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Too many cc abilities- world record in mmo history


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One reason why a lot of CC is not a good thing:


-you pay to play the game, and when you're CCed you can't play the game, you just watch an extremely annoying cartoon, and you'd never pay for THAT


1st price for the most childish argument ever!!!!!


And let me counter that:


"I pay 15$/month to play a CC heavy character only to CC others, I would never pay if I cant do that"


Sounds familiar? Sounds stupid enough?;)

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1st price for the most childish argument ever!!!!!


And let me counter that:


"I pay 15$/month to play a CC heavy character only to CC others, I would never pay if I cant do that"


Sounds familiar? Sounds stupid enough?;)


Then I guess I'm a very childish 44 year old man.


I only do what I like.

I never eat chicken because I hate chicken, I never listen to Lady Gaga because I hate crap music, I never watch Big Brother because I hate...stupid things.

I cancelled SWTOR subscription because pvp sucks, and I play MMOs for the pvp, not for the leveling experience.


It's my life. I love it.

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Too many CC... hmm.


Let's compare the madness sorc to the affliction lock.


Sure lol!


The madness sorc has a knockback on moderate CD, a mez on 1 minute, stun on 1 minute (or 50 sec), and a root on 9 second CD. Four CC for the spec that's supposed to be the biggest utility/CC spec in the game- none spammable. (then snares, but snares are generally spammable in most mmos- and most classes with snares in this game are spammable- mara, juggs actually have better spammable since they're instants and not 'must stand still to channel')


Actually, many classes in this game don't even have spammable snares. I know my scoundel doesn't, and even my assassin doesn't (though her spec reduces the cooldown some).


But, more to the point- you listed FOUR crowd controls up there, including one (root) that is fully effective on full resolve players.



Compare to warlock- fear is spammable, so not looking at DR, you can fear all the time.




First, fear shares DR with a BUNCH of other things. Someone get blinded? Fear DR. And plenty of other classes fear.

Second, many effects break fear. Shamans can throw a totem down even when feared, that breaks the fear for all affected. Sure, it's got a big cooldown, but there it is. Warriors can rage to break fear on a tiny cooldown. Death Knights can go undead to break fear on a long timer. Fear ward prevents a fear from landing. Healers can and will dispel the fear if you don't spend some time covering it with a UA, and once the fear is off the opponent, he's DRed on fear.

Third, the fear you can "cast all the time"? Has a cast time. While SOME of the CCs you listed above have cast times, others, including the VERY powerful stun, do not. Getting kicked in wow actually matters, because losing your shadow school for 2,4,5, or like a MILLION BILLION seconds matters.

Fourth, FEAR BREAKS ON DAMAGE. While the mez does, the others don't even care.

Fifth, THIS GAME IS BURSTY. In the duration of that stun, you can get utterly wrecked- the guy at the other end of that CC ain't no damned affliction lock, setting up unstables to mess up your dispeller, he's just flat out HUMPING YOUR FACE while you are stunned, or HEALING TO FULL while you are mezzed. The difference between full and dead is SMALLER in this game than in wow.

Sixth, players can defend against a fear. You casting a fear can still be dealt with by spell reflect, cloak of shadows, forked with dark simulacrum, ice blocked, grounding totemed, antimagic shelled... there's a LOT more instant cast defensives in WoW.


Saying "not counting DR.." is ludicrous on the face of it, and you know this.



That doesn't even touch curse of exhaust, death coil, pet CC, howl, etc...- their fear alone can CC people longer, and more people, and do it constantly.

Curse is a weak snare in a game with spammable strong snares. It compares VERY favorably to the sorc snare.

Death Coil is instant cast, last just a COUPLE seconds, and has a sizeable cooldown.

Howl and "pet CC" are the SAME THING AS FEAR. Meaning, it is on the SAME DAMNED DR. That's very important. Locks have a couple ways to CAST fear, all of them break on damage, and then they have coil every two minutes. Affliction warlocks essentially have TWO CCs- one spammable, one short and on a cooldown. Their dumb portal is more a CC than the other crap you listed.



The only issue here is that SWTOR pvp is so fast paced that a 4 second stun is an eon- and while you can only get stunned twice in a row, that's pretty much death- furthermore, roots aren't effected by resolve which makes it feel like you're being stunned even longer- that, and with a cluster of people jumping you you're not going to move.



That's not the ONLY issue, but it's a big one. I agree that the CC in this game is not reprehensibly bad, but it normally takes two instant cast abilities to fully control me, and if there's anything else going on, I'm done, on most of my characters. My scoundrel on a sorc feels NOTHING like my rogue on a lock- my scoundrel has crazy damage compared to my rogue, but enemy CC (and my own CC) is seriously encounter changing.





I'm not really sure what to think of the resolve bar. I don't like not really having any say over that resource, and it's pretty dumb that at three-quarters a resolve bar and 60% health, a stun is basically GG unless I'm on my tank. But, offensively, I do like being able to see what my opponent will do (unless he trinkets). I'm not willing to write this game's pvp off as some are, but to make WoW comparisons isn't fair unless the things being discussed are similar, and an affliction lock planning for the next 25 seconds isn't fair to compare to a guy who can destroy you with less than 8 seconds of casts, and has CCs to cover most of that.

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I'm not willing to write this game's pvp off as some are, but to make WoW comparisons isn't fair unless the things being discussed are similar, and an affliction lock planning for the next 25 seconds isn't fair to compare to a guy who can destroy you with less than 8 seconds of casts, and has CCs to cover most of that.


Actually, very few characters can kill you in 8 sec of stun alone (OP, deception assasin and that is probably all). Not a single character can stun you for 8 seconds alone in 1.2 patch (I think OP/scoundrel can do it now, but when they will get a 7,5 sec CD on Hidden Strike it will no longer be possible). When you die in 8 sec, there is more than 1 enemy. In WoW, how long you can be CCed by 2 opponents that synergize well with each other?

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Just play Sorc/Sage and you will never have to worry about chain CC again. Instead you will just die before the second CC finishes.


The only reason people are complaining is because they are in heavy armor and have a ton of HP and defense mitigators. If you could be immune to CCs on top of that it'd just be too stupid, there would be absolutely no reason to play anything other than BH/Trooper or Guardian/Jugg since those are the heavy armor classes with the high HP.


But then people would whine about how they get 4 shotted to death and everytime 2 people look at them at the same time they lose.


Some people honestly feel they should be able to run in and pound out 2 people in 1v2 situations and get mad if they get CCed and killed before they can destroy at least one of them.


Also I find it hilarious how people come on here to whine about how they're getting CC'ed to death all the time and can't do anything, but they make sure to let us know they dominate PVP and it doesn't actually affect them. Sheesh, if you want someone to take you seriously you're going to have to at least admit it affects you, if it doesn't actually affect anybody that is complaining then why should we take it seriously?

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I agree there should be a degree of CC and knockbacks and what ever, but there is at the moment TOO much of those in Warzones. I would say there is an over abundance of this, and it makes it completely impossible to play at times. Yesterday I was being thrown and knocked around like a ball, with the amount of knockbacks that were being used against me to stop me doing, or being able to participate properly in a Warzone.


CC some for a tactical reason, fair enough, but using them just to stop that person playing, is un fair game play. My two cents on this..

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I agree. Most CC abilities should be completely removed from the game, especially the 4 second stuns that every single class except Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors have.


Its absolutely silly that I'm chain ccd for the ENTIRE WARZONE with immobilizes, knockbacks, stuns, blinds and all other nonsense that goes through resolve for no real reason. I'm frequently stunned with a full white resolve bar, which is completely stupid.


I am also often stunned with a full resolve bar, but we all know that part of pvp is broken. The other problem is there is no CC immunity after I pop my CC/snare break. I just get instantly CC'd again with no way to get out.

Edited by Sireene
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I play a maradeur and i have to say im done with warzones not because i dont do well but is extremely,extremely anoying those milions cc abilities ,push backs,slows roots sleeps etc etc .i never played a mmo game with so many like swtor have . i dont wana say for empire side warzones is just about hutball 90% of the games where those ccs are even worse. i like the game but honestly how much love i need ,to keep playing with so many bs.i know there is many threads about that but this game pvp look like was made it by completely unispired team. sorry (sory im not native english speaker).


i dont know how your doing bad with a maurauder as they hit like trucks and a pretty overpowerd. but i totaly agree with you on all the stuns and knockbacks it gets anoying.



the combat system on swtor is realy bad lol

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I am also often stunned with a full resolve bar, but we all know that part of pvp is broken. The other problem is there is no CC immunity after I pop my CC/snare break. I just get instantly CC'd again with no way to get out.


You can not GET stunned with white resolve bar. You can REMAIN stunned with white resolve bar. If you use your CCbreaker when you dont have white resolve bar, you need to L2P (with some situational, rare exceptions).


Another QQ without slight knowledge about what you are talking about.

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The CC system does need diminishing returns.


If someone gets chain stunned 3 times in a row, they ought to be completely immune for the next 1 minute.


Since resolve is a broken system there needs to be some sort of implementation that would actually force players to use their CC more sparingly and wisely, instead of blowing their entire load of them and letting the rest of their ranged team beat the **** out of them because they're stun-locked and are powerless.


I never played WoW, a few of my friends do and the diminishing returns system in that regarding CC is pretty good - I think it would help the PvP community a lot and bring more skill and strategy into the mix.

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I have no issue with the amount of cc's out there for the classes. But the cc locking that happens. Being cc locked sucks. And cc locked in huttball = instant death :(


LOL@the overpowered heals BS showing its face again. My god its only been 2 minutes since I've seen a nerf healing thread.


News to the idiot masses. They ARE nerfing healing in 1.2. Get ready to die more in warzones morons

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The CC system does need diminishing returns.


If someone gets chain stunned 3 times in a row, they ought to be completely immune for the next 1 minute.


Since resolve is a broken system there needs to be some sort of implementation that would actually force players to use their CC more sparingly and wisely, instead of blowing their entire load of them and letting the rest of their ranged team beat the **** out of them because they're stun-locked and are powerless.


I never played WoW, a few of my friends do and the diminishing returns system in that regarding CC is pretty good - I think it would help the PvP community a lot and bring more skill and strategy into the mix.


100% agreed.

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Go play a game with the CC system you want if you don't like this one.


Those who know this system do not have any real problems with it.


I know the system, doesnt mean I dont have a problem with it. "Knowing" something doesnt mean you are always "Ok with it".

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I know the system, doesnt mean I dont have a problem with it. "Knowing" something doesnt mean you are always "Ok with it".


If you claim you can be Stunned or Mezzed after your resolve bar goes white, then you do not "know" the system.

Edited by Gorghte
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If you claim you can be Stunned or Mezzed after your resolve bar goes white, then you do not "know" the system.


Your right, I forgot everything in SWTOR was running perfectly with no bugs, and that different players experience this while some dont.

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Your right, I forgot everything in SWTOR was running perfectly with no bugs, and that different players experience this while some dont.


Post a video of it happening and people will submit bug reports so it gets in the queue to be fixed like other bugs.

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Your right, I forgot everything in SWTOR was running perfectly with no bugs, and that different players experience this while some dont.


Resolve is working correctly. If you have a video containing evidence to the contrary you should post it in the Resolve Challenge thread so that it can be evaluated and bug reports filed. If you do not have a video containing such evidence, please obtain one. If you don't want to or are unable to obtain one, please keep your misinformation to yourself.

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cc abilities are what pvp is all about.


It's not bs if I mind control you so you don't get the ball before my team.


it's proper gameplay.


Sadly the developers agree with you. No, Not being able to Play the game you are trying to Play is not what PvP is about.

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