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Pureblood Sith species on republic


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Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


I can think of any number of reasons, really. Betrayal from other Sith, such as in Blood of the Empire, conflicts of ideals, disillusionment with the Empire, flat out hatred for the Empire. Jedi ***.


You should look of the Sorcerer's of Tund. They're Pureblood who broke away after the end of the Great Hyperspace War. There were also Massassi tribes that did the same thing. Simply being Pureblood, does not guarantee that their loyalty belongs to the Empire.

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What I can't understand is why the choice of species was so small and similar and then with the Legacy system rather than bring in new species they bring this in.


They've already explained that. If you can't imagine a given species and Amidala making out, then it won't be playable.


More near humans wasn't exactly what people were asking for when they asked for more species. That we were told the more exotic species wouldn't make sence and then having pureblood republic troopers seems to make that argument flawed.


Not all Sith are born Force-Sensitive. Tradition was to kill the non-Force-Sensitive child at birth, and claim that there were complications during birth. If a Pureblood's parents couldn't handle that, then they might smuggle the child to the Republic, where said child might actually survive.


Alternatively, if a PB's father was a light side Sith warrior or Inquisitor, then the warrior might have been taken to the Republic to spare him/her from the Sith.


Or, in the case of the Jedi classes, the PB might have just defected.


I'm sure there was a point you couldn't play a pureblood Sith Inquisitor so it seems like BW aren't being very consistent with their use of the lore or reasons why more exotic species weren't included.


There was a time. Then people *****ed about it enough to get it changed. There's only so far they're willing to stick to the lore.


For a certain point of view it seems like BW are doing the opposite to what makes sence or what they players want.


Then those people need glasses. Or to get out of the sun. You can't please everyone, but damn if BioWare isn't trying.


By ignoring the lore and the feel of Star Wars to bring in more species, but speices that aren't very unique or interesting.


Lore reasons, see above. They've done a very good job of introducing unique races. Want to know how many times Purebloods have been in Star Wars games? I can only think of once; Marka Ragnos in Jedi Academy.


If you are going to ignore the story and the lore and the feel of the Star Wars universe you may as well bring in what people asked for.


They aren't, they're trying not to, they are.

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So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


Maybe they infiltrated the Republic, and are working to their own ends. Maybe they didn't actually live within the confines of the Empire. Maybe they don't care about the ideals of the Sith. Maybe they took what the one Sith Lord that the Emperor locked up down in the old tomb had said to heart.


Just because someone is of a specific species does not mean they are like/act like everyone else that is of the same species.

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So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


Sigh. Sith purebloods were also slaves, they were forced down because of their weakness. Check your lore before you post, moron.

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I dont know how the rest of you feel but im going to find it pretty hard to see sith purebloods walking around the republic fleet.


I think this is going to be pretty lore breaking for me. The "sith" have come to invade, not populate the republic and i do not see why, such a race would be interested in becoming a member of the republic.


Perhaps we can get a dev to update us on why such a thing, would happen, as i am seriously struggling with the notion.



Lord Scourge would like a word with you please


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Eh, being part of a race doesnt make you share all their ideals. Take humans as an extremely relevant example. Theres even Chiss defectors in multiple quest.


Who cares!? Seriously! You need to evaluate your life if this is what makes you make a thread about.


Play the gosh darn game and just enjoy it! Let people play whatever race they want. It doesn't matter!

grow up


If youre getting so worked up over what someone said on a videogame forum, I think youre the one that needs to do some life evaluation.

Edited by Achromatis
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Lord Scourge would like a word with you please





Also, Lord Praven would like a word with you.



Indeed they would, people need to stop ******** it up, people have options it's not like every member of a race will be tied to an ideology for all eternity.

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Eh, being part of a species doesnt make you share all their ideals. Take humans as an extremely relevant example. Theres even Chiss defectors in multiple quest.




If youre getting so worked up over what someone said on a videogame forum, I think youre the one that needs to do some life evaluation.


Fixed for you too.

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Its funny how the pub players want it all. Free pvp gear, all races accessible. God they just don't want this game to have as little variation as possible.


There is a benefit in having unique races per faction. Doesn't mean there can't be some bleed over, but having a race to faction 'balance' adds to story, and when you encounter someone of anther race, it makes it more special even on a pve server.


There's no reason for Purebloods to be on the Pub side, in addition, there's no reason for, say, the blind warrior race to be on the sith side, much less a NON FORCE USER. Can't wait for all those blind bounty hunters running around with GUNS.


It goes back to most games, look at EQ, no good Trolls and you know what, the player base was fine with it, and they never once complained because they knew it 'felt right'. The betray quest in EQ2 is dumb and it was generally disliked even though the intent was semi correct.


If players really want to cross races where they shouldn't be and BW insists on giving it to them, they should have to roll Imp and do a betray type quest, and start a new story line as having a sith pureblood do the actual jedi knight class quest would be kinda silly.


But i'm done making sense, all that matters is that you guys put out 15 dollars a month and you think that entitles you to a spot on the game design board. BW jumped the shark with this one, but it's fine you guys don't have to care.

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There's no reason for Purebloods to be on the Pub side, in addition, there's no reason for, say, the blind warrior race to be on the sith side, much less a NON FORCE USER. Can't wait for all those blind bounty hunters running around with GUNS.

Miraluka? That 'blind' species that sees by using the force?

The bounty hunter that may well be able to force choke someone?

What is the problem here?


But i'm done making sense, all that matters is that you guys put out 15 dollars a month and you think that entitles you to a spot on the game design board. BW jumped the shark with this one, but it's fine you guys don't have to care.


Done? Already? But you haven't even started yet.


I mean, Bioware are the ones doing this. You are the one acting like your $15.00 should let you tell Bioware what to do or, in this case, not do.

This is not some player-demanded feature. This is their legacy system that they have been working on for years.


And you actually think that this is going to be the downfall of the game? That someone will be able to make a Pureblood smuggler or a cyborg Inquisitor? The horror of it all... :mon_rolleyes:

Edited by Mithros
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Miraluka? That 'blind' species that sees by using the force?

The bounty hunter that may well be able to force choke someone?

What is the problem here?




Done? Already? But you haven't even started yet.


I mean, Bioware are the ones doing this. You are the one acting like your $15.00 should let you tell Bioware what to do or, in this case, not do.

This is not some player-demanded feature. This is their legacy system that they have been working on for years.


And you actually think that this is going to be the downfall of the game? That someone will be able to make a Pureblood smuggler or a cyborg Inquisitor? The horror of it all... :mon_rolleyes:


Not to mention that this is the Old Republic times and lore dictates that certain aspects of what happened during this time were lost to the eons of history. For all we know, Miraluka were Bounty Hunters and Siths were Jedi before their extinction.


Who's to say?

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Its funny how the pub players want it all. Free pvp gear, all races accessible. God they just don't want this game to have as little variation as possible.


There is a benefit in having unique races per faction. Doesn't mean there can't be some bleed over, but having a race to faction 'balance' adds to story, and when you encounter someone of anther race, it makes it more special even on a pve server.


There's no reason for Purebloods to be on the Pub side, in addition, there's no reason for, say, the blind warrior race to be on the sith side, much less a NON FORCE USER. Can't wait for all those blind bounty hunters running around with GUNS.


It goes back to most games, look at EQ, no good Trolls and you know what, the player base was fine with it, and they never once complained because they knew it 'felt right'. The betray quest in EQ2 is dumb and it was generally disliked even though the intent was semi correct.


If players really want to cross races where they shouldn't be and BW insists on giving it to them, they should have to roll Imp and do a betray type quest, and start a new story line as having a sith pureblood do the actual jedi knight class quest would be kinda silly.


But i'm done making sense, all that matters is that you guys put out 15 dollars a month and you think that entitles you to a spot on the game design board. BW jumped the shark with this one, but it's fine you guys don't have to care.


emo/nerdRAGE much? Btw, I'm a diehard EMPIRE player except for my Knight. And I want to see Purebloods on the Republic side. Why? So I can be a pimpsmackin' mutha****a!


Honestly, I believe playing as a Pureblood is the only way I'm gonna make it through any of the other Reppy storylines.

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Using in-game lore, there is a crew mission I can take where a disillusioned sith wants to smuggle out his force-sensitive baby to the republic's side.


Throughout the game you also see Sith turning over to the Light side, and Empire members who want to defect to the Republic.


So it is not out of the question that some of the pureblood sith (I still don't know what that is) have lost faith in their side and wants to join the Jedi. They then raise their children as upstanding citizens of the Republic.

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So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


dunno, maybe because they are still prone to becoming slaves (!) in that culture that deems them 'ideal'?


if you're really going for the 'siths are all about being power-hungry', then obviously some purebloods might realise that the republic indeed suits their needs better.


apart from that, the game doesn't allow switching sides, so to speak, so granted your own personal sith jedi's story would be more like 'parents realised the jedi are actually better'.


or maaaybe some purebloods where sick and tired of being the 'ideal' in the sith culture, by not having much of their own culture left after the original dark jedi who found them decided they are 'awesome'.

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Because a sith pureblood can still have their own views/morals/different way of thinking, they aren't mindless drones that do whatever they are told. Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard, were suppose to pledge their absolute loyalty to him and never question an order from him...yet there were a few that defected and went to the Rebel Alliance.


The problem will become that while there are specific instances where individuals "break the mold", these are to be the exceptions and not the rules....knowing MMO players pinochet for annoying others i wouldnt be surprised if repub players flooded thier faction with chiss / PB's. Making it all the more absurd.

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The idea of "every member of this race belongs and agrees with this faction!" has always been ridiculous to me, in just about every game.


Just like the idea of hard and fast faction lines.. I guess it makes easy design when you want PvP, that's really the only reason I can think of it existing.


EQ2 did this best to me... want to leave to the other side, there you go. Don't care about faction lines, fine, chat and group with whoever you want.

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The idea of "every member of this race belongs and agrees with this faction!" has always been ridiculous to me, in just about every game.


Just like the idea of hard and fast faction lines.. I guess it makes easy design when you want PvP, that's really the only reason I can think of it existing.


EQ2 did this best to me... want to leave to the other side, there you go. Don't care about faction lines, fine, chat and group with whoever you want.


That was one part I really enjoyed in EQ2. My SK grouped up with a Paladin for the Vampire's Lair add-on Quest back in the day. We then ventured way back into the Forest and ran the castle together. Good times. I actually ended up dating her RL for a while, too. :)

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That was one part I really enjoyed in EQ2. My SK grouped up with a Paladin for the Vampire's Lair add-on Quest back in the day. We then ventured way back into the Forest and ran the castle together. Good times. I actually ended up dating her RL for a while, too. :)


It was awesome, and most importantly it added to the possible player pool.


MMOs insisting on strict lines and no cross faction communication are essentially causing problems in their player base by dividing it in half. That's even the best case scenario.


Worst case, we get the situation as it is Pub side here. One side vastly out numbered, leading to frustration and those playing it either leaving, becoming bitter or switching sides.

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