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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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To OP, it sounds more like an issue of maturity level of the players in your guild than anything else. In our guild, we don't have a problem playing PvP against each other. Of course, we enjoy playing with each other more, but sometimes, the only worthy opponents we can find that will give us a challenge is ourselves :D
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OP at this point you have 16 pages of people who do exactly what your guildies did, we farm eachother all the time cuz its fun to screw with your friends. in fact i have made more friends farming people on my op than not. I levled a Operative just to farm my guildies and they were all told, so they inturn gang **** me WZ's and we laugh and talk smack in vent. Not trying to troll you but honestly it sounds like something bigger was happening there, or your guildie that left was 8 or overemotional. It has nothing to do with PVP, it's a guild issue, that you should seriously get on top of, for the sake of guild as a whole.
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OP at this point you have 16 pages of people who do exactly what your guildies did, we farm eachother all the time cuz its fun to screw with your friends. in fact i have made more friends farming people on my op than not. I levled a Operative just to farm my guildies and they were all told, so they inturn gang **** me WZ's and we laugh and talk smack in vent. Not trying to troll you but honestly it sounds like something bigger was happening there, or your guildie that left was 8 or overemotional. It has nothing to do with PVP, it's a guild issue, that you should seriously get on top of, for the sake of guild as a whole.


You're right.


But really, I wanted to say I love your sig. : )

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How is this thread at 16 pages? We should all laugh about "emotions running high in pvp" and move on.


No we should keep it alive just so that we see how other people react to losing in a computer game (even if most of us/you think its utterly pathetic)



I, for my part, have always preferred LAN games, in CS, Starcraft etc simply for the reason that you know (and often see) the people you play against. Winning against someone you know is much more fun than winning against some totally unknown to you (ofc, loosing have some extra flavor as well).



So I vote yes, keep it as it is, competing against guildmates (and my guild includes my brothers and former neighbors etc) only brings more spice to the pot.

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Emo is emo lol I was playing against my guild mate and I see him on a break away and I force pull him to me and rip him a new one. All I see is B Really!!!! I couldn't stop laughing cause if ur a healler sorc on the other side = auto kill/farm material for me on sight lol.
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How is this thread at 16 pages? We should all laugh about "emotions running high in pvp" and move on.



Exactly, If people quit because they lost to guildies, then the guild is weak and that weakness needs to be cut out.


Lets be realistic, it's probably some guild that mass recruits on starter planets anyways.

Edited by Mavic
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I would take Huttball a step farther and make mixed faction teams, "chosen at random" just as the announcer claims.


It would be interesting to cooperate with the people I typically am fighting against, to defeat my own faction's players and even guildmates.

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Sounds like you need to recruit better players, attitude and skill wise, and not drama queens. This has nothing to do with same side pvp, it has everything to do with your guild's poor attitude.


We encourage EvE guild battles, they're fun and full of rivalry and competition. It is even more fun when both premades get que'd together against another double premade, but that's rare.

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Sounds like you need to recruit better players, attitude and skill wise, and not drama queens. This has nothing to do with same side pvp, it has everything to do with your guild's poor attitude.


We encourage EvE guild battles, they're fun and full of rivalry and competition. It is even more fun when both premades get que'd together against another double premade, but that's rare.


Fighting friends is always more fun than fighting strangers, imo.

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Fighting friends is always more fun than fighting strangers, imo.


Haha yes, indeed. My guildies know my mara is dangereous and can survive for quite a while. So when a team of 3 dps focuses me and I have lightning coming out of every hole in my body... They have a good laugh, I have a good laugh, we enjoy the game.

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Just today the main tank in my guild force choked me as I was grabbing the ball, and said in Guild Chat, "Don't touch that".


Then I jet boosted and killed him bc he was at like 2% health and I replied "I just killed you with air bro".


We both had a good laugh about the entire match.


Moral of the story, guild with folks who would be your friends IRL and you will never have a problem. It's the facebooking of guilds that leads to drama like this.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


What you are saying is basically "we lost a guild member because he raged over pvping against guildies so please increase the waiting times for the pvp warzones for everyone by a large amount". You MUST understand that this is not realistic.


Why don't you just make some behavioral rules for your guildies, like no trashtalking about PvP or so. Point is you need to solve this problem internally.


There's many guilds where people are having a laugh when fighting their own guildies and where it actually IS fun and games. Everyone gets emotional here and there, but teach them to calm down before they open their mouth.

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I skimmed the OP's comment and thought. Your Guildies are immature.


I was in a huttball match and my guildie just kept coming at me. Why? Because he's seen me play. He knows what I am capable off and he knew it be a bad idea to leave me to my own devices. Yeah sure it was frustrating having to deal with him, made me less effective to my team but made it overall more effective for his team. He kept me occupied with him, after the match I told him he was an ***, we had a laugh and proceeded to get on with our lives.


Tell your guildmates to grow a pair and stop acting like children.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


Stop recruting children. Our guild loves to pvp each other. Hell, high school wrestlers have to wrestle each other for a spot on the team, and they are children. You telling me adults are rage quitting over some pvp? lol.


I attack all guild members of mine in warzones with even more zeal than normal. I want them to be ready to fight others.

Edited by Derian
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Same faction warzones wont be removed at this point, they have already established too much of a reliance on it now as a solution.


Id like a personal option to disable it for my own queuingf, simply because I dont like it. There is absolutly no top end MMO game with respectable PVP that ever had same faction combat in its "real" pvp outside of player structured events (such as wars between guilds and such). When 3 out of 4 warzones are same faction enabled, and the devs a leaning that way for future "fixes" then whats the point of factions honestly? Just make everyone red to every one if its just about being "star wars death match" with no actual emersion.


So, I can see why they use it and see why some folks like it.. personally I think its a lazy bandaid for a bigger problem and that it undermines the overall integrity of the games pvp system, but it is what it is.

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hey if you do not like same faction based pvp then plz leave the game it's just a game hey if that person quit your guild because they got there but hurt in same faction well so what get over it if they did not have this system in place i prolly would never get my pvp daily quests done so get over it its fine that person must have some problems with fighting agains another guildie my guild we do it all the time and its fun just to fight someone in your same guild like i said stop being a baby about same faction pvp matches
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I took up pvp a while back and have no problems fighting members of my guild. It makes the matches more interesting too, because most of my guild mates are pretty good at pvp. If we are having trouble getting our wins for the day or are just in the mood for it well make a group and go in together.
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My entire guild once got pitted against each other in Huttball. So I casually mentioned in our Vent server, "Get Read first. He's a healer."


Read grumbled. We all laughed. Good times were had by all. Believe it or not, he and I are still friends.

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