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"Yoda Race" Playable?!


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Lucas says no.


"For reasons unknown, George Lucas maintains a strict policy of keeping the history, name, origin, and whereabouts of this species secret. This policy has resulted even in certain Star Wars publications being canceled. A significant example of this policy was when Lucasfilm (likely at the direction of George Lucas himself) ordered the pulping of the entire print run of a yet-to-be-released Star Wars trading card depicting a group of the unknown tridactyl species worshiping a larger-than-life-size statue of one of their number, led in prayer by an individual who may have been intended to be Yoda."

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Lucas says no.


"For reasons unknown, George Lucas maintains a strict policy of keeping the history, name, origin, and whereabouts of this species secret. This policy has resulted even in certain Star Wars publications being canceled. A significant example of this policy was when Lucasfilm (likely at the direction of George Lucas himself) ordered the pulping of the entire print run of a yet-to-be-released Star Wars trading card depicting a group of the unknown tridactyl species worshiping a larger-than-life-size statue of one of their number, led in prayer by an individual who may have been intended to be Yoda."


Indeed. Do you know how much butt kissing Bioware had to do JUST to get Oteg?

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Indeed. Do you know how much butt kissing Bioware had to do JUST to get Oteg?


Master Vandar is in a holocron too. Oteg's not the first bioware Yoda race guy anyway. If those other obnoxious developers from that horrible sequel hadn't killed Vandar he would probably still be leading the council actually.

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No Yoda race. I do not want to see a ton of little green pointy eared critters running around with 800000 variants on the name "Yoda" "Yohda" "Yo-duh" etc.... I would want to find them and punch them all in their faces.

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Master Vandar is in a holocron too. Oteg's not the first bioware Yoda race guy anyway. If those other obnoxious developers from that horrible sequel hadn't killed Vandar he would probably still be leading the council actually.


Bioware got two Yodas. TWO. And Obsideon killed one. Do you know how hard it is to finagle that, OP?


I imagine Lucas was P.O'd worse than when he found out about the trading card.


And you want him to allow 100 million of them?

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Lucas says no.


"For reasons unknown, George Lucas maintains a strict policy of keeping the history, name, origin, and whereabouts of this species secret. This policy has resulted even in certain Star Wars publications being canceled. A significant example of this policy was when Lucasfilm (likely at the direction of George Lucas himself) ordered the pulping of the entire print run of a yet-to-be-released Star Wars trading card depicting a group of the unknown tridactyl species worshiping a larger-than-life-size statue of one of their number, led in prayer by an individual who may have been intended to be Yoda."


If this is the case..why is Yoda a playable character in Soul Calibur 4?

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If this is the case..why is Yoda a playable character in Soul Calibur 4?


Because that's actually Yoda, genius. You could play as Yoda in Battlefront 2 as well. There's nothing wrong with playing YODA himself in video games.

The point being is, the RACE will never be made public knowledge, and that includes being playable on an MMO where there is the potential of there suddenly being thousands of the little knee-biters.

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But only if it is a very very high legacy level unlock to make sure not many people play as him, something like in the legacy panel "Yoda's Species Unlock" - Requires Legacy Level 50 and 100,000,000 credits (i'd like to see people try and save up that many credits with the amount of sinks in the game)

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People just don´t get the point that A NEW RACE means A NEW CLASS STORY and a lot of work with story writing, quest design and another ton of voiceovers.


Any new races are pointless before they do not add the necessary core features to the game and fix the overall game experience.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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People just don´t get the point that A NEW RACE means A NEW CLASS STORY and a lot of work with story writing, quest design and another ton of voiceovers.


Any new races are pointless before they do not add the necessary core features to the game and fix the overall game experience.


what? species arent tied to classes at all. if anything the legacy system proves that.


@op no. of all the species i want to see, that is on the no go list.

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what? species arent tied to classes at all. if anything the legacy system proves that.
Actually, it does make a difference for species that deviate from the humanoid norm. They would need unique class stories to be implemented properly, but at the very least all missions in the game would need to be revisited to identify places where changes are required. For example, a Wookiee player character would be unlikely to have much success propositioning the Mirialan SIS operative in the Republic's Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series.
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Because that's actually Yoda, genius. You could play as Yoda in Battlefront 2 as well. There's nothing wrong with playing YODA himself in video games.

The point being is, the RACE will never be made public knowledge, and that includes being playable on an MMO where there is the potential of there suddenly being thousands of the little knee-biters.


Not to mention all it was all a giant promo for Force Unleashed.

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No Yoda race. I do not want to see a ton of little green pointy eared critters running around with 800000 variants on the name "Yoda" "Yohda" "Yo-duh" etc.... I would want to find them and punch them all in their faces.


This. So this. Now if only we could implement some in-game function that allows us to vaporize anyone who attempted clever word play with their Boba Fett name. Not funny. Not even a little. Stop. Just stop.

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