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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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I don't mind waiting in queue once, but having to do it, 3-4 times a night because of an internet blip is a major deterrent. At least WoW had a grace period... even when my server was full I was able to get back in right away.
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No - fix it now. I hate being the overly-entitled arsehole customer, but I didn't pay $60 to endlessly wait in the queue.


Agreed, I can deal with one queue to play, hell its a new game and we all knew to expect it, but no grace period is completely unacceptable. DC's happen, there is no way a raid can happen on a server if there is a Queue for ever DC...

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You make a lot of ridiculous assumptions that I don't even remotely hint to at all. I think you are the one who doesn't make sense, and I also think you are quite stupid. Sorry, don't want to call you that but after three chances to make you comprehend you just aren't getting it. I'm sorry you are slow and lack the average comprehension skills of a 4 year old.


1) I never said my guild wouldn't invite me to raids. I raid in all the games I play and I am very good. Since raiding has not started in SWTOR, I can only point out that I've played WoW since 2004 and beaten every raid instance in the game within a short while of it being released, including Heroic modes. So where did you make this assumption from? Yeah, straight out of your behind.


2) So your argument is there should be no mods and macros because YOU want an even playing ground? Sounds like you are the handicap one here, buddy. When you play a sport like basketball or football, do you tell all the non-white players to leave the field because their natural ethnic abilities are better than your own? A truly good player will overcome regardless of using mods/macros. So the argument of even playing field is moot.


3) And flashpoints giving me a hard time? I'm sorry, are you even reading my posts because not once did I even use the word flashpoint or mention anything related to them.


I see arguing with you is pointless, because you are one of those trolls who tries to put words in people's mouths just so you can make your own fuel for the fire. Your logic has failed miserably. Please don't bother to continue replying.


TL;DR - To quote the principal from Billy Madison, "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."




This is quite amusing. Trying to reason with a wow player that is used to use these aids to improve his lack of natural talent.


1) Read your own post. I think there is a mention of not getting invited to a raid. Do you really find wow a difficult game? Really, so hard that you even need something to make it easier.


2) So you're saying that black people can use jump shoes because of their ethnic background. Nice one. A truly good player would not need anything that that the game doesnt provide.


3) In your original post you were referring to game difficulty. If the the game is too hard for you that you need some aids to help you then I suggest some other easier games.


Calling other people stupid while trying to make your point really doesnt help your case. It only shows your so called mental age. Have fun in wow.


PS. Nice quote, so original.

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Got DC'd twice in the last two days while either trying to enter a warzone or while in the warzone. Both times I got stuck sitting in a 1.5 hour queue after. The queues are bad enough but making people sit in them multiple times per day due to disconnects is really too much. Please come up with a fix for this.
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One fix = 1,000,000 less posts about how broken the Queing system is and you wont have to play "post police" any longer. All we want to do is play the game we spent $60.00 for. After tomorrow you will not be able to stand on "we let you in early" at that point you will be owing people money back.


Please don't be the screwed up mess of a launch Star Wars Galaxies was... You are headed in the same failure direction. Spend your resources checking spelling, grammar and content of posts rather than fixing problems that are holding THOUSANDS of people out of the game.

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Took me 30 minutes to find someone to run a heroic quest....


they zone in, game locks up, immediately restart, and now I have to wait 30 minutes, by which point they'll be gone.


Please fix this bioware.


When I get d/c'd and can be back in game in 45 seconds and yet have to wait in que for 30 minutes something is wrong.

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After reading all these posts, I can't help but think I have it better than some, but playing 30 mins, getting disconneted for no appearant reason, and waiting in another 300 person queue over and over is just stupid. I paid $80 to play a game, not fume over it.


Fanboys- keep your comments to yourself about this is "expected" or not the real launch. There were enough beta tests and they know how many people pre-ordered it. How the hell can we even hope to play on the 20th at all? They have made enough money and can provision more servers to smooth this out.


They entered this market space based on a lot of research and they know how the other solid MMO's (WoW for example) run things. This is NOT "new territory".


You can have the best game in the world, but if people can't (or get sick of trying to) play it- ti's worthless.

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If this issue isn't #1 on Bioware's to-do list, this game is going to lose customers FAST.


Having the modem lose signal and reboot (30 seconds top) doesn't warrant a 1 hour queue.


Sorry Bioware, fix this or end up like every other post Nov-2004 mmo.




$!@% you Bioware, I was 200ish/900 and now it reset.

Edited by robaleca
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Hoping to buy the game on Tuesday when it officially launches however am thinking best wait to see if these incredulous queues gets addressed.


If this is fixed on Tuesday it demonstrates a very disappointing position from the SWTOR management that they are prepared to waste many hours of their most ardent fans (those that that have early access) time for very spurious reasons.


If its not fixed then this MMO's launch will be a big fail.


Lastly i have noted very little info from BW comms on an ETA to fix it.


I really hope this games inssues gets fixed soon as I want to be a paying happy customer...if not I just wait for GW2 and hope they learn from this.

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This needs to be fixed now. I just waited in queue for an hour and played for 10 minutes before getting disconnected. I logged back in within 30 seconds to find I am number 1132 in queue. I have no problem with waiting in queue ONCE. I shouldn't have to wait in queue again after being disconnected provided I log back in quickly.
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Could we please have some type of grace period to log back in after a disconnect?


Had issues both in guild and in groups, if someone would disconnect for a minute they'd have to sit in a 15-20 minute que to get back in and finish the flash point or whatever they're working on.


Same but 1+ hour wait

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very frustrating, in the middle of a Flashpoint and CTD then an hour queue, i get its early access but release is two days away. this is the time of thing that can cripple a launch, or game for tha matter, in my opinion. i dont know what the solution is, a grace period or what, but something has to give.
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