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Sounds like an awesome add-on to SWTOR :) Had to read the information twice so I could understand what was written Emplyees who write these should at least have a better knoiwledge of english usage, punctuation, etc. :p


I love it when people post about others needing to use punctuation, grammar and spelling, and then fail to use it themselves.



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I feel kind of like a high school teacher would if a student came into class that hadn't done their homework all year and said "APRIL FOOLS! I DID ALL MY HOMEWORK!".


If the student filled out all the answers in the homework exercises with jokes, I'd be a little pissed.


It would only be funny if the homework was actually done.


I don't buy the whole "oh every new game is going to have it's kinks at first" because they've had over 3 months now to fix a lot of things that really would not take a whole lot of work. I gave BioWare an "A" for release, but i give them an "F" for their post-release patches. They've attempted (poorly) to fix a lot of things that really shouldn't have gotten attention in the first place (for example, Ilum should have been left the way it was originally, and phased out of significance much like it was with the recent PvP daily changes, and shelved to be fixed at a point in time when higher priority stuff has already been fixed). The operations are still awful. I still cant initiate a strafe while my ctrl modifier is being held down (which, by the way, the devs said they would fix over a month ago when i first pointed it out). I still have to manually zoom back out any time a world object intercepts my camera ray. Character alignment is still stored as a floating point value and has long trailing decimals after the first time you fail a diplomacy mission, and remains that way until you cap out (this could be fixed by an intern in 5 minutes). Master-loot is still essentially a non-option in operations because for some reason, and this is mind-boggling to me, not all of the items a boss drops can be looted when it's enabled. I could go on and on.


The point I'm making is that the current game build is still in piss-poor shape, and it still overwhelmingly feels like a rushed job. I know TOR was released earlier than the devs would have liked, but they've had 3 months to make the game at least FEEL like it was ready for release. We've essentially been subscribing to a game that's still in beta.

Edited by Nasai
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The point I'm making is that the current game build is still in piss-poor shape, and it still overwhelmingly feels like a rushed job. I know TOR was released earlier than the devs would have liked, but they've had 3 months to make the game at least FEEL like it was ready for release. We've essentially been subscribing to a game that's still in beta.


While I respect your opinion, your entire post is completely subjective.


This game is in AWESOME shape for an MMO only 3 months old.

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Freaking awesome. Great laugh to be had out of these.


"I wish to be bathed" - omg, I dont like my bounty hunter anymore.


And the whole fist bump after the droid "Interfacing" priceless.


Hope you all caught the +0 affection lol.

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April fools jokes aside, will the new patch let us turn off C2N2's voice? He is the most annoying part of any game I've ever played, and I played Zork @ launch. I love the space combat, free flight issues aside, but I dread going back to my ship because I can't get that POS to shut his flippin mouth!
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I feel kind of like a high school teacher would if a student came into class that hadn't done their homework all year and said "APRIL FOOLS! I DID ALL MY HOMEWORK!".


If the student filled out all the answers in the homework exercises with jokes, I'd be a little pissed.


It would only be funny if the homework was actually done.


I don't buy the whole "oh every new game is going to have it's kinks at first" because they've had over 3 months now to fix a lot of things that really would not take a whole lot of work. I gave BioWare an "A" for release, but i give them an "F" for their post-release patches. They've attempted (poorly) to fix a lot of things that really shouldn't have gotten attention in the first place (for example, Ilum should have been left the way it was originally, and phased out of significance much like it was with the recent PvP daily changes, and shelved to be fixed at a point in time when higher priority stuff has already been fixed). The operations are still awful. I still cant initiate a strafe while my ctrl modifier is being held down (which, by the way, the devs said they would fix over a month ago when i first pointed it out). I still have to manually zoom back out any time a world object intercepts my camera ray. Character alignment is still stored as a floating point value and has long trailing decimals after the first time you fail a diplomacy mission, and remains that way until you cap out (this could be fixed by an intern in 5 minutes). Master-loot is still essentially a non-option in operations because for some reason, and this is mind-boggling to me, not all of the items a boss drops can be looted when it's enabled. I could go on and on.


The point I'm making is that the current game build is still in piss-poor shape, and it still overwhelmingly feels like a rushed job. I know TOR was released earlier than the devs would have liked, but they've had 3 months to make the game at least FEEL like it was ready for release. We've essentially been subscribing to a game that's still in beta.


If all your going to do is pick fault and *****, piss and moan.. then maybe trolls such as yourself should just cancel your account and let the rest of us have fun and enjoy ourselves..


btw.. the "over a month ago when i first pointed it" out comment.. Do you REALLY think of yourself in that high a regard that you are the most important person in the game and that every issue that you have MUST BE FIXED now.. good april fools Nasai... unlees its not......

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If all your going to do is pick fault and *****, piss and moan.. then maybe trolls such as yourself should just cancel your account and let the rest of us have fun and enjoy ourselves..


btw.. the "over a month ago when i first pointed it" out comment.. Do you REALLY think of yourself in that high a regard that you are the most important person in the game and that every issue that you have MUST BE FIXED now.. good april fools Nasai... unlees its not......


No, I dont think of myself in that high a regard. The devs responded to the thread and told me it'd be fixed. It hasn't.

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