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Too many cc abilities- world record in mmo history


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I play a maradeur and i have to say im done with warzones not because i dont do well but is extremely,extremely anoying those milions cc abilities ,push backs,slows roots sleeps etc etc .i never played a mmo game with so many like swtor have . i dont wana say for empire side warzones is just about hutball 90% of the games where those ccs are even worse. i like the game but honestly how much love i need ,to keep playing with so many bs.i know there is many threads about that but this game pvp look like was made it by completely unispired team. sorry (sory im not native english speaker).
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I play a maradeur and i have to say im done with warzones not because i dont do well but is extremely,extremely anoying those milions cc abilities ,push backs,slows roots sleeps etc etc .i never played a mmo game with so many like swtor have . i dont wana say for empire side warzones is just about hutball 90% of the games where those ccs are even worse. i like the game but honestly how much love i need ,to keep playing with so many bs.i know there is many threads about that but this game pvp look like was made it by completely unispired team. sorry (sory im not native english speaker).



cc abilities are what pvp is all about.


It's not bs if I mind control you so you don't get the ball before my team.


it's proper gameplay.

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The problem is that there aren't enough counter-ccs in the game, as well as the imbalance of what classes get them. Add in the fact of how op heals are and you pretty much don't even need certain classes at all because of how subpar they are. Shieldtech powertech for one, the worst tank in the game.
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got to agree. Learn your MMo's if you think this one has a fair amount of CC's. its just not fun to be cc'd to death. In WOW it was at least just the Rogue. now its every class that has them. nothing wrong with cc's but the cooldowns are way to short.
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CC abilities should scale in diminishing order, the more you get cc's the less the duration of the stun root. As it stands right now the resolve bar doesn't protect you from roots and chokes/stasis. I have literary been frozen in one spot for over 15 seconds, unable to move or fight back. Only thing that kept me alive was a good healer.


I don't mind the cc's what I do mind is the way the resolve bar works and being chained stunned.



Another option is to reduce the cool down on the stun break or introduce a stun trinket with a longer cool down but on a different timer then the traditional stun breaker.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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I agree. Most CC abilities should be completely removed from the game, especially the 4 second stuns that every single class except Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors have.


Its absolutely silly that I'm chain ccd for the ENTIRE WARZONE with immobilizes, knockbacks, stuns, blinds and all other nonsense that goes through resolve for no real reason. I'm frequently stunned with a full white resolve bar, which is completely stupid.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded
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I have the solution....let healers purge cc off friendly targets, on a 2sec cast timer

Healing speced classes should have more utility especially now since they are nerfing heals to hell. If cc is purged then resolve should be reduced/negated. This would at least make for some interesting play with 2-3 healers on a team.

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Months of complaining about this bs system and nada from the "best pvp team in the business."




Since resolve is actually the best system in MMO market, I dont see a problem.


In WoW, mentioned earlier, 1 rogue could stun lock you to death. 2 characters could CClock you for a very long time. 3 - probably forever.


In SW TOR you can be stunned for 8 seconds. Mezzed for 18. After that you get Immunity for 12 sec (for stuns without CC breakaer, if you do use CCbgreaker on seconds stun, it will be 16sec) or 13 seconds (18 sec mezzes with second being tranqulizer, if you CCbreak it, you will have 23 seconds of CC immunity).


Not a single character can stunlock you for 8 seconds here. They have to coopoerate to do this.


It is simple L2P and not charge into 1v3 issue.

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I'm frequently stunned with a full white resolve bar, which is completely stupid.


That's not possible. When your resolve is triggered, you still have to wait out whatever stun triggered it. After that, there is no stun/incapacitate/knockback/harpoon/grapple in this game that can affect you. So unless you are talking about that single ability that triggered your resolve, there is no way your statement can possibly be true.


You're either angry because you don't know how to properly use your cc breaker and as a result are constantly getting run in the mouth in warzones, or you just straight up don't understand the mechanic of resolve. Either way, please fully understand what you are talking about before you spout off whining about how poorly you perform in PvP with little to no merit.



THIS is the only real problem with all the CC in this game. Resolve needs to actually work.


It does work, completely as intended -- please read above ^^

Edited by bthewang
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CC abilities should scale in diminishing order, the more you get cc's the less the duration of the stun root. As it stands right now the resolve bar doesn't protect you from roots and chokes/stasis. I have literary been frozen in one spot for over 15 seconds, unable to move or fight back. Only thing that kept me alive was a good healer.


I don't mind the cc's what I do mind is the way the resolve bar works and being chained stunned.



Another option is to reduce the cool down on the stun break or introduce a stun trinket with a longer cool down but on a different timer then the traditional stun breaker.


This.In other big mmorpg you would take full cc and after that half the time of it.I mean double Force Choke is ridiculous.

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This.In other big mmorpg you would take full cc and after that half the time of it.I mean double Force Choke is ridiculous.


Yea, in the other big MMORPG (we all know what we are talking about, right?;)) you take a full duration fear. Then half duration fear. Then full duration stun. Then half duration stun. Then full duration sleep. Then half duration sleep. Now your dr on fear is gone, so back to square one. You can be CCed without end in diminishing return system. Or maybe you want to have only 1 DR for all CC abilites? Maybe just delete all CC abilities from game then? The other big MMORPG tried this solution and it didnt last long.

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Ok then it's normal to take full Force Choke's in a row and die without blinking,working as intented.


2 force chokes is a 6 sec stun. Seriously, if you die in 6 seconds being CCed is not your biggest problem. Being undeargeared/focused by 4 other players is.

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Too many CC... hmm.


Let's compare the madness sorc to the affliction lock. The madness sorc has a knockback on moderate CD, a mez on 1 minute, stun on 1 minute (or 50 sec), and a root on 9 second CD. Four CC for the spec that's supposed to be the biggest utility/CC spec in the game- none spammable. (then snares, but snares are generally spammable in most mmos- and most classes with snares in this game are spammable- mara, juggs actually have better spammable since they're instants and not 'must stand still to channel')



Compare to warlock- fear is spammable, so not looking at DR, you can fear all the time.



That doesn't even touch curse of exhaust, death coil, pet CC, howl, etc...- their fear alone can CC people longer, and more people, and do it constantly.


Or how about frost mages- with stuns, mez with no CD, aoe root, their own CC break, ranged snares that include top burst damage




Could go on- could point out some of the rediculous mezzes in games like DAoC.



The only issue here is that SWTOR pvp is so fast paced that a 4 second stun is an eon- and while you can only get stunned twice in a row, that's pretty much death- furthermore, roots aren't effected by resolve which makes it feel like you're being stunned even longer- that, and with a cluster of people jumping you you're not going to move.

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