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Your Opinion: Worst PvP Class/Spec


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lol if youre having problems with gunnery, which i understand to be the mirror of arsenal, then you arent going to succeed with any class/spec.


Any competent melee should be able to shut down a gunnery commando with ease. Gunnery is good when you're allowed to freecast. It's terrible if the other team isn't stupid and knows to keep someone on you. Haven't touched my Commando in months now.


Gunnery is awful against good players, if you're going to play assault you might as well go Vanguard. At least Commandos have the healing tree.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Any competent melee should be able to shut down a gunnery commando with ease. Gunnery is good when you're allowed to freecast. It's terrible if the other team isn't stupid and knows to keep someone on you. Haven't touched my Commando in months now.


Gunnery is awful against good players, if you're going to play assault you might as well go Vanguard. At least Commandos have the healing tree.


If only someone had told me my only decent pvp option as a commando was healing, I'd have gone Vanguard in a heartbeat. Any decent player sees that big honkin assault cannon and knows he has a free kill.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Jugg/Guards when played right have some of the highest PVP burst damage in the game. Seems there's a L2P issue here.


He broke his list down into roles: tank, heal, dps.

So you replying "lol pvp burst damage for guards/juggs" when it's in his tank list is a "L2R issue" in your case ;)

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Lethality Operative.


"Excuse me, would you mind standing still so I can apply my two DoT's, debuff and melee Shiv so I can use my 'big-hitting' Cull ability (once every 6 seconds, after I reapply Shiv)?"


"You've insta-dispelled my two DoTs, so Cull will hit like a wet dishrag? Oh well..."

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Gunslinger/Sniper and of those 2 Gunslinger due to screwed up game mechanics and animations.


I have one of every character...and Gunslinger is by far the hardest to play, but can also be very rewarding if played well and left alone to rain down havok...but once someone notices your, unless you have heals, your dead.

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Worst PvP spec is pretty damn hard to make a call on.


I have played every AC bar 2, and found them all to be amazing in their own way.


I myslef have mained a sniper since the beginning and find it incredably powerful.


Players make specs look the worst or the best.

Edited by Kalliadies
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in defense of Juggs/Guardians


My main is a Jugg with about 600 expertise, my main goal in warzones is too keep everyone alive by taunting, stunning, distracting enemies, and then keep a guard on a healer and intercede them everytime its off CD.


I ran with my guild Op healer (she was battlemaster) and played a full game of Voidstar. At the end of that game i had MvP at 9 medals with about 200k dmg and 190k protection

(my protection record)


If i keep using my abilites every time its off CD, target taunt, stunning, intercede, aoe taunt, my team will never die.


Yes as a tank jugg my dps is laughable but thats not what the class is strongest at.


Its keeping your teammates alive.


Therefore not the worst PvP class that goes to Dirty Fighting Scoundrel

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My experiences with sniper has been that one of them can just dominate a match. Maybe that's because their rarity makes good ones stand out more, dunno. I've also come across some ops that were extremely hard to kill.
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I ran with my guild Op healer (she was battlemaster) and played a full game of Voidstar. At the end of that game i had MvP at 9 medals with about 200k dmg and 190k protection

(my protection record)


if you were a rage jug in sorosu stance you'd have 2 or 3 times the damage and the same protection, with vastly more kills.


using a dps spec means you lack a few of the CC options, but you make up for it by being able to actualy kill things.

in the end, nothing says "stop beating on my buddy" like sending them back to respawn.


my best as rage jug in sorosu is 450k damage with 160k prot and 14 medals in voidstar.

i've done better in damage, but not with such high protection.

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Worst classes are- operatives, snipers, sorcs and mercs, in no particular order. If there were two TOR games- one that was those four classes against each other, and another that was the other four- it'd be the most balanced game ever made



Per class though....


Sorcs- Lightning spec- immobile, the main attack you have to spam has a cast time like tracer missile yet does half the damage and has no debuff, you do get two nice CC for when people get close- sadly your choices then are to run, or to cast something while standing still. Terrible.


Snipers- Marksmanship- mind you, this spec is great against bad players, and it hits really hard really fast... sadly it's extremely immobile, and cover is too finicky for it to be reliable all the time. It does have the benefit of being one of the only specs that is a good counter to the marauder godclass- however that's pretty much the only thing it can counter, and even then it requires bad play from the marauder.


Operatives- lethality just seems overall lackluster- it's a dot spec that's kinda like annihilation marauders if it was designed by a pile of vomit.


Powertechs- AP- while PTs are amazing, the AP spec is simply awful, only thing I like about it is hydraulic for the brief CC immunity, can be nice for ball caps... but that's about it.


Mercs- pyrotech- mostly for not being as good as power-pyro. Arsenal can do more damage in a good player's hands- and sadly can still do a lot of damage in a bad player's hands until they run into someone who knows what interrupts are.




Overall though-


DPS- lightning sorcs are the worst, they're just terrible


Tanks- problematic since all three tank specs are pretty much amazing- and can dish out some good damage. I'd say juggs just because I've done shield tech PT, and I know sin tanks are amazing with the right gear- and juggs haven't been as painful, despite being godlike ball carriers and having great control.


Healing- right now, hard to say- but with 1.2, I'd be tempted to say sorcs- sorc/mercs are getting resource nerfs, sorcs are also getting reduced to having pretty much no heals that can be gotten off that do decent healing while being pressured- mercs at least have occassional interrupt protection, and ops have better mobility while casting. Still, tough one, but for the opposite reason from tanks- healers are great when you let them free cast, but with 1.2 nerfs they're a joke in all forms.

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Jugg/Guards when played right have some of the highest PVP burst damage in the game. Seems there's a L2P issue here.


Yeah if youre rolf smash. Try breaking 200k dps as immortal spec, I dare you, it isnt easy.

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Worst is by far Sage/Sorcerer DPS because only bad players die to them. Only random PuG's who suffer from tunnel vision, have no clue what other class abilities are have any difficulty with them.


PvP burst for Sage/Sorcerer is the lowest, PvP DPS is easily healed and the DoT's they have will only kill cowboy players who inside War-zones venture off alone doing whatever they want.

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Operative/Scoundrel healers are amazing, I truly wish I would have rolled one instead of my Commando. Their mobility and their heals is just amazing and in 1.2 they're only going to be getting better.


yep true this, dunno what that guy was talking about

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Sorcerer.. I was mix of Lightning with wrath and my DPS output was lame. I would see a bunch of ticks of 250-300 on my lightning on targets with 18-20k health. Lot of good that does when they turn around and hit me for 3.5k in a single shot then drain the rest of my health in a few seconds.


I could put up a lot of damage in BGs but i really lacked in single target damage so it's a misconception that we are any good.


Now I am LOVING my Arsenal Merc. Great single target DPS

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Gunslinger isn't that bad a PvP class if you aren't stupid and try to stay in cover against everything (Sabo spec really only needs cover for Sabo Charge and Speed Shot which have long CDs, and Dirty Fighting only for the latter.) I'd say Sharpshooter is kind of flimsy for a PvP spec since it is the most cover reliant for it's rotation, but it does have the best sustained DPS out of the 3 as long as you don't get focused by melee.


The worst PvP class in my opinion is probably Guardian. They just don't have nearly the tools it seems the other tanks specs have.

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A 14 14 13 Jedi Guardian build in Soresu form using medium or light armor and open hand on attacks could easily be the worst thing going in end game pvp.


Better yet get a fresh respec at the skill mentor, spend no points, party nekked and use no weapon. Pick any class. Buy a goldfish and have it play for you. That should be pretty awful.



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Whoever nominates defence specced juggsguardians for worst needs their head checked.


Best ball carriers around, insane mobility with 2 30m leaps and a walking cc machine.


I mean they won't top the epen charts, that's true, but they're very valuable in actually winning the WZs while other specs chase them big numbers.

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