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"Resolve is broken" challenge


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People use to run their mouths like windmills. When you call upon them to stop, they scream "censorship". When you ask for proof they scream "diversion".

Hmm, guess I lost another internet argument. Poor me.;)


Next time I'll hang the sarcasm sign at the top of my post so everybody can see it. :p

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I feel resolve bar is completely useless to me because 9 time out of 10 when I get chain stunned say, from being jumped by a operative etc by the time there stuns have worn off iv lost atleast 90% of my health.


That to me is not PVP , it might aswell just be PV-AFK, I would prefer the resolve bar protection to be shorter but only takes like 1 or 2 stuns.

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I feel resolve bar is completely useless to me because 9 time out of 10 when I get chain stunned say, from being jumped by a operative etc by the time there stuns have worn off iv lost atleast 90% of my health.


That to me is not PVP , it might aswell just be PV-AFK, I would prefer the resolve bar protection to be shorter but only takes like 1 or 2 stuns.


So you aren't upset that you are getting stunlocked to death... now you are upset that you have 10% left and a chance to survive?


... I don't even...

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I'm not saying it's not working, but to ask people to go to a lot of effort, and then smugly sit back claiming victory when no-one does it is a cheap way of making a point, and I'm sure the OP knows it.


When the OP downloads fraps, installs it, makes a clip of resolve working fine, edits the clip, renders it, uploads it and links it here, then he can issue the challenge to others.



Here you go:



Quite long video of marauder POV PVP. Many times he had full resolve and not a single time he was then hit by stun or mezz.


Did I win internetz now?


Your request is dump I am afraid. It is impossible to prove that resolve is working by documenting scenarios when it is working, because you can always say "but it is not working for me". Well, prove it. If I will tell you that I live with 54 small blue dwarves in my house and they are doing all cleaning and cooking so I can post on SW TOR forum instead, will you start posting videos of houses without small blue dwarves or will you ask me to post video showing my dwarves?


Again, it is impossible to directly prove that something is not existing. Otherwise, instead of having hundreds of religions in the world we would have either 1 or zero. Quite simple I think.


Hundreds of youtube video out there. If resolve is not working for you and everybody else as many posters claim, thre have to be a proof in some of them. I havnt seen one. For me it is indirect proof that it is working fine, but when I wil lsee videa where resolve is not working I will then change my mind.




I feel resolve bar is completely useless to me because 9 time out of 10 when I get chain stunned say, from being jumped by a operative etc by the time there stuns have worn off iv lost atleast 90% of my health.


That to me is not PVP , it might aswell just be PV-AFK, I would prefer the resolve bar protection to be shorter but only takes like 1 or 2 stuns.


2 standard stuns already fill your resolve bar. What is your problem again? Being undergeared against 1 or 2 BM operatives? *shrugs* Cant help you there.

Edited by Kaarsa
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The burden of proof is on the people claiming it is broken.

Indeed, and for the record I'm not claiming it's broken. But to issue such a challenge is tantamount to saying "give me 500 reasons why resolve is broken", and then smugly bumping the thread and claiming victory when he knows full well that no-one will go to that effort.


If resolve does glitch occasionally (and I'm not claiming it does) the odds of someone recording it, uploading it, and seeing and respond to this thread with the clip are negledgable, hence the "challenge" isn't worth anything.

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Did I win internetz now?

When the OP downloads fraps, installs it, makes a clip of resolve working fine, edits the clip, renders it, uploads it and links it here, then he can issue the challenge to others.

The challenge was issued knowing people wouldn't go to the effort needed to meet the challenge, that's the point I'm making.

Edited by WildcardHatesYou
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The challenge was issued knowing people wouldn't go to the effort needed to meet the challenge, that's the point I'm making.


I hate to quote myself, but I feel forced to do it



Please post a vid or link to a vid where someone is affected by stun or mezz or knockback or pull while having white resolve bar.



Now, where in this sentence I said it have to be your personal record? Hundreds of youtube videos there, just pick one with proof for broken resolve system. You dont have to fraps anything by yourself, if it is so broken as people I directed this thread to claim, in every second pvp video there would be people pulled/stunned/knocked back/mezzed with full resolve bar.


If it is so common, why there is no record of it? Maybe because it is not so common? Or maybe even *gasp* it is actually working fine?


Now, I am happy that you are dont think resolve is not broken and you post here only to prove I am troll or something, thank you for bumps, but for the record - I have not even once bumped this thread just for a sake of bumping it, I was always responding to posts that in my opinion needed a responce from me. Other people did, thanks, but I didnt. And I didnt do that on purpose of avoiding this kind of accusations;)

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The challenge was issued knowing people wouldn't go to the effort needed to meet the challenge, that's the point I'm making.



It's called logic... as someone above stated proving there is a problem just requires 1 example of it, the same cannot be said for what you're asking. I think the "challenge" is very valid and something that should be asked more often of all these embellished claims that pop up on these (and other gaming) forums.

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I did bump it and I'm not ashamed of it. When the first page of the PvP forum has 4-5 threads saying "My god, resolve is broken", "My god, i'm getting stun-locked to death, this game sucks", "Jeez, this game is a trash of CC fest" and so on, I felt it's necessary to give people the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is. Your thread was perfect for it hence I've shamelessly bumped it :D.
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I did bump it and I'm not ashamed of it. When the first page of the PvP forum has 4-5 threads saying "My god, resolve is broken", "My god, i'm getting stun-locked to death, this game sucks", "Jeez, this game is a trash of CC fest" and so on, I felt it's necessary to give people the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is. Your thread was perfect for it hence I've shamelessly bumped it :D.


Thank you very much:)


PS. And a shameless bump, my first in this thread, but since it is on first page anyway now, it doesnt count;)

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i never took 'resolve is broken' to actually mean its not working, only that it sucks and cc's are out of control.


And this thread is not directed to you then. I personaly think resolve is fine (in sense that it do its job well) but I expressed my opinion about that in threads about how cc's are out of control and resolve is not enough to counter them etc.


This thread was started because many people claim that they were stunned for extended period of time, 5 times in the row etc. I believe it is impossible, because I have never seen something like this, but since I can be wrong, I started this thread, asking for video proving otherwise. If you or anyone else want to express opinion about something else here (like fact you dont like resolve and think it is not doing its job), instead of posting this opinion in appropriate thread, I am not going to stop you (and I cant;)) and I will just thank you for bumps, no problem.

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I'd argue that MMO veterans actually have a better idea of what a game should play and feel like compared to professional developers who make games for a living. They might not always see the big-picture or understand all the metrics, but they know what they want.


Find me a single thing that the MMO veterans will all agree about and I'll accept your point. ;)


Take a look through any big balance thread and see how much they agree on gameplay.

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I'm not going to read all 17 pages but I do get the direction of this topic. My observation of resolve is that it isn't broken however needs some work. As of right now, PvP in this game is Stun-lock death rinse and repeat. CC break really holds no value as it only breaks a single CC and doesn't grant immunity (as it should).


Secondly roots to a melee user are basically the same thing as a stun because as long as the ranged user is out of range, the melee user essentially cannot do anything till the root wears off.


Therefore my proposed fix for this heated debate would be as follows:


CC break granting 3 seconds of immunity.

Roots NOT contributing to resolve HOWEVER once the resolve bar is full, roots not affecting the user.


I think whatever causes immobility should be affected by resolve in some shape or form. This is the reason why I think movement impairing skills that slow the user should not affect resolve. You are still able to function and move to a target or your goal (endzone for huttball)

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Therefore, it is working as intended. You may not like how it works, but it working fine.


Still waiting for video proof that it is otherwise.


Do you really expect people to take a video while seriously pvp'ing?

Seems to me, you just found a nifty little way to discredit all other opinions but your own.


While I report all bugs to Bioware, I don't make videos of my game play - I'm just not that self-centered and I do enjoy my privacy.


But ok, you show me a working, virus-free recording utility that does not affect my computer performance while in pvp and I will give you a video of the resolve bug I have encountered several times now, always involving force choke or the Jedi equivalent.


Of course, once I post the video, I fully expect to be flamed by the likes of you as being "fake". Nothing worse then to be proven wrong, I understand.

Edited by Ubernooby
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Ok, I want to throw a gauntlet to all supporters of opinion that resolve is broken.


Please post a vid or link to a vid where someone is affected by stun or mezz or knockback or pull while having white resolve bar.


By affected I mean - hit by new one, one that filled resolve bar SHOULD work.


If you will get me a vid, we can then ask BW to fix it.


If not, I am going to direct all resolve-complainers here.


One more time, get me a vid or stop QQ about resolve please.




after 16 pages of discussion about resolve, diminishing returns, roots, slows, huttball and game developing no one posted a vid showing that resolve is not working as intented.


Therefore, it is working as intended. You may not like how it works, but it working fine.


Still waiting for video proof that it is otherwise.


This. All of it. I have never once seen an instance of broken resolve in PvP. I get knocked back by some things while I have resilience up in PvE but that's not the point. The point is that Resolve is a functioning system that works properly and was well designed.

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The OP i s like one gigantic Strawman. Resolve is broken because it is not working as intended. The intent is to stop chain immobility, Resolve does not prevent chain immobility, and by this standard Resolve fails. THIS is what people mean, even if they don’t phrase it to the OP’s overly literal false premise. The problems with Resolve include, but are not limited to:


1. A Resolve Bar at 99% allows the next Stun to immobilize you for its full time period. In other words, after your first Stun, if your Resolve Bar is not 100% full, you may be stunned for another full stun period. This is probably why people claim to be hit while their Resolve Bar is full. While technically not true, practically if you can be Stunned when your Resolve bar is 95% full, you’re effectively stunned while Resolve is full.


2. Roots and Snares should fill Resolve


3. There are too many stuns and snares in this game. Stuns and Snares are not fun, they just are not. Consider this - why is BW giving everyone Run at level 1 - Answer - because moving slowly sucks b/c it takes you out of the action and is therefore not fun. Designing a game to take your players out of playing the game is just poor game design.


4. The 2 Minute CD on the Stun Break is too long, particularly since there are a metric ton of Stuns in the game and many of these have less than a 2 Min CD

Edited by Torcer
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The OP i s like one gigantic Strawman. Resolve is broken because it is not working as intended. The intent is to stop chain immobility, Resolve does not prevent chain immobility, and by this standard Resolve fails. THIS is what people mean, even if they don’t phrase it to the OP’s overly literal false premise. The problems with Resolve include, but are not limited to:


1. A Resolve Bar at 99% allows the next Stun to immobilize you for its full time period. In other words, after your first Stun, if your Resolve Bar is not 100% full, you may be stunned for another full stun period. This is probably why people claim to be hit while their Resolve Bar is full. While technically not true, practically if you can be Stunned when your Resolve bar is 95% full, you’re effectively stunned while Resolve is full.


2. Roots and Snares should fill Resolve


3. There are too many stuns and snares in this game. Stuns and Snares are not fun, they just are not. Consider this - why is BW giving everyone Run at level 1 - Answer - because moving slowly sucks b/c it takes you out of the action and is therefore not fun. Designing a game to take your players out of playing the game is just poor game design.


4. The 2 Minute CD on the Stun Break is too long, particularly since there are a metric ton of Stuns in the game and many of these have less than a 2 Min CD




Either reduce the effectiveness of CC in PVP (diminishing returns; inverse % of resolve) and/or significantly reduce cc breaker cooldowns while in PVP. Also, if a full resolve at starts to drain prior to the cc effect ending, that needs to end as well.

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the best demonstration would be on a merc/comm healer with his energy shield up, as they can't be interrupted, and tend to just stand there healing, meaning that only a stun/mez going through resolve could effect them.
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My only real issue with Resolve is that it begins to dissipate while the effect of the last CC is still applied. If it waited till the CC broke, THEN began to dissipate I think you would see a lot less people complaining about "chain CCs." Or not ... I'm sure there would still be something to complain about


I'm almost positive it doesn't start counting down until the CC is ended (including when you use the CC break or when someone hits you while you're mezzed).


If this isnt' the case, I'd love to see a video of it :)

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The OP i s like one gigantic Strawman. Resolve is broken because it is not working as intended. The intent is to stop chain immobility, Resolve does not prevent chain immobility, and by this standard Resolve fails. THIS is what people mean, even if they don’t phrase it to the OP’s overly literal false premise. The problems with Resolve include, but are not limited to:



This thread is about technical aspect of resolve - ie. it is directed to those who claim that they have been stunned 5 times in the row. Not to those who think that resolve is not working as they wish it to work. Your accusation for "strawman" is therefore false. You posted your opinion about what resolve should do and how it should to it, I am asking for proof that it is not doing what it is currently programmed to do (ie. stop stuns, mezzes,knockbacks and pulls when it is filled).


Thanks for bumps anyway.


PS. Answering to the thread without reading anything besides first post FTW;)


I'm almost positive it doesn't start counting down until the CC is ended (including when you use the CC break or when someone hits you while you're mezzed).


If this isnt' the case, I'd love to see a video of it :)


May I point you here:




No videos, but as I said in that post - it is very easy to duplicate, so you may easily check every single word there:)

Edited by Kaarsa
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I'm almost positive it doesn't start counting down until the CC is ended (including when you use the CC break or when someone hits you while you're mezzed).


If this isnt' the case, I'd love to see a video of it :)


have a smuggler/op sleep dart you, your resolve is down to about 25% by the time it ends

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The OP i s like one gigantic Strawman. Resolve is broken because it is not working as intended. The intent is to stop chain immobility


No, resolve is to stop chain losing control of your character. There are lots of ways for most classes to get around being immobilized, and there aren't that many full roots in the game. There are tons of snares but every class has them pretty much.


Melee complain all the time about being snared, but the melee class's snares are stronger than the ranged classes.


Rift has snares/roots on the DR. Play that as a melee and tell me how fun it is to be kited all day by the ranged classes that have speed boosts/blinks :D

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