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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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Really?! REALLY?! So, for all the lowbies that want to experience the content of Athiss, Hammer Station and the rest ... are the just S O L? Well, I guess according to you they are. Be careful ... your elitism is showing.


If someone wants to roll an alt, he would roll on a more populated server.

New players will roll on more populated servers by default.


By default, lowbies have a better chance of grouping up actually. This is especially true for Dalborra. Majority of people are on coruscant/taris/nar shadda.

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If someone wants to roll an alt, he would roll on a more populated server.

New players will roll on more populated servers by default.


By default, lowbies have a better chance of grouping up actually. This is especially true for Dalborra. Majority of people are on coruscant/taris/nar shadda.


Take a few minutes and go through the forums. You'll find plenty of low-level characters saying they cannot find groups on their servers due to the population. You're basically telling them to suck it up, wait till their 50 and go do it solo.




Meaning single, the opposite of group ... the antithesis of community; which is the very thing you're defending by saying "no x-server LFG". Wow ... the irony.

Edited by Aeris_Kane
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Take a few minutes and go through the forums. You'll find plenty of low-level characters saying they cannot find groups on their servers due to the population. You're basically telling them to suck it up, wait till their 50 and go do it solo.




Meaning single, the opposite of group ... the antithesis of community; which is the very thing you're defending by saying "no LFG". Wow ... the irony.


I didn't say no LFG. I said no cross-server LFG.


I don't believe there are not at least 4 people on a planet. If your hyperbole is correct, that NO lowbie can find a group, then all those 4 lowbies on the same planets would not have done a single heroic mission. They can group up and do them.


So even with your exaggerated hyperbole, a single-server group finder can help. No need for cross-server.

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I'm at a point where I dont do heroic quests, when I dont find anyone right away, and I dont think that's the purpose of those quests.


As for flashpoints, I have 2 level 50's, and I haven't done any of the max level flashpoints or operations. I tried looking for a group once or twice, but I didn't feel like waiting for such a long time at the fleet.


I dont think that the "LFG tool destroys communities" really holds any merit anymore. Some people act like ******es anyway. Yesterday I was looking for a group for a heroic quest, and when I told them I had 5 minutes left on my quick travel cooldown, they got annoyed with me and told me they are gonna start the quest, and when I'm not there for the main objective it's my own fault. There will always be people like this.


And people will not experience much negative feedback when they act like ******es, because people just forget about it and new players will join the server that have know idea who those people are and what they did. Hell, even I forgot their names already.

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The only group finder that matters is the one at level 50, where you need people for dailies, group missions, flashpoints and operations.


I think Bioware would disagree with your assessment that all of the pre-50 content is meaningless.


How do you know it won't solve anything? I don't believe that there are not at least 4 level 50s on your server. If all 4 of you want to do something, surely it is just a matter of grouping up.


I said single server LFG won't solve anything on the servers with lower population, which is at least half and probably most of them.


All that it does is encourage people who didn't want to waste their time spamming LFG to join in. Yes, you'll get a few more people in then you would normally, I don't disagree with that. But on the smaller servers where 50-75 people is the norm on the fleet during prime-time, its not going to make much of a difference, and its probably going to have little to no impact on lower level content. If you only manage 50-75 people on fleet during primetime, then there is just no way you have that number in any other level range before, during or after.


You are failing to take into account here that a fair portion of the people playing the game who could care less about PvE content. Your also forgetting about the population at 50 who is raiding and could care less about flashpoints. Now your back down to a group of what, 30 people? 40 out of 75?Not to mention that you still need to account for these other factors including but not limited to # of tanks, healers, people who run with their guild/friends, people who just don't want to do it that night....the list goes on.


At best, this "amazing" single server LFG tool is going to get a half dozen to a dozen runs per night during prime-time and maybe 1-2 off peak on a large number of servers, and I still feel like that is generous.



This is why it is not going to work. Cross server solves the problem of being limited to your ****** server to get basic content done. Yea, WoW sucks, I get it, but one of the great things about that game is I can log into their servers at any time in the day/night and get a BG/H Dungeon in.

Edited by Frostvein
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I didn't say no LFG. I said no cross-server LFG.


I don't believe there are not at least 4 people on a planet. If your hyperbole is correct, that NO lowbie can find a group, then all those 4 lowbies on the same planets would not have done a single heroic mission. They can group up and do them.


So even with your exaggerated hyperbole, a single-server group finder can help. No need for cross-server.


Oh, thanks for pointing that out; I'll update my original thread.


I'm just looking through the forums ... believe what you want.

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Each day that passes without this mandatory feature, the game gets one step closer to its grave.


What you call a mandatory feature is not in actuality a mandatory anything. The game shipped without it and people have been able to play the game without this "mandatory feature". It has not stopped them from playing, crashed the servers, or any such thing.


The summit was a representation of some of the SWTOR players and an outburst of applause did great the words of Single Server and no Cross Server LFG Tool.


Clearly it will not be heading into the grave as you may hope because it does not cater to everyone. The Devs have made their choice on the matter, even going so far as to be saying the same thing about "those bad people" that have been mentioned here not being allowed to ruin game experience for other players.


I will continue to watch to see if they mention, if or even when, they may plan on server merges and other options they may cover.

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What you call a mandatory feature is not in actuality a mandatory anything. The game shipped without it and people have been able to play the game without this "mandatory feature". It has not stopped them from playing, crashed the servers, or any such thing.


Actually it has, that is the reason why people want it so they can play an MMORPG


The summit was a representation of some of the SWTOR players and an outburst of applause did great the words of Single Server and no Cross Server LFG Tool.


Cause a bunch of dorks that spend god knows how much to travel to a convention with nothing better to do with their time are the kind of consumer that needs a X-LFD? People with no lives who play 4+ hours a day don't need a X-LFD. People who play at their own pace, require a X-LFD cause they play it more like a single player game with a co-op. If people are on its great but if not it really blows.


Clearly it will not be heading into the grave as you may hope because it does not cater to everyone. The Devs have made their choice on the matter, even going so far as to be saying the same thing about "those bad people" that have been mentioned here not being allowed to ruin game experience for other players.


This is all rhetroic, every major MMORPG has changed their philosophies when the community has banded together over an issue. What we can do is embrace the reality of the situation and find ways not to punish other players from bad grouping experiences.

Edited by Touchbass
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Each day that passes without this mandatory feature, the game gets one step closer to its grave.




Without giving the opportunity to play flashpoints people will leave. No one wants to spend two hours on the fleet trying to get a group going for flashpoints.


If the decision is not to give people the chance to group up for end-game content, then people will start leaving.


I still hope they will come to their senses and realize how important a LFG tool is.

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Without giving the opportunity to play flashpoints people will leave. No one wants to spend two hours on the fleet trying to get a group going for flashpoints.


If the decision is not to give people the chance to group up for end-game content, then people will start leaving.


I still hope they will come to their senses and realize how important a LFG tool is.


I know eh, I took a 7 day pass back to WoW and I saw a lot of players doing the same thing. SWTOR has a chance to get a strangle hold on it's market but they need to realize that probably a good 400,00-600,000 people really want a X-LFD. :D

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Interesting, they say it's something they want to put in once the game matures a bit. I still call BS cause even if it was mandatory for success they wouldn't have time to implement it, just a PR comment


It will be in 1.3. Watch from the 12:08 mark onwards.



I already posted this on this thread. A little research would have saved you the anxiety and stress of not knowing whether group finder will ever be in the game. But I suppose screaming the world is ending is much easier.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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I've played WoW since 2005. The community was much better before LFD. The minute people dared to take an item from a dungeon that they shouldn't take, they would be called out, a message sent to the guildmaster, and that person booted from the guild. Word spreads, and no one wants to bring a ninja to their runs. They pretty much have to re-roll.


After LFD was introduced, a dps dared to take a tanking loot from me, and eventhough I asked him to wait, thinking that it was a mistake, he left the dungeon without saying a word, confirming that he KNEW it was wrong, but he did it because he could get away with it.


And if that dps lost the roll for the tanking item of the first boss, he would bail from the dungeon because that was the only thing he wanted and he didn't want to honor the rest of the run. Why? Because he can just queue again anyway.


You run with 4 people from the same guild. Before they start the boss, they votekick you because their guildie wants to come in. You can't do anything because, well, they are on another server.


Cross-server LFD encourages even more bad behavior due to the removal of consequences. You don't have to understand. All that matters is WE know how bad cross-server LFD makes people, and we will oppose it.


All of these problems could easily be resolved with one simple thing...actual involvement and policing by Bioware to keep things legit. WoW had NO oversight whatsoever. It was as if you handed the keys to the car, the liquor cabinet, your credit card AND your wallet to a teenager and then left on vacation for a month. It's like absentee parenting of a problematic bad child. What would you expect? WoW's community is horrible because Blizz LET them get that way. Furthermore, wow's community was bad because of a few bad apples ruining it for everyone else at which point it spread like a disease. And just for the record, the bad community is one of the reasons I left wow after 6 years. The lack of content and the rehash of old content (hello troll heroics) was the other reasons.


Secondly, the loot issue shouldn't be as much of an issue here. I don't think that Marauder is going to need on the cunning armor piece you want...as it won't help him at all. Each class uses a different primary stat, save for JK tanks and dps sentinels or Sith M/J. But the slightly different stat allocations should be enough to discourage ninja looting. And of course some oversight from BW.


Cross server LFD doesn't ruin a game, players that are a piece of !@# as a real life person acting out in a game is what ruins it. If you run across a person like this. put him on ignore, have your friends do that same. Have them tell their other friends to follow suit., etc etc. Put in a ticket about his/her bad attitude/behavior, don't expect a result from it, but at least it gives BW a heads up on a potential problem child. If you have to, create an alt on his/her server to broadcast his bad behavior to anyone that can hear you. May not do anything, but at least it will possibly be remembered at a later time when it matters to him/her.


I personally have no tolerance for "trolling" or ninja looting. If I had my say so, I'd rather lose one bad punk's $15 a month than have them around polluting the game. Just outright ban ninja looters I say. But strip their accounts of all gear and credits first, then randomly hand it out to other players.

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LFG tool doesn't ruin a game.


I've been ninja'd for a tanking sword at one point. Even after that it never occured to me to ninja anyone else.It's just not how I play. Bad players will be bad players, end of story.


LFG tool is needed in this game, and if anything, it will help people find groups.

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It will be in 1.3.
how sweet, in 1.3 and they say nothing about system itself, only "single server"


now i really wish them never abadon this decision, so more game-developers will see it and never repeat this mistake

Edited by navarh
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how sweet, in 1.3 and they say nothing about system itself, only "single server"


Yeah, the big thing for me is whether or not it's going to be automated. I don't care if I have to wait 45 minutes for a group, I just want a realistic expectation of how long it'll take and it'll allow me to do something else other then send private tells. I never ever want to have to do that again.

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It will be in 1.3. Watch from the 12:08 mark onwards.



I already posted this on this thread. A little research would have saved you the anxiety and stress of not knowing whether group finder will ever be in the game. But I suppose screaming the world is ending is much easier.


We're not asking for "group finder" ... it's a CROSS-server group finder we're looking for. There's a difference. And I really don't care what a group of individuals, picked by BioWare, have to say at a summit.

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Yeah, the big thing for me is whether or not it's going to be automated.
i bet they make clone of that_game pre lfg system


aka another failure


learned nothing


and i just love how he say about "random pug guy" like he isn't normal player but some trash and he must be avoided to defend their "community"…

Edited by navarh
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i bet they make clone of that_game pre lfg system


aka another failure


learned nothing


and i just love how he say about "random pug guy" like he isn't normal player but some trash and he must be avoided to defend their "community"…


Yeah, if they bork this group finding feature it's going to put an even further dent in the subs. I really believe if they launched with an automated same server LFD this game could easily have 2.2million subs and limited server issues. Instead we have a very hostile playerbase at war with each other.

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You know they will not.

You see?


You said what i stated. You want TOR to be a WoW clone.


The community doesn't want that.


speak for yourself pls, you are not 'the community'"....if swtor would incorporate elements from Wow like LFG tool, summoning stone at instances, combat log and probably some other tools, it would be a better MMO than it currently is.


and a MMO of the year 2012 instead of a game from 2006

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speak for yourself pls, you are not 'the community'"....if swtor would incorporate elements from Wow like LFG tool, summoning stone at instances, combat log and probably some other tools, it would be a better MMO than it currently is.


and a MMO of the year 2012 instead of a game from 2006


I'm with this ^


Haven't done a flashpoint in about a month... and I play every day.


I wonder what the flashpoints after Colicoid are like? Never seen them.


Does the $15 a month I pay allow me to do flashpoints? Nope.


I'm a full healer btw (Sage Seer).


I've resigned myself to the fact that I will not get to experience most of the "elder game" content until we get a x-server LFG.


I just hope it's sooner rather than later... otherwise... "Later."

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