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Instant casts are instanst ... after animation that is.


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I am surprised I haven't seen more threads about this but it gets really annoying.


Casting an ability that has no cast time, should just cast.


Examples of this:


Sorc jumps in the air and does an aoe knock back, I hit them with force push, their knock back does nothing. They burned their cooldown where every they land.


Warrior jumps in the air, spends their aoe smash, gets knocked back and their cast ends up in another location (where ever they land).


Warrior jumps in the air, spends their aoe smash, gets killed before landing it, you see the red aoe effect but no damage actually occurs.



I would like to see any instant cast ability actually be instant cast. Other examples of this are the assassin that has an interrupt animation. They actually have to complete the animation before their interrupt takes affect. This causes a lot of problems, especially since this game is already laggy.


Is this by design? Should classes that have animations before their attack cause a handicap in PVP? Do you all agree with this? Is this being fixed?

Edited by ExpLiciTSainT
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I would tend to agree, I believe that most of the time that I am interrupted its happen stance (area effect stuff) that someone was not just casting on me, but yeah its for sure not actually instant cast if you have a second of animation before it fires off. Mine as well have a 1 sec cast time.


I have had the same problem of going for a smash and being knocked back only to have my smash pop off where I land, Ive even had it go off in mid air. Sometimes my oppenents catch the damage and sometimes they escape it. But animation should be secondary to the application of damage, if my damage was applied before the animation and someone knocked me back screwing up my cool smash effect I wouldn't be as annoyed.

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Agree with OP


I have read some comments that it is intended because it is more "realistic" to do damage/efect when the animation connects with target but this is evidently not true for all abilities - especially for mobs.


example: try to use any CC on untagged mob that has instant cast stun/interrupt and it is the first thing they normaly use after entring combat.


it goes like that:

1) you perform cast time of CC (lets say 1.5sec cast concussion missile) at the end of cast missile leaves the barrel of gun and goes for target


2) mob will not enter combat when missile hits him and he gets stunned, no he enters combat when your cast ends, which gives him time to use his instant-stun/interupt on you


3) mob gets stunned when animation finaly hits him - by this time you are stunned as well (because he responded to your attack before it actually hit him)


So for some its supposed to be "realistic", for others.. not so much

Edited by Eviceus
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What I've noticed is that the damage is applied before the animation.

For instance Force Leap, once you hit the ability, the damage is applied then you leap to the mob.


I think this is why you're seeing what you're seeing.


You are both right I think, some actions like charge works this way, others like smash works as the OP described. It's kinda weird, after a while you kinda learn when to use stuff and/or how it works.


Most annoying thing is force push that never seems to go in the direction you want. Also sorcs/sages sprint is so goddamn buggy, even though you root them (charge for example) while they have sprint running and when the root effect ends they are ahead of you, so you have to predict where they'll end up after the root ends because you can't see them running it just looks like the "teleported" a few yrds ahead and if you plan on using force push you better be sure where they are:p

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I *********** agree... I had a sorc speed away from me at like 12% hp when I used my vicious throw to get that last bit of health down, they were running for the health pack in huttball, got the health pack first and then my saber hit them and did like 2.5k damage. GG bioware GG.
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I rather like that attacks have an animation before the attack goes off, it adds a touch of realism to the game. Can you imagine how much worse this game would look if attacks did not flow though like they do now, lightsabers movements would be jerky and we might as well go back to WoW where warriors were pretty much stuck in midair doing that jumping slash with a two hander, or spinning more then a ballerina if he is dual-wielding weapons.
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I get the realism part and that makes sense. However, when your class is about AOE damage that surrounds him, it really causes problems.


As melee, you have more working against you than range do.


Slows affect you with offense and defense, they do not really affect range except to escape.

Our AOE is 4 meter range around us, thus knock backs cause us to reduce 90% of our damage. If an Inquisitor casts their instant AOE attack, they hit instantly, no matter if they are knocked back.


If attacks must happen after animation, then the animation needs to be changed so we hit first, animate second.


I seriously lose Warzones around this problem... I have adjusted my play style to put me between the enemy and a wall so the knockback doesn't stop my damage. This only works in some areas and still causes problems.


I can understand this not being a big deal for anyone outside Rage spec, but for Rage spec, I could see losing 10 - 20% damage per warzone, just on this.

Edited by ExpLiciTSainT
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I *********** agree... I had a sorc speed away from me at like 12% hp when I used my vicious throw to get that last bit of health down, they were running for the health pack in huttball, got the health pack first and then my saber hit them and did like 2.5k damage. GG bioware GG.


Have you ever used your Vicious Throw only to have it rotate/fly around them for 2 or 3 seconds before it even hits them?


I really love that animation :mad:


Or watch it return only to spin in your hand like a top and your character prance around like a damn fool with a spinning lightsaber. So many bugged animations, one of the worst being using ravage only to never hit anything and the CD never starting so you can do it over and over without it ever connecting.

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Haven't consulars been asking for this almost since release? The fact that the class was (or is, have they changed this yet?) actually at a tangible handicap to its empire equivalent is super annoying. I convinced myself that it wasn't a problem, only to see someone plant a bomb on a door in voidstar and a third of a second later actually taking the damage that was meant to interrupt them.
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This does suck. When you get a scoundrel to stun you at a node in Civil War, you can't use smash after being unstunned, because that gives them enough time to cap, even if you're right on top of them.
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Haven't consulars been asking for this almost since release? The fact that the class was (or is, have they changed this yet?) actually at a tangible handicap to its empire equivalent is super annoying. I convinced myself that it wasn't a problem, only to see someone plant a bomb on a door in voidstar and a third of a second later actually taking the damage that was meant to interrupt them.


Inquisitors do the exact same jump up in the air before damage.

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Inquisitors do the exact same jump up in the air before damage.


He isn't talking about the Sages AOE, he's talking about their instant cast, single target, attack. Inquisitors get the lightning shock, which is instant. Sages get the boulder throw, which has to go through the animation of lifting the boulder out of the ground and then throwing it, a sizeable delay depending on your distance from target.

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He isn't talking about the Sages AOE, he's talking about their instant cast, single target, attack. Inquisitors get the lightning shock, which is instant. Sages get the boulder throw, which has to go through the animation of lifting the boulder out of the ground and then throwing it, a sizeable delay depending on your distance from target.


I'm talking about both actually. Instant cast anything that is delayed by an animation. There should be no delay for a instant ability.

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another example of why PvP and PvE games shouldn't be mixed.


You are confused.


This affects PVE and PVP the same. Look at Inquisitor tanks who have an interrupt delay. They actually have less time to get their interrupt off than other tanks. That affects PVE just as much as it does PVP.


Please take your hate for mixed PVP and PVE games to another thread as that is switching subjects and not the point of debate. We have already proved it affects both.

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I am surprised I haven't seen more threads about this but it gets really annoying.


Casting an ability that has no cast time, should just cast.


Examples of this:


Sorc jumps in the air and does an aoe knock back, I hit them with force push, their knock back does nothing. They burned their cooldown where every they land.


Warrior jumps in the air, spends their aoe smash, gets knocked back and their cast ends up in another location (where ever they land).


Warrior jumps in the air, spends their aoe smash, gets killed before landing it, you see the red aoe effect but no damage actually occurs.



I would like to see any instant cast ability actually be instant cast. Other examples of this are the assassin that has an interrupt animation. They actually have to complete the animation before their interrupt takes affect. This causes a lot of problems, especially since this game is already laggy.


Is this by design? Should classes that have animations before their attack cause a handicap in PVP? Do you all agree with this? Is this being fixed?


Thank you for voicing this.


It is extremely annoying to have instant abilities interrupted constantly.


It's really one of these elements that's holding the game back from being "smooth". In fact a lot of abilities are held back by their over-zealous animations. Smash and Sweep are just the pinnacle.

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The damage is timed with the animation on most abilities, which is good because it means animations are smooth and don't over-lap.


But there are some that seem different. E.g. "assault" will apply the damage instantly, even though you only see the damage numbers as the animation plays.

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