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FULL resolve yet still getting pulled into fire, getting


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In that very thread the OP stated he was going to test my theory, eager to prove me wrong and has yet to post back. But ya, lets all have everyone streaming video that way if something does happen you can pick apart system specs, client lag etc etc etc etc.


With as buggy as the game is, is it so hard to believe that maybe, just maybe while I am seeing my resolve bar ticking down, server side it hasn't reached 100% yet? But anyway, I know what I have seen, I don't need to prove anything as it wouldn't matter anyway.


I will test it when both me and my friend, who play scoundrel, will be online and in mood to do this. I dont believe this theory, I watched quite a lot operative/scoundrel pvp videos (I am thinking about rolling one;)) and I have never seen something you described, but as I said, I will test it when circumstances will allow it. After all, I still have CC effects worth 600 points to test, so I will probably do this in the same time.


And shameless link to my thread where I ask for video proof that resolve is bugged:



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Don't think roots/snares add to resolve at all. So an operative can fill your resolve with a 4 sec stun, then (if specced into it) can use his 10m snare to root you for the first 2 seconds. Might feel like you got stunned with your resolve on full, you didn't, you are only rooted.


I bet that's what happened.

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The only case I can think of resolve possibly not working is that sometimes when you get knocked down you're stuck in the knocked down animation and can't move even though you're not actaully knocked down. For example if I fall off my speeder I sometimes can't move because the game will show me with my face on the ground even though I'm not actuall knocked down. This isn't a problem with resolve though, just for whatever reason your client thinks you're knocked down even though you're not. You can try to use your CC breaker and the game will inform you "You are not controlled" except you still can't move.
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I tend to believe him on this one. I can't even count the. Umber of times I have been in a full resolve situation where I have been chain stunned, rooted, mezzed, slowed, etc then had siuatiins where my target does not have a full resolve bar and they shrug off pushes, pulls, roots, stuns etc. So for him to say he has encountered this is not only not surprising to me but I have seen no reason to not think what he proposes is happening as well. The resolve system as it stands right now feels broken. And not just a little bit.


I also concur, resolve is broken for me too. It seems to maybe a bug, but doesn't affect everyone, but it is happening.

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Like I said, granted people are confused by how it works. Care to explain having half of a white bar and getting back stabbed (stunned) by either an OP or Scoundrel?


EDIT: And yes it is only those 2 classes I have seen this and if back stab is only one spec, then that would be the one. However, it hasn't happened once, not twice, but a lot through various PVP'ers Just some clarification.



I've played pretty much exclusively PvP since the second week of this game.


I have played the overwhelming majority of that PvP as a level 50 Scrapper Scoundrel.


I have killed tens of thousands of people.


I have killed hundreds or thousands solo in Ilum.


I have terrified an entire server's worth of Imperials.



I have never.




Knocked Down/Stunned/Mezzed -anyone- with a white resolve bar.




























Without saying it's a l2p issue, any Scrapper/Concealment worth his talent points will know how to use his talented root in place of his stun on a target he opens on who has resolve. It's questionable to even open on someone with a white bar. But sometimes it's necessary. If he opened on you with half a resolve bar, he did not knock you down. He may have rooted you and followed that up with a stun when your bar drained.


If you trinketed his root thinking it was a stun, then you made his day a lot easier.


I can't count how many people blow their trinket on a root thinking it's a stun on a daily basis.


At that point, it's game over.


Consider it the Scrapper/Concealment version of fakecasting.

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Learn to recognize animations, stuns have you shaking in place (kinda spazming) these can't be broken, mezes usually make you stand there looking dazed slowly swinging from side to side which will break on damage, roots don't have any animation you just stand there as if you simply stopped moving. Lastly knockdowns ... well you're on the ground, that's pretty damn distinct.


Very important to recognize these since under most circumstances should only break out of stuns. I generally wait out mezes, roots and knockdowns.

Edited by KonstantinT
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same hppens to me all the time, people sayig resolve isnt broken they r just simply and plainly liying.

full resolve bar for me means ****, i get chain cc´d anyway, cannot do ****.

but **** it i have fun anyway and i know i wont be here for long.

i love lightsabers but i love real pvp more and open world pvp EVEN more.

but dont come here saying resolve is working as intended.

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Recipe for creating such a thread:


1. Have only minor knowledge about how resolve work


2. Do not pay attention to your resolve bar


3. Look at your resolve bar AFTER you get stunned/mezzed/pulled/knocked and notice that it is white


4. Start a QQ thread.

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seems to me most people that say that have problems just don't understand how resolve works. every1 i know that does understand it never said it's bugged. there is a resolve guide stickied, read it.



but to sum it up for those of you who seem confused:



the ability that fills your resolve(aka whitebars it) doesn't cancel because you are whitebarred. it is only subsequent post-whitebar CCs that you are immune to. this means that you can be in a stunned state while having full resolve because it is the stun that filled it.


roots and snares do not fill resolve. For some reason people seem to panic when they get rooted and think because they can't walk they must be stunned(not the same)



Powertech and vanguards can talent their grapple to have a root on it. they can effectively use thier grapple to fill your resolve and leave you rooted in the fire to die if you have no escapes.



I've seen many a noob cry "i just got pulled and stunned in the fire with full resolve zomg broken fix plox" when in reality they are just ignorant of the mechanics.





It seems to me that you don't understand what the complaint is. The complaint isnt "well my resolve just filled up while I'm stunned I should be released now". The complaint is "I have a full resolve bar and I just got slowed, stunned, rooted, tossed across the map again. Oh wait I just got it again, damnit its still full and it just happened again. What the ????"

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Did anyone post any proof about resolve not working as intended? I don't recall there being any. "This one time in a warzone" stuff isn't proof of anything except that people in this game don't pay attention or don't understand the crappy system that is resolve.


Yes, resolve is a terrible system compared to say diminishing returns, but it still works correctly.


-Mez: 100 resolve a second

-Stuns: 200 resolve a second

-Knock backs and grapples: 400 resolve regardless of distance

-Resolve caps at 1000


So, until you, or anyone else can post a video with someone with a white bar running around when suddenly, they get stunned, mez'd, knocked back, or grappled then resolve is working as intended.



That would almost be fine IF that worked. I have had countless times where the carrier had little to no resolve and he shrugs off my PT's grapple or they shrug off my Juggs push as if they didn't happen (just to give two small examples).

Edited by Hyfy
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It seems to me that you don't understand what the complaint is. The complaint isnt "well my resolve just filled up while I'm stunned I should be released now". The complaint is "I have a full resolve bar and I just got slowed, stunned, rooted, tossed across the map again. Oh wait I just got it again, damnit its still full and it just happened again. What the ????"


You can be slowed and rooted with white resolve bar. As for "tossed across the map" video or this didnt happen. I have 27 page long thread when I asked for such video, no links yet. You may be first, good luck.


That would almost be fine IF that worked. I have had countless times where the carrier had little to no resolve and he shrugs off my PT's grapple or they shrug off my Juggs push as if they didn't happen.


1. If he has little to no WHITE resolve bar than he is still immune to grapples and push.


2. There is quite a lot of skills in game that make you immune to such effects, like unstoppable, hold the line, force shroud.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Ok I have not read all the information on how the resolve system works.


So I just put the question before you:


How is it that I cannot stun or root someone, who's resolve bar is empty? I thought someone was only suppose to be immune when his resolve bar was filled? I have seen it many times in Huttball that I would try to stop the ballcarrier in his tracks with a stun and he would just keep on moving without even the sligthest hesitation. Are there perma-immune-skills out there that I may not know about? It's possible, so if that's the case that might explain it :).


Just trying to understand how this works :-).


Lol never mind... just missed some answer that was probably being posted as I was typing lol...

Edited by Dietra
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You can be slowed and rooted with white resolve bar. As for "tossed across the map" video or this didnt happen. I have 27 page long thread when I asked for such video, no links yet. You may be first, good luck.




1. If he has little to no WHITE resolve bar than he is immune to grapples and push.


2. There is quite a lot of skills in game that make you immune to such effects, like unstoppable, hold the line, force shroud.



You are not paying attention to what was said. I didn't say "little to no WHITE resolve bar" I said and pay attention I'll even bold it if need be so you can see it "little to no resolve bar", I even underlined it for posterity sake. As to your 2nd point, I make a concerted effort to watch the bars of the people I have targeted as well and these aren't people who are popping those abilities, these are people who have already blown that load which have long since passed and shrugging off those abilities as if they did not happen with (and here I'll do it again so hopefully the 3rd time is a charm if the point has not been sufficiently understood thus far) "little to no resolve bar".


As for FRAPS and your "challenge" (and quite honestly I couldn't care less about your 27 page thread), I do not need to FRAPS it. You can either pay attention to what is happening around you and choose to not be willfully ignorant of what is actually happening or you can not. But I see no need to do anything past telling you to pay attention (which your response to my other two posts has already shown your preclusion to not do so, so I won't hold my breath in anticipation).

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Ok I have not read all the information on how the resolve system works.


So I just put the question before you:


How is it that I cannot stun or root someone, who's resolve bar is empty? I thought someone was only suppose to be immune when his resolve bar was filled? I have seen it many times in Huttball that I would try to stop the ballcarrier in his tracks with a stun and he would just keep on moving without even the sligthest hesitation. Are there perma-immune-skills out there that I may not know about? It's possible, so if that's the case that might explain it :).


Just trying to understand how this works :-).


Lol never mind... just missed some answer that was probably being posted as I was typing lol...



While his answer is possible, there have been many of times where I have seen people who are NOT using said abilities and they are still shrugging them off, so what you were seeing may have still been the resolve system acting "as useless as **** on a boar hog".

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As for FRAPS and your "challenge" (and quite honestly I couldn't care less about your 27 page thread), I do not need to FRAPS it.


I, for one, would also love to see just ONE example of Resolve not working as intended.


I think you are misinformed, or you think you saw something you didn't. Unless you provide proof, I simply do not believe you.

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You are not paying attention to what was said. I didn't say "little to no WHITE resolve bar" I said and pay attention I'll even bold it if need be so you can see it "little to no resolve bar", I even underlined it for posterity sake. As to your 2nd point, I make a concerted effort to watch the bars of the people I have targeted as well and these aren't people who are popping those abilities, these are people who have already blown that load which have long since passed and shrugging off those abilities as if they did not happen with (and here I'll do it again so hopefully the 3rd time is a charm if the point has not been sufficiently understood thus far) "little to no resolve bar".


As for FRAPS and your "challenge" (and quite honestly I couldn't care less about your 27 page thread), I do not need to FRAPS it. You can either pay attention to what is happening around you and choose to not be willfully ignorant of what is actually happening or you can not. But I see no need to do anything past telling you to pay attention (which your response to my other two posts has already shown your preclusion to not do so, so I won't hold my breath in anticipation).


I was in many conversations already where we found out that my adversary had troubles in distinguishing between almost empty resolve bar (while filling) and almost empty resolve bar (while depleting). Those 2 reasons I listed are the most common explanations of such situations.


Now, to the second part of your post. I dont care about your imaginatory resolve bugs either, as long as you dont have a way to prove them. I have never seen something like this (and I play darkness sin - with pull, and vanguard - with pull too). Many other posters come to this kind of threads and say they never seen anything like this, so I am probably not blind.


It is impossible to prove that resolve is working always and that there are no bugs. No matter how many videos I will do or post, you can always say "sure, but I see it bugged all the time". Well, prove it. Otherwise, your post is a pointless rant.


PS. sometimes grapple is not working because (oh sweet irony) target is rooted. Sometimes there is some kind of terrain obstacle that intefere with their movement and they are not properly pulled. Maybe this is what you see?

Edited by Kaarsa
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fixed anytime soon.


Not working as intended i hope.


Your resolve bar can be Purple and look "full". If it's purple, you can still be manipulated in combat (pulled, pushed, knocked, stunned).


If it's WHITE, you cannot be pulled. As soon as it is WHITE, it starts going DOWN. Therefore, if it's white, it looks "full" only very briefly.


Your post is titled "FULL resolve bar, still getting pulled into fire". Which means, to me, that you don't understand how the resolve bar works.

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I was in many conversations already where we found out that my adversary had troubles in distinguishing between almost empty resolve bar (while filling) and almost empty resolve bar (while depleting). Those 2 reasons I listed are the most common explanations of such situations.


Now, to the second part of your post. I dont care about your imaginatory resolve bugs either, as long as you dont have a way to prove them. I have never seen something like this (and I play darkness sin - with pull, and vanguard - with pull too). Many other posters come to this kind of threads and say they never seen anything like this, so I am probably not blind.


It is impossible to prove that resolve is working always and that there are no bugs. No matter how many videos I will do or post, you can always say "sure, but I see it bugged all the time". Well, prove it. Otherwise, your post is a pointless rant.


PS. sometimes grapple is not working because (oh sweet irony) target is rooted. Sometimes there is some kind of terrain obstacle that intefere with their movement and they are not properly pulled. Maybe this is what you see?



To be so blindly obtuse as to make the assertions that it just doesn't happen is what is the real problem with your post. You compound that with your rather condescending retorts and what you have here is the making of someone who feels compelled to tell others to basically L2P when you have no real clue about their ability. You think I don't know about a target being rooted and not being able to pull them? Let me give you some perspective here sine you seem fresh out this morning. I want you to be a little situationally aware of what is in front of you for a moment and look at the bottom of my posts. What do you see? You will see US Army Military Police Corps, now in terms of my ability to play the game it means nothing. But, and stick with me here, one thing you fail to realize is that given what I did in the military if I was not constantly aware of my surroundings and what was going on around me (especially when I was deployed overseas) it very well could of been my life. SO I can assure you that one thing I am if nothing else is very aware of what is happening in and around me, especially in hectic situations, and that does carry over into my gaming as sad as that may be.


So as you continue your condescending crap posts where you presume to know and think you are some clever gaming god and anyone who disagrees with you is just too stupid to know, be aware that you in fact, do not know.


SO yes I am very much aware of people who are rooted can't be pulled/pushed. I am aware that there are some clipping issues where the target won't get pulled all the way back to you. I didn't say that. I said where they are shrugging it off as if it didn't happen, which implies that there is no reason that they should be able to shrug it off yet they do. And leaving the only logical answer being "the resolve system has yet again proven its worthlessness."



And again for the last time becasue I will not repeat it for you, becasue quite honestly if you are incapable of understanding it by now then you will never get it, I don't feel compelled to have to FRAPS anything to prove anything to you. I have seen it enough with my own two eyes to know the system is torqued and needs reworking and don't blindly accept it as "working as intended" as you are so willing to to do. SO you can again reel that condescending tone of yours back in and save it for someone else.

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*snip because it is so long and has nothing to do with the topic*



Fine, do not feel compeled to prove anything because your perception and awarness is so great. Good for you. But dont expect that anyone is going to believe in "I saw it, it is true, no need for evidence" kind of sentence, especially that there are hundreds of pvp videos in the internet and somehow this kind of situation was not recorded in any of them I was able to see or anyone who actually care about documenting this problem.


As long as there is not proof any post like your above will not change anything. If it is bugged, it should be reported and fixed. "I saw this, I see it all the time and I am not going to document/report it" attitiude...well, you dont have my respect for that. I know you dont care about it, you already said that. I am not going to respond to you anymore, because this discussion is pointless. Good luck.

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on the converse situation, I definitely had one time yesterday when I had 0 resolve (having literally just revived) and resisted a knockback by a sorcerer. So, I'm not sure, but maybe this bug works both ways?


That's just you managing to shield the force attack, you rolled a higher defense than they rolled for crit.


On topic: resolve needs to last longer and it needs to be affected by roots. A single 4s stun needs to fill resolve, roots need to be half fill, and filling resolve needs to break current stun. Increase the duration of a full resolve from 8s to 20s and cause resolve to not decay unless you're in combat. Then resolve will actually mean something and the game won't be determined by which team has the most jugs/sins/sorcs.

Edited by Goldenstar
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Fine, do not feel compeled to prove anything because your perception and awarness is so great. Good for you. But dont expect that anyone is going to believe in "I saw it, it is true, no need for evidence" kind of sentence, especially that there are hundreds of pvp videos in the internet and somehow this kind of situation was not recorded in any of them I was able to see or anyone who actually care about documenting this problem.


As long as there is not proof any post like your above will not change anything. If it is bugged, it should be reported and fixed. "I saw this, I see it all the time and I am not going to document/report it" attitiude...well, you dont have my respect for that. I know you dont care about it, you already said that. I am not going to respond to you anymore, because this discussion is pointless. Good luck.


When you have swathes of people saying that they are seeing the same thing, then there tends to be a really good chance that something ain't right. And to just blindly say "I didn't see it, it didn't happen!" is just ridiculously naive. Are you going to tell me next no one landed on the moon becasue you didn't see it in person or they didn't FRAPS it? :rolleyes:

Edited by Hyfy
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seems to me most people that say that have problems just don't understand how resolve works. every1 i know that does understand it never said it's bugged. there is a resolve guide stickied, read it.



but to sum it up for those of you who seem confused:



the ability that fills your resolve(aka whitebars it) doesn't cancel because you are whitebarred. it is only subsequent post-whitebar CCs that you are immune to. this means that you can be in a stunned state while having full resolve because it is the stun that filled it.


roots and snares do not fill resolve. For some reason people seem to panic when they get rooted and think because they can't walk they must be stunned(not the same)



Powertech and vanguards can talent their grapple to have a root on it. they can effectively use thier grapple to fill your resolve and leave you rooted in the fire to die if you have no escapes.



I've seen many a noob cry "i just got pulled and stunned in the fire with full resolve zomg broken fix plox" when in reality they are just ignorant of the mechanics.


This. There are also many abilities that make you immune to CC effects. For example a Powertech/Vanguard can cast Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line, which grants him 8 seconds of complete CC immunity. A Juggernaut/Guardian also has acces to Unstoppable/Unremitting, which gives him 4 seconds of CC immunity after using Force Charge/Leap.

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I just don't feel roots should operate outside the resolve bar. I know Sever Force does and I'm not 100% but I believe other classes do as well. Snares are fine but if your character cannot fully operate I think it needs to be reflected ont he resolve bar. Granted I think roots should be LOW amount wise maybe 1/4ish.


Curious everyone's opinion.


Also Force Choke going outside Resolve. I dunno.


I also have an issue with Force Leap still allowing the Jugg/Guard to leap and root me when I pop Resilience. If I resist the ability it should put it on cooldown and negate it entirely. I can't Force Pull, it just blows a 45 second CD. Not sure if I can Sever Force on a Resilience'd target either but that should fail as well.



Probably gonna get flamed for that but whatever I think everyone should operate under the same mechanics.

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