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Running away from OW PvP


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I'm sure this thread it will hit 20+ pages discussing this trivial encounter, the suspense is killing me, hope it'll last.




You're absolutely right! It's like a day time reality t.v. show. Where is this person who ran away? The Swtor community wants to know why! Show yourself cowardly one!




Edited by Draeb
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Y'know, some of us PvP just because we like to fight people, and the "thrill" of outplaying another human being is enough reward generally.


Which is why we rolled on PvP servers.


Yeah its fun the first few times until you realize that the loser didnt lose anything and you won nothing, heck the guy you just walked over will probably forget your name before hitting the revive button.


I'm fine with no rewards for pvp, heck I'd be happy if there was no pvp gear at all and the only way to get good gear was in the open world so we would be pvping non-stop.


But having the pvp be meaningless and have no rewards is just asking for what we have, mindless drones going from quest to quest at top speeds ignoring everyone else and then maybe a few of them make posts like this one wondering why no one wants to bother pvping when the guy who loses doesnt even have to run back to where he died from.


open world in this game killed itself upon release because of the horrible no one loses, no one wins ruleset

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Yeah its fun the first few times until you realize that the loser didnt lose anything and you won nothing, heck the guy you just walked over will probably forget your name before hitting the revive button.


I'm fine with no rewards for pvp, heck I'd be happy if there was no pvp gear at all and the only way to get good gear was in the open world so we would be pvping non-stop.


But having the pvp be meaningless and have no rewards is just asking for what we have, mindless drones going from quest to quest at top speeds ignoring everyone else and then maybe a few of them make posts like this one wondering why no one wants to bother pvping when the guy who loses doesnt even have to run back to where he died from.


open world in this game killed itself upon release because of the horrible no one loses, no one wins ruleset


And don't forget about the crappy engine behind it all....






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Or maybe she was afraid of what happens in like 70% of the OW-PvP encounters when you are on republic side: As soon as you engage in the fight more imps than the total number of repub players on your planet will show up to roast you.


There is no incentive for a single player on the outnumbered side to pick up a fight.


it is if you are a stealther


my lvl30~ scoundrel had lots of fun on alderaan where four imperials tried to do some heroic4 quest and i made it impossible for them :-)


they left after 10 or so minutes

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Yeah its fun the first few times until you realize that the loser didnt lose anything and you won nothing, heck the guy you just walked over will probably forget your name before hitting the revive button.


I'm fine with no rewards for pvp, heck I'd be happy if there was no pvp gear at all and the only way to get good gear was in the open world so we would be pvping non-stop.


But having the pvp be meaningless and have no rewards is just asking for what we have, mindless drones going from quest to quest at top speeds ignoring everyone else and then maybe a few of them make posts like this one wondering why no one wants to bother pvping when the guy who loses doesnt even have to run back to where he died from.


open world in this game killed itself upon release because of the horrible no one loses, no one wins ruleset


I think you're missing the point entirely, as the point of the battle was the battle itself, not griefing another player or earning some sort of reward.


Also, you say the "first few times". I've been playing since early release, and I'm still on my "first few times". I can count the people I've fought in world PvP outside of Ilum on one hand, and have fingers left over.

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I had a Jedi consuler do this recently in Ilum.


I had just finished the 30 armament daily, and it was very early in the morning. I woke up an hour before reset, needed 6 armaments, heading to Ilum, and once finished I started casting my fleet pass, and then I get peppered by rocks.


I was groggy and didn't feel like dealing with this so I vanish and run, but goober is still following me and he has me at 60% already.


So I turn around and blow him away in no time. That was a very rewarding experience and I was wide awake afterwards.

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the most bizare open world pvp encounter i had was when i was fighting some guy, and realized that i was trying to win. i took a step back and wondered at my motive for winning... was it for pride? loot? advancement? i then realized that it was all for nothing, that in fact, if i died, i would be able to fast travel to a medbay near my quest ending location, so i holstered my weapon and became one with the force.
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it is if you are a stealther


my lvl30~ scoundrel had lots of fun on alderaan where four imperials tried to do some heroic4 quest and i made it impossible for them :-)


they left after 10 or so minutes


And without the elite + strong groups? how much fun would you have had?

The described situation is not really an OW-PvP paradigm.

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I'm working on my 3rd 50. This is the first time I have spotted an enemy player while leveling since my FIRST 50, back in December. I play on a pretty balanced server too, so my faction does not outnumber the Republic by a huge margin; in fact, Republic is stronger on my server, so I can't imagine they are stygmatized by constantly being farmed.


So in 3 months, this was literally the first time I even encountered the opportunity to world PvP on a PvP server.


I had to jump on the chance. : )


But you're right, it's not always cowardice. I just always assume it is.


It was most likely the first time the other player had been attacked in OW PVP. He wasn't expecting it and reacted by running. In a situation where he's expecting trouble, I'm sure it would have been different.

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I personally love the world pvp. I'll actually go out of my way to find others from the opposing side, when I'm not in a questing mood and/or am tired of doing the same three WZs, so I usually do not run when I see someone. By usually I mean that if I am playing my lvl28 Sage and I see a few lvl50 Sith creating chaos in Anchorhead, then I'll TRY to run away.


Yes, there were Sith in Anchorhead yesterday! I kind of wish I had thought of asking them how they got there, so I can do the same with my sorc. XD


Anyway, I do wish they would do more to encourage world pvp. It can be fun!

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I personally love the world pvp. I'll actually go out of my way to find others from the opposing side, when I'm not in a questing mood and/or am tired of doing the same three WZs, so I usually do not run when I see someone. By usually I mean that if I am playing my lvl28 Sage and I see a few lvl50 Sith creating chaos in Anchorhead, then I'll TRY to run away.


Yes, there were Sith in Anchorhead yesterday! I kind of wish I had thought of asking them how they got there, so I can do the same with my sorc. XD


Anyway, I do wish they would do more to encourage world pvp. It can be fun!


Had that happen to me on Ilum. I was at the starting base picking up the 1st set of dailies and two Imps came out of stealth and started focusing me down. It took me a second to even realize what the heck was happening to me in my own base.


Truth be told, before I could even get off a couple shots, some good Samaritan had killed them both..... thank God for Carbon, that's all I have to say :p

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Most people shy away from world PVP unless the combat is completely on their terms with odds overwhelmingly in their favor. While leveling up the few times I ever ran into any PVP I was opened on by a stealther while already fighting quest mobs and at half health or lower, and usually was killed. The few times I was able to fight them off the player just vanished and I never saw him again. I've literally never been attacked by a non stealth class in open world pvp which really isn't surprising. Unfortunately most people aren't looking for a good fight, just the cheap kill. Edited by Cereyeth
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What's your point? This thread is about why a person doesn't want to PvP and I gave a reason. Don't you have anything to do besides be a sarcastic troll?


Yeah, post my opinion on the topic, which I've done. It's a PvP server, so people are w/in their rights to look for PvP on it outside of WZs.


You gave a reason and then basically said to stick to WZs, while this thread is about world PvP on a PvP server. It's not the same thing.

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Yeah, post my opinion on the topic, which I've done. It's a PvP server, so people are w/in their rights to look for PvP on it outside of WZs.


You gave a reason and then basically said to stick to WZs, while this thread is about world PvP on a PvP server. It's not the same thing.


No, you did not post your opinion on the topic. You decided to troll my post. The OP asked why this person did not want to PVP (this is what you call "the topic"), they did not ask if attacking the other person was ok.

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Literally. I was playing my BH Healer on Alderaan, at lvl 32 riding my speeder down a road when i spot a lvl 33 sage! So i chased her down and when i got close enough fired a few blaster shots her way to knock her off her speeder. Her first move was to run away for some reason, so i stunned her, killed her companion, then chased her down and killed her as well.


Now this is on a PvP server, so I'd assume that's what people are looking for... but why would someone run away? I proceeded to /laugh and then /say Why run? . Then i took off.


Anyone else had a bizarre encounter like this?


have you vindicated your existence with this thread? is your epeen now sufficiently large enough for you?

Edited by looneybinjim
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Literally. I was playing my BH Healer on Alderaan, at lvl 32 riding my speeder down a road when i spot a lvl 33 sage! So i chased her down and when i got close enough fired a few blaster shots her way to knock her off her speeder. Her first move was to run away for some reason, so i stunned her, killed her companion, then chased her down and killed her as well.


Now this is on a PvP server, so I'd assume that's what people are looking for... but why would someone run away? I proceeded to /laugh and then /say Why run? . Then i took off.


Anyone else had a bizarre encounter like this?


I wouldn't consider this a "bizarre encounter." I can think of many reasons why someone would run away.


1. They are close to level and only have a few more minutes of play time so they want to focus on finishing a quest.


2. They are trying to meet a friend somewhere in game.


3. They aren't familiar with how to kill your particular advanced class.


4.They are on their laptop because they're out of town, which lags like crazy, and don't want to pvp because they will not perform well with their touchpad-mouse.



Just a few thoughts. I love world PvP myself, I just don't see why you'd consider this a "bizarre" experience. It's barely an experience at all :p

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No, you did not post your opinion on the topic. You decided to troll my post. The OP asked why this person did not want to PVP (this is what you call "the topic"), they did not ask if attacking the other person was ok.


You can find my opinion on almost every page of this thread. /shrug


I'm sorry if you somehow missed it, the turquoise makes that hard for some people. I guess I can say it again, if you're saying I'm not on-topic. You made a statement, and I replied directly to what you said, which you call "trolling". I simply don't agree w/ the statement that you made.


There are plenty of reasons to run away from a fight on a PvP server, but I'm always going to assume cowardice first. It's the most natural reaction when faced w/ this situation, I think. I also assume that if I need to leave a fight for any reason, my enemies will be thinking the exact same thing.

Edited by Varicite
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You can find my opinion on almost every page of this thread. /shrug


I'm sorry if you somehow missed it, the turquoise makes that hard for some people. I guess I can say it again, if you're saying I'm not on-topic. You made a statement, and I replied directly to what you said, which you call "trolling". I simply don't agree w/ the statement that you made.


There are plenty of reasons to run away from a fight on a PvP server, but I'm always going to assume cowardice first. It's the most natural reaction when faced w/ this situation, I think. I also assume that if I need to leave a fight for any reason, my enemies will be thinking the exact same thing.


Yes everybody who runs from you is a coward...grats internet tough guy.

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And without the elite + strong groups? how much fun would you have had?

The described situation is not really an OW-PvP paradigm.


Without the elites I would not approach 4 enemies alone, I'm not suicidal.


However my class was perfect for guerilla warfare. One on one was usually no biggie, but I could tackle one on two with patience - I would wait till one has low health or they are both engaged in mob fight and use the element of surprise to my advantage.

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