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Valor<50 -- Why PvP Prior to 1.2?


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I love all the baddies in this thread that are all sad that their gear will be easier to get next patch. Don't you guys remember WoW PvP? Each time a new set of gear came out, the previous version was easier to get. You know how hard it would be it would be to get the best pvp gear, if say after 4 new sets came out? Having to go through all those sets would be hard, and really time consuming. It also wouldn't be fun at all, especially if it is an alt. Also, if the only reason you guys are PvP'ing is just for the gear, then you are doing it wrong. Quit crying about it.


This Troll has failed the Turing test. I know neither to which side he is referring, nor which he is supporting. Your logical abilities are obviously flawed due to the fact that you demonstrate a lack of reading comprehension and a stark deficiency in your ability to construct coherent arguments.

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They did this because otherwise people would play to 49 and then just stop when they hit 50. I know a lot of people already want to do that because you can't collect any of the gear in advance. You can get 1k wz and 1k merc and that's it. You can buy 1 champ bag. You can't even buy a BM token.
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It would make so much sense if they left all current gear the same I.e bm gear and introduced the blue **** and war hero.


They are commiting the cardinal sin of improving a current rng to get set while introducing a new set.


This essentially makes unlucky r60s move backwards in terms of gear.


There is no number other I could put on my frustration level due to lack of any sight bioware has.


Your pvp developers are terrible and I will never play another game by this companie(s)

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Seriously, why PvP before 1.2?


1) Get full Battlemaster gear set in anticipation of increased stats, ranked warzones, War Hero armor


2) Get 65 valor to purchase the vehicle that will soon no longer be obtainable


3) Stock up on WZ comms and Merc comms, in anticipation of War Hero armor


4) Earn WZ comms to stock up on PvP Medpacks and Adrenals in anticipation of increased price


5) To have fun

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1. pvp should be for fun


2. for me, i used centurion gear for a grand total of 1 week... i have almost 800 centurion comms that are useless until 1.2... i have full champ gear and about 400 champ comms, also useless until 1.2...


people actually still use full centurion gear? it's almost as useless as pre 50 gear.... :eek:


3. right now, i need 1 more token to finish off my full BM set so that when 1.2 hits, i only need 1000 ranked comms to get full WH armor set (excluding weapons and implants/ear)...


instead of spending 1100-2200 ranked comms to get 1 piece of gear, i am only going to need 250-430 ranked comms when I trade the BM piece in... that's 80% less comms...

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Why PvP? The same reason I have always PvP'd. To kill people.


Can't believe changes to gear and such has any bearing on you wanting to PvP or not. Clearly you aren't that interested in it.


Yea we kinda get screwed but we just get the new gear so get over it.

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Champion gear (136) isn't necessarily inferior to Recruit gear (128). Yes you get more expertise but you also give up a LOT of primary stats. The optimal setup would be a mix of the two until you can get to full BM, just like how right now we mix 2-3 pieces of Rakata gear to our BM suit for PVP. You can look at Champion gear as an "in between" piece with decent primary stats and some expertise mixed in: it looks like if you're not yet in BM, the best setup would be a 50/50 mix of Champion and Recruit.


When the changeover happens, the most optimal course of action will be to replace whatever Centurion gear you still have with Recruit, but keep the Champion.


The only purpose of Centurion gear was to kit out your companions, actually. I'm kind of sad about it going away.

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Ok, let's leave BM gear the same as it is pre-1.2. Let's make the new blue gear better than BM and make sure warhero gear is better than that. Then everyone will be in the same boat and everyone can pvp for the reasons you have given your seal of approval. No? Didn't think so which means the original poster's reasoning is actually valid.


Exactly what he said.


I have a life with a busy family schedule, so I don't get time to play much. It says this in the original post, try reading it please.

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Champion gear (136) isn't necessarily inferior to Recruit gear (128). Yes you get more expertise but you also give up a LOT of primary stats. The optimal setup would be a mix of the two until you can get to full BM, just like how right now we mix 2-3 pieces of Rakata gear to our BM suit for PVP. You can look at Champion gear as an "in between" piece with decent primary stats and some expertise mixed in: it looks like if you're not yet in BM, the best setup would be a 50/50 mix of Champion and Recruit.


When the changeover happens, the most optimal course of action will be to replace whatever Centurion gear you still have with Recruit, but keep the Champion.


The only purpose of Centurion gear was to kit out your companions, actually. I'm kind of sad about it going away.


I liked this too, easy way to gear up your companions on an alt.


Most likely won't be a big deal though. I'm not sure exactly what they're doing with pve but I do recall that tionese gear is going to have the cost lowered a great deal. Probably will be some other stuff like that as is usual with the "old stuff is easier to get" thing we have in MMOs as new tiers of gear comes out. Getting all your companions in low end lev 50 purples I'm sure won't be much of a task.

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-capping your warzone and merc commendations will help you buy things once the patch hits.


-you're close to level 60 and can get some bm gear before the patch. Depending on how far away from 60 you are between doing your illum daily/pvp daily you can get a rank a day.


-Farm champ gear for future dual specs.


-you play on a server where its the only thing to do.


-you like it?


-premade ranked warzones inspire you to get some extra 4 man team practice in prior to the patch.

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you people should have expected this. you are playing a brand new mmo developed by people who have never done an mmo before. you should expect large sweeping changes as Bioware figures out what does and doesnt work. if you can't handle the evolution of this game, go play kung-fu panda on WoW for about 6 months, then come back. you cant expect stability in a brand new mmo. that's foolish.
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Exactly what he said.


I have a life with a busy family schedule, so I don't get time to play much. It says this in the original post, try reading it please.


i respect that you have a family, but honestly, do you think you should get the same rewards as someone who plays 2-3 times more than you? a casual player cant expect hardcore gear. that isnt how it works.

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you people should have expected this. you are playing a brand new mmo developed by people who have never done an mmo before. you should expect large sweeping changes as Bioware figures out what does and doesnt work. if you can't handle the evolution of this game, go play kung-fu panda on WoW for about 6 months, then come back. you cant expect stability in a brand new mmo. that's foolish.


First of all, what do you mean "you people"? Second of all, this had nothing to do with this being a new mmo. BW has not stated why BM gear is getting updated stats and not Champ gear. People who haven't hit the arbitrary valor rank of 60 are bring penalized. Players with bad rng that have hit valor rank 60 are being penalized as well. This is not an issue of working out the kinks of a new mmo.

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NOTE: This is a statement from a gear standpoint. Yes PvP is fun, but other things are fun too. Let's present an equivalent comparison for all you Battlemaster gear owners. What if they weren't buffing BM gear and the recruit gear would be better?


First of all, I love the game but really hate how BW's chosen to screw Centurion/Champion gear holders with patch 1.2.


Centurion gear will be vastly inferior to the new Recruit armor that can be bought for a measly 320k?

Champion gear will be equal, or more likely inferior, to Recruit gear.


Champion and Centurion gear won't be sold anymore nor have stats changed.


All PvP gear will be purchased with normal warzone commendations, or ranked commendations. Why work for purple bags when the centurion and champion commendations will only net me some crafting stuff or lame blue box with a random (or perhaps a pvp crafting material)?


Mercenary commendations will go to a 1-1 ratio instead of the current 3-1. There will be no conversion during the patch. So if I max warzone commendations now, it is 3 times the time/effort than post 1.2.


Seriously, why PvP before 1.2?


As a person with a family, it took me a while to build up the full Centurion set I had. Now I know that most people think that this isn't much effort, but it actually is when you only have about 4 hours to play a week! I feel like my effort is being rewarded with spit in the face! At least give me the option of trading my centurion, and few Champion, gear back in for the new WZ commendations I can use to buy Battlemaster gear on patch day? With BioWares exchange rate of 1,000.WZ = 45.Centurion = 30.Champion = 1.Battlemaster, I could buy one third of the Battlemaster set based on what I've spent in Centurion and Champoin gear.


You might as well cancel your sub until the final gear-introducing patch before the game closes down with this attitude.


Gear will continue to get better to give people who only care about gear a reason to continue paying a monthly sub. It's the same reason that MMO's tend to increase the level cap.


If you can't handle that now you won't be able to handle it next time it happens either.

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First of all, what do you mean "you people"? Second of all, this had nothing to do with this being a new mmo. BW has not stated why BM gear is getting updated stats and not Champ gear. People who haven't hit the arbitrary valor rank of 60 are bring penalized. Players with bad rng that have hit valor rank 60 are being penalized as well. This is not an issue of working out the kinks of a new mmo.


its simple. BM is being updated because it STILL EXISTS. why should bioware spend time and money updating gear that is no longer obtainable and easily replacable? id rather they spend that time designing a new warzone. If getting recruit gear is so easy now, then DO IT. my point is that you should have expected things like this. there is no stability in new mmos. i dont even get to keep my BM gear anymore because i had to reroll, since my previously heavy server is now empty. these things happen when you start playing an mmo at launch.

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NOTE: This is a statement from a gear standpoint. Yes PvP is fun, but other things are fun too. Let's present an equivalent comparison for all you Battlemaster gear owners. What if they weren't buffing BM gear and the recruit gear would be better?


If you don't pvp because you enjoy pvp... why do you pvp?


I don't like PvE. So naturally I don't care bout PvE gear.


I continue to pvp despite upcoming gear changes because I like to pvp. If you're going to wait until they make changes to the gear than maybe pvp isn't for you.

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First of all, what do you mean "you people"? Second of all, this had nothing to do with this being a new mmo. BW has not stated why BM gear is getting updated stats and not Champ gear. People who haven't hit the arbitrary valor rank of 60 are bring penalized. Players with bad rng that have hit valor rank 60 are being penalized as well. This is not an issue of working out the kinks of a new mmo.


Like he said, BW is new to MMOs. They either have no idea what the customer wants or don't care. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt, they just don't know. All this really doesn't matter anyways because ranked pvp is going to be such a flop. Without cross server queing the pvp pool size is so small that rank won't really matter. Premades will still beat up on pugs.

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Like he said, BW is new to MMOs. They either have no idea what the customer wants or don't care. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt, they just don't know. All this really doesn't matter anyways because ranked pvp is going to be such a flop. Without cross server queing the pvp pool size is so small that rank won't really matter. Premades will still beat up on pugs.


there is going to be cross server queing once the actual season starts. they have stated this. they are implementing Pre-season ranked without cross server first so they can work the kinks out. this is to be expected because, as weve seen, even after running the gauntlet in the public test server, big patches tend to have glaring flaws that must be addressed by subsequent patches.

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Recruit gear will not have set bonuses so champ (and centurion for that matter) gear should still be better.


Recruit gear is blue non-mod gear so champ (and centurion for that matter) will likely be better


BM gear is getting buffed and will be better.



If not... then PVP, have fun, get new gear, stop complaining so much. The game is not going anywhere. Everyone is in the same boat.

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Anyone who has come over from WoW or any other MMO knows about the whole gear treadmill that constitutes endgame MMOs. In WoW my S1 arena gear wasn't suddenly useless when S2 started, I could use that gear to build upon until my S2 set was complete.


Actually that is one of the reasons I quit WoW. Grinding out the Arena wins for all my gear for both specs only to have to grind Honor gear next season because its better than last season's Conquest gear. Then have to grind out the current season's Conquest gear...


That ruined it for me. I'd have been ok with next season's Honor gear being equal to last season's Conquest gear to level the field for newer players. That combined with a similar thing on the PVE side was just a little too much gear treadmill for me.

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