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Server population is dropping...


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What server do you play on? Do you happen to have and guild and pretty much only play with them? Last time you could find a group in the morning? How about even mid-day? Server pops are low, sure no one wants a Queue to log on, but having to wait forever for group anything is far worse of a queue. Try getting anything done on a server with 4 people on during prime time..


I play on three different Standard servers in North America server farm. All are still healthy, active, and doing well.


Just because someone is on a dead server does not mean 80% of the servers are dead. It's classic "projecting" when someone makes a claim like 80% the servers are dead.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm sorry but i do NOT spend $15.00 a month to have the ability to spam "DPS LFG for X".
Neither do I.


I honest to god spent 7 straight days spamming LFG for War Games / Red Reaper before a group of 50's gave in and ran me through it to complete my quests.
I spent ten minutes each of Monday night, Tuesday night and Wednesday night getting a unique group together each night for Red Reaper on The Jekk-Jekk Tarr.


Yeah, I need to resort to using /who, but I realize that if I'm expecting a better UI for group making, I'm better off just looking at Blizzard. Sadly, they went the LFD route, but maybe they'll remedy that in Titan (not likely).

Edited by Ansultares
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I play on three different Standard servers in North America server farm. All are still healthy, active, and doing well.


Just because someone is on a dead server does not mean 80% of the servers are dead. It's classic "projecting" when someone makes a claim like 80% the servers are dead.


Im sorry but 100-150 people on at "peak" times is not healthy active server. They need to start merging servers and fast.

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Im sorry but 100-150 people on at "peak" times is not healthy active server. They need to start merging servers and fast.


I'm sorry, but what 100-150 are you talking about? Each of my servers have over a thousand people on them at prime time. And you know what... everywhere I go.. I see people doing things and having a good time.

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I play on three different Standard servers in North America server farm. All are still healthy, active, and doing well.


Just because someone is on a dead server does not mean 80% of the servers are dead. It's classic "projecting" when someone makes a claim like 80% the servers are dead.


You're absolutely right. Not all of the servers are light. In fact, only 28 of them are always light, which makes it even more egregious that BioWare refuses to merge them.


It's Friday night, and my server has a grand total of 247 people.

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You're absolutely right. Not all of the servers are light. In fact, only 28 of them are always light, which makes it even more egregious that BioWare refuses to merge them.


It's Friday night, and my server has a grand total of 247 people.


Refusing to merge, that's a good one...


They do not have a system in place to transfer one single character from one server to another let alone merge an entire server.


You can't refuse to do something if you can't do it in the first place.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Refusing to merge, that's a good one...


They do not have a system in place to transfer one single character from one server to another let alone merge an entire server.


You can't refuse to do something if you can't do it in the first place.


Having spent 8 years managing the implementation of complex financial system interfaces, I'm gonna have to call BS on that one. Where there's a will there's a way. Also, when you refuse to give your customers what they want, they generally cease to be customers.

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Having spent 8 years managing the implementation of complex financial system interfaces, I'm gonna have to call BS on that one. Where there's a will there's a way. Also, when you refuse to give your customers what they want, they generally cease to be customers.



The way that have to do them now, manually, is a waste of time a resources on a problem that is not that big to begin with. If all the servers, not just 28, where light then I can see it being a big enough deal to do it by any means.


Its not like the few thousand accounts they will "save" will be that big of a deal in the end.

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I'm sorry, but what 100-150 are you talking about? Each of my servers have over a thousand people on them at prime time. And you know what... everywhere I go.. I see people doing things and having a good time.


Stop....just stop.

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Just after 8pm EST, only 4 heavy servers and a ton of light servers. Yeah we need that merger soon


yesterday (Thursday) on my server there was at 8 pm 6 people on Alderaan and 13 on Fleet!


That pretty much normal for last 2 weeks on server.


But hey, maybe Im exaggerating (as others accused of doing for speaking about what we all can see and read).

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Stop....just stop.


No. I will not stop. There are many healthy servers in the server farms.


There are currently tonight, at this moment, in NA, 6 Heavy or higher, ~100 Standard and ~ 30 Light.


You are the one that needs to stop.

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yesterday (Thursday) on my server there was at 8 pm 6 people on Alderaan and 13 on Fleet!


That pretty much normal for last 2 weeks on server.


But hey, maybe Im exaggerating (as others accused of doing for speaking about what we all can see and read).


OR, maybe you are on a dead server. We all know that are some.


However, that does not mean all servers are dead and people who say they all are dead, or are empty, etc. ect. are exaggerating.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm sorry, but what 100-150 are you talking about? Each of my servers have over a thousand people on them at prime time. And you know what... everywhere I go.. I see people doing things and having a good time.


Yea i lol'd, If you looked below the 3 servers that are full you will see it...Nothing, as in nobody on the servers.


If people didn't come here and say, hey we have a problem here...It's taking a considerable amount of time to find a group everyday, and is hindering my game experience, what would get done?


It's people like you that are killing the game, imagine if they got Mergers/xfers rolling. Fuller servers = less Q times, more time playing less time doing nothing = more fun = less people complaining = more $$ for Bio = better gameplay/content


because at the moment, there aren't and it's driving people away.


you gonna flag this one to because i disagree with you?

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Yea i lol'd, If you looked below the 3 servers that are full you will see it...Nothing, as in nobody on the servers.


If people didn't come here and say, hey we have a problem here...It's taking a considerable amount of time to find a group everyday, and is hindering my game experience, what would get done?


It's people like you that are killing the game, imagine if they got Mergers/xfers rolling. Fuller servers = less Q times, more time playing less time doing nothing = more fun = less people complaining = more $$ for Bio = better gameplay/content


because at the moment, there aren't and it's driving people away.


you gonna flag this one to because i disagree with you?


Excellent post.

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Yea i lol'd, If you looked below the 3 servers that are full you will see it...Nothing, as in nobody on the servers.


More exaggerationa and hyperbole.


Sorry pal, but the servers I play on (as I said earlier) are Standard at prime time and are plenty active, healthy GTN economies, and lots of activity around the galaxy.

Edited by Andryah
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More exaggerationa and hyperbole.


Sorry pal, but the servers I play on (as I said earlier) are Standard at prime time and are plenty active, healthy GTN economies, and lots of activity around the galaxy.




My experience tells me that all the servers are vibrant and full of life, therefore nobody could possibly be having a different in game experience. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying. And all these posts on the forums? What about them? Everyone is just making stuff up an exaggerating.


All the screenshots of people on fleet? Doctored.

All the "light" status servers? Not true.

Imps getting 2 to 4 times the numbers on their side and barely cracking 100 people during prime-time? Hyperbole.

Repubs having 50 or less on fleet consistently? Lies.

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Sorry pal, but the servers I play on (as I said earlier) are Standard at prime time and are plenty active, healthy GTN economies, and lots of activity around the galaxy.



It's fine you feel like this, but all it is, is head in the sand syndrome. Keep playing in the Reality your in, and turn a blind eye.


It's all fact and isn't all that hard to see ( for most people i guess) what would make people more happier.


Where's the hate? lol sounds like you need a break bud. Go make yourself a nice cuppa tea and a lie down and get back to me.

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It's fine you feel like this, but all it is, is head in the sand syndrome. Keep playing in the Reality your in, and turn a blind eye.


It's all fact and isn't all that hard to see ( for most people i guess) what would make people more happier.


Where's the hate? lol sounds like you need a break bud. Go make yourself a nice cuppa tea and a lie down and get back to me.


More servers are at standard population, then are at Light during prime time. I'm not really sure what your expecting. Yeah some servers have a really low population, but its a symptom of nothing more than that server being a low population server.


I'm on a Standard Server my self, and there are plenty of people on at Fleet on both factions, PvP Queues pop all the time.

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We need merge... on trayus academy start one warzone in AN HOUR in the morning 11 A.M Rome... on fleet max number of player is 20... on the others planets the maximum player i saw was on ilum 8... during the night WZ dosn't start at all... we cannot wait specific hour to play...

My guild is ruined, everybody start to creat char on tomb of freedom to PLAY... plz merge or allow transfer... can we have information about these things from the staff? sincerily i paid to play not to watch a screenshot because i can't do anything for VERY LOW population...

Edited by DarthToRa
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More servers are at standard population, then are at Light during prime time. I'm not really sure what your expecting. Yeah some servers have a really low population, but its a symptom of nothing more than that server being a low population server.


I'm on a Standard Server my self, and there are plenty of people on at Fleet on both factions, PvP Queues pop all the time.


So you feel that everyone that has brought this issue to the attention of the devs are making it up? That no one has had to reroll on high pop servers, sometimes more than once?


To make it clear for you, what i expect is communication as to what or more importantly when is something going to be done about it.


I'll leave this here for you to look at http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends


I'm not going to debate on how accurate the site is, but the Trend is what concerns me the most.

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No. I will not stop. There are many healthy servers in the server farms.


There are currently tonight, at this moment, in NA, 6 Heavy or higher, ~100 Standard and ~ 30 Light.


You are the one that needs to stop.


So out of that you get thousands on a server...

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So you feel that everyone that has brought this issue to the attention of the devs are making it up? That no one has had to reroll on high pop servers, sometimes more than once?


To make it clear for you, what i expect is communication as to what or more importantly when is something going to be done about it.


I'll leave this here for you to look at http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends


I'm not going to debate on how accurate the site is, but the Trend is what concerns me the most.


I can say that on trayus we are going mad... for 6k valor to rank battlemaster i had to went to bed because from 1:00 am and 4:00 am doesn't start anything... on 1:40 pm started THE FIRST WZ and i logged in at 11 am to rank... when i was leveling i could do only few heroics because i saw 3-4 rep on planet at time exping... not more... it's impossible organize somthing...

Plz mod give us some signal that you understand our situation...

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Seeing 6 heavy servers on a Friday/Saturday night isn't a good thing. Having less then a thousand people on a standard server isn't a good thing. There were literally 50+ people attempting raids around 10pm earlier this evening total. My old WoW server back in the day had more from my guild raiding around that time including subs ...
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