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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Hedarr Soongh is a ghost town for most of the day. If it isn't prime time then Huttball pops 100% of the time until around 2am when the pvp ques stop popping at all until around 7am. My guild has been hemorrhaging people and no one wants to reroll on another server because they already have a couple of 50s. I can only hope for a server merge or Hedarr Soongh will drop off like a dead limb as soon as D3 or GW2 or even Secret World comes out.


1.2 is just going to be a let down with so few people playing.


One thing for sure I am never going to sign up early and get pre-placed on a server again.

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If they could then they would, if in fact your assessment was true(it's not), they are still working out the kinks for individual transfers... snapping fingers and yelling doesn't make things come any faster.


So you just sit back and let things happen on their own? It's called constructive feedback.


You can go ahead and try to play the "adult" role. You'd disagree with anything anyone said here, just to show how "cool headed" you are.


The more people whine/complain/show concern, the more stress it puts on Bioware to make a change.

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I planted my standard quite often in Ilum. 1 player? Lol c'mon... once is okey but the 4th time on a Saturday? Forget that, I rather go do something on a Saturday than pretend to own a planet because the whole place is uninhabited.
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So you just sit back and let things happen on their own? It's called constructive feedback.


You can go ahead and try to play the "adult" role. You'd disagree with anything anyone said here, just to show how "cool headed" you are.


The more people whine/complain/show concern, the more stress it puts on Bioware to make a change.


So we cannot criticized BW because it may delay their progress or stress them out? lol

Pressure should motivate the devs to hasten their fixes and in introducing new contents, etc.. If they are not, they don't deserve to be in this business. The spirit of competition does not rest in a free market system.

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So you just sit back and let things happen on their own? It's called constructive feedback.


You can go ahead and try to play the "adult" role. You'd disagree with anything anyone said here, just to show how "cool headed" you are.


The more people whine/complain/show concern, the more stress it puts on Bioware to make a change.


See you don't realize is they have already addressed this issue and it will take time to implement.


The people complaining/demanding they do something about it now will do nothing but cause themselves health problems.

Edited by BlackZoback
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They are working on the problem. To be honest, and I have a level 50 on a dead server, this thread is quite pointless because Bioware KNOW there is a problem and they are working on fixing it with transfers. Once everyone on low pop server transfers to higher pop ones, there will be no problem and Bioware will probably do some merges (or just leave the empty ones). So yeah, in my opinion it's fine! Just re-roll and have some fun on a higher pop server until your old characters can join the re-rolls :)
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See you don't realize is they have already addressed this issue and it will take time to implement.


The people complaining/demanding they do something about it now will do nothing but cause themselves health problems.


But they dont have it as prio what they should since if they dont more people will quit the game , and go back to wow and other games . Now with games like diablo comming out they should hurry up or this game will die out soon

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I really hope BW isn't choosing to not merge servers due to some pride factor that makes them feel like the game has failed if you start merging servers.


It is just something that needs to be done with this game. They created a bazillion servers so that launch would be smooth. So, they put themselves in a situation where is every single sub stayed, the servers would be full and yet run smooth.


Just do the merge or at least free transfer, a dead server is like a quickly spreading plague, and will give a far worse impression to the public and player base than a removal of a few servers. Your PR people can make the statement that you came out with extra servers to ensure a smooth launch and it wasn't suspected that that amount of servers would hold up.

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Please Bioware/EA, please do merges or offer free transfers because many servers (like my own, Krayiss Obelisk) just don't have a great economy or community feel due to low numbers. If you offer transfers we're all going to move to the bigger-pop servers which means you'll still end up with dead servers in the end. You NEED to merge. :(
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But they dont have it as prio what they should since if they dont more people will quit the game , and go back to wow and other games . Now with games like diablo comming out they should hurry up or this game will die out soon


Its not a priority apparently because it not that big of a problem.


Even if you swayed them into making it a priority, you will still have to wait for them to implement it.

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I waited for them to merge or at least say something about it for too long. Sub cancelled and customer lost.


prob is that i got a new gamecard so ill play that out and see how it is by then , rerolling like some say posiblility but then is all my legasy for nothing since it will be on other server.


But if it aint better by the time my time runs out ques ill have to stop playing , like some say not a lot of people makes no fun bad cash flow not a lot of guilds and so on

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Any of you knew any europe server with healthy republic population?


Tomb of Feedom Nad ... It's the busiest PvP server and Reps have a good showing.


I also play on Starstorm One ... Which has a smaller - yet still substantial pop - and also a good rep side.


Starstorm does suffer from language problems as there are many Russians (it was picked as the unofficial Russian server at launch)

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Its not a priority apparently because it not that big of a problem.


Even if you swayed them into making it a priority, you will still have to wait for them to implement it.




Eum it is a big prob if im online in the evening we got like 30 people at max at the fleet and maby 3 guilds who are raiding

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I waited for them to merge or at least say something about it for too long. Sub cancelled and customer lost.


but they have said something about it. SOmeone posted it 2-3 times at least that I saw in the past couple of days.


They wont do anything until after 1.2. They can't. They need to get the legacy system in place and then start work on transfers. Last I heard I think they were talking about late april for transfers to the oceanic servers.


Imagine the grief if they go it slightly wrong and something went wrong with your toon.


You really want it NOW?? without testing?? just magically done?

Edited by corbanite
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but they have said something about it. SOmeone posted it 2-3 times at least that I saw in the past couple of days.


They wont do anything until after 1.2. They can't. They need to get the legacy system in place and then start work on transfers. Last I heard I think they were talking about late april for transfers to the oceanic servers.


Imagine the gried if they go it slightly wrong and something went wrong with your toon.


You really want it NOW?? wihtout testing?? just magically done?



You have to remember, most of the people posting cries and whines and "i quitz!!" posts aren't actually reading or looking for an answer, they are just assuming that nothing has been said or posted about the issue since a DEV did not call them personally to let them know or send them an email.



As for testing it, no, they don't want it tested, they want it instantly added so when it breaks they will have something else to come to the forums and whine about ...

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Eum it is a big prob if im online in the evening we got like 30 people at max at the fleet and maby 3 guilds who are raiding


Big problem for you, the two servers I play on have plenty of people to play with.


lets see if they do what we pay them to do


You pay them for nothing, your paying for the privilege to be able to log on.

Edited by BlackZoback
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If it wasn't for the fact that I now view the game as a 2 player KOTOR i can play with my wife I would have cancelled my sub already. It's a shame but without a decent population there just isn't a community. I'm on Peragus Mining Facility EU and I think there were about 35 people on the republic fleet at 8pm... this is insane.


my suggestion (for what its worth)...


Work out what the maximum stable population would be for each server at peak times. Take 75% of that as a target figure to allow for growth and then merge servers using their peak populations to work towards the target 75%. That way you get a bunch of full servers not 100s of servers populated with nothing but tumbleweed and Rakghouls.


It'll never happen though, Developer Pride just won't allow it :(

Edited by OriginalSloth
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You have to remember, most of the people posting cries and whines and "i quitz!!" posts aren't actually reading or looking for an answer, they are just assuming that nothing has been said or posted about the issue since a DEV did not call them personally to let them know or send them an email.



As for testing it, no, they don't want it tested, they want it instantly added so when it breaks they will have something else to come to the forums and whine about ...


Yeah, thats so true. Because everyone here just likes to pay monthly subscription just so that they can whine on the forums about nothing. Thats so much more fun than playing the game.

Thank you for this kind sir! You busted the masterplan.

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