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Everything posted by Grickus

  1. It is absolutely true.....your whole argument relies on you getting close enough to the gunship before it sees you. There is this new thing called 20,000 range sensors. 90% of a pilots skill really is map awareness, if you take 2 equally skilled ( see: aware) pilots, the gunship always wins. Another pretty good example though, if you take 5 scouts versus 5 bombers ( both teams being coordinated) the 5 bombers will mop the floor with the scouts( as they are supposed to). Now if you take those same 5 scouts and put them versus 5 gunships that are watching each others backs..guess who wins.( hint, it isn't the scouts unless they are much better pilots) Again, there is a reason why you see teams of 5+ gunships in deathmatch commonly. Gunships are deadly enough with just a slug, the spread on Ion is still good for killing bomber's minefields without the power drain...why does Ion need to have the power drain at all. The power drain component of this gun is completely unnecessary to deal with a bomber( which is what this weapon is designed for). I''ll ask again, why does the longest range ship in the game also need what is essentially a root?...Besides to make them invulnerable to their own hard counter. For what reason do they need a 15k range power drain? If you are going to reply to this, then just answer that one question instead of giving excuses about why it's fine. If you can do that you might even change my mind about this.
  2. I am just curious what the people who transferred to harbinger after killing the queues on their own server with pug-stomping are going to do once they kill it there too. So far the defensive replies to this topic are: .. get better. Not possible to get any better while being continually 2 shotted or spawn camped, you can't learn anything without being able to fly longer then 20seconds a pop. Not to mention your requisition gains will be horrifically slow for losing that badly, further compounding the problem. ..get friends. People continually shoot down the idea of splitting queues between premade / pugs, but are always quick to use this as an excuse. There aren't many friends to get, because premades drive out 9/10 people who try GSF within a few days....you are killing the interest and queues, then complaining about it, or suggesting people group up with non-existant ( extinct) other people to fight you. The other side of that being okay, what if I do get some friends...then I am part of the problem, because solo players are still going to get stomped and give up / leave the game mode permanently. ...It's a team game. Cool, then what's wrong with your team having to fight another team instead of random uncoordinated newbies that are still learning the controls and nuances? I mean that actually sounds fun for both sides, instead of just fun for your side. ..Stop crying. Yea that seems like a good way to get it changed... by NOT mentioning it, good call. ...Population is to low to split the queues to premade vs premade and pug vs pug. Because people regularly stomp all the new players that try GSF out of the game with premades. You are most of the reason the population is so low..granted there are other factors. Sometimes matchmaking is still unbalanced even if it isn't a premade. Requisition gains are entirely too low to have any hope of being able to compete in a reasonable time frame. Tutorial is ludicrously uninformative...These are valid points, but we as players can't do anything about that...we CAN stop pug-stomping each other though. No one is forcing you to use your mastered gunship in your premade versus that group of 5 enemy stock ships( for that matter no one is stopping your team from dropping that match manually and finding a more balanced one yourselves), but you choose to do it anyways. Most likely, you will never see those guys again. If you want GSF ( or even ground PvP) to thrive the queues must be split, yea your premade might have to sit in the queue for 40minutes until another premade queues if they do that...but Honestly I don't have much pity in me for people that spend their day rolling newbies and try to justify it...why should the game cater to toxic players that are killing it. I realize that you could all just queue solo and end up on the same team regardless, but at least it wouldn't be a guarantee like it is now. If it still isn't possible to split the queues then a band-aid fix would be to increase requisition gains by a factor of x5-x10 so people can actually "gear up" and be competitive in a shorter period of time... it doesn't take 4+ months to gear up for ground PvP, why does it for GSF? This would only solve part of the problem though, because coordinated players will always have an advantage over randoms. I'm not trying to say here that anyone that flies with their friends is a toxic player, but lets be honest here...a good amount of them are. There are people that refuse to play any form of PvP unless they are absolutely dominating, you can see this especially in any MOBA, where players will leave a match as soon as you are down by 1 point. Basically this sort of player says to themselves " I don't care if anyone else enjoys this, as long as I do, and I only enjoy winning"..every person with this attitude probably drives off 100 other players that were just trying to have fun over the life of their account, there is no reason that play style should ever be catered to. But for some reason it is, across multiple games...this is a persistent problem for online games. A quick google search of "premade vs pug" will show you a ton of threads from other games that have this same issue, funny thing is the excuse/ justifications for it are always the exact same. You will see all the points I brought up across every one of those threads, shot down the exact same way, by people with the exact same mentality. If you care about the game, or actually want to see some balanced matches for your own premade to fight, then support this, or throw out some of your own ideas to combat this issue. Justifying why it's fine to yourselves won't help the game.
  3. Trying to tell people ion rail gun is balanced is a bit ludicrous. Let me explain this real simple, a scout is the hard counter to a gunship..but for whatever reason they decided to give a gunship a 15000 range attack that completely neutralizes one. Whats worse is that attack is specifically designed to neutralize bombers with the spread effect, but it also neutralizes everything else it hits due to the drains. That ability would be on par with a bomber getting a shield that negates all railguns( since a gunship is supposed to be the hard counter to a bomber)..do they have that? no..then it is not a balanced skill. Or course there are ways to still defeat one, you absolutely have to be a better pilot then the person flying the gunship, equal skill you will lose. This is not balanced. The end. This is clearly a case of I don't want to give up my "I win" button... There is a reason why you sometimes see 5-6 gunships in a death match...same reason you see 5-6 of the same class in ground pvp. Trying to defend something that is clearly broken is just you trying to justify being able to wtfpwn people with it.
  4. I dunno about you, but on my way to level 50 ( which took me about 2 month's btw, because I didn't rush), I ran across maybe 3 players of the opposing faction total. World pvp is not happening because .. - You will likely never see the opposing faction - there is no benefit whatsoever to hunting them - 99% of game content is instanced.( seriously instancing + PvP just do not mix ) - Not to mention the game simply cant support open world PvP of more then 20 people without it turning into a slideshow...which is fun for approximately..nobody. None of these things was caused by the playerbase, these were game design decisions. But even if those things were present...there is 0 risk vs. reward. Meaning that world PvP will never be thrilling in any sense of the word, because you lose / gain absolutely nothing for it, either way. I rolled on a PvP server expecting a harsh , challanging, but also rewarding experience...I got none of those. Seems this games theme isnt PvE or PvP anyways, it's PvBac ( thats Player vs Bugged arse content) Old stuff is broken, lets roll out new stuff instead that doesnt seem broken at first glance. But actually is just as broken.
  5. Really the only way these guys can fix PvP in general in this game...is to make another game, instead.
  6. How about this man, we all paid for a game that had already been beta tested and was ready for release.. yet for the last 3 months we have been paying bioware to be their beta testers. Btw they gave me an account warning me for posting something similar to this statement. 100% true, but the truth hurts huh? Refund please and I'll be happy to leave you all be.
  7. Except it wont be a million other people with that attitude. Also if you tried to look at this game on it's own merit instead of nerd-drooling at the star wars in the title... you might do it some good.
  8. 100% false, I have been in a 1 on 1 fight before where I died and THEN my opponent died from my rock...2 seconds later.( P.S I have no DoT abilities) What that really means is if the animations were equal he would have died and id have lived. Because I OBVIOUSLY fired mine first... since he still died after I did. Means I fired an attack that killed him, and then he got to fire back even though technically he was "already dead" because the animation and thus ALSO THE DAMAGE, did not effect him yet. I will say a double KO was a pretty awesome fight though. But that's not the point at all.
  9. Can someone show me a case where mirror-classes that have some kind of an advantage over their counterparts, wheather it be cast times, power of an ability, animation descrepencies...or whatever. Show me a case where it favors the republic side and not the empire side.
  10. Do it 70 times then tell me you still wanna see the dialogue. Wasn't that great to begin with. I heard they spent 300million on this game...so, what did they do with the other 250million?
  11. Actually the company "verant " created EQ, sony bought them out after a year or 2, first expansion that SONY made was shadows of luclin...remember the one where they changed the game engine to make it more like wow and lost 1/2 their playerbase? Yea, that. Incidentally this is also the #1 reason most games are complete crap nowadays. Their all made by big coorporations instead of by people that actually enjoy the genre...it's all numbers and market research data...and no fun.
  12. Unsubbed, seriously thinking about never touching another mmo in general. Personally, best game I played was the origional Everquest( Before SoE got ownership of it and ruined it). Every game since then has been a step forwards in graphics, but a huge step backwards in actual game experience. The new MMO model - Big flashy bright easy. There is a pretty big community of gamers in their 30-50's, but they just keep catering to the 12year old's. Graphics are the very last thing I care about in an MMO personally, I care how fun it is and how it plays. The main reason I am leaving this game though, is not because it's a bad game ( even though I believe it is). Or because of the upcoming changes..... The reason I am leaving is complete lack of communication from the game devs. You don't keep people satisfied or feeling like their opinion even matters by making vague and mysterious statements... I'm willing to bet their so vague, because even you people don't really know. Corporate America for the loss. I do know that the product I paid for isn't the product I got in the end. I bought a finished game, not a 3 months until beta test ends game. If anyone decides to open a lawsuit against these guys let me know, I'm in.
  13. There really is nothing you can do now besides starting over. Maybe you should have asked these questions before putting the game out? Not that I believe for 1 second that anything said here will influence your decision. You are just playing to the crowd to pretend you care. And this is 100% obvious from the blatent misinformation you guys spew out regularly. Does anyone here really feel like this company respects you as a customer? All of us as players have the power to make all games better in the future.... Stop paying for crap. They will never ever take you seriously unless they feel it in their wallet's first. -Warzone Victories will now update your dailies correctly-...... syke, even though that was in the patch notes you just DL'd It really wont be fixed till next week, but if this will shut you the eff up mission accomplished, thanks! ( small example, seriously...every patch their are notes that are incorrect or left out entirely or blatent lies so well stop qq'ing. Just saying, don't bother.
  14. Based on feedback I've received from people who don't actually exist, we have decided to change the number "2" to "9" from now on. See what I did there? anyone can say anything they want...I dont see any discussion with the playerbase here from these guys besides "were working on it" or "it's on our drawing board". I have seen a lot of claims from the devs so far that have blatently been proven to be false. There is no communication or mutual respect present in this game between it's creators and it's playerbase..... And you all know this would NEVER EVER fly in an mmo that didnt say 'star wars" in the name. Flame away...but you're killing your own game by putting up with this.
  15. Based on the data we have gained while you foolishly beta tested our game not only for free...but you actually paid us... the last 3 months to continue doing so.
  16. By the way , I also find it sort of mind-boggling that the same thing that killed pvp in everquest 10 years ago is still killing all forms of it today...Instancing. Although most of that is the faults of the current generation of mmo players. Thier tears is what created that approach in the first place. I feel a little sorry for all the people that started with WoW as thier first mmo...cause they'll never know what a really good one is supposed to be.
  17. Btw no game has ever matched everquest for one simple fact. Everything you did in that game had consequences for your actions. You kill a random monster? suddenly 2 NPC factions hate you and attack you on sight. You stand around talking smack for 2 hours? Guess what, you're gonna end the day naked buddy after we kill the crap out of you all day. And for some of us, the biggest part of the fun of that game was...that it wasnt an easy game to play..learning curve was steep...exploration was scary, I mean you dont exactly know where you are atm...so what happens if you die and have to come back and find your body?... Guess you better actually FOCUS and try hard huh? instead of saying well...it doesnt matter if i die, so.... Same thing goes for PvP..you lost a piece of gear if you are defeated, sure that sucks but....it also makes you try a hell of a lot harder to NOT die...now doesnt it? And has the added bonus of making PvP both meaningful and heart-pounding. Too bad those days are probably gone forever, too bad.
  18. Grickus here from Rallos-Zek / Zek, whatup. I see a few familiar names!
  19. No talent players are the ones that think damage / heals / medals win wz's.
  20. As ingenious an idea as Huttball is as a PvP arena, it's probably also the biggest single reason I log off again after being on-line for 5 minutes about 70% of the time. I understand and respect the fact that a large portion of players enjoy huttball... but as a war-hero tankassin..arguably one of the best classes for that map...I personally hate it. --Just wakes up- "Boy I feel like doing some pvp today before work." --Queues hoping it I'snt huttball-- Except it is, so I leave immediately... Having a conscience I feel a little bad about this.. but I just can't handle another huttball. -- so I leave--Wait a few mins...5-20, and re-queue- BAM another huttball...Yeapp time to log off. I do not want to grief my faction by leaving warzones.... But I absolutely refuse to play another huttball. Personally, I cancelled my subscription this morning... But you know, for the people that are staying...you may wanna try to do little obvious things like checkboxes next to warzone names for a queue. I mean so much of this stuff was obvious 10 years ago. It seriously feels as if some of you people responsible for game design...never played an MMO before. Because If you had been, you'd have known about all the "standard features" that your's is missing..You know what I mean, the ones that have been around for at LEAST 10 years... As in, LFG that actually works. Combat logs. UI customization. Options to turn down or off particle effects from powers etc. Clip plane option to reduce visibility... seriously if you don't think seeing that ship in orbit or that tank 50 miles away shooting lasers constantly doesn't cause some of these FPS issues people are having... I dunno what to say. Also, and this is extremely important....If you took the time to actually communicate with your playerbase instead of hoarding your secret knowledge about the game's direction... and told us what was going on, and why... I'd be willing to bet some real money about half the cancelled subscriptions wouldn't be cancelled...yet...And I don't mean "we're working on that" or "it's on our drawing board" I mean real, meaningful answers that we can at least try to understand. Take it how you want it, but I'm 99% sure this will either be read from nobody at bioware, or they will post a reply telling me to update my drivers. I'm venting, but I'm also trying to help you on my way out...this game DOES have potential. I'm just not gonna pay them to beta test for them, anymore. Also the lack of standard mmo features is seriously unacceptable. You cannot argue that with any merit.
  21. Wait, what? then whats the point of having ranks? whoever plays the most hours wins? What exactly are we "ranking" here?
  22. It should also count as a LOSS that effects your rating.. pretty epicly stupid if it doesn't.... 100% win rate ftw? ( cause I can just leave if we're losing?) Please tell me I'm wrong, please.
  23. Hello there, We all know about the thousands of small problems this game currently is experiencing, and has been experiencing since launch. If I started writing a post about what I thought was wrong it would probably never end. The thing is , it's always easier to find fault with things then to see the good in them. So here is your chance to show all the angry players, whats actually GOOD about this game... Hopefully something besides "i haz a lightsabre". I am looking for a reason or two to stick with this game honestly, maybe someone can show me one I didn't see. Please try to refrain from negative comments , If I can do it you can!
  24. Because they didn't want to PAY real testers to beta test the game. It's not cost effective when morons will actually PAY them to be able to do it. The problem of course being that 90% of said testers are just looking for the fastest ways to level / get ahead of the curve / exploit broken stuff before it get's fixed. And the rest of us get left with a crap game that didn't have to be that way. There is an old saying that goes : You get what you pay for. Unless of course your a customer here, then you obviously didn't. And I know nobody cares, but I have indeed canceled my account. One last thing though, all of you people defending this game and saying things like it's only been 3 months, etc..... are lowering the bar for ALL future MMO's .. I realize a lot of you are just taken in by the whole "oh my god it says star wars in the name!" So it must be awesome thing!.... Welp, eventually you'll get over that. I hope the people that stick around have fun, and I really mean that. But I'm not going to be one of them.
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