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Meetra Surik(The Exile) Cooler than revan IMO


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lets see here...revan could have done all of that except for nihilous, and i think he could have found some way to deal with that, it just would have been much more difficult since he cant cut himself off from the force. also, i must add, did i miss something in that i never heard of the exile having the ability to cut others off from the force, only that she instinctively did it after malachor V. again, both her and revan are extremely cool and well developed characters. its an impossible debate to win which one is cooler. i prefer revan because he has an awesome mask(yes there are many other reasons, i.e: his philosiphies and using both the dark and the light in combat). however when it comes to raw power, yes meetra has some special things from cutting herself off from the force that revan doesnt. but meetra, as powerful as she is, with the help of a powerful sith lord who went on to become the immortal emperors wrath, couldnt even get an attack off on a member of the dark council, who revan did the yoda thingy he did in ep 2 against dooku with her lightning and just disintegrated her easily. i suppose i do have to add in though that technically our characters in swtor are supposedly more powerful than either of them...and i hate to mention it but the movie characters(luke, sidious, vader, maybe obi wan and yoda) are according to lucas(though ive been ignoring him since special edition) are more powerful than revan, meetra, or our characters in swtor. it kinda saddens me to know that a guy who can barely move and breathes heavy just from standing still can supposedly beat revan/meetra/our characters easy.


You posted a wall of text and only a few sentences in I realised that nope, you simply can't do it, you can't even source his abilities.

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She got cast out of the order for doing the right thing(must of made her mad but she dident turn)

All of her friends from the mandalorian wars either were killed or fell to the darkside

(she still did not turn)

Darth Traya Bombarted her mind posing as a jedi master to trick her,teaching her Sith teachings instead of making her darkside they just made her a Grey force user like revan


and finaly she single handley rebuilds the jedi order while revan is busy hunting sith lords I mean why evreyone hate this girl she was awsome!


(although in the games you can be full darkside they made a book that canonized what happens, She was lightside but was pissed at jedi a female and named Meetra surik)


She was a pawn for Kreia in the whole game. She didn't rebuild the Jedi order, her companions did not her. Remember she left for Revan. Revan was bigger than her so much that she lefted for him. She didn't do anything single handlily so please don't make her stronger than she was. Lore says otherwise and she is never listed in top star wars polls or in encyclopedias.


Revan was saving the galaxy way longer than Exile. He did after her death.



Exile had no powers of her own. She just temporily drained others of their powers. Once she stopped draining others fo force powers, she was ordinary.


Exile didn't do anything memorable and not even mention in Star Wars famous characters. KOTOR2 was great due to updated graphics and some extra levels but missing story. The Sith Lords of the game was best part.

Edited by DarthJopeous
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She was a pawn for Kreia in the whole game. She didn't rebuild the Jedi order, her companions did not her. Remember she left for Revan. Revan was bigger than her so much that she lefted for him. She didn't do anything single handlily so please don't make her stronger than she was. Lore says otherwise and she is never listed in top star wars polls or in encyclopedias.


Revan was saving the galaxy way longer than Exile. He did after her death.



Exile had no powers of her own. She just temporily drained others of their powers. Once she stopped draining others fo force powers, she was ordinary.


Exile didn't do anything memorable and not even mention in Star Wars famous characters. KOTOR2 was great due to updated graphics and some extra levels but missing story. The Sith Lords of the game was best part.


First we have subjective Revan praise and then we have flatly falsified information, care to post anything factual or?

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She was a pawn for Kreia in the whole game. She didn't rebuild the Jedi order, her companions did not her. Remember she left for Revan. Revan was bigger than her so much that she lefted for him. She didn't do anything single handlily so please don't make her stronger than she was. Lore says otherwise and she is never listed in top star wars polls or in encyclopedias.


Revan was saving the galaxy way longer than Exile. He did after her death.



Exile had no powers of her own. She just temporily drained others of their powers. Once she stopped draining others fo force powers, she was ordinary.


Exile didn't do anything memorable and not even mention in Star Wars famous characters. KOTOR2 was great due to updated graphics and some extra levels but missing story. The Sith Lords of the game was best part.


I dont want you to be mad,But She did rebuild the order and she not only regained her power but became even stronger with the help of kreia,she is listed in lore but the entire point of this thread is about how blacked out she really is.More powerful then revan? those words were never typed by my hands deserving of reconigition to old republic fans are more my intention. the reason shes so hard to find in lore is they decided her ordeal was not recorded by the jedi,it was a completely unknown a event.Keep in mind in kotor 2 the Jedi are in dissaray and very few remain.this thread turned into REVAN COOL,NO EXILE COOL thread and i should of known better in thinking people could have civil discussions(some of you have and i praise you for it)

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First we have subjective Revan praise and then we have flatly falsified information, care to post anything factual or?


Despite how nerdy you are,you are indeed the king of old republic lore and have brought more info into this then any other,i mark you Winner of this thread GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR:)

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meetra surik is one of the most powerful to come along and had some amazing powers due to her unique situation of being cut off from the force. on paper it seems easily said that she is far cooler than revan. however, revan is unique in that, due to his mind being dominated turning him to the darkside, he is one of the few characters(only? not sure) of the EU that not only has experienced both sides, but actively embraces them both, in ideology and combat. both of their characters are about just as cool story wise, after all, one is the heart of the force, the other was potentially the death of the force. however, imho, i personally agree with revans philosophies and battle techniques

more. they are both very awesome and powerful characters, however, if anyone has even the slightest thought after reading the revan novel(as someone in another thread appears to. i still dont believe he has actually read the revan novel) that meetra could have slight chance at defeating revan 1v1...well i think you may need your head checked out. or you just cant read. one of the two. however, i will stress again that they are both extremely cool, and despite my personal opinions on the matter, and who is more powerful, it would be a great debate(as we have seen) on who is "cooler". Revan and meetra both are some of the most powerful characters in all of star wars. imho revan is probably the most powerful(in that, if he is not more powerful than the person he is facing, he will figure out some way to beat them). yes i respect that lucas himself has said that luke and sidious are the most powerful above all of the EU. but honestly i stopped paying attention to lucas and pretty much the entire movie saga after the special edition. so in EU, i claim revan to be the most "naturally powerful" force user to come along. that is in the EU mind you, and the most powerful naturally, not by some dark ritual to eat souls or something(a la nihilous/vitiate). although im sure you could canonically prove this false, it would be very difficult since you cant actually put two people against each other. yes the old republic era is much much much more interesting than the movie eras, and the lore and characters become so much more developed than the movie characters ever could be due to the restrictions of them being the movie characters. im a revan fanboi because, yes kotor is still my favorite video game of all time. but also because i feel like revan is the first one in the star wars universe to finally get it right. no he himself isnt perfect, but in my mind his philosophies are. the dark and the light are intertwined more than you know. i always wondered when i was young why there were good guys and bad guys and why there werent any in-between, perhaps one that believed that both the sith and the jedi got some things right. (yes there are neutral force organizations and such in star wars lore but they still have their own ways of thinking. revan in the first that i have yet to find something i disagree with him on.)


revan fanbois ftw:hope_02:


TL;DR: revan>meetra in power--revan=meetra in coolness(arguments can be made either way)--revan is in top 5 at least of the EU(#1 if you ask me). Revan fanbois ftw.


i did not look at the dates so this is prob a huge necro but i dont think people will care too much.


You forgot to say "Rise. RISE. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" when you necro'd this thread. :p

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She was a pawn for Kreia in the whole game. She didn't rebuild the Jedi order, her companions did not her. Remember she left for Revan. Revan was bigger than her so much that she lefted for him. She didn't do anything single handlily so please don't make her stronger than she was. Lore says otherwise and she is never listed in top star wars polls or in encyclopedias.


Revan was saving the galaxy way longer than Exile. He did after her death.



Exile had no powers of her own. She just temporily drained others of their powers. Once she stopped draining others fo force powers, she was ordinary.


Exile didn't do anything memorable and not even mention in Star Wars famous characters. KOTOR2 was great due to updated graphics and some extra levels but missing story. The Sith Lords of the game was best part.



well while i agree that revan was stronger(that much is obvious, the exile has some special things about her, and she did quite a few memorable things(including saving revans behind when he was a prisoner for 3 years...). she is an amazing character, they both are, and both are very well devloped.


on a side note, yes i could go through all sorts of things and do a list of revans abilities, but its really not worth it. imho, this is not worth arguing over. revan is stronger, but as for which one is cooler thats up for debate though i dont think its worth debating over. off the top of my head though...




Thought Bomb: an ancient sith ritual that even Darth Bane was afraid to use. Who knows how many other sith rituals he knows as well(yes his memory was wiped, but as you learn in the novel, his memory has slowly been coming back to him, and when he gets his mask back, he suddenly gets a flood of his old memories back)


Force Storm: A lot of Revan fans seem to quote this as one of his signature abilities, though i haven't heard of him actually using it in any battle canonically, and in the games both meetra and revan can learn this, though it seems unlikely either of them actually would(revan might he seems to like abilities from both dark and light, but i doubt meetra would though she could).


Lightsaber Combat: Meetra knows all the forms from observing them and her special learning power ofc, but from my understanding, revan is a master lightsaber duelist who has yet to actually be defeated in a lightsaber battle.


Force Deflection/Absorbtion: Cant remember what this is actually called, think it starts with a "T" but its the thing Yoda does in episode 2 with count dookus lightning. due to her learning power, she could in theory actually learn this as well, or may even already know it, but she has not demonstrated a successful attempt at this, where as revan has.


Telekinesis: obviously they both can do this but somewhere i thought i read revan was like a prodigy at it or something. dont quote me on that, again im just doing these off the top of my head, but i think i read that.


Twin Disciples: Revan is unique in that he can channel both the light and the dark simultaneously to produce unique and devastating effects.


Strategy: Finally, Revan is a strategic genius. Meetra is good at strategies, but there is a reason Revan lead and she was merely his most trusted general.


those are just(some) his abilities that i can think of off the top of my head... now on to the more important part:


I'm 100% certain, that many people, including Mandalore the Preserver and many jedi masters have said things along the lines of what Meetra Surik herself said: "Another powerful Jedi, Meetra Surik, particularly noted that Revan's command of the Force was greater than that of anyone else she had ever met."......she said it herself..., as well as many others saying things such as him being the greatest warrior of the age, and he was able to defeat Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat. Many sources describe him as being the most gifted in the force of his time...meetra is in his time...


we can argue all we want, but meetra agrees with me.

Edited by Jedikillar
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Thought Bomb: an ancient sith ritual that even Darth Bane was afraid to use. Who knows how many other sith rituals he knows as well(yes his memory was wiped, but as you learn in the novel, his memory has slowly been coming back to him, and when he gets his mask back, he suddenly gets a flood of his old memories back).


Revan did not create this ritual, he just uncovered it, he never used it and we know he couldn't single-handedly.


Force Storm: A lot of Revan fans seem to quote this as one of his signature abilities, though i haven't heard of him actually using it in any battle canonically, and in the games both meetra and revan can learn this, though it seems unlikely either of them actually would(revan might he seems to like abilities from both dark and light, but i doubt meetra would though she could).


Neither of them are canonically sourced as using this ability, this is simply a game mechanic.


Lightsaber Combat: Meetra knows all the forms from observing them and her special learning power ofc, but from my understanding, revan is a master lightsaber duelist who has yet to actually be defeated in a lightsaber battle.


He did out-duel Darth Malak, that is impressive, as he is listed as one of the best duellists of his time, but what that is compared to, I don't know, Surik also out-duelled Sion, who had been killing Jedi for forty years, so I would suggest they must be somewhere on an even level.


Force Deflection/Absorbtion: Cant remember what this is actually called, think it starts with a "T" but its the thing Yoda does in episode 2 with count dookus lightning. due to her learning power, she could in theory actually learn this as well, or may even already know it, but she has not demonstrated a successful attempt at this, where as revan has.


Tutaminis, an absorption ability, what you need to remember, is that Nyriss was caught entirely off-guard, mid-move, she never stood a chance and Surik only attempted to block this and failed, despite the fact the canon has said she was a master with shielding techniques, but anyway.


Telekinesis: obviously they both can do this but somewhere i thought i read revan was like a prodigy at it or something. dont quote me on that, again im just doing these off the top of my head, but i think i read that.


We have never seen Revan use Telekinesis beyond what we see any other force user do.


Twin Disciples: Revan is unique in that he can channel both the light and the dark simultaneously to produce unique and devastating effects.


He achieved oneness with the force, he could not use both sides of the force simultaneously, he was a predominantly light side user, but when situations were intense, he could call on the Dark Side, anybody could do this, Anakin did it to a much greater degree, only difference is, Revan had actually used the Dark Side before as Darth Revan, so obviously he was rather proficient with it.


Strategy: Finally, Revan is a strategic genius. Meetra is good at strategies, but there is a reason Revan lead and she was merely his most trusted general.


He led because he was the posterboy of the war effort, the Revanchist, but when you read the comics and the sourcebook you come to realsie, all he really did was use mandalorian tactics but with a far far larger manpower source, as well as Force Users, light and dark alike, you also don't seem to know that both Alek(Malak) and Surik won major battles for him as well.


those are just(some) his abilities that i can think of off the top of my head... now on to the more important part:


I'm 100% certain, that many people, including Mandalore the Preserver and many jedi masters have said things along the lines of what Meetra Surik herself said: "Another powerful Jedi, Meetra Surik, particularly noted that Revan's command of the Force was greater than that of anyone else she had ever met."......she said it herself..., as well as many others saying things such as him being the greatest warrior of the age, and he was able to defeat Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat. Many sources describe him as being the most gifted in the force of his time...meetra is in his time...


we can argue all we want, but meetra agrees with me.


Meetra is clearly very biased towards Revan, like every other character of the time, they all bought into the Revanchist shtick, apart from the Jedi Council, whom just saw him as another fallen Jedi, but nowhere near something special, remember forty years earlier they experienced the power of one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time, Exar Kun.


And then we have the fact that those statements are outright false, Lord Vitiate was the most powerful of his time, him and Exar Kun take the cake of that era, not Revan, Revan is actually on par with many others of his time.


Where Revan has a ton of Character statements naming him the most powerful, yade yada, when stacked up against others, his abilities don't seem all that powerful anymore, Nihilus could simply eat him on the spot, Sion could simply keep hacking at him, Surik could sever his connection to the force with a snap of her wrist and Traya could play numerous mind-games.


And there we go.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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it doesnt go against g-canon. the jedi believe that if you even touch the darkside you might as well be a sith. the sith basically believe the same. but there have been many grey despite what these two orders believe. jolee bindo, kreia/traya, etc. Revan used them both simultaneously in his fight with the emperor. normally using just one or the other the emperors attack would have overpowered him, however, using both, they were both staggered some.


however, after playing through kotor 2 again i have changed my mind and agree that meetra is cooler. however, revan is clearly the stronger., though meetra is quite unique and powerful in her own right

Edited by Jedikillar
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it doesnt go against g-canon. the jedi believe that if you even touch the darkside you might as well be a sith. the sith basically believe the same. but there have been many grey despite what these two orders believe. jolee bindo, kreia/traya, etc. Revan used them both simultaneously in his fight with the emperor. normally using just one or the other the emperors attack would have overpowered him, however, using both, they were both staggered some.


however, after playing through kotor 2 again i have changed my mind and agree that meetra is cooler. however, revan is clearly the stronger., though meetra is quite unique and powerful in her own right

Luke knew some DS moves as well as Kyle Katarn.


BTW no such thing as grey.

Edited by BrandonSM
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it doesnt go against g-canon. the jedi believe that if you even touch the darkside you might as well be a sith. the sith basically believe the same. but there have been many grey despite what these two orders believe. jolee bindo, kreia/traya, etc. Revan used them both simultaneously in his fight with the emperor. normally using just one or the other the emperors attack would have overpowered him, however, using both, they were both staggered some.


Yes it does, Lucas has stated that there is only the Force and it's perversion the Dark Side, there is no middle area, you are either letting the force flow through you or you are trying to control it as a weapon, there is no in-between.


Revan did not use both simultaneously, he achieved oneness with the force for a moment, the description Karpyshyn wrote fits perfectly with Oneness, you cannot ignore the evidence.


Also, Jolee Bindo didn't use a 'gray side of the force' he used the Light Side, his mindset was that of a Gray Jedi, the difference is far greater than you seem to realise and Kreia? that is your example? a woman who wreaked havoc on the Jedi, wanted revenge on them for kicking her out, a woman who called herself the Lord of Betrayals, she came to despise the Jedi Order, used the dark Side, and then when she was exiled from the Triumvirate by Sion and Nihilus, she decided she wanted to destroy the force itself, she was a malicious Dark Sider, it is blatantly obvious, yes she advises against savagery and random brutal killing, but any real Sith would state the same, she is a manipulator and a cancer that was to blame for the near destruction of the Republic, Jedi Order and then the Galaxy, at the hands of Darth Nihilus and Sion.

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Yes it does, Lucas has stated that there is only the Force and it's perversion the Dark Side, there is no middle area, you are either letting the force flow through you or you are trying to control it as a weapon, there is no in-between.


Revan did not use both simultaneously, he achieved oneness with the force for a moment, the description Karpyshyn wrote fits perfectly with Oneness, you cannot ignore the evidence.


Also, Jolee Bindo didn't use a 'gray side of the force' he used the Light Side, his mindset was that of a Gray Jedi, the difference is far greater than you seem to realise and Kreia? that is your example? a woman who wreaked havoc on the Jedi, wanted revenge on them for kicking her out, a woman who called herself the Lord of Betrayals, she came to despise the Jedi Order, used the dark Side, and then when she was exiled from the Triumvirate by Sion and Nihilus, she decided she wanted to destroy the force itself, she was a malicious Dark Sider, it is blatantly obvious, yes she advises against savagery and random brutal killing, but any real Sith would state the same, she is a manipulator and a cancer that was to blame for the near destruction of the Republic, Jedi Order and then the Galaxy, at the hands of Darth Nihilus and Sion.


George Lucas is overrated and hardly knows anything about his own universe beyound the movies and the Clone Wars Series, /Thread

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Theres an Exile fanboi/gurl movment growing....soon you'll be as bad as the Revanites.


The reason the revanites are so bad in the first place is because they purposefully ignore canon to put Revan on a far higher pedestal than he actually is, I don't see Exile fans doing that.

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hey dont drag me back into this. i tried to get out by saying that i changed my mind and meetra is cooler, but there is a reason she follows him and is in love with him(not like bastila, you know what i mean, she says it herself).


but revan is more powerful anywhere you look your fighting a very very uphill battle to say that meetra is stronger, despite being cooler.


the book was published and is now just as canon as the sourcebook. just another case of conflicting canon. this is not the example your looking for, move along.


me, and a whole lot of EU fans, have been ignoring lucas since special edition


i wasnt stating that anyone used the "greyside of the force". i was stating that many, revan being probably the greatest example, used both, and believed in some philosiphies of, light and dark. whether or not revan was using them both simoultaneously, i cant say without going back and re-reading that specific part, however, iirc, it says that he released it in its purest form(something meetra has yet to be seen doing...or as far as i know, kyle katarn or luke, or vader, or........)


being a revanite myself, i dont put him higher than he is, i put him in the top 5 at least of EU, and i put about all of the EU ahead of the movies(again, a choice finger to you mr lucas!). As far as im concerned, Meetra is in the top 10 at least of the EU, and quite near the top(ahead of revan) in coolness.


but at least meetra just got to die in the novel. they made revan go crazy and try to kill 97% of the imperial population, using something quite similar to the star forge.

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meetra surik is one of the most powerful to come along and had some amazing powers due to her unique situation of being cut off from the force. on paper it seems easily said that she is far cooler than revan. however, revan is unique in that, due to his mind being dominated turning him to the darkside, he is one of the few characters(only? not sure) of the EU that not only has experienced both sides, but actively embraces them both, in ideology and combat. both of their characters are about just as cool story wise, after all, one is the heart of the force, the other was potentially the death of the force. however, imho, i personally agree with revans philosophies and battle techniques

more. they are both very awesome and powerful characters, however, if anyone has even the slightest thought after reading the revan novel(as someone in another thread appears to. i still dont believe he has actually read the revan novel) that meetra could have slight chance at defeating revan 1v1...well i think you may need your head checked out. or you just cant read. one of the two. however, i will stress again that they are both extremely cool, and despite my personal opinions on the matter, and who is more powerful, it would be a great debate(as we have seen) on who is "cooler". Revan and meetra both are some of the most powerful characters in all of star wars. imho revan is probably the most powerful(in that, if he is not more powerful than the person he is facing, he will figure out some way to beat them). yes i respect that lucas himself has said that luke and sidious are the most powerful above all of the EU. but honestly i stopped paying attention to lucas and pretty much the entire movie saga after the special edition. so in EU, i claim revan to be the most "naturally powerful" force user to come along. that is in the EU mind you, and the most powerful naturally, not by some dark ritual to eat souls or something(a la nihilous/vitiate). although im sure you could canonically prove this false, it would be very difficult since you cant actually put two people against each other. yes the old republic era is much much much more interesting than the movie eras, and the lore and characters become so much more developed than the movie characters ever could be due to the restrictions of them being the movie characters. im a revan fanboi because, yes kotor is still my favorite video game of all time. but also because i feel like revan is the first one in the star wars universe to finally get it right. no he himself isnt perfect, but in my mind his philosophies are. the dark and the light are intertwined more than you know. i always wondered when i was young why there were good guys and bad guys and why there werent any in-between, perhaps one that believed that both the sith and the jedi got some things right. (yes there are neutral force organizations and such in star wars lore but they still have their own ways of thinking. revan in the first that i have yet to find something i disagree with him on.)


revan fanbois ftw:hope_02:


TL;DR: revan>meetra in power--revan=meetra in coolness(arguments can be made either way)--revan is in top 5 at least of the EU(#1 if you ask me). Revan fanbois ftw.


i did not look at the dates so this is prob a huge necro but i dont think people will care too much.


You forgot: HHHHHEEESSSS ALLLLIIVVVEEEEEE When you necro'd this thread.

Edited by Selenial
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Despite how nerdy you are,you are indeed the king of old republic lore and have brought more info into this then any other,i mark you Winner of this thread GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR:)


Rayla Felana is in fact the godess of Canon, pretty good at backing up her points on any discussion.

No matter how much i disagree with her on some matters i know its futile to even think of fighting her on it, she simply doesnt back down.

On the Nerd Topic, i do think she spends her entire time reading up on Star Wars Lore...

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Rayla Felana is in fact the godess of Canon, pretty good at backing up her points on any discussion.

Why thank you.


No matter how much i disagree with her on some matters i know its futile to even think of fighting her on it, she simply doesnt back down.

Unless you prove me dead wrong.


On the Nerd Topic, i do think she spends her entire time reading up on Star Wars Lore...

Not my entire life, but close....:p

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Unless you prove me dead wrong.


Nope, even then you don't give up ;)


Back to the topic at hand, Meetra Surik was pretty much stronger than Revan in almost all aspects.

Her ability to learn others force forms, and lightsaber forms was incredible, her understanding of the force equalled his, and her Force Enlightenment was one of the most powerful abilites ever seen in the EU, and showed her incredible understanding of the force.


Signed - The biggest surik fangirl to ever walk this realm


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Nope, even then you don't give up ;)


Back to the topic at hand, Meetra Surik was pretty much stronger than Revan in almost all aspects.

Her ability to learn others force forms, and lightsaber forms was incredible, her understanding of the force equalled his, and her Force Enlightenment was one of the most powerful abilites ever seen in the EU, and showed her incredible understanding of the force.


Signed - The biggest surik fangirl to ever walk this realm



And just when I thought you were good to debate with, ah well.

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