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Let´s be honest. SWTOR is pretty solid MMO arround.


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Maybe the choices doesn´t have an impact in game, but they had a certain impact on me and my character. I went fully for the dark path. Many killing decisions were so hard to take and heartsplitting for me. But , on other side, they fit so well into my character role. I loved how realistic the reaction of many NPCs was. They cried, yelled, sweared and cursed me, but the scenes were so epic and dramatic that I felt myself being a part of a Shakespeare tragedy. So at the end, I realized that I was not only

levelling up my character, but actually ROLE PLAYING my character. Or maybe it´s only my imagination:p


This is a big feature that put SWTOR aside from its competitors. And I´d like to preserve it.


I agree with you - I had similar experiences with my character. I really felt like that at the end of Imperial Agent quests on Tatooine. Without giving away spoilers, I felt like my character was backed into a situation where she had to make hard, cold decision. The NPCs reacted perfectly And I admit I cheated and peeked at the 'light side' options (hitting 'escape' before they could finish) and I liked those as well. I personally have built up a personality for this character, in part based on when she's chosen dark side vs. light side. But I think some people would prefer that those decisions have a more persistent result.


And I also feel at times some of the choices are a bit arbitrary - they made something be a LS/DS decision for the sake of having one. Some decisions seemed perhaps a bit dishonest (more of a white lie), but not truly 'evil'.


But I'm splitting hairs. And like you overall I'm really digging the game. But I feel like even people who like the game should point out flaws or areas for improvement, so BW can take feedback into account.

Edited by amantheil
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Actually thats wrong!


SWTOR: The #1 Massively Single Player RPG on the market :)


People keep spouting this nonsense and it continues to be untrue.


Whine and complain all you want but it doesn't change the facts. The tools for playing this game as massively as you want are in place, the degree with which you avail yourself of them is completely and totally decided by YOU.

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No one lied about anything, stop exaggerating things and maybe, just maybe, you might get better responses.


Just out of curiosity, what did they lie about again?


Well, they said it would have all the bells and whistles of a modern MMO.

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The secret World - 500+ abilities to pick and chooses how you want to use them

WoW - Choose 1 ability every 15 levels


I do not see anything WoW like about this.


It will have the same hotkey rotations, at least from what I heard. And the gameplay didn´t convince me. Here´s the

. 5:20 shows you an actual gameplay combat. It didn´t impress me. Edited by Ivanblood
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Let´s be honest. SWTOR is pretty solid game arround.


MMO? Not really.


that joke stopped a while back, funny you are trying though with that one. How isn't it an mmo?


Hmm...I see grouping..I see conversation party system, I see choices that you both can make together (btw..not in any other mmo) so :p hmmm i also see other people online in front of me doing missions same time as me to. You can raid and warzone and do all that stuff just like any other mmo.


BioWare said also they will make it so if you want to play solo you can also making it be an mmo if you want to do it that way.


BioWare has succesfully created the first cross breed hybrid called an massively multi-single-player online role playing game. :) They gave us choices. Either live it out as your own personal kotor, which I do. Or play mmo to your hearts content

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Why don't you compare it to other Sci-Fi MMO's like EVE Online, Star Trek or the upcoming MechWarrior?


Personally, I think EVE is a far better MMO game... SWTOR has really good story-line, early game SP content (that's enough to keep me here for a couple of months), but the MMO aspects (warzones, GTN, heroics) are mediocre at best. If WoW is all you've played, you're really missing out on what's possible :)

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Why don't you compare it to other Sci-Fi MMO's like EVE Online, Star Trek or the upcoming MechWarrior?


EVE is completely different and cannot be compared with really, as for Star Trek, well that particular MMO is such garbage that it would be rather insulting if it was compared to SWTOR.

Only good thing in STO is character creation.

Edited by Vlacke
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two things OP, if you have to re roll to a server for community then there is virtualy none. Two, WoW isn't easy, you act like you solo dungeons and raids at level you can't. If anything Swtor is easier, some guild the a operation with 4 players on normal mode. In wow only way to do that is out level it.


Move along people, there nothing to see but another fanboy telling people how great the game is if you re roll on another server and how we don't need LFG. Swtor should be F2P.

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No it's not.


Buggy as all hell.


For most people the voiceovers were nice the first go around but after everything but the story class quests gets the space bar treatment.


It's a buggy version of WoW with voiceovers and cuts scenes.


The chocies in conversations are either, you are an angel or you are the devil. No real in between and for the people that did choose to be neutral they are not getting anything come 1.2 which sucks.


Solid single player RPG yes


Solid MMO no.

Edited by Overtone
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I just think they put way too much (and seem to be continuing to do so) work into players making alts.


With 3 dialogue options per each point in a conversation and with Imp/Rep mirror classes its like if they expect me to play the game over and over again from 1-50. And if you don't you are missing out on so much content and work that could have been put elsewhere.


I don't want to speak for the majority, but I for one don't want to reach lvl 50 and get hit with a big "Congratulations you beat the game! Now play it as a light side sith warrior female!"


Also, what gives with the flashpoints? Black Talon was awesome, it actually had a story. And while I haven't reached past 30 yet, but all other flashpoints have just been WoW instances... except sometimes I have to be careful as a door opens on some pulls.

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Here comes the biggest flaw of this trio. They are not ScFI. This is it. SWTOR already reserved for itself a big chunk of players. I know a lot of people who specifically need light sabers, blasters and tech stuff; they will not come back to sword, shield and magic again.


Sorry dude Swtor isn't sci-fi, its fantasy just like wow and gw2 and tera. Sci-Fi evolves phantasy stays the same just like star wars. Lightsabe = sword, blaster = arrow, etc. Star treck is Sci-Fi but star wars is as much fantasy as its going to get. You can go back or forward 3K years and nothing has improved thus fantasy.

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BioWare has succesfully created the first cross breed hybrid called an massively multi-single-player online role playing game. :) They gave us choices. Either live it out as your own personal kotor, which I do. Or play mmo to your hearts content


too bad people didn't get the mmo and most have not been able to do FP or Raids because there is no one around. You can see people around the desert on journy too so is journy the second succesfully created cross breed hybird called an mmsp or maybe so is cod.

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The secret World - 500+ abilities to pick and chooses how you want to use them

WoW - Choose 1 ability every 15 levels


I do not see anything WoW like about this.


It is also the typical Funcom game; boring quest lines buggy as hell and far too little content. They are holding it back until june but it still isn't long enough

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It will have the same hotkey rotations, at least from what I heard. And the gameplay didn´t convince me. Here´s the
. 5:20 shows you an actual gameplay combat. It didn´t impress me.
Cool. Don't play it. It'd probably be better for the genre if releases were quiet affairs. Unfortunately, EA probably feels they hit upon a winner by focusing entirely on release sales.
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You say that there is no end game content!?!?

2 8 man ops (3 difficulties each) 2 16 man ops and what... 9 HM FP's? (correct me if im wrong on that number)

Think about it. SWTOR Launched with MORE endgame content than WoW Has NOW! an impressive feat. With more to come in 1.2



Stupid people are Stupid.


Although i agree with you that its a fairly decent amount of content at launch, saying stupid people are stupid when you yourself are saying something wrong, is well..... stupid.


How did SWTOR launch with more end game content then wow has NOW. Wow has 7 , yes 7 full raids and most of them have more boss encounters (not to mention farrr more challenging encounters) then swtor has. Wow also has 14 heroic dungeons, if you know math 14 is more than 9 and 7 is more than 2 and thats now even counting the amount of bosses per Raid, if you counted that wow would certainly have more than 4x more raiding content.


So dont go around calling people stupid for stating wrong information when you yourself are doing the same. I understand what you are getting at and I like this game too, but im not going to spread false information to defend it like you are apparently willing to do (either that or you are misinformed and shouldnt be posting about it)

Edited by Samborino
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Sorry dude Swtor isn't sci-fi, its fantasy just like wow and gw2 and tera. Sci-Fi evolves phantasy stays the same just like star wars. Lightsabe = sword, blaster = arrow, etc. Star treck is Sci-Fi but star wars is as much fantasy as its going to get. You can go back or forward 3K years and nothing has improved thus fantasy.


It doesn´t matter. I am not looking for a strong defintion of Sfi. SWTOR will draw Sci-Fi fans despite the definiton. This is it. And Lightsaber is not equal to sword and blaster is not equal to arrow. They offer totally different immersion. You will not convince Sci-Fi fans to choose WoW by saying "Just imagine that bow is a blaster" :D

Edited by Ivanblood
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It doesn´t matter. I am not looking for a strong defintion of Sfi. SWTOR will draw Sci-Fi fans despite the definiton. This is it. And Lightsaber is not equal to sword and blaster is not equal to arrow. They offer totally different immersion. You will not convince Sci-Fi fans to choose WoW by saying "Just imagine that bow is a bluster" :D


Starwars isnt strictly fantasy either like that guy says, its a mixture of science fiction and fantasy, scifi fantasy or science fantasy.




Article with a pretty reasonable explanation that i agree with.

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2. Voiceovers really make the difference.

No they don't, some of these are cool but they don't actually change anything.

3. The dialog options are so good for a MMO. Really. Morality choices are of the best I played before. You can be very evil, neutral or good. Only a few games arround offer this kind of choice, and none of them are MMOs. You may say those choices didn´t matter but they mattered to me, and to many others. Those choices defined my character and myself. I choosed the dark path and I still have remorse for taking some heartsplitting decisions. For the first time, I hadn´t just level up my character but I defined him with my choices too. WoW doesn´t offer this.


Most of the provided choices, as far as Sith are concerned, don't fit the mindset of the character. Sith are not nice, nor are they known to work well with others, yet many of the choices portray my sith inquister as either being a sap, a fool, or merciful.


5. SWTOR is the most grouping-friendly games I played. People are grouping in this game quite easily. I tried WoW sometime before, and got to level 30, but mostly I played solo. I tried to group with other people, but they plainly ingnored me. During my playthrough in WoW, I couldn´t group not even once, and I was in guild with 50 people.

In SWTOR is quite opposite. If you want to do Heroics, you must group with somebody. The groups usually are of 4. It´s pretty easy to group. I just throw a message to General Chat "Anyone for that heroic" and "LF1 more for <heroic>", and people usually always repond. In WOW, I actually never saw something similar to Heroics.

On Fatman, you can actually find a body even for a single player missions.


We must not be playing the same games, it is much easier to find a group in wow, open up lfd window and click join queue. You don't even need to stand around a city/fleet for an hour. You can actually do something else.


8. SWTOR community is great and friendly. Go on Fatman you will see. The main public of SWTOR is the people who seek for pieceful cooperative experience. There is a guild boom right now, every one tries to create one. SWTOR is a perfect game for people who mostly played single player games and are affraid of MMO. There is no elitist jerks arround, at least by now.

There are just as many trolls and jerks in the swtor community as there are in any mmo, there are also plenty of elitists.


2. World is not actually open.


Well. It´s not like WoW for sure. But areas are very big and extensive and every planet takes me some 20-30 hours to complete. The only difference is there is no gate to pass to another realm, But this is SW, you take a ship and travel to another planet. If you actually want SWTOR world be like WoW then the whole action must take place on one planet which is not ver appealing and plausible and characteristic for SW universe.


20-30 hrs? Really? Each planet is one big roller coaster. Azeroth dwarves most of the areas in swtor in size and content.


3. I will not discuss the problem with pop to avoid the closing of my thread. Just rerolled. Try a new alt. Or just wait for a migration tool. No other solution is available.

Rerolling is a natural reaction of SWTOR community for the self preservation. The most of SWTOR community in US is concentrated now on Fatman.


The problem is this game isn't an alt friendly game, the replay value is minimal, since most of the missions will be the exact same, a few of the options might change, but for the most part race and class don't really make a difference.




Its like WoW but with Pokemons. Yes, and a better combat. The rest is the same: NPCs with excalamation sings floating overhead, text boxes for the missions, no voiceovers.


If you like Korean MMOs with pokemons go and try it, but people who are into Star Wars and ScFi will not follow you.


You don't actually know much about Tera do you? It is more along the lines of DCUO with Aions art style. Aside from having elves and humans, there really isn't much else that is similar to wow.




Well it´s the strongest competitor. But is it really so ground breaking ? I watch so many video and read so many previews about it.


The main atraction is World vs World vs World. Yep. Cool stuff.

The graphical presntation is awesome.

The combat is new and fresh.


Its flaws.


It keeps being like WoW. Yes...more mature...better combat...choices affect the world but...NPCs have excalamation sings floating overhead, text boxes for the missions, no voiceovers, killing stuff by hundreds.


And it´s not SCFI.


Again you really don't know much about the game you are trying to discuss, only thing GW2 and WOW have in common are they are both fantasy based.


2. Secret World.


A very shady horse. It may be a great success or another Age of Connan.


Its flaws.


It has standard WoW-like mechanics. No groundbeaking there.

Graphically it didn´t impress me.

Secret World lore must compete against STAR WARS. Every new lore has a huge risk to suck. This is a fact. Check the Kindoms of Amalur.



You seem to be good at not knowing what you are talking about, then again when it comes to Secret world very little is actually known, they haven't really talked much about it. What we do know has it shaping up to be a very unique mmo in that it will not have classes or levels.


Whether that translates to a successful game is still be seen, other games have tried the classless idea before, many of which aren't doing all that well now.


Now SWTOR is not a bad game, it has its moments of being quite fun, but none of what you have said here objective or fact, it is just the opinion of one star wars fan.

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Not guna lie, I dig the game. It has a lot of positives going for it and it has some negatives. In all honesty I don't think I'll be in the game for years and years or even a year. It's pretty easy to gobble up all the content that it has to offer and sit around waiting for more.


Such is the way of these kinds of MMO's tho, content comes out. We eat it up and move on to something else in the interim. I've given up trying to find that ONE special game that's guna hold me for years. I'm okay with playing while I have fun and moving on when I don't.


Looking to the secret world next..just hope they fix those stick figure animations.

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I know this might be a silly concept to you but not everyone does flashpoints just to gear up :rolleyes:


And you got that from me saying the PVE are boring? What part of my sentence did you get that I was doing it for gear? If you're going to make arguments to defend your favorite game, at least make them valid.

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