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How does one kill a healer merc as pyrotech merc?


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LOL are you being serious ?



you know how much burst dps a pyrotech has ?


if a healer dont LOS knock pyrotechs back and stun them then a healer is as good as dead vs a good pyrotech railshot spammer.


im sorry but pyrotech does crazy damage if you cant kill a healer as one you are just bad.


lol learn to play your OP broken class and you will see how easy it is to faceroll everything spamming rail shot lol


really pro comment br0 leave a few lols out of it and someone might take you seriously. Pyromerc is one of the most balanced classes out there yes it can smoke someone really fast but it also has the worst "mobility" (unreliable and shortsnare no movement enhancement) and survivability(longish but low dmgreducution shield and selfheal no interrupt) making it only a good damage source.


With pyromerc going against healers its always gonna be a long fight 1v1 save your 4sec stun to last 20-30% keep your dots up manage heat with rapidshots. Healer mercs and ops will run out of resourse faster than you will overheat when merchealer puts his shield up just save your TD railshot to when it goes down and bring your heat down powershot+rapidshotx2 you´re not gonna kill him/her with the shield up.


To OP its a waste to play pyromerc before 40++ it doesn´t work properly you´re missing TD , crit bonus from healer spec heat deduction to powershot in arsenal spec. You also need to have gear to make this spec work crit upwards of 30% surge 75%+.

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I don't think 1 DPS should be able to kill 1 healer, regardless of DPS class used. I do think, however, that 1 DPS (regardless of DPS class used again) should be able to keep 1 healer so occupied healing themselves (via damage/interrupts/CC) that they don't have the GCD to toss an offensive ability or heal anyone else.


I agree with this. I think any pvp-specced, equally geared DPS should be capable of accomplishing this. If that isn't the case, there may be a gear/spec difference (i.e., maybe the DPS isn't specced an effective PVP spec while the healer is).

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lol are you being serious ?



You know how much burst dps a pyrotech has ?


If a healer dont los knock pyrotechs back and stun them then a healer is as good as dead vs a good pyrotech railshot spammer.


Im sorry but pyrotech does crazy damage if you cant kill a healer as one you are just bad.


Lol learn to play your op broken class and you will see how easy it is to faceroll everything spamming rail shot lol


hey guys look who dont read teehee

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This is about a MERC pyro, not a Powertech, unless ofc you are a sniper or a terrible player, then it's true.


No, it is quite hard to kill a healer 1on1 as a pyro/merc, they can cure your dots, and easily outheal your powershot, thermal detonator and rapidshot damage.

As you do not have an interrupt the fight is very difficult.


What is this sniper racism?!

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I am a pyrotech PT and the day I can't kill a healer 1v1 I will unsub and return to WoW cus then what is the difference??


Anyways on topic... Normally u wont be able to 1v1 as a merc pyro tech, HOWEVER if u get really lucky with a Thermal detonator crit and a railshot crit, you COULD kill him if he doesnt have all of hes cds up. :) anyways in 1.2 it should be easier!

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I tend to agree with Deridia. Curious how others feel.


Alma, I feel that an equally skilled/geared DPS should be able to kill and equally skilled/geared DPS 50/50, but not a DPS/Healer matchup.


In the DPS/Healer matchup, the healer shouldn't ever be able to "win"... only keep themselves up. The only thing I support is that yes, a DPS should be able to "tie up" a healer keeping him busy healing himself, but I don't think they should be able to kill them 1v1.


I beat the other 50 healers all the time ,it doesent take less than a minute like vs dps but they dont win :p it just takes me a long time on the better ones this is as a MARAUDER THO,were are so stupid easy 1v1 late game we get moves for every situation

im not even talking about in pvp either im talking about 1v1 dual both have all there cd's

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Yeah like others have said, Pyro merc is not as potent as pyro powertech. Rail shot is triggered by two channeled skills, easily interrupted, and can't proc rail shot as much, due to that. Also unload and powershot used to proc rail shot mean you are less mobile. Mercs have no interrupt either, so killing any competent healer is impossible 1v1. A powertech can harass and wear down a healer simply because they don't have to stop moving, can keep the healer essentially perma snared, can grapple them back if they run, have better complimentary trees in general for pyro, and also have an interrupt.


This isn't to say mercs aren't good as pyro, but powertechs are better.


And Mercenary Pyrotech is taking an equal nerf ):

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If a healer should be able to survive anything 1v1 they should not be able to kill anything 1v1. But this is not how it is. Atm healers can survive most 1v1 and kill most 1v1. Even bad healers have an advantage over good dps'ers.
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Im starting to think Very little people read the Original post...


Let me set this strait

I am not talking about warzone 2v1's 3v1's 9595959v1's


1v1 DUAL VS A MERC HEALER were we both have evrey CD


some of you gave some good ideas but most of you are saying ''ITS IMPOSSIBLEE''

Just because your good at healing does not mean no can kill you,what goes on on your server is not the same on evrey other.maybe your good at your class and maybe your the best at it on your entire server! thats cool! but what if someone as good as you does it with another class! DERP


I know its hard to believe but there are people good at there class out there!,Merc healers do not kill me 1v1 on My marauder the fight just lasts a very long time

similar to when i fight good tanks


I was asking fellow 50 pvper's How you would do it as a Merc Pyro tech


I dont want comments ''LOL RAUDER OP LOL NOOB'' LOL MERC PYRO NOOB LOL'' i just wanted to know how to do it at 50 because Im still learning Merc pyro

Edited by Vektarulz
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If a healer should be able to survive anything 1v1 they should not be able to kill anything 1v1. But this is not how it is. Atm healers can survive most 1v1 and kill most 1v1. Even bad healers have an advantage over good dps'ers.


Are you sure it isn't possible that the healers in these cases have either 1) better gear or 2) are more skilled than the DPS in question?


I agree that healers can kill DPS sometimes in warzones... but that doesn't mean it's strictly based on the role. There are other variables that come into play.


And to the OP, sorry if I, in any way, contributed to a derailment of your topic. Hope you get the answer you're looking for :)

Edited by Shlamorel
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And Mercenary Pyrotech is taking an equal nerf ):


I always like picken the under dog tho :p it does seem that some things in this game are just not meant for 1v1 tho I mean think about the tracer spam,sure it hits realy hard but even the ones in battlemaster just fall over vs assassins and rauders :p i guess thats supposed to be for PVE cause in raids that **** helps ALOT

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Im starting to think Very little people read the Original post...


Let me set this strait

I am not talking about warzone 2v1's 3v1's 9595959v1's


1v1 DUAL VS A MERC HEALER were we both have evrey CD


I already told you how you 1v1 a healer as a pyro merc.


1. Press enter.

2. type "Focus (name of healer)"

3. Press enter again.


Ta da! Healer dies to focussed fire.


That is how you 1v1 a healer.

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Its very easy to kill a healer on any class. Just do the following:


1. Press Enter key

2. type "Focus (name of the healer)"

3. Press Enter key again.


Healer dies a few seconds later.


I've found this to be very effective against all classes in fact. Aha. Balance is achieved!

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no because healers give up there damage for healing obviously. its already hard enough to stay alive 1 vs 1 now with all the OP broken class's and specs wait till after 1.2 healers wont even be able to do jack.



you wont see many healers in 1.2


Except in this game, they really dont.


If healers gave up all rights to damage of any kind 1v1, then i'd be fine with never being able to hurt them 1v1. But in a 1v1, a healer still does.. say, 60% of the damage i do as a pure dps.. AND i cant hurt him at all. I will die in the end, because he can do damage to me and i cant really inflict any meaningful damage back.

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Should a dps be able to kill a healer who is equally skilled/geared as him in 1v1?


I can, takes a bloody long time though. I have to whittle them down to about 40% HP, line up a Wrath proc around the same time that Death Field comes back off cooldown...then once I get those conditions set up I Jolt the first big heal, Electocute the second one, Jolt the third attempt, get nice and close to them so I can Overload the fourth attempt. Meanwhile, I pop my stim, relic and Recklessness, drop Death Field, instant Chain Lightning, and then FL spam twice, finish with a Shock.


If I can't get that exact scenario pulled off, I just snare them and go find something else to do.

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I keep seeing folks in this thread say that a pyro/merc can't kill a healer easy. My question is how many of you actually play a pyro merc? I do, and I will say 1v1 I win 80 to 90% of the time. Doesnt matter if it's a healer or a tank or a dps class...one on one, I win, especially if I get the jump on them. I switched from tracer missle spec to pyro because of the immobility needed to make it work. With Pyro I dont have to stay still. I only use things like powershot when the other team, which I find mind boggling, leaves me alone. And even then, I rarely use any ability that requires I stand still.


I also have a pyro PT, and on that I agree with many of the folks posting in this thread, they are more powerful than the merc version. But the pyro-merc is just as capable of winning a 1v1 fight as a PT, just may take a bit longer.

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Ofcourse. It should be 50/50. A DPS should be able to kill a healer 50% of the time, and a healer should be able to survive without being killed by a DPS 50% of the time, otherwise it would just be imbalanced and everyone would roll a healer for guaranteed survivability 1 vs 1.


Moot point.


Pvp is not, nor should it be, balanced around 1 vs 1.

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This post screams everything wrong with the nerfs to healers in 1.2. You have people that are playing a class they have no clue about complaining about killing healers. Seriously...rather than gut pvp healing just encourage people to LTP.
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Ofcourse. It should be 50/50. A DPS should be able to kill a healer 50% of the time, and a healer should be able to survive without being killed by a DPS 50% of the time, otherwise it would just be imbalanced and everyone would roll a healer for guaranteed survivability 1 vs 1.


Sorry that isn't balance unless the healer can kill the dps 50% of the time. Balance is 1 v 1 a DPS never killing a healer but the healer not killing the dps. Scenario 2 dps winning 50% and healer winning 50% of 1 v 1. That is called balance.

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Ofcourse. It should be 50/50. A DPS should be able to kill a healer 50% of the time, and a healer should be able to survive without being killed by a DPS 50% of the time, otherwise it would just be imbalanced and everyone would roll a healer for guaranteed survivability 1 vs 1.


No. Healer should have the advantage or NO ONE would ever take a healer with them in PvP.


Healers should be able to survive forever in a 1v1 against a dps. But guess what, that healer won't be able to kill you because they are too busy healing themselves. It ends in a stalemate...i call this balance.

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