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Future playable species


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I agree with a lot of what people are saying.


Firstly in an MMO and a Roleplaying game where I will be hopefully playing my character for 10 years I have to like what I am going to play. If my enjoyment would be increased by playing a Trandoshian or Gran or Cathar or whatever it makes sense for BW to offer this choice. Secondly if I want to play lets say my three eyes goat faced Gran I fully accept that he may not get the option to show helm and some of the flirt options might be taken out and occassionally I will be refered to as alien or some such rather than Gran. I have accepted them and am happy with this. How many times has my character been unable to introduce himself. Rather than I am Lord <insert name> I am Baras apprentice or the Emporers Rather or Sith or whatever generic title. I accept this as a limitation of full VO. I imagine if you wanted to you could name 20 or so times in the game that we accept limitations or things that make no sence cause the story wouldn't continue if you didn't do a b or c.


I also hope that BIoware get this sort before as others have mentioned people that would like to play these species get bored of waiting and find something else to play. We all know there are a lot of good games coming out soon, some with a great variety of races to choose from and others that are promosing things like class less progress etc.

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If my enjoyment would be increased by playing a Trandoshian


It wouldn't.


You'd be listening to the same 4 voice clips repeatedly. As a Consular I got tired of listening to Qyzen's non-Basic talk after like 10 minutes. Imagine if that was all you heard as a player character.

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All that aside if Bioware announced tomorrow or any day after it that a future expansion would feature Kashyyk as an endgame battleground in the war between the Republic and Empire with a full planet quest for each class to participate in as they work towards hitting the new level cap I would be ecstatic. And if it also included a Wookie racial class who would treat Kashyyk as their starting area and then go out in the universe to align with the faction of their choice through the options in their story I would be almost as excited to play that story as I am to play the other 8 they already gave me. Because practical considerations aside I played a Wookie once in the tabletop D6 Star Wars RPG when I was in college and the possibility of playing something even close to that in this format would be very cool. Very very cool.


Agreed. I would love to see a story line revolving around the Wookies as a race. It could start with your enslavement to the empire, followed by a harrowing rescue by the republic (not that they were looking for you, but you happen to be there when they infiltrate an Imperial base). This way you get to explore both sides of the game equally. As a slave you can choose to go along with the Empire (slowly removing the bonds that keep you enslaved as they begin to trust you), or constantly fight them by leading rebellions ( until you are thrown into the prison that you would eventually be freed from by the republic). This helps you build your character slowly as an Imperial or Republic supporter rather than simply clicking an option like you do to choose an advanced class.


Equally there could be a story for another iconic race such as the Transdoshans. Perhaps you sign on with the Bounty Hunters to be part of the Grand Hunt as your own method of appeasing the Scorekeeper and you get captured by the Republic. You go through interrogations, your mind is accosted by Jedi mind tricks, and they constantly try to get you to betray the people you worked for. By doing as your told they loosen their grip on you, but by fighting they treat you like a threat. This story would be more open than the Wookie story because the Republic is less forward IMO. It's more of a cloak and dagger affair where Republic officers incognito are around every corner and you never know who to trust. Eventually you choose to turn over you compatriots or you find a way to shake your shadows and you become either Imperial or Republic (once again through story actions, not by the click of your mouse).

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It wouldn't.


You'd be listening to the same 4 voice clips repeatedly. As a Consular I got tired of listening to Qyzen's non-Basic talk after like 10 minutes. Imagine if that was all you heard as a player character.


I can not find anything in Lore which says Trandoshan can not speak Basic. Just because Bioware made them all speak alien, and get subtitles does not mean they all have to. The first handful of Twi'lek NPC's I met all spoke alien while all players could speal basic and only a couple of Kel'Dor NPC's spoke basic while the others all got subtitled. I suspect the language issue was to save money not for lore reasons. As such a Trandoshan player should be able to speak Basic just like a Twi'lek.


I am happy that they will introduce new species I just hope they are a bit more alien. That said it would be a complete U-turn to allow Wookes, Trandoshan and Ithorian as they have all been singled out by name as non playable. While we were also told no to Sith Pure blood inquistors and they made it in, and now we get Pure blood Jedi, troopers and Imperial Agents who can use the force but have not been sent to the academy I doubt we will see them as playable. I am still hoping we see new species line Gran, Kel'dor, Cathar, Mon Cal etc and wont get upset if we dont see droids and Trandoshan as playable even though it would be cool.

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Be cool to be a selonian as well love the way they look n all but dont care about language... i mean comn bioware??? i will really love u for that selonians can be BH and IMP agents Troopers and smugglers just think of all the things that can change in swtor i mean all the other playable races are ok but i want different species tho because im tired of humaniod looking species... we need new races that are not human looking...being a otter or a ferrent with a gun or electro staff would be beast includeing other species as well... but got a lot of hopes for selonians tho... if u make them playable species i will be on every day n never leave swtor... so i hope this has got u thinking...but i really love for u guys to make a update for the playable species so that we can try them out...
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For reasons already listed, I don't think we'll have less humanoid options. Doing the entire voice acting from1 to 50 is... a lot of work, I have no idea how many lines would even need to be recorded, must be somewhere over 1000 lines... And they need to do this for future story too.


But I do think we're likely to get togruta, in fact if we don't I'll eat my boots :jawa_tongue:. Cathar are a likely addition as well, and perhaps voss. Narutolan I'm not sure of but many seem to want to play one (myself included) so perhaps. They'd just need a bit of work for headgear. Same with devaronian headgear, don't know if anyone other than me wants to play one though XD This also goes for chagrians. Blast it, I want a chagrian so badly. Maybe a nikto too...?


Oh, but I'm getting way ahead of myself here. Point is, these could actually work with already existing voice acting. So these are in my head the possible candidates. And I want them ALL. :jawa_evil: *Greedy*

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Most species in Star Wars can speak basic, albeit in some bizarre circumstances. Gammoreans have spoken fluent basic before (Wraith Squadron, The Children of the Jedi). Rodians can and do. If you polled a random group of Bioware/Star Wars fans before SWTOR's launch, how many do you think would have said "I demand to play Mirilukan and Rattataki!" Bioware reskinned human eight times, and those are the playable species we got. Didn't matter how unpopular (Rattataki), supposedly extinct (Sith), or not-a-part-of-the-galactic-community-for-like-3550-more-years (Chiss) the species was because they were easy reskins of human.


Twi'lek has always been a fan favourite and they barely put them in at all. No lekku arrangement, no hoods, no custom hats? C'mon!


Star Wars is nothing without its freaky aliens. A developer who doesn't understand that shouldn't be making a Star Wars game. The precious little story ends for me at level 48, generally. I honestly don't care if you don't think that a Kel Dor or Mon Cal can romance a Cathar or Human. I really don't. This is an MMO. If the class story (a VERY small part of the game) is going to pigeon-hole everyone who plays into having to choose between playing Human, Green Human, Blue Human, Horned Human, Grey and Bald Human, Partially Robotic Human, or Blind Human, you're really missing the point of Star Wars AND MMOs.


Put in some actual iconic aliens, not species nobody ever cared about! How many Mirilians can anyone name from the movies/shows? Two? Rattataki? One? Wasn't the planet that Mirilukans come from glassed from orbit?


When people think of Star Wars species, ask yourself how many of the playable species are what even hardcore fans would label as "iconic". I'd put Twi'lek, Zabrak, and Human into that category. Everything else? Bad show. Very bad.

Edited by boiled_owl
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I like the story BUT this is an MMO. Get YOUR facts straight. It is not KOTOR 3. Once you're 50, your class story is over. Have fun watching the Taral V story ad naseum! For many people, the story is just a quaint little side attraction to make the game more bearable until 50. I'd prefer to see my Togruta or Mon Cal make out for the three or four videos in the class story where it's possible and then have an interesting looking character at 50, as opposed to seeing grey human mack on normal human.


I did not even bother to suppress the urge to facepalm.


"Many" is a subjective term, not a fact.

Edited by boiled_owl
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I like the story BUT this is an MMO. Get YOUR facts straight. It is not KOTOR 3. Once you're 50, your class story is over. Have fun watching the Taral V story ad naseum! For many people, the story is just a quaint little side attraction to make the game more bearable until 50. I'd prefer to see my Togruta or Mon Cal make out for the three or four videos in the class story where it's possible and then have an interesting looking character at 50, as opposed to seeing grey human mack on normal human.


I did not even bother to suppress the urge to facepalm.


"Many" is a subjective term, not a fact.


.... What? The entire game was built around the story. What's the POINT of rushing to fifty and just running HM's and Operations?


And no, our class stories aren't over. Future updates will expand on them.




For many people, the story is just a quaint little side attraction to make the game more bearable until 50.


"Many" is a subjective term, not a fact.
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Whatever species they add, if it's going to be before year end, we can expect it will have to be a somewhat normal-ish-type humanoid and not a droid. It's gotta fit the existing storylines.


I don't see em rolling out whole new stories for these new species within the suggested timeline. If you think you're gonna play a wookie or something like that, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I dunno, maybe a Voss if we're lucky? ...something that has to look good in a hood is what I'm expecting.


You may as well forget about the Jawa, Chewbacca, or Master Yoda... for now anyways...

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.... What? The entire game was built around the story. What's the POINT of rushing to fifty and just running HM's and Operations?


And no, our class stories aren't over. Future updates will expand on them.



Future updates will also make the armour sets actually look like they belong in Star Wars and not Voltron. Deal with the here-and-now. I never claimed the things I said were facts. I was responding to someone who claimed his statements WERE facts. The game has been out for months. I'd hardly call having a few level capped characters "rushing". The class story is over. They're patching in more story? Great! Doesn't do anyone a damned bit of good now.


Also, as I've said before: MMO! It is not a single player RPG, the story can be in, and it can be cool, but it is NOT more important than endgame. That is what gives MMOs longevity, not a one-time-use, as-you-level, story.


I play on an RP server, and I still don't think that the story is so central to even the story of my individual characters because EVERY other character of that basic class has the same story. It's nice, it's fun, it's my favourite part of leveling. It ends quickly, and is used as justification for not adding in actual aliens.


Do you have any comments on the alien species or do you just not like that I sit at level 30 for four months "enjoying" Balmorra?

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Also, as I've said before: MMO! It is not a single player RPG, the story can be in, and it can be cool, but it is NOT more important than endgame. That is what gives MMOs longevity, not a one-time-use, as-you-level, story.


Do you have any comments on the alien species or do you just not like that I sit at level 30 for four months "enjoying" Balmorra?


1. Quite simply, I disagree.


2. Nautolans. The Shistavanen.


Pretty much it.

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They could add Cathar and Togruta with a minimum of fuss. Hey, we already have Jorgan and Ashara as companions, and their faces are plenty expressive.... although Jorgan DOES actually resemble Tim Omundson, the guy who does his voice. Same facial structure around the mouth and jaw, in fact. The more I watch of Psych, then play my Trooper, the more I notice the similarities. lol
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The could add a tinny style modification for Kel'Dor. It sounds like they have already done this for compaions when they get a face mask.

I agree the voice's are a issue. However after getting to level 50 with a pure blood sith Inquisitor, the voice now sounds wrong for any other species like a Twi'lek. And if I played for longer on a Twi'lek sith Inquisitor I would probably think it sounded worng on a pure blood.


Hopefully we will get a decent number of species added. I susepct they will all be humanoid and have models in game. So far I am hoping for Gran, Kel'Dor and Mon'Cal.

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Each VA has vocal range, in that they can sound like multiple different characters. And these aren't just off the street VA's. All TPTB really need to do to adjust voices based on race vs. class would, in theory, be to take the voices already recorded for each class and use a sound bar to tweak them. Higher, lower, flatter pitch, etc.


So -- just take the voices, have a different race but same class, take the voice and mod 'em!

I realize there'd probably be at least a little red tape for this regarding the VA's themselves and this could be a cracktastic theory, but there you go :p


Reasoning: I've overheard population NPCs that speak sound like VA's already used in the game anyways...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to throw in my two republic credits, I would really want these species as playable:

1) Toydarians (I know everyone hates the Phantom Menace, but I actually really liked Watto. Plus, I'd love to be a Sith Toydarian).

2) Tusken Raiders (Darth Krayt/ Asharad Hett were awesome. Sandpeople have been both Sith and Jedi in Star Wars canon).

3) Wookies (no-brainer)

4) Rodians

5) Jawas

I am aware how next to impossible some are, but a man can dream. Star Wars = multiculturalism!!!

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We need the following species--PRONTO








WE NEED THESE NOW!!!!!! IN next patch please add these species maybe for v2.0


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A lot of the species in the wishlist here just aren't possible. Just being able to create a model is not enough, there are so many things to consider when adding a new species.


Togruta, Cathar, and Nautolans are likely within the coming updates.

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