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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Before I read the books I had such thoughts.


But after reading the books it would seem very out-of-character for her, and my characters are all either unworthy of her consideration or respect her too much to be good matches, anyway. (Which still wouldn't stop my bratty smugglers, male and female, from flirting with her, of course, if given the chance. :p)

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What happened to following the jedi code? Even if I had a male jedi, they wouldn't romance anyone. It's called the jedi code and if they don't want to follow it, leave the order. Even Jolee Bindo pointed out why the code was necessary. It didn't get changed until Luke Skywalker.


Answer, my jedi do not romance anyone even if they aren't completely light side.

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My Shadow: No, she is too female for him.

My Smuggler: After three or four drinks she just might.

My Guardian: Oh come on, the Grandmaster? He has to sit on the council with her. This spells trouble.


Remember when you stopped for space gas for the Defender and DID NOT ask for directions?


You are about to.

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No, she's a hypocritical *****.


Seriously though, I cannot believe how the grandmaster of the jedi order can't even be bothered to stick to their own "no baby mommas/no baby daddys" rule.


The sith might be evil as hell but at least they are honest about it.


TL;DR No I can't stand hypocrites

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Back as she looked in the game movies and not presently then yeah.. but still people are forgetting she already got romanced for 6 months and had a secret love child (Theron) with Jace Malcom


So yeah funny how Jedi of the highest level go against their own rules, but sith are open in what they preach



Back on track though my simple answer is No... I wouldn't try and romance her if it was an option

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It would be nice if Imperials could kill Shan. My warrior wants to decorate his wall with her Jedi braid. What happens before is optional. Maybe seduction with the use of the Force - as a way to convert her to the Dark Side before killing her?
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No, she's a hypocritical *****.

The sith might be evil as hell but at least they are honest about it.


The Sith are rarely honest. Deceit of all sorts is widespread, and encouraged during the training. But honesty isn't one of the proclaimed values of the Code of the Sith.

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Back as she looked in the game movies and not presently then yeah.. but still people are forgetting she already got romanced for 6 months and had a secret love child (Theron) with Jace Malcom


So yeah funny how Jedi of the highest level go against their own rules, but sith are open in what they preach


That only makes her more human, more appealing....


Heck yeah, I'd romancer her if possible. Not with all my characters, but with some yeah...

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The Sith are rarely honest. Deceit of all sorts is widespread, and encouraged during the training. But honesty isn't one of the proclaimed values of the Code of the Sith.


Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for.


The sith are predictable in that they will connive and backstab if given the chance.

They are open about this. My point still stands

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