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So, I told him I didn't want anything to do with him. Then he threatens to play stowaway anyway basically forcing me to take him with me. Now all he does is whine and complain that I make him do stuff because he forced me to take him with me.


Why did I have to take him with me in the first place? I would have found shooting/freezing him and collecting the bounty a perfectly acceptable option. It's not that I don't like him, it's that I despise him. Technically, my character does.

Edited by terminova
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I'd happily chuck Skadge out the airlock. In fact, I wanted to shoot him in the face first time I met him, and I bet the rest of my companions would have agreed with that course of action. I like the rest of my companions to a greater or lesser degree. I can even stomach the damn jawa. But I really don't like Skadge.
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BH forums are full of this concept. Skadge is stupid and annoying. Fetch me some more Level 5 Researched Compound, fatty...


I hope as BW introduces more companions, the ability to kill some of your companions is brought back.


(It was an available game path back in early design, but jettisoned after test players complained that it was permanent. Who knew? Death is permanent... Go figure.)

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BH forums are full of this concept. Skadge is stupid and annoying. Fetch me some more Level 5 Researched Compound, fatty...


I hope as BW introduces more companions, the ability to kill some of your companions is brought back.


(It was an available game path back in early design, but jettisoned after test players complained that it was permanent. Who knew? Death is permanent... Go figure.)


That is what he is best at!

Edited by Drewser
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What are you people saying! HE IS AWESOME!


When you tell that one guy to kill himself rather than wait for the inevitable execution squad and you are walking out he goes "wait for it..." You hear a bang and he laughs and says "Now we can go". I have his affection maxed out!

Edited by Jandi
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What are you people saying! HE IS AWESOME!


When you tell that one guy to kill himself rather than wait for the inevitable execution squad and you are walking out he goes "wait for it..." You hear a bang and he laughs and says "Now we can go". I have his affection maxed out!


Heh, I wouldn't go so far as to say he's awesome, but I have started bringing him in for conversations where I know someone is going to die. Initially I was hoping for him to get mad and leave my ship completely, but as it turns out he loves cracking his knuckles and doing the dirty work while my guy looks on like a mob boss.


Sorry Mako, go fetch yourself something nice...

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Sure, you are forced to take Skadge. Thing is... every class in the game is forced to put up with every single one of their companion characters. I don't see why people keep complaining about Skadge as if he's somehow exceptional in this respect, especially considering how Gault is even more jarringly forced.


If you hate the character and take every dialogue option you can to try and get out of keeping him, then you're going to be disappointed. Duh. It is exactly the same for people who wanted nothing to do with Mako, Torian, Gault, and Blizz.

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Sure, you are forced to take Skadge. Thing is... every class in the game is forced to put up with every single one of their companion characters. I don't see why people keep complaining about Skadge as if he's somehow exceptional in this respect, especially considering how Gault is even more jarringly forced.


If you hate the character and take every dialogue option you can to try and get out of keeping him, then you're going to be disappointed. Duh. It is exactly the same for people who wanted nothing to do with Mako, Torian, Gault, and Blizz.


Nobody said they thought "Skadge was exceptional in this respect", I don't know where you got that idea. All they said was they hate him and I agree.

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Voice/personality on him are well done, but as a companion he is lacking in role. Hes a crap tank, and a crap dps, both roles are filled by other companions much more efficiently.


Hes useful for comic relief when you just want to be bad. When you know theres some joocy dark side points to get in a convo its fun to use him, since hes the meanest of your lot for sure.


I find the final companions pretty much universally poor in performance for every class ( I have 50s of all 4 imperial main classes) And Skadge may actually be the worst performing of them all.


I agree though on the OPs main point of not wanting to take him and not really having a choice about it. The "choices" we get in the story are simply not choices at all- they are railroaded so that no matter what option you choose it turns out the same anyways.


So much for story.


When "choices" lack any weight or consequence they arent really choices at all, merely 3 paths leading to the same conclusion. It would be nice to be able to pass on certain companions (perhaps even having a few extra options would be nice... so everyone doesnt just have the same 5 companions like it or not), but the structure of the game is such that it would gimp you horribly from a crafting standpoint, you must take all the companions offered, which just ruins the perception that you are actually in control of this stories outcome.


The bottom line is nearly every class has companions that dont fit their story or are unwanted/unneeded, but you are stuck with them... I guess just ignoring them and not feeding them affection or participating in their storylines is the best way of dealing with ones you simply cant stand in your version of your character.

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Nobody said they thought "Skadge was exceptional in this respect", I don't know where you got that idea. All they said was they hate him and I agree.


People complaining about Skadge and being forced to let him come on their ships has been one of the most prolific topics on these boards, right below not using rifles and carbines. My post was a response to the trend, since I really don't understand how Skadge has managed to troll the bounty hunter community so profoundly.


That's not saying you have to like him. Like/dislike is a personal matter. Personally I can't stand half our companions. But there is a trend on this forum for people to imply the following logic: "I don't like him = he is a bad companion = he shouldn't be a companion = what was Bioware thinking?". If people dislike Skadge, that's fine, but I never fail to be baffled at how they keep posting threads about him as if doing so is going to make him disappear.


Fact is that he is the only consistently dark sided companion, and that he represents one aspect of bounty hunter culture (the violent criminal element), and therefore he is an important inclusion for bounty hunters who prefer his particular style over Mako's HelloKitty brand of professionalism. If you don't like him, avoid using him and be thankful that he's the last companion you get... darkside hunters have to put up with Mako for the majority of act one before even getting an alternative.

Edited by Sarog
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People complaining about Skadge and being forced to let him come on their ships has been one of the most prolific topics on these boards, right below not using rifles and carbines. My post was a response to the trend, since I really don't understand how Skadge has managed to troll the bounty hunter community so profoundly.


That's not saying you have to like him. Like/dislike is a personal matter. Personally I can't stand half our companions. But there is a trend on this forum for people to imply the following logic: "I don't like him = he is a bad companion = he shouldn't be a companion = what was Bioware thinking?". If people dislike Skadge, that's fine, but I never fail to be baffled at how they keep posting threads about him as if doing so is going to make him disappear.


Fact is that he is the only consistently dark sided companion, and that he represents one aspect of bounty hunter culture (the violent criminal element), and therefore he is an important inclusion for bounty hunters who prefer his particular style over Mako's HelloKitty brand of professionalism. If you don't like him, avoid using him and be thankful that he's the last companion you get... darkside hunters have to put up with Mako for the majority of act one before even getting an alternative.

Yeah, I agree with you. He's annoying as #@$%. But he's not necessarily a "bad" companion. Mechanically, he's no worse than Torian as far as having to babysit who he's attacking, etc. That's just an AI bug that Bioware will get around to eventually. But it would help if he wasn't so friggin annoying as far as his convos and comments. I get it, they were going for a Wrex type companion, but they forgot to put in the likability of Wrex in Skadge. But that doesn't make him broken, just annoying.


And, since you brought it up, pistols still look like crap. And there should be playable Trandoshans, Droids and Wookiees. That is all. :tran_wink:


EDIT: Oh, and Chiss don't fit within canon for the era and thus should not be in the game at all.

Edited by The_Brick
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EDIT: Oh, and Chiss don't fit within canon for the era and thus should not be in the game at all.


Off Topic, but I'm guessing you facepalmed just as hard as I did during our early class story on Hutta when mention is made of a chiss droid master? :p

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Oh Skadge, Skadge, Skadge... He is by far the best voice-acted companion we have. His character is pretty straight-forward, he doesn't try to hide his motives or reasons. He is a cold-hearted killer, and that is all. The biggest problem with him, is that you get him LAST!.


Mako is cool, but she is as soft as they come. Same with Torian. Both of their story-lines bored me. Gault is cool, and his story is fun. Blizz reminds me a kender from Dragonlance D&D. (Look it up, you'll understand.) His story ended so quickly, it left me wondering what happened. All that being said, I run with Torian most of the time anyways, because he was easy to gear, and does awesome dps, his biggest shortfall being the limited weapon type, which is rectified at 50 anyways.

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What are you people saying! HE IS AWESOME!


When you tell that one guy to kill himself rather than wait for the inevitable execution squad and you are walking out he goes "wait for it..." You hear a bang and he laughs and says "Now we can go". I have his affection maxed out!


Having mako out when i did that was the worst decision i made as a bh. i still regret doing that. Skadge fits my toon perfectly, i just wish we had a chance to beat some humility into him back on bel.

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Sure, you are forced to take Skadge. Thing is... every class in the game is forced to put up with every single one of their companion characters. I don't see why people keep complaining about Skadge as if he's somehow exceptional in this respect, especially considering how Gault is even more jarringly forced.


No one says he is exceptional in the entire game, but he is exceptional among the other BH companions. Even Gault is not as bad - he offers to work for you. Skadge instead threatens to steal your ship if you don't take him; I am sure most players' BH chars (mine included) have killed for far less than this. My char is mostly light-sided and still would have shot Skadge on the spot for threatening like this.

Gault at least was offering a bargain. Skadge only attempts to blackmail me. When Gault turned around to propose his idea, I laughed irl and found the very idea amusing. When Skadge threatened me and I found no option to kill him or otherwise decline his "request", I cancelled the dialog several times, going through all the options in hope that I missed something that would get me to a conclusion where I did not have to accept him. Then after finding none I raged, then dumped him into a corner.


Seriously, I want to throw that a****** out of the airlock and would even prefer a second babbling ship droid instead.

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No one says he is exceptional in the entire game, but he is exceptional among the other BH companions. Even Gault is not as bad - he offers to work for you. Skadge instead threatens to steal your ship if you don't take him; I am sure most players' BH chars (mine included) have killed for far less than this. My char is mostly light-sided and still would have shot Skadge on the spot for threatening like this.

Gault at least was offering a bargain. Skadge only attempts to blackmail me. When Gault turned around to propose his idea, I laughed irl and found the very idea amusing. When Skadge threatened me and I found no option to kill him or otherwise decline his "request", I cancelled the dialog several times, going through all the options in hope that I missed something that would get me to a conclusion where I did not have to accept him. Then after finding none I raged, then dumped him into a corner.


Seriously, I want to throw that a****** out of the airlock and would even prefer a second babbling ship droid instead.


Thing is, you deliberately tried every option to avoid having him come with you, so of course you character looked like a weak-willed push over when you got stuck with him. If you just roll with it, knowing that he's coming with you no matter what, the dialogue comes off in a better light.


You are wrong about Skadge being worse in this regard among the other companions. It seems so to you because Skadge and his entry rubs you the wrong way, but the other companions are exactly the same. Do as you did with Skadge, and take every possible option you can to try and avoid being saddled with Mako, Torian, Blizz, and Gault... and you'll end up with exactly the same forced outcome as with Skadge. Welcome to how I felt with literally every companion I got pre-Belsavis.


And Gault is absolutely worse than Skadge. Skadge talks tough and is railroaded aboard your ship. Gault tries to kill you a couple of times, and is railroaded onto your ship in a manner that forces you to defraud the great hunt (meaning that no matter how you play, you hold the grand champion title fraudulently) and your character comes off looking like a gullible mark in the process.

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My biggest issue with Skadge is that his hunting style is the complete opposite of mine. My BH is like a surgeon - quick, efficient, with as minimal outside damage as possible. Skadge is a sledgehammer - he powers in without a reasonable attack plan.



When we're both after the same guy and I'm all set to spring and nab the guy and then Skadge comes bumbling in like a rhino on pcp and messes up my whole plan? Yeah, I was ready to kill Skadge. Then, after he forces his way onto my crew, again, after messing up my hunts and goes on to insult the rest of my crew - including BLIZZ, who SAID HE WAS SKADGE'S FRIEND! - yeah, I'm done with him.


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love/hate for skadge kinda depends on your alignment too.


my first toon was a merc healer, lightside.. skadge hated everything i said, so i ditched him in the ship and never brought him out.


my 2nd toon is a powertech tank, darkside.. skadge is perfect for a lot of the conversation, except i need a dps, so i use torian or gault.


i've come to like him though, because of his scruffy attitude. he would have been a great companion on Alderaan, because i hated everyone on that stuffy planet.


the REALLY nice thing about skadge, is that he's about as easy as blizz to gain affection. blizz likes every damn thing you give him. Skadge.. skadge, you can get to 10k affection within a week of hitting 50 just by being a total dick on the belsavis dailies!

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