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SWTOR: No fat chicks allowed?


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Why can't I play a fat woman in any rpgs that I have touched? Hell, this game is unique enough for giving us the option to play as a chunky guy but they didn't go all the way and let us play as a chunky woman. Why do I bring this up?


So, you want to be a fat chick. Do your parents know about this? ;p

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After she saw that she went on a tirade how society never shows fat people in anything but a negative or comedic light and she said she felt discriminated against because society at large wants to "shut her away".


That's because fat is a negative thing. Der.


It's unhealthy in every way one can think of, and it should be discouraged. My wife is a directer of nurses in long term. The overwhelming health issue that they are seeing today is cancer, followed by obesity. People as young as 45 with major health issues requiring long term care due to their obesity.


Problem with America is that everyone feels that we should coddle and embrace their dysfunction rather then help them overcome it. This woman feels that, rather then understand that she has a problem, that we should not only ignore it, but embrace it.


She's fat, she needs to lose weight, praise her for first understanding that, then making the effort, not for being fat and proud of it. LOL

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For the same reason you can't play a smoker. I won't compare it to a disability since they don't have a choice. I was 350 lbs but I busted my *** exercising to lose it. I didn't even change my diet or buy equipment. I'm a paramedic now and I see plenty of people whose quality of life is terrible due to obesity. If a protaganist smokes in a movie, its rated R. Not having an obese person in a game where you run 30 miles daily makes more sense than that.


Also, be a friend and find a physical hobby to do with your obese friend. You don't want her sounding like Darth vader, chair-ridden, unable to enjoy time with her friends and family.



Former 350 lb dude, signing off.

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That's because fat is a negative thing. Der.


It's unhealthy in every way one can think of, and it should be discouraged. My wife is a directer of nurses in long term. The overwhelming health issue that they are seeing today is cancer, followed by obesity. People as young as 45 with major health issues requiring long term care due to their obesity.


Problem with America is that everyone feels that we should coddle and embrace their dysfunction rather then help them overcome it. This woman feels that, rather then understand that she has a problem, that we should not only ignore it, but embrace it.


She's fat, she needs to lose weight, praise her for first understanding that, then making the effort, not for being fat and proud of it. LOL


Obesity is bad..for anyone. But it seems women can tolerate being overweight more than men can. My granmother was overweight and until she fell and broke her hip she took care of herself, cooking, cleaning her house, grocery shopping, etc up to 92....she died peacefully in her sleep at 95. My granfather however was thin and lived to 88. I read a article not too long ago saying women can tolerate more belly fat than men can and being overweight does not affect them as bad as it does men. Some even reaching 100+ when a little overweight. But men....no men have ever reached 100 being overweight. They all have been thin. This was on MSN website the other day.

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  • 1 year later...
Bioware is very aware that many of its players are heavy set males. The reason body type number 4 for males appears fat on the outside, but muscular on the inside, is because it makes body images for the heavy set males easier. The original poster was correct, this is discrimination plain and simple. Femaie body type 4 is not even close to the male body type, and cannot accurately be described as fat. For those that have insisted that heavy set women didn't save universe in the movies, I don't remember seeing any male body type 4's as heroes in the movies either. Bioware & EA fix this issue, don't just sweep it under the rug.
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I guess they want at least some realism. You can't save the planet as a huge fat guy/girl, you will have a heart attack before the first gunfight is over :p


Unless you are a man of course, then you can run around doing all that... at least in this game...

And it think that was the point the OP was trying to make...

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Unless you are a man of course, then you can run around doing all that... at least in this game...

And it think that was the point the OP was trying to make...


go make a male body type 4 and look at him with just his underoo's on. . .


. . .Not many fat guys I know have sixpacks. . .



Your "fat" man is really just a huge powerlifter type. . .

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I got a good laugh out of it when my body type 4 female Sniper accepted the Taris Bonus Series quest from a body type 4 female officer. The thought that popped into my head was, "Of course I'll help! Us fat girls gotta stick together!"


Seriously, though, body type 4 isn't fat on a male or a female. A body type 4 female still has like a 22-inch waist. And if you take the shirt off a body type 4 male, you'll see that he's actually a solid wall of muscle. He's a cube with feet.


Look at The Kingpin in the Daredevil comics. Or the WWE's Big Show. That's the basis for a body type 4 male. And a body type 4 female is basically Jayne Mansfield or Mae West. I wouldn't consider any of those people fat.

Edited by nateslice
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Bioware is very aware that many of its players are heavy set males. The reason body type number 4 for males appears fat on the outside, but muscular on the inside, is because it makes body images for the heavy set males easier. The original poster was correct, this is discrimination plain and simple. Femaie body type 4 is not even close to the male body type, and cannot accurately be described as fat. For those that have insisted that heavy set women didn't save universe in the movies, I don't remember seeing any male body type 4's as heroes in the movies either. Bioware & EA fix this issue, don't just sweep it under the rug.


Are you ******* kidding me? You want the developers to spend time creating an unhealthy, fat chick, instead of (presumably) working on things that actually matter, and what the majority of players want? Just so you can go roll around the map wheezing and taking insulin shots as a medpac. The out of combat regen could be eating cake or something. Good plan.

Edited by BlackSpin
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Are you ******* kidding me? You want the developers to spend time creating an unhealthy, fat chick, instead of (presumably) working on things that actually matter, and what the majority of players want? Just so you can go roll around the map wheezing and taking insulin shots as a medpac. The out of combat regen could be eating cake or something. Good plan.


Because a huge fat guy with a 6-pack and more muscles than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime is healthy and realistic example to set for people...

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I swear it must be a regular Blood on the Dance Floor concert in General today, because all I keep seeing is a bunch of emo necrophiliacs.




*turns on the hose*




Damn kids...

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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I swear it must be a regular Blood on the Dance Floor concert in General today, because all I keep seeing is a bunch of emo necrophiliacs.




*turns on the hose*




Damn kids...


One day, young padawan, you will realise that necro is good. ;)

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