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Server population is dropping...


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No it didn't do anything useful. We didn't allow Bioware to follow through with the next step that would have allowed the system to work.


If we had all shut up and let them handle release as they planned we would not be in this mess today.


It was always lose:lose unless they had some way to absorb the inital rush.


Leaving ridculous queues was only going to lose subs and generate massive complaints (and rightly so, by the 4th week of them I was sick of having to log on hours before I intended to play).


Ironically SWTOR seems to have been one of the first MMOs capable of maybe doing this with their instanced servers, for whatever reason (maybe too technically challenging) they didn't though. :(

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No it didn't do anything useful. We didn't allow Bioware to follow through with the next step that would have allowed the system to work.


If we had all shut up and let them handle release as they planned we would not be in this mess today.




The reason were in this mess is because Bioware's sharded server tech is archaic. Additionally, terrible planning led to this disaster we have before us now.


Just because people whine and complain doesn't mean that the developers HAVE to respond to it. Blaming the community on what was clearly a miscalculation of the longer term interest the players would have with SWTOR rests completely on Bioware/EA.


Blaming the players/community is just giving those who created the game, the server architecture and the planning of populations a pass.


Sorry, I won't do it when they are clearly to blame for this fiasco.

Edited by CrackboneFTW
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This will leads to an another population drop if they dont merge server.People will not pay to "play" to a dead server.


And im sorry to say that, but BW/EA deserve it to fail in this game:)Release an unfinished, unoptimized, totall chaos game just becuse they want it to release before xmas:)And what they do (or not do ) now..

Edited by marklarhun
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This game isnt about "grinding!" If that is what you see in the game, it probably isn't for you to play. I have fun with each story and each decision. You can also spend time getting lore objects and datacrons. I DO agree that repeating the same damn quests over and over on different servers sucks...lol. The game is still really new.
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SWTOR is not going to break any records and will be #3 or #2 in MMO's. We all know SWTOR will not be #1 due to many of their own issues.


We all know bugs are common place for starter games.


WoW (like it or not) has set a standard in what a/an MMO should be for combat, currently. The issue with many players is; Why is SWTOR with MMO experience, knowing what the fundamentals/standards are; put out a MMO trifled with all these issues and with the lack of expected standard requirements?


SWTOR will continue to survive and operate within its scope and operate at the standard of which SWTOR management team has set for themselves.

Edited by Ackarion
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Because everyone wants to complain about PVP, they do not try anything else other then PVP like that is the only thing to do other then standing around.... All the complaints and none of them have any suggestions.


Try this.


Examples of a suggestion is


It would be nice to get to select what WZ you want to go into.


To be honest the only thing I don't like about PVP besides the fact that there are speed hackers, is that you cannot choose what WZ you go into. I don't care that someone bests me in combat, it is just a game.


Go ahead in up a cross server PVP matches so we can get full Warzones every time.


It seems some people what to be lazy and get everything handed to them, so I guess they want a system that will allow you to PUG a operation/flashpoint without having to say LFG.


Most of the time a good guild can help with making a MMO more fun, scheduled events like PVP pre-mades or doing HM or operations can help.


Doing full grouped dailies and beating the crap out of NPCs can be fun.



Point is there are lots to do people just want to find something to complain about and it seems the only choose one system of SWTOR to complain about, beings that you cannot choose your favorite WZ and third party software has given people illegal hacking programs to give them selves the advantage in any WZ so long as they do not get caught, which it is probably them who are complaining because their illegal program got them their IP banned. Or it’s not working like they wanted it too.

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SWTOR is not going to break any records and will be #3 or #2 in MMO's. We all know SWTOR will not be #1 due to many of their own issues.
It'll break records (already has), just not for total population figures;the number 2 or 3 spot in the industry would be more than respectable, it would be a resounding success.
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The problem is that they opened so many servers back in december, and now a lot of people are dropping their chars and coming to the best EU servers, for instance, Tom of Freedon Nadd. They would solve this issue by merging several low-population, dead servers and setting obstacles to create a new character in the most populated ones.
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It'll break records (already has), just not for total population figures;the number 2 or 3 spot in the industry would be more than respectable, it would be a resounding success.


To be fair, lots of MMOs have broke records.


Warhammer Online broke a number of records. Age of Conan did as well, as did Rift.


The "out of the gate" records mean very little. It's the longevity of the game that really matters, as that's where the profits really happen. If SWTOR fails to establish a healthy population it'll have failed to secure its longevity, and will inevitably switch to a F2P model.


I don't really care either way. Account runs out on the 20th, and then I'll probably go play Tribes instead.

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I don't really understand why records even matter.


Or population drops.


Or why people pay good money to drive away people from a video game.


I play the game because it's fun. If my server were "dead" I'd reroll. I wouldn't quit a game just because I didn't have anyone to play with. That just doesn't make sense.


Even if I had 5 50s on a dead server I'd just go play an alt on different servers trying to find the perfect fit for when transfers were available.

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By the way, people are not quitting, they're simply leaving their dead servers while moving to bigger ones.


How did their servers become dead to begin with if no one was leaving the game?


Can you explain how my server was one of the most heavily populated ones and now has 50-75 people a night on fleet?

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By the way, people are not quitting, they're simply leaving their dead servers while moving to bigger ones.


This is simply not true......My entire guild had 3 Operation groups 2 months ago....Now no one is logging anymore to do ANYTHING. Period.


Also fleet populations on almost all servers are decreasing RAPIDLY.......

Edited by zwhimsicalz
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How did their servers become dead to begin with if no one was leaving the game?


Can you explain how my server was one of the most heavily populated ones and now has 50-75 people a night on fleet?


50-75 on fleet is low pop?


Since when do we judge server pops by some buggy zone count in a place where there are no quests, dailies, datacrons, etc etc you get the picture.



People don't seem to take into account that maybe there are 30 flashpoints going. That's like 150 people that you don't even see. Not to mention the pvp warzones.

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It'll break records (already has), just not for total population figures;the number 2 or 3 spot in the industry would be more than respectable, it would be a resounding success.


2 or 3 is not resounding, its just a level of success. That what you have quoted is just the factual placement of where SWTOR is. What is resounding is being #1 and holding that level of standard for such a long duration. 2 or 3 is just 2nd and 3rd.

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2 or 3 is not resounding, its just a level of success. That what you have quoted is just the factual placement of where SWTOR is. What is resounding is being #1 and holding that level of standard for such a long duration. 2 or 3 is just 2nd and 3rd.


I like that. The ol' Ricky Bobby mentality. If ya aint first you're last.

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2 or 3 is not resounding, its just a level of success. That what you have quoted is just the factual placement of where SWTOR is. What is resounding is being #1 and holding that level of standard for such a long duration. 2 or 3 is just 2nd and 3rd.
When was the last time a new entry into the industry claimed one of the top three spots?


Yes, it would be a resounding success.

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This is simply not true......My entire guild had 3 Operation groups 2 months ago....Now no one is logging anymore to do ANYTHING. Period.
When someone rerolls, they don't log onto their old server any more. Therefor, if many people in a guild reroll, it looks as if no one is logging in to do anything. They can still be actively playing the game. They're just playing the game on a different server.


You may have got left behind.


Also fleet populations on almost all servers are decreasing RAPIDLY.......
Speak for your own server, because there are plenty of people noting that this is not true on theirs.
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