blame for all of this, the Revan fanboys themselves are the sole reason for all of it.


I would still have Revan as one half of my favourite all time Star Wars characters if it wasn't for all of that.

well honestly i cant talk to that. But you cant make people to stop enjoying revan or the Kotors 1 and 2 above the rest of the Star wars universe, they are entitled to that. As other people are entitled to like the the movies and the rest of EU more. I myself i like the Old republic era much more then the rest on EU of lukes and vaders time.

I find exar kun way more cooler, then sidious, or vader, i like quel droma full story and how he was" redeemed" by Vima. On kotors i find the companions we got are very interesting in both games, probably more so then the major characters.

And lets face it SWTOR is more about revan then it is about luke or vader. naturaly poeple speak to that, just saying.

Do people make Revan more then it is? certainly, but lets not dissmiss his role and importance.

Edited by Spartanik
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Maybe i explain myself poorly.

In wich time revan was able to warn the republic or the council?

He was looking for the sith empire , and the time he found it he was brainwashed by the emperor, he and malak a like.... great flaw in your argumnet there. He just fell to the dark side over night. It was the sith emperor that dominated his Mind. Maybe you should check you lore, read the book Revan if you must, instead on leaning on others like a sheep. Think fot yourself for once.

You show your ignorance, in not mentioning that The council only replaced his memories, when bastilla group capture him, after Revan and malak RETURN from The sith empire regions conquering the republic, at that time obvious he had already fell by the sith emperor hands mind you It wasnt the mandalorian wars that make revan fell to the dark side, the book dismiss that, in the Kotor games it was always an assumption, it change him off course like war change poeple, but didnt make him fell to the dark side.


You know what i find idiotic and fanboyism is to make the exile more then it was at expense of distorted lore.

Exile being or not more cooler then revan it is a matter of opinion, if you must know i have other characters that i find much more cooler then those two.

I dont realy care about revan as much as you think, i just find that in this forums there is a current of posts that bash his character for no reason at all.


Oh rayla assume alot of stuff alot of time its not a suprise there.

well i recall is the mention of darth traya and teh jedi civil war noothing about the jedi order


After Malak had been defeated, Bastila, like most other citizens of the Republic, had hoped

to enjoy many decades of peace. Instead, a group of rogue Jedi had broken away from the

Order, plunging the galaxy once more into civil war.

Led by a woman named Kreia, the rogue Jedi turned to the dark side teachings uncovered by

Malak and Revan. Kreia took the name Darth Traya, and her followers called themselves the

Sith after the long-lost species that had invaded the Republic a millennium before. They began

a systemic purge of the galaxy, hunting down those who still held fast to the Jedi Code, killing

them by the tens of thousands. Their relentless pursuit virtually wiped out the Order, and only

those few who managed to flee or hide survived.

Had Revan returned to face this new threat, Bastila would have eagerly fought by his side.

Together they might have been able to quell the uprising, ending it before the horrors of war

enveloped the Republic and millions lost their lives. But she had heard nothing of her husband

since he had set off with Canderous four years earlier.

Alone, she dared not challenge Darth Traya and her followers. Instead, she had focused on

keeping her son alive. It had been the Exile—Meetra Surik—who had taken up the fight against

the rogue Jedi. Three years after Revan’s unsuccessful attempt to locate her, she had emerged

on her own to oppose and eventually defeat Darth Traya. Like Revan before her, she became

the savior of the galaxy. And also as with Revan, there were many who felt her recent actions

could not atone for the sins of her past.

And now this woman—hero to some, villain to so many others—was sitting in the living room

of Bastila’s apartment, patiently waiting for her to finish putting her son to bed.

“He’s asleep,” Bastila said as she returned, speaking softly.

“He’s beautiful,” Meetra answered, adding, “He looks like his father.”

Bastila nodded at the compliment. She wasn’t sure what to make of the woman before her.

Meetra had short brown hair, pale white skin, and piercing blue eyes. She was taller than

Bastila, and almost a decade older, though she would still be considered beautiful by any

empirical measure. She possessed a presence and confidence, along with an enviable natural

grace. She was clad in the simple robes of a Jedi Master, but somehow she managed to make

even the drab brown cloth seem stylish.

Foolish as it was, Bastila couldn’t help but feel some hint of jealousy. Meetra had known

Revan long before Bastila; she had answered his call to go to war against the Mandalorians, and

in doing so she became one of his most trusted advisers and closest friends. Bastila knew they

had shared a special bond not unlike that of Padawan and Master. Worst of all, Meetra was an

integral part of Revan’s lost past—a past he had felt compelled to go in search of, even though

it meant leaving his pregnant wife behind.

There is no emotion, there is peace, she thought. The familiar words of the Jedi mantra were

easy to recite, but much more difficult to follow.

“You said we needed to speak,” Bastila said.

“I wasn’t sure if we should come,” Meetra admitted. “I understand this might be difficult for

you. But Tee-Three insisted.” She reached out and patted the little astromech accompanying

her on the head.

The last time Bastila had seen T3-M4 he had been boarding the Ebon Hawk with Revan and

Canderous. Her husband was still missing, but the droid had returned. Clearly he had latched on

to Meetra, following at her heel as he had once followed Revan … one more small detail to feed

Bastila’s irrational jealousy.

“As much as I tried, I couldn’t get him to tell me anything,” Meetra added.

Bastila smiled faintly. “I gave him special instructions the night before he left with Revan. I

told Tee-Three if they ever became separated, he had to come find me. I programmed him so

he wouldn’t tell anyone else what had happened until I heard it first.”

Meetra nodded. “A wise move. We’ve both experienced enough betrayal to understand you

never know whom to trust.”....

and continous without any mention of her rebuilding the jedi order, in fact this all sugests it wa sallmost imediatly after the end of the jedi civil war. The only piece of "lore" we have about the jedi order being rebuilt its what Kreia tell us at malachor In KOTOR2 about our companions.


How about maybe YOU read for a bit? If youd read my spoiler PROPERLY, youd notice i said I THINK it was in the appartment, it is definatly mentioned, and seeming as i finished reading the book for the 4th time yesterday, i know its there somewhere.


Just because the sith emperor brainwashed him doesnt mean revan hadnt allready fell. The emperor found it easier to manipulate revan and malak because they had allready fell. If you read the revan novel, then you would know that revan wiped his own mind of his experience with the emperor, freeing himself from the emperors control, and was STILL DARK.

To be honest, i dont like using the revan novel as an argument between revan and the exile, because.... Drew Karpyshyn litterally Shat on the exiles character, ruining any fanbase that were not truly loyal, ruining her character to any new people. In this book she was as inportant as visas, or the handmaiden. Wait... No.... More like the useless droid G0-t0, the pathetic droid weve all got to know and love.... ;)

And its not the only lore we have to go on.....

(Occ: As a little side note, ppl know the handmaiden was a canon companion right? Both mical and her tagged with the exile.)

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Wow really? would have thought you'd know better than that.


Revan fans in the hundreds have spent years on these forums completely disregarding any facts put forth to them including canonical ones, simply for the sake of arguing that Revan was a much more powerful force user than he ever was, with comparisons made to Luke, Vader and Sidious every other thread, some of us don;t like seeing our beloved universe spat on in such a way and the occasional wishing death on Lucas just because of the canonisation of Sidious and Luke as most powerful of their respectful orders.


Revan fanboys had there fun, some of us got bitter and simply annoyed in the mean time at the complete and utter hijacking of this entire section, now we simply hate the mention of the name Revan and everything he stands for due to the sheer amount of Revan fanboyism over the years.


If you really want the people to blame for all of this, the Revan fanboys themselves are the sole reason for all of it.


I would still have Revan as one half of my favourite all time Star Wars characters if it wasn't for all of that.


Whats up with the purple writing, dark portrait and sith signature?

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well honestly i cant talk to that. But you cant make people to stop enjoying revan or the Kotors 1 and 2 above the rest of the Star wars universe, they are entitled to that. As other people are entitled to like the the movies and the rest of EU more. I myself i like the Old republic era much more then the rest on EU of lukes and vaders time.

I find exar kun way more cooler, then sidious, or vader, i like quel droma full story and how he was" redeemed" by Vima. On kotors i find the companions we got are very interesting in both games, probably more so then the major characters.

And lets face it SWTOR is more about revan then it is about luke or vader. naturaly poeple speak to that, just saying.

Do people make Revan more then it is? certainly, but lets not dissmiss his role and importance.


I have no quarrel at all with liking Revan or KotOR, like whatever you want, it is when what I wrote above happens, that I have an extremely defensive stance on the matter.


Funny thing is, I will for example express my opinion on the matter, five seconds later I get labelled a 'fanboy' of the Exile, for expressing my opinion just like them, big difference is I don't use my opinion as fact and I also actually use wholly canon facts to back up my argument.

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I'm an altoholic RPer, go figure. xD


Hehe, I have so many characters at the moment I have go stay neutral as it is.... Right Noe i have:

A sage,

A commando

A shadow

A sentinel

A sorcerer

A sniper

A juggernaught

And a gunslinger....

Lol..... XD

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Wow really? would have thought you'd know better than that.


Revan fans in the hundreds have spent years on these forums completely disregarding any facts put forth to them including canonical ones, simply for the sake of arguing that Revan was a much more powerful force user than he ever was, with comparisons made to Luke, Vader and Sidious every other thread, some of us don;t like seeing our beloved universe spat on in such a way and the occasional wishing death on Lucas just because of the canonisation of Sidious and Luke as most powerful of their respectful orders.


Revan fanboys had there fun, some of us got bitter and simply annoyed in the mean time at the complete and utter hijacking of this entire section, now we simply hate the mention of the name Revan and everything he stands for due to the sheer amount of Revan fanboyism over the years.


If you really want the people to blame for all of this, the Revan fanboys themselves are the sole reason for all of it.


I would still have Revan as one half of my favourite all time Star Wars characters if it wasn't for all of that.


I can understand that, but there's always fan's that take things too far and ignoring them is the best option. I wouldn't let a bunch of over enthusiastic fan's ruin my fondness of a character, don't let them control what you like and don't like. Also not all fanboys are like that, so don't blame all of them. =/


Edit: By that last part I mean Revan fanboys, as I'm not above admiting I fangasm all over the place whenever Revan's doing something, but I know he's not perfect and all powerful. =/

Edited by Airmo
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I think Meetra was an awesome character. I guess if you think about it (although my initial reaction was it sucks) her death and story after that are actually pretty cool she spends 200 years protecting Revan keeping him alive until someone comes to free him from the emperor. Edited by RTCBrad
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I think Meetra was an awesome character. I guess if you think about it (although my initial reaction was it sucks) her death and story after that are actually pretty cool she spends 200 years protecting Revan keeping him alive until someone comes to free him from the emperor.


Yeah, that is a prime example of comitment right there.


Though her existence a a force ghost confuses me still....she was a living cancer in the force, the force was pretty much dead in her. Should she have just stopped existing after her poorly written death.

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I for one wish Revan would have died in the Novel in the same way Meetra did . I for one would have been happy with his dieing like that and not be on here constantly crying over every little small factor anyone can bring up .


Cry Mara Jade is dead

Cry Chewy is dead

Cry Meetra is dead

Cry Jacen is dead..............oh wait Jacen Fan's were grownups who are not crying over his death or atleast not on these forums


Maybe I say this because in the end I like "StarWars" and really could care less if they killed everyone off in one 5 page comic book and started over.


I liked Meetra but its because she was apart of the KotoR storyline , but in the end her nor Revan should be bigger than the StarWars universe and it is sad that the fandom of any character would go into a crying state over there character forum after forum .

Satele Shan is the current Hero of TOR , stop your crying over Meetra ..........really.


As for Revan , people who hate him mention him more than the people who like him . I never seen things so out of wack , its funny and laughable these attachments with ficton characters to the point of going on warpaths of revenge to those who would write endings and deaths to those characters . Immature and signs people need Lives .


Be happy someone wrote something about her because she has been pretty dead in the water story wise till Drew picked it up and made her and Revan look like children to the over all story of the (TOR) Emperor and the TOR storyline.

I promise when you wake up 10years from now most of you will saddly be crying about yet to be created characters . Who knows , some of you will be crying about how Satele Shan is finally ended .


KotoR2 was a sequal to KotoR , it was not original and was only "supposedly better" because it was a Sequal . I am happy it came out because it furthered the fan base for Old Republic stories and now TOR .

Lets let Revan and Meetra die and stop being emo children , they are ""JUST"" Characters !

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  • 3 months later...

meetra surik is one of the most powerful to come along and had some amazing powers due to her unique situation of being cut off from the force. on paper it seems easily said that she is far cooler than revan. however, revan is unique in that, due to his mind being dominated turning him to the darkside, he is one of the few characters(only? not sure) of the EU that not only has experienced both sides, but actively embraces them both, in ideology and combat. both of their characters are about just as cool story wise, after all, one is the heart of the force, the other was potentially the death of the force. however, imho, i personally agree with revans philosophies and battle techniques

more. they are both very awesome and powerful characters, however, if anyone has even the slightest thought after reading the revan novel(as someone in another thread appears to. i still dont believe he has actually read the revan novel) that meetra could have slight chance at defeating revan 1v1...well i think you may need your head checked out. or you just cant read. one of the two. however, i will stress again that they are both extremely cool, and despite my personal opinions on the matter, and who is more powerful, it would be a great debate(as we have seen) on who is "cooler". Revan and meetra both are some of the most powerful characters in all of star wars. imho revan is probably the most powerful(in that, if he is not more powerful than the person he is facing, he will figure out some way to beat them). yes i respect that lucas himself has said that luke and sidious are the most powerful above all of the EU. but honestly i stopped paying attention to lucas and pretty much the entire movie saga after the special edition. so in EU, i claim revan to be the most "naturally powerful" force user to come along. that is in the EU mind you, and the most powerful naturally, not by some dark ritual to eat souls or something(a la nihilous/vitiate). although im sure you could canonically prove this false, it would be very difficult since you cant actually put two people against each other. yes the old republic era is much much much more interesting than the movie eras, and the lore and characters become so much more developed than the movie characters ever could be due to the restrictions of them being the movie characters. im a revan fanboi because, yes kotor is still my favorite video game of all time. but also because i feel like revan is the first one in the star wars universe to finally get it right. no he himself isnt perfect, but in my mind his philosophies are. the dark and the light are intertwined more than you know. i always wondered when i was young why there were good guys and bad guys and why there werent any in-between, perhaps one that believed that both the sith and the jedi got some things right. (yes there are neutral force organizations and such in star wars lore but they still have their own ways of thinking. revan in the first that i have yet to find something i disagree with him on.)


revan fanbois ftw:hope_02:


TL;DR: revan>meetra in power--revan=meetra in coolness(arguments can be made either way)--revan is in top 5 at least of the EU(#1 if you ask me). Revan fanbois ftw.


i did not look at the dates so this is prob a huge necro but i dont think people will care too much.

Edited by Jedikillar
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The Whole Story of KOTOR 1 is cleaning up the Main Characters Mess!


In KOTOR 2, the exile was exiled, hence the name, by the Jedi Order because of her power and was pretty much stripped away of her abilites. She had to regain abilities because she was the only who could stop the Sith Triumvirate. No lie, she literally was the ONLY one because of her resistance to Sever Force and her ability to Sever Force she was the only one in the galaxy to take on Nihilus.


She was a fallen Soldier who was like the only one to return to the council to face her "consequences" instead of falling to the dakrness with the rest.


Unlike the story of Revan where he made his apprentice, Darth Malak a near equal to him and was betrayed by him after wreaking havoc on the entire Galaxy as a Sith Lord. And then he got his memory wiped, cliche much, and was the only to reverse his own mess.

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The Whole Story of KOTOR 1 is cleaning up the Main Characters Mess!


In KOTOR 2, the exile was exiled, hence the name, by the Jedi Order because of her power and was pretty much stripped away of her abilites. She had to regain abilities because she was the only who could stop the Sith Triumvirate. No lie, she literally was the ONLY one because of her resistance to Sever Force and her ability to Sever Force she was the only one in the galaxy to take on Nihilus.


She was a fallen Soldier who was like the only one to return to the council to face her "consequences" instead of falling to the dakrness with the rest.


Unlike the story of Revan where he made his apprentice, Darth Malak a near equal to him and was betrayed by him after wreaking havoc on the entire Galaxy as a Sith Lord. And then he got his memory wiped, cliche much, and was the only to reverse his own mess.



thats quite a simplified version, and quite a deatailed description, of kotor 1 and 2 respectively. revan did have to clean up his own mess. after he got mind controlled by an emperor empowered by the souls of thousands of sith lords. and he hardly made malak his equal. malak thought he was. but malak, even when he could draw on the power of the star forge to make himself nearly invincible, was still hardly a challenge for revan. hell, if you want to talk gameplay wise, my revan actually would have destroyed malak on the leviathan in most of my playthroughs were it not for bastila doing her dumb *****. but this is story so...again, arguments can be made either way for coolness. i go with revan, others with the exile. but power wise its not contest.

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thats quite a simplified version, and quite a deatailed description, of kotor 1 and 2 respectively. revan did have to clean up his own mess. after he got mind controlled by an emperor empowered by the souls of thousands of sith lords. and he hardly made malak his equal. malak thought he was. but malak, even when he could draw on the power of the star forge to make himself nearly invincible, was still hardly a challenge for revan. hell, if you want to talk gameplay wise, my revan actually would have destroyed malak on the leviathan in most of my playthroughs were it not for bastila doing her dumb *****. but this is story so...again, arguments can be made either way for coolness. i go with revan, others with the exile. but power wise its not contest.


Okay you list the CANON, not character statements or gameplay mechanics, CANON abilities Revan has, I'll do the same for Meetra Surik:


Force Enlightenment, this gave her a far far deeper understanding of the Light Side of the force than any other Jedi in her time, she had mastered the Light Side and all of it's abilities completely by the end of KotOR II.


Force Sever, she could sever a person from the force, she originally did it to herself, because the only alternative was the call of the Dark Side, but she knew too well what that would mean and was learned enough to resist the call, instead she severed herself from it, it was only at the end of the events of KotOR II that she finally used the power, on Darth Traya which was symbolised by cutting off her remaining hand.


Force Whirlwind, anyone who has seen the Hope trailer will know what this is, when Shan blasted Malgus through the mountain, well Surik was a full master of this ability.


Force Precognition, Echani Battle Precognition and Force Awareness, all of these were abilities she learnt and harnessed, making her completely aware of all situations.


Mind reading, she learnt how to sense another's thoughts, but at the same time she learnt how to block out another's ability to do this, giving her an immediate advantage.


Battle Meditation, she had quite a strong ability with Battle meditation, so strong she did not even have to concentrate to do it, she knew Moving Battle Meditation, meaning it was constant, giving her another advantage, because she enhanced herself and all of her abilities.


She also had the knowledge and skill of every Jedi Master she encountered who trained her on her journey, all of them stating they were impressed at how quickly she had mastered the forms, the ones we know she learnt were Shii-Cho, Ataru and Soresu.


All of this was further enhanced by her lightsaber crystal, it greatly magnified her already extremely powerful abilities in the light side.


All of this was emphasised at the Trayus Academy, when she single-handedly invaded it and cut down almost all the remnants of the Sith Order including Sith Lords, Marauders, Dark Jedi, Apprentices and more, around a hundred of them.


Then she proceeded to duel Darth Sion multiple times until she had beaten him so completely that she even used Dun Moch, a strictly Dark Side variant of it and convinced him to let go of his Rage and simply die(this is a Sith Lord who had been hunting down and killing Jedi since the Exar Kun Wars almost forty years earlier).


Then she faced the architect herself, Darth Traya, the master of the Exile, Sion, Nihilus and Revan. Some don't quite understand her powerful Traya was, she had all the knowledge of the Lightsaber forms, all the knowledge of the force in it's entirety, all the knowledge of the Jedi Order, the Sith and all parts inbetween.


She was no push over, especially at the heart of the Trayus Core, the center of a Dark Side Nexus that fed and empowered all Dark Side users on the planet, including all those in the Trayus Academy, it also dampened the power of the Light Side of the Force.


Still she cut down Traya and the three Lightsabers she had to fight and cut down, then used Sever Force on Traya herself, after this Traya stated that the Exile was the greatest student she had ever trained, this is including Sion, Nihilus and more importantly Revan.


Your turn and remember, canonical abilities, not conjecture, gameplay mechanics and character statements that carry little weight in of themselves.

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Okay you list the CANON, not character statements or gameplay mechanics, CANON abilities Revan has, I'll do the same for Meetra Surik:


Force Enlightenment, this gave her a far far deeper understanding of the Light Side of the force than any other Jedi in her time, she had mastered the Light Side and all of it's abilities completely by the end of KotOR II.


Wasn't this just a gameplay mechanic?


Force Sever, she could sever a person from the force, she originally did it to herself, because the only alternative was the call of the Dark Side, but she knew too well what that would mean and was learned enough to resist the call, instead she severed herself from it, it was only at the end of the events of KotOR II that she finally used the power, on Darth Traya which was symbolised by cutting off her remaining hand.

Oh yes the god mode sut ability


Force Whirlwind, anyone who has seen the Hope trailer will know what this is, when Shan blasted Malgus through the mountain, well Surik was a full master of this ability.


I don't remember seeing malgus suspended in the air and twirling about, I think that was just a really powerful push.. but I could be wrong, you have a source or are you just assuming?


Force Precognition, Echani Battle Precognition and Force Awareness, all of these were abilities she learnt and harnessed, making her completely aware of all situations.


Revan had these as well as I recall, or at least the Handmaiden says.


Mind reading, she learnt how to sense another's thoughts, but at the same time she learnt how to block out another's ability to do this, giving her an immediate advantage.


All jedi do this. Actually I'm pretty sure any trained force user does this


Battle Meditation, she had quite a strong ability with Battle meditation, so strong she did not even have to concentrate to do it, she knew Moving Battle Meditation, meaning it was constant, giving her another advantage, because she enhanced herself and all of her abilities.


She also had the knowledge and skill of every Jedi Master she encountered who trained her on her journey, all of them stating they were impressed at how quickly she had mastered the forms, the ones we know she learnt were Shii-Cho, Ataru and Soresu.


She was god mode sueing all over the place wasn't she? Which Revan did as well, considering he did the same with all his masters


All of this was further enhanced by her lightsaber crystal, it greatly magnified her already extremely powerful abilities in the light side.


Where is this stated in canon?


All of this was emphasised at the Trayus Academy, when she single-handedly invaded it and cut down almost all the remnants of the Sith Order including Sith Lords, Marauders, Dark Jedi, Apprentices and more, around a hundred of them.


That was all gameplay, unless you can point out a source.


Then she proceeded to duel Darth Sion multiple times until she had beaten him so completely that she even used Dun Moch, a strictly Dark Side variant of it and convinced him to let go of his Rage and simply die(this is a Sith Lord who had been hunting down and killing Jedi since the Exar Kun Wars almost forty years earlier).


I'd like to know more about this Dun Moch thing you say she used, and a source.


Then she faced the architect herself, Darth Traya, the master of the Exile, Sion, Nihilus and Revan. Some don't quite understand her powerful Traya was, she had all the knowledge of the Lightsaber forms, all the knowledge of the force in it's entirety, all the knowledge of the Jedi Order, the Sith and all parts inbetween.


Think you might be over exaggerating. If she had all the knowledge she would be unstoppable or immortal like Vitiate. Obviously she couldn't know everything, but I'll give you she knew a lot..


She was no push over, especially at the heart of the Trayus Core, the center of a Dark Side Nexus that fed and empowered all Dark Side users on the planet, including all those in the Trayus Academy, it also dampened the power of the Light Side of the Force.


Still she cut down Traya and the three Lightsabers she had to fight and cut down, then used Sever Force on Traya herself, after this Traya stated that the Exile was the greatest student she had ever trained, this is including Sion, Nihilus and more importantly Revan.


Because I'm sure she knew exactly how powerful Revan was at the time. And wasn't making that statement through her own warped views.


Your turn and remember, canonical abilities, not conjecture, gameplay mechanics and character statements that carry little weight in of themselves.


Because everything you said was 100% canon.. Uh-huh.


Fangasming all over The Exile.

Edited by Airmo
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Okay you list the CANON, not character statements or gameplay mechanics, CANON abilities Revan has, I'll do the same for Meetra Surik:


Force Enlightenment, this gave her a far far deeper understanding of the Light Side of the force than any other Jedi in her time, she had mastered the Light Side and all of it's abilities completely by the end of KotOR II.


Force Sever, she could sever a person from the force, she originally did it to herself, because the only alternative was the call of the Dark Side, but she knew too well what that would mean and was learned enough to resist the call, instead she severed herself from it, it was only at the end of the events of KotOR II that she finally used the power, on Darth Traya which was symbolised by cutting off her remaining hand.


Force Whirlwind, anyone who has seen the Hope trailer will know what this is, when Shan blasted Malgus through the mountain, well Surik was a full master of this ability.


Force Precognition, Echani Battle Precognition and Force Awareness, all of these were abilities she learnt and harnessed, making her completely aware of all situations.


Mind reading, she learnt how to sense another's thoughts, but at the same time she learnt how to block out another's ability to do this, giving her an immediate advantage.


Battle Meditation, she had quite a strong ability with Battle meditation, so strong she did not even have to concentrate to do it, she knew Moving Battle Meditation, meaning it was constant, giving her another advantage, because she enhanced herself and all of her abilities.


She also had the knowledge and skill of every Jedi Master she encountered who trained her on her journey, all of them stating they were impressed at how quickly she had mastered the forms, the ones we know she learnt were Shii-Cho, Ataru and Soresu.


All of this was further enhanced by her lightsaber crystal, it greatly magnified her already extremely powerful abilities in the light side.


All of this was emphasised at the Trayus Academy, when she single-handedly invaded it and cut down almost all the remnants of the Sith Order including Sith Lords, Marauders, Dark Jedi, Apprentices and more, around a hundred of them.


Then she proceeded to duel Darth Sion multiple times until she had beaten him so completely that she even used Dun Moch, a strictly Dark Side variant of it and convinced him to let go of his Rage and simply die(this is a Sith Lord who had been hunting down and killing Jedi since the Exar Kun Wars almost forty years earlier).


Then she faced the architect herself, Darth Traya, the master of the Exile, Sion, Nihilus and Revan. Some don't quite understand her powerful Traya was, she had all the knowledge of the Lightsaber forms, all the knowledge of the force in it's entirety, all the knowledge of the Jedi Order, the Sith and all parts inbetween.


She was no push over, especially at the heart of the Trayus Core, the center of a Dark Side Nexus that fed and empowered all Dark Side users on the planet, including all those in the Trayus Academy, it also dampened the power of the Light Side of the Force.


Still she cut down Traya and the three Lightsabers she had to fight and cut down, then used Sever Force on Traya herself, after this Traya stated that the Exile was the greatest student she had ever trained, this is including Sion, Nihilus and more importantly Revan.


Your turn and remember, canonical abilities, not conjecture, gameplay mechanics and character statements that carry little weight in of themselves.


lets see here...revan could have done all of that except for nihilous, and i think he could have found some way to deal with that, it just would have been much more difficult since he cant cut himself off from the force. also, i must add, did i miss something in that i never heard of the exile having the ability to cut others off from the force, only that she instinctively did it after malachor V. again, both her and revan are extremely cool and well developed characters. its an impossible debate to win which one is cooler. i prefer revan because he has an awesome mask(yes there are many other reasons, i.e: his philosiphies and using both the dark and the light in combat). however when it comes to raw power, yes meetra has some special things from cutting herself off from the force that revan doesnt. but meetra, as powerful as she is, with the help of a powerful sith lord who went on to become the immortal emperors wrath, couldnt even get an attack off on a member of the dark council, who revan did the yoda thingy he did in ep 2 against dooku with her lightning and just disintegrated her easily. i suppose i do have to add in though that technically our characters in swtor are supposedly more powerful than either of them...and i hate to mention it but the movie characters(luke, sidious, vader, maybe obi wan and yoda) are according to lucas(though ive been ignoring him since special edition) are more powerful than revan, meetra, or our characters in swtor. it kinda saddens me to know that a guy who can barely move and breathes heavy just from standing still can supposedly beat revan/meetra/our characters easy.

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Fangasming all over The Exile.


Do you read ANY canon sourcebooks or... ? playing KotOR 1&2 doesn't qualify you to refute statements, if you don't even have an adequate knowledge of the sourcebook itself.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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