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Let´s be honest. SWTOR is pretty solid MMO arround.


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There might have been a specific door that people got trapped in, there was one on the jedi starter planet in the twi'lek village and it was easily fixed by being pulled out by another player or waiting 5 mins for a csr. As for karrgas i still have no idea what your on about, i have heard of people having bad fps issues in pvp which has been linked to chips that had been sold as extra cores then they were so faulty cores (blacks) were to blame on alot of that, so dont know if thats related.


You're right, you didn't. However, SWTOR is so instanced, casual and confined that I can't categorize it in any other way. The point remains however. EA wanted to release the game without any even remotely similar games coming out close to it, to maximize initial sales. D3 being pushed to 2012 opened the holiday season for them, and they decided to go with it. It was in no way in a release state in December. At least, not in a state that BioWare would have preferred.


No, there was an entire building on Taris that made the client freeze. This isn't an opinion, you can look up the dozens of threads about it. Karaggas when there was just the Rancor boss and nothing else was horribly laggy, no matter the settings or your pc. Maybe you weren't there as it was very early, like December/very early january. It got improved later on. Getting stuck on your ship wasn't something I personally encountered. It happened only when you queued to a WZ from your ship or something, it would disable the doors and galaxy map. What about most of the raid crashing if you force charge into the turrets on the 1st boss of EV, but only on hard mode? That was funny. And the pylons stopped working completely, and you had to wait till next week? What about SoA vanishing completely? Or the floor tiles not reappearing? The IA act 1 climax is still bugged. BH class quest could bug, making it impossible to continue it.


These are all gambreaking issues off the top of my head that were in the live servers at one point. There are probably more that have been in the game but I haven't encountered them.

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You're right, you didn't. However, SWTOR is so instanced, casual and confined that I can't categorize it in any other way. The point remains however. EA wanted to release the game without any even remotely similar games coming out close to it, to maximize initial sales.


D3 being pushed to 2012 opened the holiday season for them, and they decided to go with it. It was in no way in a release state in December. At least, not in a state that BioWare would have preferred.


No, there was an entire building on Taris that made the client freeze. This isn't an opinion, you can look up the dozens of threads about it. Karaggas when there was just the Rancor boss and nothing else was horribly laggy, no matter the settings or your pc. Maybe you weren't there as it was very early, like December/very early january.


It got improved later on. Getting stuck on your ship wasn't something I personally encountered. It happened only when you queued to a WZ from your ship or something, it would disable the doors and galaxy map. What about most of the raid crashing if you force charge into the turrets on the 1st boss of EV, but only on hard mode? That was funny.


And the pylons stopped working completely, and you had to wait till next week? What about SoA vanishing completely? Or the floor tiles not reappearing? The IA act 1 climax is still bugged. BH class quest could bug, making it impossible to continue it.


These are all gambreaking issues off the top of my head that were in the live servers at one point. There are probably more that have been in the game but I haven't encountered them.


Which is mainly down to lack of testing on the pts, they are resolving this issue and have to a degree in 1.2 by offering rewards for leveling chars on the pts and by importing groups of 50 direct to the pts manually.


But it still stands that EA and the investors might have pushed for an earlier release but in now way was it tied to in part or in any way to d3, if you had stated mop or another mmo of the same genre then i could accept it.


Personaly i think it was more down to timing swtor and secret worlds so as not to saturate the market by having 2 ea mmos out at basically the same time and also the sw film being released in 3d to help advertise swtor, and i say again nothing todo with d3.


And to go over it again the thing your stating with taris wasnt a wide spread bug or else it would have been huge news everywhere and not just a handful of the million plus that are playing, For the number of complaints on the forums is insignificant to the actual playerbase of the game.

Edited by Shingara
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SciFi is my preferred genre for an MMO and Star Wars in particular. But I will not continue paying to play a game solely for this reason. The folks at SOE can attest to this.


Believe me when I tell you I am probably one of the biggest Star Wars nerd you will ever meet, but I can't keep milking alt's forever. SWTOR is in dire need of more end-game content and if things do not dramatically improve by the time GW2 drops I will be out of here.

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SWTOR is just mediocre, and that's me being as objective as objective can get. I don't blindly hate it, after playing it, I just wasn't impressed. it does nothing new besides add voice to the quests. In fact it plays it safer than a lot of other games in the mmo field. When I dig for a positive point about this game, it's mostly just "it has has voiceovers, and light sabers" From raiding to pvp, it's all very bare minimum and not memorable at all. I mean if you've pvped or raided in the past, can you honestly say swtor is the best you've had in that regard? Even from a social or rp standpoint, there just isn't much to work with here.
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And to go over it again the thing your stating with taris wasnt a wide spread bug or else it would have been huge news everywhere and not just a handful of the million plus that are playing, For the number of complaints on the forums is insignificant to the actual playerbase of the game.


What? Not widespread? So they made special arrangements and announced that people need to simply write "Stuck on Taris" into their ticket to help speed the process, because it wasn't widespread? Either you weren't playing at the time, or didn't pay attention. It affected EVERYONE to a degree and most people had their client frozen. It was early on, the vast majority hadn't even reached that high level yet at that point for them to be affected so yeah, of course it didn't affect people who didn't level fast from early access.

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What? Not widespread? So they made special arrangements and announced that people need to simply write "Stuck on Taris" into their ticket to help speed the process, because it wasn't widespread? Either you weren't playing at the time, or didn't pay attention. It affected EVERYONE to a degree and most people had their client frozen. It was early on, the vast majority hadn't even reached that high level yet at that point for them to be affected so yeah, of course it didn't affect people who didn't level fast from early access.


so it either effected everyone 'or' it was insanly early and not alot were effected due to that they had not progressed to it yet and they fixed it before they did. pick one.

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so it either effected everyone 'or' it was insanly early and not alot were effected due to that they had not progressed to it yet and they fixed it before they did. pick one.


It affected everyone who reached Taris at that point in time. On the Imperial side as I don't recall anything being there on the Republic side. It was a bug that was in the live servers at one point and it stopped people from progressing through the quest chain. That was the only criteria I stated. Stop being asinine.

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Interesting, just recruited 5 new players yesterday :/. Our guild has over 90 people, and we run every aspect of the game at the moment. We even do Datacron runs XD.


Its funny how people are saying "its a good single player game, but not an MMO"? Why is that? Have you even tried leveling to 50 with someone or a group of people? I have! When I leveled my 2nd level 50, he was on the opposite faction, way new experience, met a lot of cool people, grouped a lot, raided, pvped. Great all around MULTIPLAYER GAME.


The problem with the doomsayers on this forum, their view of socializing is shrewd. They might tell you there is no way to get groups for everything, but if they actually tried to get a group. They would. They want groups created for them like the WoW dungeon finder system. They think that's actually socializing.


For those that had the poor luck of rolling on a low pop server, I'm sorry. But stop saying that just because Your low pop server has very little community that ALL community in SWTOR is dead, or that THE GAME WILL DIE, because there's not enough people. It happens, servers die, others grow, people swap all the time to play with friends. I have 3 level 50's, and another one almost there, one of my 50's in on a different server. I dropped 16 legacy levels and over 3million credits to reroll from scratch. ITS NOT THAT HARD.


Over exaggeration is all we see anymore.


SWTOR is VERY star wars, and very much ALIVE. All this nay saying is starting to make me think that certain people want this game to fail so they follow their buddies back to their "other games".


I've done all the end game content so far, yeah I've completed it...but every day when I log on, I log in to a huge group of people who just want to play, and have fun, with each other. Thats what its about. Not gear, not who's the best, but the social aspect. Its there, stop ignoring it.


Maybe you shouldn't contradict yourself when trying to prove your point to other players. It might help people to take what you say seriously. All you're doing right now is saying other players are wrong because they don't share the same optimistic view as you. Then you go on and say "just because their experience is different, they should not expect everyone to feel the same." Hypocrite much?


I agree there are good guilds left, there are servers with numerous players that are spamming LFG in general chat. Hey, maybe you are in one of those guilds or on one of those servers. But I'm sorry to break it to you, but majority of server are not in the position yours is. By the look of the numerous threads and light/standard population during peak time, it seems that many players can agree with me on this.


Lets talk about social aspect. What kind of social aspect are you talking about? You know at the start of the game, I would've agreed with you. Heck, I was actually one of those people that was defending this game and saying how it will bring the new MMO community here. I was leveling alone with a lot of people, and they weren't in my friend list at first. We were just players that saw each other playing at the same pace.


But now? Social aspect, 2/10. How social can it be, when you are instanced everywhere you go? You are instanced on your ship, instanced at the spaceport, instanced again when arriving on the planet. What kind of game does it take at least 4 instanced places when traveling between two INSTANCED PLANETS? It might work with a lot of players, but with 100 or so people on during peak time, IT DOES NOT WORK.


So no, there are no social aspect in this game good enough to praise, when the game forces you to be alone instead of a huge world filled with numerous players.

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SWTOR is just mediocre, and that's me being as objective as objective can get. I don't blindly hate it, after playing it, I just wasn't impressed. it does nothing new besides add voice to the quests. In fact it plays it safer than a lot of other games in the mmo field. When I dig for a positive point about this game, it's mostly just "it has has voiceovers, and light sabers" From raiding to pvp, it's all very bare minimum and not memorable at all. I mean if you've pvped or raided in the past, can you honestly say swtor is the best you've had in that regard? Even from a social or rp standpoint, there just isn't much to work with here.


Quote for truth. One person can like it more or one person can hate it more, but from a purely objective standpoint, this game is mediocre.


I'm in a guild of endgame focused people, they're all quitting or taking a break till 1.2 to see what that says.


Then again a guild of casuals might like it more (for the time being).

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Oh my mistake I thought all the talk from the devs about how innovative story, companions, and game play meant that the game would be innovative. Its apparently also my mistake I thought the game would last long considering EA claimed this game would last at least ten years and have multiple expansions.


You Bioware fanbois are beyond hope.


TOR will last years, sure it will. And They said that they are NOT trying to do revolutionary game but take what's good in other MMOs and use it here. And the fact, that NPCs have a voice for every quest is just a fact of innovative story driven MMO. At least I don't know about any MMO where you dont need to read wall of text.

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Being objective, give me a list of better MMOs than SWTOR then, so I can disagree with you.


For its time, WoW, Daoc, AC, UO, EQ, EQ2,


Swtor doesn't nearly make an impact comparable to what any of those games did.

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SWTOR has great IP to build a story focused MMO with strong potential as the Star Wars IP offers a lot of source material along with a huge built in fan base.


The problem is it fails on the MMO front by not having a strong technical or social base having been built by a company not versed in MMOs, as evidenced by the poor performance of the game and combat engine, the myriad of bugs still prevalent months after release, the over-use of instances, and the long list of missing features.


People who love Star Wars (and to a lessor extent Bioware story telling) that came here mostly for Star Wars story will focus on the Star Wars / story parts while glossing over all the game deficiencies (or just fail to see them), and go on and on about how it is a great game.


People who love MMOs and came here mostly because it was a shiny new big-budget MMO will focus on the game play and MMO aspects, and point out all the issues, failures, and missing features they see when compared to other games (regardless of how story / IP compares).


I'm kind of in the middle. I like the story aspects, but I also see all the problems and design issues this game has that make it difficult to take serious as a true MMO.


Like others have said before, I feel that as of today, SWTOR is a great single-player story-driven game that feels like it had many of its MMO parts added as an afterthought.


I do want to see it succeed long term, but to do so the developers are going to have to focus a lot of effort in building out the MMO parts to match and beat what other games already offer.

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2. World is not actually open.


Well. It´s not like WoW for sure. But areas are very big and extensive and every planet takes me some 20-30 hours to complete. The only difference is there is no gate to pass to another realm, But this is SW, you take a ship and travel to another planet. If you actually want SWTOR world be like WoW then the whole action must take place on one planet which is not ver appealing and plausible and characteristic for SW universe.


I am going to assume you never got the chance to play SWG. That world was open. Sure the planets were not as graphically appeasing (though many would disagree and with a good system and wicked graphics card it looked pretty good) but they were massive with muliple cities and starports on each planet.


I have played WOW (not a fan), that games pretty much path driven for the parts i had seen, not as much as here though but not as free range as SWG.


So it does not have to be on one planet.


This has already been done before, SWG may not have been the greatest game and they got a lot of things wrong, but the things they did do right...they did those things very well.


I like SWTOR for the most part, I feel very confined and had you played SWG you would really get a chance to understand why.


It may not hurt to try they SWGEMU, its not completed and in no a substitute but you can log in just wonder out into corellia or tattooine and see what freedom really is. IT IS NICE. :cool:

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I just want more stuff to do. In wow I can fish, EXPLORE, archaelogy, sit in goldhisre and watch duels. Queue up for dungeons, queue up for raids. I can also get to places quickly to help out a buddy. Oh, and the mounts in tor are some of the laziest designs I have ever seen.
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Well, I must be one of those rare people visiting this forums that started at pre-launch and still enjoys the stories. I somehow like the stories after the first character even better, because I don't have to figger out anymore all sorts of details that have to do with game mechanics. The stories differ enough to keep me occupied and interested. I'm also looking forward to legacy, I love to create a familytree. For me the community is no real problem, because I have friends and family on several servers, so grouping is never a problem.
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I agree it is a good solid MMO except for PVP. And i don't believe in nonsense that SWTOR is a single player game, it is as much of a MMO as WOW, Rift, EQ2 etc.



lol Go ahead and a try and find a heroic quest group or fp group. Switching servers is out of the question.

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lol Go ahead and a try and find a heroic quest group or fp group. Switching servers is out of the question.



I always do every heroic quest I get. Of course, I rerolled on a heavy server. If you are playing on a light server and refuse to reroll, you're really only wasting your own money.

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I always do every heroic quest I get. Of course, I rerolled on a heavy server. If you are playing on a light server and refuse to reroll, you're really only wasting your own money.


Never get tired of beating that drum do you.



All that rerolling does is contribute to the problem. It is not a solution. Stop attempting to pass it off as such.

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