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MMO vets what do you think Of Sw TOR


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I ll start

I palyed Anarchy online 5 years and Aion 3 years

I didn't like swtor

-feels single player in Pve

-lack of meaningfull gear progression in PvP

-OwPvP , lack of

-I prefer RVR based games

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Played UO Pre trammel AO Shadowbane etc....I love it and didn't think I would.. I love open world but I can Q WZ all day and be happy. I am currently leveling and alt in Pre 50 but I did enjoy the 50 bracket till VR 65 and was getting a bit bored.


Not sure if it will sustain after the alt hits 50 but right now it's a blast.

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I wouldnt call myself a vet but i played wow for 6 years and PvP'd more or less the whole time so i'd like to think im experienced enough, I like the game in some aspects, PvP is satisfactory but id like to see some sort of arena (ye bring on the hate).


As for PvE i think the operations are far to easy with good geared people with brain cells and communication.


As for the open world, I do not like how planets are sectioned off and have to travel from planet to planet, i had a crazy idea where you would pick a planet you liked the environment of, Be it the sandy Tattooine or the city like area Nar Shaddaa and that whole planet be open with different sections for different levels and you just leveled there, that way you can stay on a planet you like or choose to change to a different one no matter what level you are.


Pretty much it for me.

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PvP is pointless gear grind.


there is no objective or reward system for guilds, so its not MMO centered, you can solo all day and get the same gear.


Where is the Mythic PvP team that gave us great objectives and rewards like DAoC and Warhammer?

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Overall I like it. The leveling experience is way ahead of its time, but the endgame is quite lacking. It feels like they didn't really think the end game pvp system out and now are paying the price for it.
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Played FFXI for 5 years.

Played WoW 5 years.


I took a break from MMOs after WoW. When I started playing SWTOR, I was a bit disappointed to tell the truth. I just couldn't believe it was basically WoW in space.


Perhaps its own magic finally got to me or a break every now and then from MMOs is the trick to keep each adventure looking fresh, who knows. But I love it now.

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Played UO Pre trammel AO Shadowbane etc....I love it and didn't think I would.. I love open world but I can Q WZ all day and be happy. I am currently leveling and alt in Pre 50 but I did enjoy the 50 bracket till VR 65 and was getting a bit bored.


Not sure if it will sustain after the alt hits 50 but right now it's a blast.


Nothing will ever compare to Ultima Online pre trammel imo. But...since we will never have that again, WoW is boring atm. SWTOR is shiny and new. If they can fix all their performance issues/pvp issues in 1.2? Everyone might ignore the pandas.


1.2 better be good though...

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Nothing will ever compare to Ultima Online pre trammel imo. But...since we will never have that again, WoW is boring atm. SWTOR is shiny and new. If they can fix all their performance issues/pvp issues in 1.2? Everyone might ignore the pandas.


1.2 better be good though...


Actually most people would just switch to D3 and GW2. Most of my guildies and gaming friends are on the same note.


I doubt 1.2 will change much TBH. 1.2 patch notes is really a list of "things that should've been rectified sooner, or even at launch". Case in point: the animation differences between republic and imp skills which should never have made it past beta.


It's been a long time coming. Too long perhaps with D3 on the horizon.

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i played swg for 6 years along with vanguard, gw, aion, rift, and some dabbling in lotro, ga, and ffxiv


i was pretty disappointed during beta and not much has changed since. im still debating on cancelling my sub after my 3 months are up

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Ive played Anarchy Online for 8 years or more...Lineage II for 2 years and some other.

The game shouldve been only PVE. The 90% of players playing this game are hardcore movie fans which dont really PVP.

It has nice PVE content...but the PVP is repetitive and besides that they make it easier so those fanboys dont get roflstomped in a Wz (it's too hard for them to grind PVP 2-3 days to get full Centurion, they need their armor/weaps handed out of free, BM if possible).

So in the course of time PVP will get to be a serious joke while PVE content will get some time to time add-ons.

Overall this game is not for MMO vets ... its for "forever alone" star war movie fans.

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Actually most people would just switch to D3 and GW2. Most of my guildies and gaming friends are on the same note.


I doubt 1.2 will change much TBH. 1.2 patch notes is really a list of "things that should've been rectified sooner, or even at launch". Case in point: the animation differences between republic and imp skills which should never have made it past beta.


It's been a long time coming. Too long perhaps with D3 on the horizon.


D3 is hack and slash not really pvp. It is more pvp light. GW2? First one sucked. Why is this going to be different. Add to that? Lagswitches (software emulators) and hacks are going to be freaking out of control.


See any fps game on the pc for a preview of what guildwars will look like. People risk nothing but buying a new copy of the game = rampant cheating.


The "gw2 is gonna be awesome" people are the same people who said "swtor is gonna be awesome". Face it. It is sabers or pandas. Hopefully 1.2 is good.

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I ll start

I palyed Anarchy online 5 years and Aion 3 years

I didn't like swtor

1: -feels single player in Pve

2: -lack of meaningfull gear progression in PvP

3: -OwPvP , lack of

4: -I prefer RVR based games


1: I can't agree more with, due to the quest system though it's hard to group with people if they are above/below your level in quests.


2:- I hate gear progression, or atleast one which provides a considerable boost over other characters. The current gear progression puts me off. I PvP/RvR for fun, incentives should come from other areas, not having the best gear so you gain Doom like god-mode and just roflstomp everyone.


3:- Hopefully this is being addressed and hopefully this is where some RvR/PvP incentives will come from aswell as ways to progress characters hopefully.


4:- Did you ever try DAOC?


Forgot to add: being gaming since I was 4, from the ZX Spectrum, C64, all the Amiga's, segas/nes' etc right upto 360/PS3, mainly play COD/BF3 now. Played DAOC for the last 10 years, with Planetside, Matrix Online Beta, WAR, COH and various other's for a shortwhile.

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Dragonrealms and a few other muds

Played UO pre-trammel

Asheron's Call: Darktide server (the only one that mattered)

WoW for far far too long

AoC for a bit

WaR for a bit

DarkFail during the only period it was really decent (beta and EU launch until the macro/bot wars began)

Aion for like a month (overseas grindaholic crap imo. grind grind grind, blegh)



I'm actually enjoying Swtor very much. The storylines are very refreshing, bioware has always ruled at RPG's in that manner (VO's, etc). Also I find PvP for the most part to be surprisingly balanced for how young the game is. 90% of the issues I see in what the game "lacks" I can attribute to the playerbase, such as lack of owpvp. If more people would just go out and DO IT then there'd be more of it. Instead since there's no bright shiny incentive trophy for it everyone gets all meh about it.


The great games of yore didn't have any great shiny carrot on a stick to chase in order to entice it, they just enabled pvp and the community itself took care of the rest. Sadly nowadays it's just about carrot grinding for most people.

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The vast majority of "MMO Vet's" do not have a sub to this game.


Oh the contrary, Most true Vets / Hardcore Players do not care for the odd bug and lack of content to an extent, They accept the fact that not every game is perfect and there will always be waiting for new content.


True gamers have patience and understanding, not short tempered kids who cry for new content and nerfs constantly when things dont go their way.

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started up with EQ in 2000 and quickly turned to DAoC in 2001 played that and tried out WoW,Aion,WAR,GW and AoC along the way, i feel SWTOR has the potential to become a better game than it currently is, the lack of proper pvp is killing the buzz the lack of proper pve is killing it aswell, overall it lacks world pvp and more players in warzones plus the armor designs on the armor is seriously a buzzkill for most, the might wanna get some of their ME designers on that tbh
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UO -years

Lineage 2- 2 years

WoW - 4 years

try rift aion lotro..


1st part :

Leveling/story experience 100% best game ever, the leveling part is awesome and the best, I leveled my chars in groupe and solo, both works well and havent a single problem with it..


2nd part

end game :

a) PvP not bad at all but just 3 WZ and failum isnt enought to keep you running them more then few games per day when your gear progresion ends (full BM) , that reminds me . geting full BM is easy, start leveling my BH around 2-3.2.12 two months later valor rank 68 full BM gear (thats just too fast)

b) PvE ,i cleared just both 8 man (focus more on pvp so did normal just for the feel that I cleared the content) , fight isnt hard, some interesting mechanics but if you follow "DONT STAND IN THE FIRE" you will clear all without problem...


conclusion :


SWTOR isnt bad game it just bring what thei promise "wow in space + voice acting quest"

the QQers who says they need competitive PvP they just need realise that MMO cant be competitive, it isnt CS,TF2 or other games.. if you wanna competitive PvP go play League of Legends (Dota/Dota2) Starcraft 2 or something other where you and your oponent start with 0 and have same chance..

at MMO there will be always " I spend more time (read it : im nolifer etc) i have advantage "


So if you ask me .

Will you play after 1.2 : yes

Will you play so often when you got your full "warhero gear" : no , just 3-4 WZ per day, whitout carrot on the stick mmo cant hold you log in several hours a day..

Will you try GW2/D3/"Titan ???" : sure like other mmo who coming up



P.S : sorry for bad grammar english isnt my native languge..

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I ll start

I palyed Anarchy online 5 years and Aion 3 years

I didn't like swtor

-feels single player in Pve

-lack of meaningfull gear progression in PvP

-OwPvP , lack of

-I prefer RVR based games


swtor is very buggy and messy


the pve is pretty good but the pvp is just utter garbage the gear system is a mess the class balance is a joke.



bioware have alot of work to do to fix swtor

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Having played alot of MMOs since 2003, SWTOR is a dull experience with a team of designers who just are not forward thinking enough.


Take a look at Guild Wars 2(for example). World vs World combat, where the actual rewards are SERVER wide - not gear, or silly coms/medals. Crafting, questing, etc all get a 5% stat bonus(or something like that) if your server wins the battle.


SWTORs clunky design, cluttered UIs and the running joke that is/was Ilum kind of shows just how wrong these guys have got it.

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Anarchy Online


EQ 1

Ultima Online


I enjoy Tor tremendously. Does it have it's problems? Yes, but every single mmo ever released has had the same amount of problems if not more.


I enjoy the pvp, does it get tiresome having only 3 warzones to que into? Yes. Will that change with more pvp content? yes.


I enjoyed Illum for what it was. Do others? No, but everyone's got an opinion, its part of what makes us human.


Overall, TOR is exactly what they said it was going to be and what I thought it was going to be. Kotor 3-9 with a MMO feel/pvp.


Do I care if you disagree? nope.


Do I care if you call me a fanboi? nope, its the standard issue reply when someone enjoys something. It couldn't be because I enjoy something, its gotta be because bioware pays me.


ps. The sooner those of you that dislike tor unsub, and find a new forum to rant on, the sooner the TOR dev's can get to work on what the people that like the game want/need.

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Earth and Beyond, EQ2, WoW, Eve, SWG, CoH, LOTRO, etc.


I have mixed feelings about SWTOR. First of all, it's Star Wars...which makes it automatically cool. The PvE storylines are pretty well done, even though most have some holes. There are a lot of things to like about this game, but to be perfectly honest, if it wasn't Star Wars I probably wouldn't play it.


PvE in general is extremely easy and linear, which I don't like. I also don't like the lack of gear variety. PvP is meh. Ilum is a sick joke, and all the CC/broken resolve issues makes PvP a crappy experience sometimes.


I just keep telling myself that the game is still in its infancy and to be patient with bug fixes and class balancing. My biggest issue is that tanks are pointless in PvP and cloth wearing Sorcs/Sages faceroll everyone.

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Played Anarchy online for several years.


wow since beta etc


been threw other various mmo`s.


Then time came for SWTOR and i was looking forward to it, since it wasnt swords and old bows. SCI-FI ;)


I enjoyed the levelling part alot and quickly had 3x50 toons. Ive always played to be amongst the best if it was pve or pvp.


We started out raiding after a while more casual than i normally attack things. But i never ran out of energy towards pve content as i did in this game. We started out normal ofcourse and it was just so very dull, then went HM more or less same thing, then NM and again super dull.


At the moment i find the pvp more funny, we kinda cancelled pve completly and are more or less a pvp guild now until gw2 or tera is out.


I must say from my heart, this game isnt ment to come out now. It should have been released years ago, cause the competition from games like GW2 or Tera for that matter is way more newly thinking.


1 example of something that completly beyond me. I wanna go to Ilum from fleet....


Zone down from fleet>zone again into the ship>then press map and Ilum small zone again> then zone outa ship> then zone into airlock w/e > then i run abit to zone again to Ilum > finally im there!


What exactly are they thinking? I belive they will make less loading with 1.2 but its just beyond me that this wasnt done from the very start, hence also why this game doesnt fit 2012 imo.


Anyways hope my english carried out ok ;)



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Pvp could use a big improvement. What bothers me the most is BWs lack of dealing with cheaters. I know a person who uses a lag switch in game all the time and nothing has happened to him. I even reported him and he still is playing.


Until BW does something about the speed hacks and the people who manipulate lag in pvp.

Us who are honest in pvp will not be happy. Many of us are close to leaving cuz of it.

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