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What servers are you guys rerolling?


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Other than those very popular servers like Fatman,swiftsure harbinger


I tried wound of The force.

Had about 50-70 ppl at fleet

Pvp within 5mins waiting


Screw rerolling, I shouldnt have to make an entirely new character because Bioware REFUSES to talk about population issues, server merging, and an LFG function. /cancel sub

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Screw rerolling, I shouldnt have to make an entirely new character because Bioware REFUSES to talk about population issues, server merging, and an LFG function. /cancel sub




Why should i reroll because its biowares fault my server is empty? That they are the ones that decided to have 126 servers, that they purposely reduced server pop caps to create queues to spread out people, THAT THEY EVEN SAID TO JOIN SERVERS WITH NO QUEUES in early access.

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Other than those very popular servers like Fatman,swiftsure harbinger


I tried wound of The force.

Had about 50-70 ppl at fleet

Pvp within 5mins waiting


I re-rolled on Ajunta Pall. Stuck with republic, but on this server the republic outnumbers the imperials :/


Other than that, it's been a great server. Republic Fleet has just under 200 at peak times(low average would be 180, saw it over 220 the other day). I'm not familiar with the imp side though, dunno their averages. We get pub vs pub huttball quite often :/


So Imperials need you on Ajunta Pall!!! :D

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Why should i reroll because its biowares fault my server is empty? That they are the ones that decided to have 126 servers, that they purposely reduced server pop caps to create queues to spread out people, THAT THEY EVEN SAID TO JOIN SERVERS WITH NO QUEUES in early access.


You should reroll because it isn't as bad as you're letting on, and there are EIGHT different classes that you can play. And unless you've leveled 8 different classes to 50, that means you've probably got some room for a new experience you haven't had yet.


You should reroll becuase it's a better option and will be more fun over the long term than sitting around on the forum whining about server transfers which are on the way, but a few months out for all players.


You should reroll because sometimes you have a responsibility to change your own lot in life rather than standing around and demanding someone else do it for you.


It also isn't necessarily accurate that it is "BioWare's fault" that your server is empty.


Just a thought.

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You should reroll because it isn't as bad as you're letting on, and there are EIGHT different classes that you can play. And unless you've leveled 8 different classes to 50, that means you've probably got some room for a new experience you haven't had yet.


You should reroll becuase it's a better option and will be more fun over the long term than sitting around on the forum whining about server transfers which are on the way, but a few months out for all players.


You should reroll because sometimes you have a responsibility to change your own lot in life rather than standing around and demanding someone else do it for you.


It also isn't necessarily accurate that it is "BioWare's fault" that your server is empty.


Just a thought.


Not everyone wants to do a starting planet and its quests over and over. It gets tiresome. The stories are nice but they make up a minority of your content.

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I rerolled to Jung Ma; the server boasts an active RP community that seems to value both the PvP and lore elements of the setting.


Then who's fault is it? His? Did he chase away everyone else on his server?
It's no one's fault; a drop in subscription numbers is expected after the initial launch surge. It's simply how the market for this type of game behaves.
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Why should i reroll because its biowares fault my server is empty? That they are the ones that decided to have 126 servers, that they purposely reduced server pop caps to create queues to spread out people, THAT THEY EVEN SAID TO JOIN SERVERS WITH NO QUEUES in early access.


No one asked you to reroll or told you that you should. The OP is wanting to reroll on a different server and wants to know which ones would fit his needs.

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I went to Jedi covenant. Nice standard to heavy pop server with about 160-180 in pub fleet during peak time. Imps suck bad at PvP there though at least in the 10-49 bracket. Not sure about faction balance but have been told its fairly even. Beats the heck out of my older ad server. Miss my BM and tons of credits and gear though :(
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Started on Bloodworthy and I have 7 characters there. Imp side is OK. Kind of high pop all the time. Rep side is the worse. Starting areas have like 15-20 people, Fleet is down to +30 at max +70...


Changed server some days ago, and found a new home on Tomb of freedon Nadd. And boy what a change! Playing Rep side, starting areas have 60-100 or more, Fleet is going strong most of the time with +220 people, second planet Coro have +120. Market is great and no problem finding teams.


The chat is not the best, kind of childish most of the time (**** talk, or just teenage rage for no reason...)


PvP? First times was great, but yesterday it was the worse... so many bad team lol.


But it's like a new game on my new server! I will re-sub!:D

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I'm going to stay on Kaas City - it's a light server, but atleast it's the largest light server. The "population" tends to be around 50-150 (mostly around 90ish). The population is 3:1 imp:pub but since many people are inactive lately it's pretty even. It's odd this junk population is a gift and a curse. *shrug*
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Started on Scepter of Ragnos (Republic side) and boy, talk about a ghost town. 20+ people on fleet, 7 on Belsavis and 2 on Hoth (last night). And with PVP (1-49 bracket) I don't even bother. It takes forever to get a match only to find out that you're outnumbered by 8-6 or worse.


Rolled a character on Tomb of Freedom Nadd to check it out and it really took me back up to the first month of the game. A lot of people on planets, 8v8 pvp. However, after one l50 character and a couple of high level alts I can't seem to find the motive to level all the way up again. Plus I'd miss hanging out with some of my guildies.

Edited by Diakor
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reroll caouse you like the game and want to keep playing in a more populated area .

or quit cause you hate the game it isnt biowares fault your server had ******s who all left its the fly by night ppl

look if your a mine worker in a mining town irl and the mine dries up and everyone moves away do you stay in a nowhere town alone or move with the population to a new mine? or do you quit life kill yourself cause hey the fun has to be over there will never be another mining company to work with

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reroll caouse you like the game and want to keep playing in a more populated area .

or quit cause you hate the game it isnt biowares fault your server had ******s who all left its the fly by night ppl

look if your a mine worker in a mining town irl and the mine dries up and everyone moves away do you stay in a nowhere town alone or move with the population to a new mine? or do you quit life kill yourself cause hey the fun has to be over there will never be another mining company to work with


What a crap analogy, but I’ll try and run with it......The decision is not so simple in this scenario -


So you’re an experienced miner with years of experience and you are a shift supervisor or even mine manager (one or more well geared level 50 character(s)), the mine dries up so you follow the crowd to the next town(server) but you have to start out from the bottom again as a trainee or shift dogsbody (level 1 character(s) with no gear).

OR do your realising you have to start all over again in a new town (server) just think sod it I will leave this career (SW:TOR) and change career instead (change to a new game or go back to a MMO you used to play)

Not such a simple choice then I think.

Edited by PalihoJ
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I was on a dead server with an RL buddy and complaining for a short while before we decided to just take the plunge and reroll.


For me, i hate leveling. I prefer to get top level and do end game stuff.

By the time i got to 50, and regeared Columi/rakata, i was burned out.


Moral of my story, being on dead server is the pits. Rerolling is the pits.

and for these, "if you dont level 8 characters to 50, you have plenty to do"

I would prefer sticking a hot needle through my eyeball than to level more than 1-2 guys in the first 3-4 months of release. Its the same game after the first time through.

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