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MMO vets what do you think Of Sw TOR


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The natural expansion for SWTOR is space combat a la X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter. You could just shoe-horn it into a quasi-warzone with a queue. I know I know, big dreams, never gonna happen but seriously, half of Star Wars is fighter combat.[/QUOTe]


Bought it when it came out, late 90s IIRC, played the offline tutorial, such as it was, found the airlike banking and slow turning at high speed immeasurably irritating aka air not space simulqtion, logged on for a real game, got in a group assaulting a capital ship, got screamed at for not knowing what I was doing, after that one mission, shut off the game and never started it again, feeling like a fool for wasting $50.

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SOE made EQ and always owned it :) Can't acquire what was always theirs. I started it about a month after release.


Actually the company "verant " created EQ, sony bought them out after a year or 2, first expansion that SONY made was shadows of luclin...remember the one where they changed the game engine to make it more like wow and lost 1/2 their playerbase?


Yea, that.


Incidentally this is also the #1 reason most games are complete crap nowadays. Their all made by big coorporations instead of by people that actually enjoy the genre...it's all numbers and market research data...and no fun.

Edited by Grickus
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I played UO 4 years, Daoc 6 years, War 1 year, Vanguard 1 year, wow 1 year.


I loved the first 2 month in swtor, the questing was fun and the storyline engaging. Pvp also was a very nice change of pace especially huttball.

The first big disappointment was pretty much ilum.


Now after having played two chars to 50 it all becomes a bit stale I must say.

The battlegrounds mostly bore me and there is very little to look forward too in terms of pvp (no date for ilum redesign etc). I also don´t particularly care about the ranked pvp... its the same warfronts I´ve played about 200 times each.


Overall swtor is not a bad game but for me its missing some longevity in the endgame department maybe because it has copied so much from other games that it feels as if I´ve played it for far longer then I actually have.

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I ll start

I palyed Anarchy online 5 years and Aion 3 years

I didn't like swtor

-feels single player in Pve

-lack of meaningfull gear progression in PvP

-OwPvP , lack of

-I prefer RVR based games


Crazy question for OP.






instead of posting here.

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why is this in the pvp forums ?


what odds does it make how long someone has played MMO's for ? or which ones for that matter



I thought that ppl with similar game backgroumd would have similar opinions. reading this thread I was clearly wrong :D

Edited by Jrovak
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Unsubbed, seriously thinking about never touching another mmo in general...


you liked EQ because it was ur first one and you lived it in a different way everything was new...


people that say i like UO and DAOC because of the story/quest make me -________-


really people try to understand one thing is having 16y/o and playing a new type of videogame MASSIVE where beeing on line were just an elite of people


another thing is having 26/30 y/o and expect way more from a game that has to please a mass of people


you should leave MMO because you grow too old for them and not because the MMO nowday are bad but you just out-grown them

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Crazy question for OP.






instead of posting here.



I wanted to try SWtor Having played AO which was a fantastic game in many aspect I thought that I may find aspect of it in the sci-fi genre


The no RvR was a concern

I have learned here that I will not play a game again that doesnt have it cause PvP is always terrible

The graphics are piss poor

The pvP not varied enuff

Bioware doent seem to know where they are going

And you are right my sub is cancelled I will play Aion till some new MMO with RvR comes out

Not intersted in GW

Not interested in tera (no RVR)

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I wanted to try SWtor Having played AO which was a fantastic game in many aspect I thought that I may find aspect of it in the sci-fi genre


The no RvR was a concern

I have learned here that I will not play a game again that doesnt have it cause PvP is always terrible

The graphics are piss poor

The pvP not varied enuff

Bioware doent seem to know where they are going

And you are right my sub is cancelled I will play Aion till some new MMO with RvR comes out

Not intersted in GW

Not interested in tera (no RVR)


Graphics are piss poor? lol blind much?

PvP is very nice/balanced so far.


Aion is dying and has been since it released, enjoy and stop posting, thanks...

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UO / AC Darktide / Shadowbane / Anarchy Online / Lineage II / Age of Conan/ WWII Online/ Darkfall till bots / Aion / Rift /TOR


nothing like losing all your stuff in UO pvp

nothing like guild territory/keeps/ai in Shadowbane (though large group pvp sucked)

nothing like the weird pvp tension and ganking and monarchies in AO Darktide


nothing at all like the best - DAOC RVR - where PVP objectives actually mattered and drove pvp everyday including an open pvp dungeon


passable ow pvp in Lineage II

good pvp character mechanics but restricted areas pvp in AOC

hardcore pvp in Darkfall (for a while)

no gear or level differences in the hardest pvp of all - WWII OL


as someone said; SWTOR is basically a quite well done single player pve game with some dungeons thrown in and laughable pvp warzones and unnecessary gear progression.


but its shiny, its new and it has light sabres and scary imperial armour.


still waiting for someone simply to modernize DAOC's structure and mechanics for 3 realm/race pvp - pvp that was almost endlesslly entertaining. Aion had some of this but 2 sided pvp is too predictable


pride: personal. clan and side-related matters in pvp. skill and learning to get better at it matter in pvp; not gear. danger = something to lose - and reward = something to gain - is essential to meaningful pvp that will last.

Edited by Pymm
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I'v played too many MMO's to list...


what do I think about swtor?


The bad


- Storylines are highly overrated... (please people... they aren't good... you have low standards for fiction)


- Graphics definitely are sub par... They took away high res textures ffs, anti aliasing took how long?


- Very little open world MMO feeling to be had in this game.


- No LFG tool has really (at least on my server) made it very difficult to experience the FP content as much as I need to in order to acquire the gear I want.



The good


- Gameplay itself is very standard and acceptable to me for an MMO. (Even though in reality it is the complete opposite of what they claimed it was going to be from the outset)


- Lightsabres?

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Graphics are piss poor? lol blind much?

PvP is very nice/balanced so far.


Aion is dying and has been since it released, enjoy and stop posting, thanks...


Aion is dying because the devs made the same mistake as BIOWARE trying to make PvP easier for the masses that wouldnt stick around anyway.

As far as graphic is concerned when I loged in and we have 2 ppl Playing Aion in this household

we both thought at character creation

well this is horrible looking.

at login

we both went, eww look at this ugly model.

The world is ok (no better that AIon ) and I compare graphics to Aion because its the only MMO with advanced graphic I played, not because I find it to be the best it has in fact many flaws.

AS far as Balance is concern

You go find 1 post where a whinge about a class being OP its no issue to me whether there is or not.


AS far as variety is concern in PvP

Its 3 minigames with 1 map each it looks like it has been stiuck there in lat 5 mins and no money went in PvP devellopment.


and this thread is about what MMO vets think about This game.

WHat have yu played Bfr mordredz that could make your opininon worthwile?


and if you like this game I say good for you

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Actually the company "verant " created EQ, sony bought them out after a year or 2, first expansion that SONY made was shadows of luclin...remember the one where they changed the game engine to make it more like wow and lost 1/2 their playerbase?


Yea, that.


Incidentally this is also the #1 reason most games are complete crap nowadays. Their all made by big coorporations instead of by people that actually enjoy the genre...it's all numbers and market research data...and no fun.


Your a little off on your dates.. SoL was release in late 2001, WoW was released initially on Nov 23, 2004.


Actually, they were all part of the same company but under different departments...read this.


Sony Online Entertainment's history can be seen as starting with Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA), an internal game development studio of Sony that formed around 1995. In 1996, John Smedley was put in charge of SISA's development of an online role-playing video game that would evolve into the MMORPG EverQuest. Smedley hired programmers Brad McQuaid and Steve Clover who had come to Smedley's attention through their work on the singleplayer RPG Warwizard.


In April 1998, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) was formed by merging parts of Sony Online Ventures with Sony Pictures Entertainment. Within a matter of months after this change, Sony Interactive Studios America was renamed 989 Studios.


Towards the end of 1998, 989 Studios shifted its strategy to making PlayStation console games only. The company's computer game/online development branch spun off, initially calling itself RedEye Interactive and then soon after Verant Interactive.


EverQuest was Verant Interactive's breakthrough success and the franchise continues its popularity with Sony Online Entertainment

EverQuest launched with modest expectations from Sony on March 16, 1999 under its Verant Interactive brand and quickly became successful. Numbers continued rising at a steady rate until mid-2001 when growth slowed. As of 2004, Sony reported subscription numbers close to 450,000. In March 2000, Verant released EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark, the first in a long list of expansions for EverQuest.


In April 2000, Verant hired former Ultima Online developers Raph Koster and Rich Vogel forming its office in Austin, Texas to develop Star Wars Galaxies for LucasArts. SOE acquired Verant in June 2000 and eventually promoted Brad McQuaid to be its Chief Creative Officer.[2] In October 2001, McQuaid resigned and went on to found Sigil Games Online, drawing many of the original developers of EverQuest from SOE to develop Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, an MMORPG that was released in January 2007.

Edited by Gremin_DaHutt
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do you play on israphel server? the games are just different, aion is a hardcore pvp game and swtor is more casual oriented pve game, i like both style of games.


I play on isra and vaizel

Our entire legion moved from Isra to Vaizel (tiamat today)

I had twink 50 in Optimum Main in hellokityNation

in vaizel

I have a cleric 50 full 50e in 50 twink Bracket


and a 55 ranger semi geared


I loged on both servers a few times as I dont have musch time to play atm and it seems lotts of new players in both servers.

I guess Aion3 release + f2P is bringing fresh meat to the game :p

Edited by Jrovak
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Played UO Pre trammel AO Shadowbane etc....I love it and didn't think I would.. I love open world but I can Q WZ all day and be happy. I am currently leveling and alt in Pre 50 but I did enjoy the 50 bracket till VR 65 and was getting a bit bored.


Not sure if it will sustain after the alt hits 50 but right now it's a blast.


I started MMO playing in pre-Trammel UO and went from UO to Shadowbane. The PvP in those games was excellent! SWTOR is decient with potential but I'm having doubts about whether Bio is capable of unlocking that potential. The fact that such basic information like class and advance class abilities and talent trees aint even available on this site, SWTOR's home site, speaks volumnes to me about Bioware's management.


The endgame PvP definately needs a major shot in the arm since only 3 dinky warzones and 2 dead PvP areas (Ilum and Outlaw's Den) just dont do anything for PvP. I'm getting very bored with it. This game needs stuff like the attacks on Crossroads, Tarren Mills, etc. in WoW with a galactic defense channel so that we can be notified of and respond to such attacks. Stuff like that makes PvP, even on a PvE server, interesting and most of all varied from the boring WZ grind. It might even motivate the large number of players who're lagging up Carrick Station waiting on WZ queues to get out and do something else.


The endgame PvE aint bad but having to work out PUZZLES and deal with mega adds while trying to take down a boss that's on a enrage timer? Lose the freakin' puzzles Bio! That might be fine for getting into a area, but they have no place in a boss fight!


As i stated, this game has potential to be awesome but Bio needs to put some effort into it. It would also help for Bio to tell us what they have in mind and listen to our feedback.

Edited by ReddNekk
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EQ: 7 years

DAoC: 3 years

WoW: 5 years

AoC: 1 month

LotRO: 3 months

WAR: 1 month

Eve: 2 months

CoH: 1 month

GW: 2 months

Vanguard: 2 months

SWTOR: ??? months


Probably a few more I played for a month then quit.



The good:


The quest concept is nice, and good. Some story lines are crappy. Some dialogue is redundant.


Strong name recognition.


Lightsabers and childhood memories.


A lot of potential. Huge room for potential.



The bad:


The quest concept is repetitive. The first toon through is enjoyable, I've replaced spacebar four times since then.


PvP is lacking. Whether it be balance issues, design, or finding a niche for everyone. Open world PvP is a tragedy. It has promise, but it's a question of how quickly BW can adjust it.


PvE is enjoyable, but the lack of tools makes it feel like an extended single player RPG. Where's the MMO come in? In the end it all comes down to the players, but you've gotta give the players the tools to make it happen.




I don't see this game capturing my attention for years like others have. And it's not for lack of interest in Star Wars - I've geeked out pretty hard on my girl. It's enjoyable for now, but there's a lot missing to make it a long term occupation. If they'll address that in a reasonable time I may reconsider, but the game is too new to be satisfied with the slow updates/fixes that should have been addressed pre-release.

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Aion is dying because the devs made the same mistake as BIOWARE trying to make PvP easier for the masses that wouldnt stick around anyway.

As far as graphic is concerned when I loged in and we have 2 ppl Playing Aion in this household

we both thought at character creation

well this is horrible looking.

at login

we both went, eww look at this ugly model.

The world is ok (no better that AIon ) and I compare graphics to Aion because its the only MMO with advanced graphic I played, not because I find it to be the best it has in fact many flaws.

AS far as Balance is concern

You go find 1 post where a whinge about a class being OP its no issue to me whether there is or not.


AS far as variety is concern in PvP

Its 3 minigames with 1 map each it looks like it has been stiuck there in lat 5 mins and no money went in PvP devellopment.


and this thread is about what MMO vets think about This game.

WHat have yu played Bfr mordredz that could make your opininon worthwile?


and if you like this game I say good for you


People left Aion because that game was a grindfest. PvE and PvP wise.

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In no real order since 2002 I 've logged into other games for a day or two like WoW & Conan, but would not consider myself as having played them. Primarily played SWG, patch seven and the great pet nerf sent me to look at other games, I went back to SWG. Patch 25 (NGE) I went and tried new games again. Now that SWG is gone....I suffer here till PS2 and Dominus hit fulll swing beta.


  • SWG
  • LoTR
  • DaoC
  • EQ
  • EQII
  • Vanguard
  • ST
  • CoH/CoV
  • Eve
  • PS
  • DCOU



It's PvE with WZs....I don't want to quest....

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I play on isra and vaizel

Our entire legion moved from Isra to Vaizel (tiamat today)

I had twink 50 in Optimum Main in hellokityNation

in vaizel

I have a cleric 50 full 50e in 50 twink Bracket


and a 55 ranger semi geared


I loged on both servers a few times as I dont have musch time to play atm and it seems lotts of new players in both servers.

I guess Aion3 release + f2P is bringing fresh meat to the game :p


hahaha nice i still remember baditude talking **** about hkn and then getting owned by hkn in the 6v6 lol. as far as aion goes im still loggin on doing my pvp dailies IF there are any asmos around, but lately there has been blondage and her iFail group lol, just in my timezone i can still do some bgs in swtor but i cant do anything in aion, all dredgions and arena are finished.

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What I think of SW:TOR:


-Great story, fun with friends, lack of end-game content.

-Not enough unique ideas. Space combat is great, too bad its solo.

-Pathetic economy, pathetic crafting

-Too much running around, travel sucks

-PvP leaves a lot to be desired. Too much stun, push, pull, mes. WAY too much.


Favorite things missing:


-Player housing

-Monster/Pet taming

-PvP with penalties and without everyone having some ability to remove you from the excitement.

-Ultima Online




UO 1997 – 2009

EQ1 1999 - 2006

DAoC 2001 – 2005

WoW 2001 – 2007

Final Fantasy XI 2002

Shadowbane 2003

SWG 2003 - 2004

EQ2 2004 – 2005

CoH 2004

Tabula Rasa 2007

LotR:O 2007 – 2010

Edited by Altaira
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Swtor in its current form is a solid 1 player experience easily released for ps3 or xbox.

For a MMO with the time and money spent it is subpar at best. Pve is acceptable and pvp is below substandard.


Pretty much sums up what I could say about this game.

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hahaha nice i still remember baditude talking **** about hkn and then getting owned by hkn in the 6v6 lol. as far as aion goes im still loggin on doing my pvp dailies IF there are any asmos around, but lately there has been blondage and her iFail group lol, just in my timezone i can still do some bgs in swtor but i cant do anything in aion, all dredgions and arena are finished.


yeah baditude was just that super greared players with a smack talk attitude :p

dredge still going on both servers. Vaizel, I still manage to log to do both 50 and 55 dredges

it seems lots of new players reached 50 and are in the process of gearing up bfr jumping to 55 or 60 new cap

3.0 will either revive Aion or completly kill it , we will see :p


There is no MMO anywhere near release that will have RVR 2 factions or 3

EQnext maybe but its years away..

and I dont know much about it

tera looks good graphic wise but No RVR is just meh and kills it for me

swtor i already quit

gw2 will last 6 months with a huge intake to start with( dunno if it qualifies as an mmo anyway)

tbh there is not much to look forward to as far as MMO are concerned.

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Actually most people would just switch to D3 and GW2. Most of my guildies and gaming friends are on the same note.


I doubt 1.2 will change much TBH. 1.2 patch notes is really a list of "things that should've been rectified sooner, or even at launch". Case in point: the animation differences between republic and imp skills which should never have made it past beta.


It's been a long time coming. Too long perhaps with D3 on the horizon.


Love statements like this acting like the game has been out for years and years or even months and months. Count with me, 1, 2, 3 ho ho ho . That's right, 3 months this game has been out. In that time, people like yourself have complained about end game content (which they released more in a prior patch and will be releasing more in 1.2, but it will never be enough or even acceptable). Not to mention they are actually listening to the community on what it wants and making changes based on that, who knew right?


But your correct, for your $15 a month you should be entitled to the keys to their bank vaults. What, being an ever so loyal and humble customer right? Look I get holding some expectations to a company for whom you are purchasing a product, I really do get it. What people don't get are timelines, funding available (spare me the well they have so many billions in their account, if you think that way you have no idea about business and probably shouldn't even own a bank account *if you have one*, what are the actual priorities going on that we don't know about (oooo big one there. Every knowitall gamer isn't so knowitall now are they?) That's right, things happen that we, the gaming community, don't know about. /shock


But that's my rant. Though I know how much my dollar is worth and what I can buy for it.

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