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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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I've previously posted Dragon Trail stats during West Coast prime time. On a whim today I figured I'd roll a alt on the more populated server aka Fatman. Sadly it made me sick to my stomach :(


Dragon Trail: Republic Fleet @ 16:24 4/4/2012

Republic Faction

30 people


The Fatman: Ord Mantell @ 16:26 4/4/2012

Republic Faction

Starting smuggler zone

78 people


Now you have to ask....who is having more fun. If fun is subjective then just consider this. 78 people in a starting zone vs. 30 in the republic fleet:


1. How much more /general chat is there?

2. Odds of actually completing flashpoints and Heroic side quests

3. Starting warzones with equal numbers of each faction


Everything is subjective I know but come on. 78 people in the bloody starting zone. Let me level this experiment to 10 and see how the fleet is going. I'm willing to wager a easy 200+ are raging.

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Moderators closed my other thread so I figured I'd share these with you guys.


I did a /who without any information in the box. Normally, this would come up with "Showing first 100 results". Well, guess what? There weren't even 100 people online for either pub or imp side tonight at prime time. I am CST time and play on Axial park. Look at the times on the screen shots if you don't believe me. Axial Park is an eastern time zone server.







Everybody wanted proof that could not be debated? Here you go. Start merging servers, or allow us to transfer.

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There are alot of players who have been staying on dead servers now for literally months and i have to ask why? Why roll and REROLL for that matter on a server that has been dead for months and then come here and complain.


It has been stated their working on transfers but its taking longer because they want to make sure there are no mistakes and here we sit demanding information that is out there already

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Moderators closed my other thread so I figured I'd share these with you guys.


I did a /who without any information in the box. Normally, this would come up with "Showing first 100 results". Well, guess what? There weren't even 100 people online for either pub or imp side tonight at prime time. I am CST time and play on Axial park. Look at the times on the screen shots if you don't believe me. Axial Park is an eastern time zone server.







Everybody wanted proof that could not be debated? Here you go. Start merging servers, or allow us to transfer.


Your server has been this way for AT least 2 months... why are you a still there?

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I did switch to Krayt Dragon and then the server picked up for a few weeks, so I decided to come back. I just wanted to provide proof to everybody of a total server population of less than 200 that could not be argued against. Maybe more people will start to speak up and I can get my guys off that server.
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There are alot of players who have been staying on dead servers now for literally months and i have to ask why? Why roll and REROLL for that matter on a server that has been dead for months and then come here and complain.


It has been stated their working on transfers but its taking longer because they want to make sure there are no mistakes and here we sit demanding information that is out there already


I play on an RP server. My character on that server is level 40+ now. It'd be painful to reroll that character on a new server. What I'm doing is trying to finish up that character's story as best I can. Then, when I get ready to roll a new one, I'm going to roll on some regular PVE server that if constantly heavy/full.


I prefer to be able to stay on my current server because I have the same community (or lack thereof), but it's just not plausible because I hardly get an heroics/flashpoints done without spamming the general chat for more than an hour. Even then, sometimes I have to log off without ever completing it.


I love this game. i really do, but the server numbers need to be decreased a bit. 125 servers is way too much when most of them are light/standard even during peak hours.

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Moderators closed my other thread so I figured I'd share these with you guys.


I did a /who without any information in the box. Normally, this would come up with "Showing first 100 results". Well, guess what? There weren't even 100 people online for either pub or imp side tonight at prime time. I am CST time and play on Axial park. Look at the times on the screen shots if you don't believe me. Axial Park is an eastern time zone server.







Everybody wanted proof that could not be debated? Here you go. Start merging servers, or allow us to transfer.


Not to be an arse, but what are you suggesting those screens are actually proof of? That your server is a low pop one (atleast for tonight)? Yeah, too bad! And I mean that! Not fun at all I assume. But no one has asked for proof of that. Anyone here could've rolled on your server and gotten the same results.

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People claimed that population was not dropping on some servers and that going from zone to zone to get a population count was not enough proof. This should quiet them a bit. You may not have asked for it, but other people wanted proof. I read all 73 pages of this post, did you? Edited by Vaynok
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I did switch to Krayt Dragon and then the server picked up for a few weeks, so I decided to come back. I just wanted to provide proof to everybody of a total server population of less than 200 that could not be argued against. Maybe more people will start to speak up and I can get my guys off that server.


THey can't go anything yet but are working on it, how many times does this have to be repeated to people? Not trying to single you out but this is something stated over and over again by people despite the fact that they have stated late april for the initial test (Asia-pacific) at the earliest. Just do not understand people

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People claimed that population was not dropping on some servers and that going from zone to zone to get a population count was not enough proof. This should quiet them a bit. You may not have asked for it, but other people wanted proof. I read all 73 pages of this post, did you?


Some of the problem is players have been posting information farmed at 5 Amor just based off of fleet believing Fleet is the be all and end all for server pop

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Yeah, I agree that is not the right way to base server population off as most of my guild (as I am the guildmaster of the highest guild on pub side of Axial) hangs out on Ilum in just hopes of seeing an Imp. It does not change the fact that those screenshots will hopefully shut those people up who argue the population is not dropping on some servers. Who knows though.
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Some of the problem is players have been posting information farmed at 5 Amor just based off of fleet believing Fleet is the be all and end all for server pop


Of course it is - on light servers.


The majority of people left playing on those servers, including mine "Hedaar Soongh" are all 50. Most that are not are alts - "most".


Where else are the majority then? Hop on Korriban at peak time? Nine people or so. Drummand Kass? 25ish. Hoth? 6.


Where are the rest? Sitting on the fleet waiting for pvp cue, maybe doing a flashpoint or two with their guild or respective friends. It is a very good way to tell the population, on LIGHT servers.


What else is there to do? Goto Ilum? maybe 4-5 people there at most now. The daily's are not worth it and Ilum pvp is dead.


Anybody who does not see this as an issue or has a negative rebuttal re the players who do, clearly are not affected by it. Therefore this thread is not for you, go enjoy your server and play time please thank you.


As for the 30 percent of us Lighty's, may I suggest someone with a twitter account TWEET them? They seem to answer all of those. I want a flipping response.

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4) Bioware is waiting for a strategic time to release their successfull sub numbers like another investors call, if this is true this would be stupid imo. Announcing the game has 1.9m would put so many "doom and gloom" threads to bed that are literally poisoning the community


EA's earnings calls occur each quarter, approximately one month after the end of the quarter. Next conspiracy theory, please.


PS Bioware has stated that its goal is 2 million subs for the remainder of the year. If they announce 1.9M, they and investors will be satisfied.

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who cares..


are YOU having fun? That's all that matters isn't it? :)


umm no. i am starting not to have fun.


3rd server since launch... since the first two have went down to nothing... pvp queues are super long between pops... and umm no one to level with AT ALL... so I am 'forced' to roll on a huge heavy pop server to have things to do with folks...'starting over' for the 3rd time, and trying to meet new folks.


Chasing the server populations isn't as fun as one might think... compared to just playing the freaking game straight off.

Edited by skinthinner
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Of course it is - on light servers.


The majority of people left playing on those servers, including mine "Hedaar Soongh" are all 50. Most that are not are alts - "most".


Where else are the majority then? Hop on Korriban at peak time? Nine people or so. Drummand Kass? 25ish. Hoth? 6.


Where are the rest? Sitting on the fleet waiting for pvp cue, maybe doing a flashpoint or two with their guild or respective friends. It is a very good way to tell the population, on LIGHT servers.


What else is there to do? Goto Ilum? maybe 4-5 people there at most now. The daily's are not worth it and Ilum pvp is dead.


Anybody who does not see this as an issue or has a negative rebuttal re the players who do, clearly are not affected by it. Therefore this thread is not for you, go enjoy your server and play time please thank you.


As for the 30 percent of us Lighty's, may I suggest someone with a twitter account TWEET them? They seem to answer all of those. I want a flipping response.


A response to what? Transfers? They have already stated hopeful end of April for Asia/PAcific with the rest to come later. In these type of games you give a definite date on anything and you will be hung from the rafters for being a week late....

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Naddist Rebels PVP server is dead. 35 republic players on right now at peek time on the fleet. This experience is awful compared to other servers. I want to keep all my legacy and progress. Can we please hear something about merges or transfers...I want to keep my legacy as well, Bioware. You owe your player base to fix this problem.
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Load screens = dead mmo's


Why did WOW become so popular and stayed for so long. Because it had no load screens. The world was one big world. Everyone was in it. Horde could raid and walk right through the ally main city.


Thats why it did well. It was a world. one big world.


Why don't mmo makers get it?

Edited by deathmolor
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Heard this excuse so many times and those who want to ninja still do. Community at large could gives rats ***. But thing is LFG if cross server has more benefits than negative. For those who are not lucky enough to find good guilds are on mercy of spamming 'LFG' praying to the gaming gods that someone hear their plea.


I have been on a very healthy populated server from beginning and i don't buy this bull for a minute that merging servers would automatically make grouping easy which is one of the major issue causing players to unsub once they hit 50. You could be on the most populated server and still spend hours spamming LFG thanks to holy trinity system.


I have no use of LFG because i run with my guildies only and we are tight group of friends, but i can understand why others would want a cross server LFG.


I agree with you. We need LFG badly. I am in a GREAT social guild who wants to do more but we are a small guild with friends from 3 different countries so getting us on the same time frame is difficult at best. One of our good friends is from Austria , so 7 hrs ahead for most of us, but he is our best tank so.... So we have had some difficulties getting groups and operations. Also many of our players are very casual so.... I am quite sure we are not the only guild with this dilemma. I agree with Gorrdan, Ninjas will ninja no matter. But if we are able to find a viability within each server, we could try that first. I would absolutely LOVE to run with nothing but my own guildies, but the time differences make it too difficult.

Thanks for listening. :D

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I'm quickly getting bored due to the stale end game, lack of a group finder, and amusingly a lack of things to do besides stand in the fleet.


I never thought I would meet the day when I would want to go farm herbs and ore, farm mounts and pets, or just generally enjoy hunting for a rare fish for an achievement. But that day has come. I guess I really just wish there was more to do in Swtor besides level alts, PvE, or PvP, but there really isn't.


I play on a Standard server, Jekk Jekk Tarr, and even I have seen a MASSIVE population decline in the past ~2 months. The Fleet lag used to be atrocious; now it hardly exists at peak times. PvP queues used to be instant; now they are 5-10 minutes.

Edited by SentinelForce
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Load screens = dead mmo's


Why did WOW become so popular and stayed for so long. Because it had no load screens. The world was one big world. Everyone was in it. Horde could raid and walk right through the ally main city.


Thats why it did well. It was a world. one big world.


Why don't mmo makers get it?


while I agree Star Wars needs to cut back on loading screens and find a way to dump some of the planets into seamless transitions (pre-loads, something)... WoW does indeed have load screens in their world. Not as many as here, but they have them.

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I guess I really just wish there was more to do in Swtor besides level alts, PvE, or PvP, but there really isn't.


I am starting to also miss the small things that they could add to make it beautiful. Minigames, cards, races, the animal mounts, etc. I hope they get to making these things... as people WILL NOT wait years while they tweak and bug fix and slowly trickle non cosmetic stuff out. In today's instant gratification mindset... they want it NOW.

Edited by skinthinner
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Load screens = dead mmo's


Why did WOW become so popular and stayed for so long. Because it had no load screens. The world was one big world. Everyone was in it. Horde could raid and walk right through the ally main city.


Thats why it did well. It was a world. one big world.


Why don't mmo makers get it?


wow does have load screens, just not as many as this game does.

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Thats why it did well. It was a world. one big world.


Asheron's Call was one big seemless world. It did reasonably well and still hangs on today, at roughly breakeven. But it was never close to being the success SWTOR was. That pretty much debunks your theory.

Edited by Kthx
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