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I hope they will not add new tier of gear every 3 months


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The more experienced MMO people: when do you predict that BW will add something above the 1.2 gear? I put so much effort into getting Columni and Champion and suddenly all this will be rendered useless.. Edited by NoTomorrow
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The more experienced MMO people: when do you predict that BW will add something above the 1.2 gear? I put so much effort into getting Columni and Champion and suddenly all this will be rendered useless..


Efforts to get Columi? What efforts are you talking about. Took me only two weeks to be completely equipped with Columi.

You know that the whole set, besides the mainhand weapon drops in the hardmode flashpoints, right? So if you run two or three of them flashpoints every day, it's laughable easy to get your gear. Add two normal-mode operations each week and you get the picture.

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It's not laughably easy to get gear. if you play for like 3-4 hours a day. You still need to do a lot of things. And if you try to do dailies, get the rakata implants, you dont have that room to rum BT for 15 times in a row to get the bracers. Or the off-hand. 3 weeks and nobody wants to run the battle of ilum HM. Every time defeat gharj i dont get my knife. So stop spreading lies pls. Rakata implants and earpiece from dailies, that's 360 commendations to farm.


Just because you got into a lucky raiding spot and got a crapload of time to play, does not mean that everyone is in the same spot as you.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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They have to do this to keep the hardcore raiders happy.


I know casual players like to think that they are the majority, but if you really are the majority, where are you all? Why have you stopped playing? You were here at the start, but why have you disappeared?


It is more plausible that the majority are the raiders who are bored that they have gotten the best gear already, so they no longer log on.

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The game gives you the quality of gear that you need to compete at the level you play honestly.


If you don't have a lot of time, and can only get Columni gear, then chances are you really wouldn't have a use for full Rakata, since you only have time to do HM's and daily's.


PvP gear is perfectly accessible to the casual gamer, I should know, as I am one. Especially since the last few patches, Champion gear takes a reasonable amount of time. You may not get full BM gear and War Hero, but you can compete.

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The more experienced MMO people: when do you predict that BW will add something above the 1.2 gear? I put so much effort into getting Columni and Champion and suddenly all this will be rendered useless..


This is how MMOs work.


The devs set the bar for players. When a sufficient number of players reach the bar or surpass it, the devs raise the bar with new content.


My explanation is of course a gross oversimplification of the process, but it's the basic gist of things.

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The more experienced MMO people: when do you predict that BW will add something above the 1.2 gear? I put so much effort into getting Columni and Champion and suddenly all this will be rendered useless..




1.2 is Story Mode and Hard Mode only. Later Nightmare will be added and from what's known from PTR testing difficulty is a lot more where something called Hard Mode should be. No faceroll fest or roflstomping everything by just not having to respect boss mechanics.


1.3 probably will be the second Operation for Tier 2 and the gear dropped shouldn't change.


Everything but what can be seen on the PTR is nothing but speculation and you are very wrong if you think gear above Rakata devalues Colmi (no 'n' :p). It doesn't. Columi is the starting raid gear now and will always be - content is tiered and not meant to be skipped.

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yeah, the same thing that motivates hardcores, for me its a rather demotivating thing. Why put effort into gearing when it will rendered inferior in next patch. I already dont see any reasons for doing any end-game stuff with my alts. No way i am going back to grind the dailies for another alt. Edited by NoTomorrow
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yeah, the same thing that motivates hardcores, for me its a rather demotivating thing. Why put effort into gearing when it will rendered inferior in next patch. I already dont see any reasons for doing any end-game stuff with my alts. No way i am going back to grind the dailies for another alt.


When new tiers of gear come out they usually put in a system that allows you to skip the lowest level tiers of gear so you don't have to grind them out again.

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They have to do this to keep the hardcore raiders happy.


I know casual players like to think that they are the majority, but if you really are the majority, where are you all? Why have you stopped playing? You were here at the start, but why have you disappeared?


It is more plausible that the majority are the raiders who are bored that they have gotten the best gear already, so they no longer log on.


well i dont have raid gear... I am not into raids only pvp and 4 man hard modes :p...Some times i like to have fun helping others in my guild ..

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yeah, the same thing that motivates hardcores, for me its a rather demotivating thing. Why put effort into gearing when it will rendered inferior in next patch. I already dont see any reasons for doing any end-game stuff with my alts. No way i am going back to grind the dailies for another alt.


I don't see the problem? You don't need the new gear unless you're doing the new content. Content should get more difficult over time, so your old gear will become less and less effective if you plan on progressing. Your gear would only be considered inferior if you're trying the new raids. You could still faceroll the hard mode FP's in your Columi day in and day out if you wanted.


It's different in PVP, but since most players seem to need that carrot on a stick to keep them happy (I'll never understand that), new gear needs to be added occasionally.

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It's definitely a good use of resources to add a few quests that people will do once and never repeat.


They're adding dailies for people who don't do FPs, they're adding a FP for people who don't do operations, they're adding an operation for people who do them and a new warzone for people who PVP.

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Efforts to get Columi? What efforts are you talking about.
Maybe he has bad luck... like my friend who has seen the JK gloves drop once (and didn't win them) in more than 30 runs... Edited by ferroz
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Efforts to get Columi? What efforts are you talking about. Took me only two weeks to be completely equipped with Columi.

You know that the whole set, besides the mainhand weapon drops in the hardmode flashpoints, right? So if you run two or three of them flashpoints every day, it's laughable easy to get your gear. Add two normal-mode operations each week and you get the picture.


Must be nice to be in a guild who can run HMs and ops. Mine only has about 3 50s on at a time - we're always short a body. I've been 50 for a month and have yet to complete a HM due to lack of grouping.

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It's definitely a good use of resources to add a few quests that people will do once and never repeat.


Some would do them only once, but others would do them on every alt they have.


This is a storytelling game, why skimp out on the story for a bunch of mindless dailies with no story at all.

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When new tiers of gear come out they usually put in a system that allows you to skip the lowest level tiers of gear so you don't have to grind them out again.


That makes no sense at all.... Unless they change how easy OPs are so you can go straight to doing nightmare mode and skip story and hardmode.... I'm pretty sure thats not happening....


T1 Gear is just filler while your getting T2 gear, you pretty much need close to a full set of T2 gear before you can even attempt to get T3 gear..... And I'm pretty sure you'll need full set of T3 gear before your able to try and get the new T4 gear.... thats how it usally works in MMO's...


T1= Tionesse Gear which has just slightly better stats then Purple Modded Orange gear, you can use Purple Modded Orange gear doing Normal mode Operations, thats why I say Tionesse gear iis just Filler gear to make it slightly easier

T2= Columi

T3= Rakata

Edited by Monoth
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That makes no sense at all.... Unless they change how easy OPs are so you can go straight to doing nightmare mode and skip story and hardmode.... I'm pretty sure thats not happening....


T1 Gear is just filler while your getting T2 gear, you pretty much need close to a full set of T2 gear before you can even attempt to get T3 gear..... And I'm pretty sure you'll need full set of T3 gear before your able to try and get the new T4 gear.... thats how it usally works in MMO's...


T1= Tionesse Gear which has just slightly better stats then Purple Modded Orange gear, you can use Purple Modded Orange gear doing Normal mode Operations, thats why I say Tionesse gear iis just Filler gear to make it slightly easier

T2= Columi

T3= Rakata


That's how it used to work in MMOs. Many of the modern MMOs have been following WoW in regards to making previous tiers skippable in some way. It's hard to say how it will go in TOR at this point. We will have to wait and see.


In the long run though, I expect them to make previous tiers unnecessary because that tends to stifle progression when a raid team has to recruit one or two new members. It's not always possible to recruit players who are at the same level of progression and the game will need a way to get them caught up with the rest of the guild's raid team.

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This next year will be very telling for me. If I cannot progress in a similar manner (ie, the manner I found fun) to the way I progressed to 50, then I won't continue playing. If there isn't more story for my character(s) to experience, then I'll be gone.


I'm not going to gear-grind, and if that's the only focus of BW future developments, then I'll be gone. I'm not having my subscription dollars subsidize a playstyle I dislike at the expense of what I find fun.

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1.2 is Story Mode and Hard Mode only. Later Nightmare will be added and from what's known from PTR testing difficulty is a lot more where something called Hard Mode should be. No faceroll fest or roflstomping everything by just not having to respect boss mechanics.


1.3 probably will be the second Operation for Tier 2 and the gear dropped shouldn't change.


Everything but what can be seen on the PTR is nothing but speculation and you are very wrong if you think gear above Rakata devalues Colmi (no 'n' :p). It doesn't. Columi is the starting raid gear now and will always be - content is tiered and not meant to be skipped.


Depends how they do that. Blizzard took the approach that you don't need to do the previous tier to do the next tier, you can get comparable gear other ways. I suspect bioware will go the same route by 1.4 whatever tier 3 is, since having people run eternity vault isn't going to be a great plan 5 months from now.


And then they'll reset everything with an expansion and off we go again.



What the precise pacing is, or should be I think depends on how quickly they can make it, and how much success or failure players have with it, which is to some degree self selecting, if you can't do the previous tier you'll be behind coming into the next one and it takes a while to catch up.

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They have to do this to keep the hardcore raiders happy.


I know casual players like to think that they are the majority, but if you really are the majority, where are you all? Why have you stopped playing? You were here at the start, but why have you disappeared?


It is more plausible that the majority are the raiders who are bored that they have gotten the best gear already, so they no longer log on.




Hardcore raiders hate BioWare and hate TOR they always will and nothing BioWare will ever do be good enough for them.


So why pander? They are at most 2% of the population. This is why GW2 eliminated the Raid game they felt it wasn't worth all the money and time just to get insulted in the end. There is a huge amount of non-raiders that got promised a viable end game by BioWare and then was ignored. BioWare needs to stop wooing the Raider and the uber guild and start paying more attention to the people who will put money in their pockets every month.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I hope they add new orange gear as frequently as they possibly can. As for modifications, PvP gear, raid gear etc i'd rather they limit that to something like once a year. I'm not a fan of the gear treadmill but i understand the reason for it and can only hope it doesn't intrude on me too much. I like to PvP for PvP's sake, not to gain new gear.


That being said, i probably won't be here once GW2 releases unless it turns out to be a disaster, but that could be the end of the year or next year for all i know.

Edited by Kabaal
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Hardcore raiders hate BioWare and hate TOR they always will and nothing BioWare will ever do be good enough for them.


So why pander? They are at most 2% of the population. This is why GW2 eliminated the Raid game they felt it wasn't worth all the money and time just to get insulted in the end. There is a huge amount of non-raiders that got promised a viable end game by BioWare and then was ignored. BioWare needs to stop wooing the Raider and the uber guild and start paying more attention to the people who will put money in their pockets every month.


This alone has me interested in GW2. This is not to say I'm leaving SWTOR. Still having fun here...but I do want to see BW paying more attention to the game that got me to 50.

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They have to do this to keep the hardcore raiders happy.


I know casual players like to think that they are the majority, but if you really are the majority, where are you all? Why have you stopped playing? You were here at the start, but why have you disappeared?


It is more plausible that the majority are the raiders who are bored that they have gotten the best gear already, so they no longer log on.


Funny that you say this. I was just reading a very lengthy topic on another forum where people were agreeing that "only casuals are left in SWTOR."

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