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  1. I posted about this on the support forum right after the update with that added to the achievements. I haven't don't the Republic side but I came up with the same list as in the OP: Aeten Defense Mastery: 0/1 Defeat the Republic Frigates Ascendancy Barrier Mastery: 0/1 Decimate Light Fighters 0/1 Clear the Minefield Clouds of Vondoru Mastery 0/1 Defeat the Capital Ship Jabiim Escort Mastery 0/1 Disrupt Enemy Communications (there does not appear to be any communcations to take out like there are with the listening stations) Polith Mine Field Mastery 0/1 Clear the Minefield 0/1 Decimate Light Fighters Saleucami Fleet Action Mastery 0/1 Eliminate Fighters Sarapin Assault Mastery 0/1 Defeat the Capital Ship Skaross Fortification Mastery 0/1 Defeat the Republic Frigates Sullust Interception Mastery 0/1 Decimate Republic Forces I also made mention of the fact that I am very disappointed in the new credit award arrangement. It used to be a good way to fund crafting was to do space missions while sending out companions on missions and crafting. Now this isn't a viable option at all. According to the patch notes the credit reward from the dailies and weeklies was "significantly" increased seeming to offset and make up for the fact that repeatables no longer grant credits. In actuality the "significant" increase is next to nothing and the overall yield after doing all the dailies is maybe 1/4-1/3 what running all the original missions once per day used to be. It makes it makes trying to use space missions to fund crafting completely unviable.
  2. Why isn't there a separate category for Companion Gifts? This is something that has been asked for since beta and it hasn't been done yet. Right now you have to browse then entire "Miscellaneous" category for companion gifits and since there isn't a way to sort them further by gift type, you have to scan through ALL of them to find the type you need. In addition, you have to look through all the other stuff in the Miscellaneous category. There needs to be a separate category for companion gifts with a sub-category filter for the category of gift (e.g. luxury, technology, military gear, etc.). If you can add a category for Cartel Market items then surely it wouldn't be that difficult to give us a category and subcategory for companion gifts.
  3. I am NOT exaggerating - I regularly spent 3 or more hours in that queue pre-cata. I did not play much in cata before I quit so I cannot really speak to how it has been since its release. It was to the point that I considered the rare 1 hour wait to be super fast. That long wait for DPS combined with the idiots you are forced into a group with are the reason I finally quit using the stupid thing. It just wasn't worth it. As to the other, as I stated "I" never been in a group where someone joined in progress and they were happy about it - N-E-V-E-R. Obviously your experience was different than mine, that does not mean that I experienced the same.
  4. Sorry, but this has not been MY experience. I have never once had someone join mid-dungeon and be happy about it. I have also had many, many groups simply break up after the tank or healer drops because they have become frustrated with the fact that they were waiting 3 hours for a group and now have to wait 2-3 more for a replacement. I have been in very, very, VERY few groups willing to even consider kicking a tank or healer no matter how ill-behaved because it would take hours to get another. I would like to see a same server LFG tool. I see no benefit whatsoever to a cross-server one that out weighs the negative experiences I have had. Those negative experiences were far, FAR more numerous than positive. It was to the point that if I had not been in a guild I would never have been able to do most of the higher level heroics. I was rather appalled to find that SWTOR does not have a single server wide chat channel. The "General" and "Trade" channels really should be server wide with a separate "Local" channel for each zone. Incidently "server wide" needs to include ships and instances. Giving us at least one server wide chat channel would itself help with grouping. Unfortunately none of these suggestions address the biggest issue with finding groups even on a high population server - there are more DPS players than tanks or healers. Having a way to dual spec might help alleviate some of this, though I am not sure it would help much. Until there is a way to get away from the absolute need to have a tank and a healer in a group there will always be grouping issues.
  5. The problem with kicking someone, especially if it is the person who queued as the tank or healer, is you are then stuck in queue again waiting for another member. If you have already killed a boss (and the kick timer is often set so you do have enough time to do so) then you are likely to get someone who immediately drops because they want to start the dungeon fresh either because the boss you killed has an item they want or they need the entire dungeon for a quest.
  6. I don't have an issue with an LFG tool, I have a problem with a cross-server LFG tool. The problem with a cross-server dungeon finder is there are no consequences for being a jerk. When people can only group with those on their server they behave better. If they don't, then very quickly they develop a reputation for the bad behavior. Eventually they essentially get black listed on the server and will not be able to find a group at all. It therefore behooves people to observe some very basic etiquette. When you have a cross-server tool, however, it becomes very unlikely that you will see others in your group on a regular basis. As such, there is no worry about building a bad reputation (or even a good one for that matter). This leaves people leeway to act in deplorable ways. I have never had anything but horrible experiences with cross-server tools. I cannot tell you how many times I have been in a group and had a member (usually the tank or healer) drop out after the first boss because the item they were after either didn't drop or they did not win it. It is a rare cross-server group where there isn't at least one member constantly griping that another group member isn't playing "the way it should be done", which incidently coincides with how the whiner thinks that class should be played. This often leads to said whiner dropping group and more often than not, doing so in the middle of fight. I have also had many people drop group before starting even a single fight because the class that is marked as the tank or healer, in their opinion, is incapable of fulfilling that role. I take issue with people who sing the praises for cross-server LFG tools because, in spite of what they want you to believe, they really don't work all that well. Why? Because they can do nothing to fix the main problem with finding groups - more people play DPS classes than play tanks or healers. I REGULARLY sat in WoW's cross-server LFG queue for 3-5 hours without getting a group invite. There were times where I spent all day waiting for a group and did not get a single invite. I am all for a same server LFG tool. I think those help the server community by facilitating the meeting of new people. With cross-server you don't get this benefit since there is no reason to get to know those from other servers since you are unlikely to see them again. With same-server though, you will likely run into those you are grouped with again and thus you not only make the effort to become aquanted with your party members, you are on your best behavior. I truly believe that a fair part of the problem with grouping in modern MMOs (and most I have played do in fact have a grouing problem, including WoW) is the hard faction line. It didn't used to be that way. With today's inability to group with the other faction you are essentially given only around half, give or take a bit, of a server population to choose your party members from. I have hated the hard faction line from it's initial inception. Personally I feel it not only limits grouping opportunities, it also impedes roleplay in a big way. Even a same-server LFG tool does not address the simple fact that more people play DPS classes than play tanks or healers. I think this is made worse in SWTOR because of the extremely small party size available. Every party needs one tank and one healer, that leaves only two slots for DPS. This leaves a lot of DPS players waiting for groups.
  7. You make crafting skills special by making high end items that are better than what can bought from a vendor or equal to what can be gotten as a drop which can only be purchased from a crafter, not by making items that only the one who made them can use. You further control that with rare mats. I would have less of a problem with it if something like EQ2's commission system was in place. The commission system allows a crafter to make a BoP item for someone else and allows their customer to provide ingredients (including BoP mats) as well as pay for the item. The are a number of things I strongly dislike and disagree with when it comes to "modern" MMOs - BoP crafted items are one of the biggest.
  8. I understand them perfectly well and it says nothing about it being limited to PvP gear as the OP has found nor does it state that it is only for the "new" (which apparently is the case - only the new stuff introduced in 1.2 has the set bonus attached to the mods) sets. In addition, everything we heard in interviews, etc leading up to 1.2 seemed to indicate this would be true across the board. Yes, I am upset about this for the simple reason that there is no excuse for such ambiguous information. They built this up as a major "feature" especially after the outcry about just how bad the armor models are and did nothing to dispel the obvious conclusion the community came to from the info given. The patch notes should CLEARLY state that only new sets have this. In addition, you should be able to tell at a glance, without opening the modification interface, which sets have their bonus attached to the mod and which don't (apologies if this is the case, though from what I have heard it is not). My issue is with the continued lack of clear, precise information being given to the community
  9. No, it isn't my first MMO, and I have found it ludicrous in every MMO I have seen it in. I HATE it. In all honesty, I strongly dislke bound items of any kind and really wish it had never been introduced into MMOs. I would rather be able to pass on my old armor to friends and guildies, as was possible once upon a time. I think level limits on items are all that is necessary to prevent "twinking". Sorry, but I do not consider "keeping some items rare and unobtainable except by the crafter" to be a good reason for it, especially for equippables. I find it even dumber when you not only have BoP items, but also items that require a particular lvl of a crafting skill to use - at least with skill limited ones you can still sell them, though. BoP crafted items have been a pet peeve of mine for a very long time. I had been led to believe by a number of people, that the BoP tags were being removed in 1.2, but apparently that was only true for some crew skills, not all (speeders can now be sold, for example).
  10. If they had backed off putting this in it should not have been in the patch notes. If they put it in then took it out there should have been patch notes to that effect. Either way, this was being tested on PTS and they should have been able to figure out if there was a major problem before it went live. I am extremely disappointed to hear it isn't working at all or may not even be in game. Guess that means we are stuck with using the absolutely atrocious armor models we hate so much - and I am not just talking about the stuff put in with 1.2. All I want for my sith is nice, simple, sleek robes with no neck brace, no gigantic shoulder pieces that are so wide you would need to turn sideways to walk through a door, no tire blocks or antennae on the wrists, no cyborg face masks, no helms with points or blades that stick up so far you wouldn't be able to walk around your ship without constantly ducking, no helms that look like giant bells or have feathers and no random bits of anything sticking out of any part of the armor. If this did not make it into game or if it was removed then there needs to be an official statement and an official patch note explaining this. Yep, I am quite irked by this news
  11. Can someone please tell my why there are BoP crafted items? I find it endlessly annoying and quite frustrating that as an Artifcer I can neither make for my guildies and alts nor sell the sell relics I can make. Generally speaking I think you would find people craft to: Outfit ALL of their characters Outfit their guildmates and friends Make money selling what the craft Unfortunately you cannot do any of those things with BoP items. Since only the character that crafted the item can use it, it makes every schematic that does not benefit your crafter's class completely useless. It also removes a money sink from the game since there is no point in buying those useless schematics. I am sorry but I find BoP crafted items to be one of the absolute dumbest things I have seen in an MMO. I just cannot come up with any reason why this is necessary or good. There should not be any crafted items that are BoP - crafters should be able to sell (or give away) everything they make, especially those high end items. Please, PLEASE, I implore you - get rid of that stupid BoP classification on crafted items and make them ALL BoE
  12. I have had much better luck since 1.2 went live. Then again I was hit hard with the RE bug introduced in 1.1.5 that caused a lot of people to have massive troubles learning schematics. People were REing the same green item 50+ times without learning a blue. I had one item I crafted 106 times over a four hour period and never got the the blue schematic. There were some items that it was quite literally impossible to learn a new schematic for. I have not had much trouble with learning blues by REing greens. I have still had some bad luck with learning purples from blues, but it hasn't been long enough for me to declare it as anything other than bad luck especially since the chance is a lot lower.
  13. First, the OP is on a PvE server which means he has chosen not to have to deal with PvP idiots. He should not, under any circumstances have to come back with a bigger group to take out griefers unless he is in a world PvP area, which plainly he was not. If he were on a PvP server or in a PvP area I would agree that he needed to grow a thicker skin and learn to deal. However, since he rolled on a PvE server and very clearly chose a server he would not have to deal with PvP on this is a dumb statement. Second, as can been seen by the text I highlighted from his post above, he did in fact move away and the other player purposefully followed. That is griefing and there is no excuse for it. Being infected should not force someone's PvP flag on. There should be no way that someone's PvP flag can be forced on by another player, period. On a PvE server PvP is strictly voluntary and there shouldn't be a way to get around that. PvP does not make a "true" MMO. While it is certainly something that contributes to an MMO, it does not make it. As a matter of fact, MMOs that focus on nothing but PvP fade quickly. There is a reason that every successful MMO has far more PvE servers than PvP ones - PvP servers are "niche" servers to appeal to the relatively small percentage of players that enjoy the more aggessive, dynamic environment that open world PvP provides. I do feel that modern MMOs have been far too dumbed down - there just isn't the challenge in them that you found in games like the original Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot. I hate the fact that there is no penalty for death at all (sorry but the repair cost is not a true death penalty, just an inconvenience). I also hate the hard faction lines in modern MMOs. I truly feel that part of the problem people have in modern MMOs with finding groups is the fact that you can only group with half the server to begin with. It's also an extreme impediment to roleplay when you cannot communicate with the other side through tells/whispers because it makes it difficult to cooridinate with the other side to setup events. I cannot tell you how many stories have been written based off of roleplay done all in tells. I am thankful we can at least speak in says in SWTOR but I really wish we could speak in tells and group with opposite faction.
  14. I am for the most part pretty happy with the new UI customiztion options. I still think there needs to be more hotbars (not to mention macros, at least ones that allow a text message in conjunction to an ability) but for the most part I have been pretty pleased. I get my new UI set up and saved, including my chat windows, tabs and existing color settings. I then log out and bring in an alt and choose to load my saved UI. Lo and behold the new UI loads and everything is where I had placed it on my main. There is just one problem - while the main chat window has in fact been placed where it was set when I saved the UI none of my other chat settings have been imported. The colors are all set on default and there are no additional tabs or windows. Please make it so when you save/load a UI it includes ALL of the chat settings - it is time consuming and annoying to have to change all the chat colors, create new tabs and windows and set the chat filters for said tabs and windows. I have my chat windows, tabs and colors set up they way they are for specific reasons and it would be really nice if I did not have to spend the not insignificant amount of time required to change those settings for an alt
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