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Something about this game...


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"Chat Bubbles"


That's the reason. We play "Guess who's talking to who" and "Who said that?!" in general chat all day.


Not sure if serious... MY general chat actually shows who's talking. The name is displayed in front of the comment and all that.


I don't understand the issue here tbh, why would anyone log into a game to simply chat with others? There's IRC and lots of other dedicated sites, programs etc. for that. In a game, I like to play.

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For me it is the whack-a-mole button mashing frenzy required for combat. I don't have time to type anything and odds are if I was in combat I probably missed anything said in general chat because of the combat spam. EQ was much more chat friendly because of the slower pace in combat but, MMO's seem to have gravitated more towards having to have 30 or so combat skills at your fingertips and having you mash all of them rapidly to be successful.
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One problem is the default chat window has combat stats (not sure of the technical name, the yellow text) mixed in with general chat.


So a lot of times, I miss what players are saying when I'm in the middle of a fight, unless I decide to scroll back up and check.


I know the default setup can be changed, via separating tabs, but I'm too lazy atm. :D




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Frankly, I've found myself putting more and more people on ignore. Had some dude on PvE-RP server last night complaining about lack of PvP on the server. Despite everyone telling him he's on the wrong server for PvP, he continued to be all in our faces with l33t pvp speak. Put him on ignore, but then you get people responding to him...breaks immersion.


So I simply closed General chat.



Well im on PVP server and still no better, Seen 3 reps.. and started at 20th dec 2011



Lvling from 1-49 50 we had ilum, not going there

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Is it like watching a movie where you're not allowed to talk? :confused:


No ... it's more like a shopping mall where many people are there going about their business. Some folks are chatty and like to talk to strangers about whatever, some have brought their friends along with them while they shop, but many folks just want to get their shopping done.


Answering from my own perspective, I am a social person by nature and I like witty banter but I don't feel compelled to chat just because there are others around.


Yes, it is an MMO but I (and many others) aren't playing it because it's an MMO. We're playing it because it's Star Wars (essentially KotOR3) and we're willing to put up with the MMO aspects. Maybe not everyone's definition of MMO is the same. Some think it means PvP endgame. Some think it means there are many players in the same online, persistent world. Neither opinion is more correct.


It doesn't anoy me that there are many people playing at the same time as I am so I don't know why it annoys some people that we just don't feel like playing/chatting with (the collective) you.

Edited by Tokri
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I can't speak for others, but I find there are few players with whom I'm interested in conversing.


For example, when I see comments in general chat such as, "o plz their r no wight cristles in teh game an u no it lolz wut r u stupid!!!11!!!," I don't respond for at least two reasons:


1. I'm not going to waste my time trying to translate that drivel into English, and


2. I can tell I have nothing in common with that person.

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I don't know what it is either, but it bothers the hell out of me. You don't ever see this in ANY other gaming community.


The only logical conclusion I can come to is just: that's how bioware fans are...anti-social. They like socializing and conversing with npcs with the 1-2-3 keys instead of human beings.


Not true. Not all Lotro servers had a lot of chat. EQ Test Server had no chat and people didn't want it. Some are "immersed" in the game.

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The only logical conclusion I can come to is just: that's how bioware fans are...anti-social. They like socializing and conversing with npcs with the 1-2-3 keys instead of human beings.


To be honest, I do prefer chatting with my companions more at this point. Why? Because they don't break immersion and are always in character. I play these MMOs to be immersed in the world. I don't care what your bf or gf did last night, nor what you thought about the last episode of Family Guy, nor do I want to be subjected to the buzz-killing meta-discussions of stats and gear.


However, if someone were to begin convos in character about things within the game, then I'd probably join in. I was tempted to join an RP conversation I heard the other night, but it seemed confined to a particular guild meeting, so at the time I didn't want to interrupt them. In hindsight, since they were in a very public space, they were clearly advertising their RP guild.

Edited by Cerion
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I can't speak for others, but I find there are few players with whom I'm interested in conversing.


For example, when I see comments in general chat such as, "o plz their r no wight cristles in teh game an u no it lolz wut r u stupid!!!11!!!," I don't respond for at least two reasons:


1. I'm not going to waste my time trying to translate that drivel into English, and


2. I can tell I have nothing in common with that person.


Indeed. It's not the game that makes you anti-social, it's the people.

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I do think the lack of chat bubbles creates a lack of social behavior. I ran by a guy the other night and only saw several moments later that he had said "hey do you have a moment for a couple questions?" he was talking to me, but i was watching the environment around me, not the chat box. He probably thought I was being rude, when I would have happily stopped to help him. Chat bubbles would have ensured this didn't happen. And as someone else said, if you're in a group of people you don't recognize by name, picking out who is saying what gets difficult if the conversation is flowing. Add this to other people in the area talking about last nights 'dancing with the stars' and is it really any surprise that people give up and just turn chat off except for guild and group?
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I can't speak for others, but I find there are few players with whom I'm interested in conversing.


For example, when I see comments in general chat such as, "o plz their r no wight cristles in teh game an u no it lolz wut r u stupid!!!11!!!," I don't respond for at least two reasons:


1. I'm not going to waste my time trying to translate that drivel into English, and


2. I can tell I have nothing in common with that person.


^This. A thousand times this.

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I think part of the problem is the current HORRIBLE UI. If people have any windows open then there is a good chance their chat is covered by one of them. It drives me nutty that I have to move my chat windows around for different configurations if I want to be able to see chat while I am looking at the Galactic Market, assigning crew skills, or working in my cargo hold. This UI with immobile windows shouldn't have made it out of beta - it's a disgrace to modern MMOs. Update 1.2 cannot come soon enough for me just for the UI changes.


Another thing that adds to this issue is the fact that there is no global channels unless you create one. I think things would be more vocal with a global chat.


Also keep in mind that being in the story mode hides the chat windows until you hover over them,

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I spend most of my time looking at the hotbars and my character I rarely ever even look up at the chat pane. Its way too high up on the screen. And there isn't a noise when someone whispers me. Couldn't even tell you if anyone chats, as I never look.
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About 20% of the time spent on a planet is listening to the voice overs and watching a video.


No need to ask about anything to do with the game because your hand is held and led around it.


No point in trying to sell your crafting trade goods because everyone is given everything they need.


For the most part it plays like a single player game and you forget it supposed to be an MMO and there are other people around.


Give me barrens chat any day to the ghost chat single player experince. If there's anyone you get tired of then theres always the ignore option.

Edited by Optrex
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It's not the low pop. If there's over 40 people on a planet and in the general chat channel, You would hope 3 of them would want to chat right? Is that too much to ask?


40 something Republic on Taris the other day, and I comment about the scenery. Not a single response. 30 mins later, I ask a question about how the Cyborg social ability works, and nobody responds. During that 30 mins, nobody else had anything to say at all. About 45 mins later I decide to repeat my question and 1 person responded. It's as if everyone is afk or botting.


The other day,I was on Taris.There were between 3 and 14 players, no one talked. Days before that,on Taris, I was the only one there for hours.

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The explanation for this is really simple and logical.


1. People are constantly away from the chat, either in storymode, in space combat or with different windows open organizing inventory, gear etc.


2. And then people are generally just "full" of conversation from all the story.

And the social aspect is partially taken over by companions.

This might sound silly or wrong to some, but think about it...

The more conversation the game delivers, the less we need it from other people.


I love the story in SWTOR.

But it is actually the main reason that SWTOR is failing as an mmo for so many people, because it feels too much like a single player game. And when people get fed with 10 minutes of conversation from the game during 1 hour of gameplay, they just dont need more talk..


Im not saying less chat is a bad thing tho, because its often useless trolls, dramaqueens and emo kids anyway :D



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Yeah, I usually find myself texting and surfing the net on my phone while playing an MMO over the internet on my PC.


Considering how many people you see texting and surfing the net whilest DRIVING (:eek:) that wouldn't surprise me.

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I can only speak for myself, but I sometimes forget SWTOR is an mmo due to the single player feeling you get while questing.
Not an issue on our server because of quest mob and named boss competition. Groups always happening because of it, and we usually wind up hanging together afterward for a couple hours to knock out heroics. Questing solo is a choice not a limitation. If one is not happy with their choice then they should consider making a different one. In this case that could mean having to reach out to other players. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I don't know OP there's more chat than you can handle in guild chat usually and mine isn't the most crowded guild around. Apart from that whenever someone asks something in the Fleet general chat there are 5-6 others answering.
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