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Will You Still Play Your Nerfed Class Post 1.2?


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So you lvl to 50 and stop, ya the sun still wants to play and horrible judging a toon on that alone...


Every character but one has full champion/columi or better. I'm judging based on playing them all with the exception of the gunslinger.

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Every character but one has full champion/columi or better. I'm judging based on playing them all with the exception of the gunslinger.


Then they have way more than 3days played per, the math alone shows your FOS in your first post of 3 days played...

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As I said...another penny would be too much fanboi.


Diablo 3 is out on May 15th, and trust me when I say that BW's empty servers will all be a little more empty on May 15th 2012.


Its diablo3 now, then probably guild wars 2, then probably whatever mmo comes after that, followed by another. Most mmorpg players now have ADD and whine about the game they are playing only to think the next game is where its at, then when they realize thats not it, they move onto the next game.


SWTOR could be dynamite wrapped in c4 for awesomeness and these same players would find something to cry about.

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Its diablo3 now, then probably guild wars 2, then probably whatever mmo comes after that, followed by another. Most mmorpg players now have ADD and whine about the game they are playing only to think the next game is where its at, then when they realize thats not it, they move onto the next game.


SWTOR could be dynamite wrapped in c4 for awesomeness and these same players would find something to cry about.


One of the best replies to date, summed most players up in but a few words...



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Its diablo3 now, then probably guild wars 2, then probably whatever mmo comes after that, followed by another. Most mmorpg players now have ADD and whine about the game they are playing only to think the next game is where its at, then when they realize thats not it, they move onto the next game.


SWTOR could be dynamite wrapped in c4 for awesomeness and these same players would find something to cry about.


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I play two classes, a guardian and a commando. I shall still play them both in 1.2, but I might switch my main to my commando. At first I thought the healing nerfs were super severe, but then the expertise buff means it will reduce trauma's dirtiness in pvp. Essentially my healer will heal about the same or better in pvp in 1.2.


Focus guardians got no love, so I'm sad about that.

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I was thinking of going hybrid Corruption+Madness for utility in rateds but with the gutting of the big heal nerf, no thanks.


I was really looking forward to 1.2 then saw some of the most horrible changes, its made me barely want to log on anymore.


I also have a 50 Jugg and a 47 Operative (healer), and people crying about the utility of sorcs, go find a good jugg and you'll be appalled at how good their utility is.


I'll probably still play but they killed the hybrid dps spec for sorcs and that reduced my incentive to play, my favorite playstyle getting gutted and no changes to the awful lightning tree for PvP either? Blegh.


I'll probably pick up D3 to mess around in (i'm in the beta and its good fun) its defintely not a game that can hold your attention like an MMO, but it'll be a good way to get away from the frustration of 1.2 (as-is according to the patch notes). I love this game, too.

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I play a sorc and I love my class. I Am going to play my Sorc post 1.2. Are you going to play your current class after 1.2's nerf beatdown?


Only if you count collecting credits to send to my knight and for legacy unlocks :D

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Its diablo3 now, then probably guild wars 2, then probably whatever mmo comes after that, followed by another. Most mmorpg players now have ADD and whine about the game they are playing only to think the next game is where its at, then when they realize thats not it, they move onto the next game.


SWTOR could be dynamite wrapped in c4 for awesomeness and these same players would find something to cry about.


You do realize this game utilizes the hero engine and has stealth scan right?

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If you have played MMOs at all before then you should have realized by now to play the class you LIKE to play regardless of what everyone says about it.


If you are playing a "UP" class than you are likely going to get buffed to be the "OP" class soon enough. If you reroll to the buffed "FOTM" class then you will probably be nerfed before you get max level and geared up.


It is a cycle you should be waiting for and NOT chasing.

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Instead of fixing the 31 point talents in lightning and madness they broke hybrids. The problem wasn't hybrids, it was the sucky alternatives. Still, I was willing to play madness even if it isn't as good as pre-1.2 hybrid. Unfortunately they are also going to turn my character from competitive to uncompetitive overnight by not buffing champ expertise and giving crappy blue gear as a replacement with crap stats. I have worked quite hard to get my champ gear to where it is at along with some bm gear, no pieces that have mods changeable in them yet. That is what will ultimately drive me from the game.


I don't have full bm gear like some because I don't have all the time in the world to just sit in wzs or to valor farm which is why it took me longer to hit bm rank. That means my character will not only be nerfed by my gear will become less effective and I will end up having to start from scratch essentially. That to me is simply not acceptable and I won't be hanging around after 1.2 hits if it doesn't change.


It isn't a threat of course simply fact. If a game isn't fun then I'm not going to continue paying for it. Bioware needs to start thinking in terms of will this be fun, I think they will come to some radically different conclusions on some topics. If things stay as is in 1.2, above that is, SWToR will have the distinction of being the only live MMO I have ever quit after only 3 months of play. I have never ever quit an MMO before playing it for quite some time first, at least not MMOs that were live.

Edited by skarlson
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Instead of fixing the 31 point talents in lightning and madness they broke hybrids. The problem wasn't hybrids, it was the sucky alternatives. Still, I was willing to play madness even if it isn't as good as pre-1.2 hybrid. Unfortunately they are also going to turn my character from competitive to uncompetitive overnight by not buffing champ expertise and giving crappy blue gear as a replacement with crap stats. I have worked quite hard to get my champ gear to where it is at along with some bm gear, no pieces that have mods changeable in them yet. That is what will ultimately drive me from the game.


I don't have full bm gear like some because I don't have all the time in the world to just sit in wzs or to valor farm which is why it took me longer to hit bm rank. That means my character will not only be nerfed by my gear will become less effective and I will end up having to start from scratch essentially. That to me is simply not acceptable and I won't be hanging around after 1.2 hits if it doesn't change.


It isn't a threat of course simply fact. If a game isn't fun then I'm not going to continue paying for it. Bioware needs to start thinking in terms of will this be fun, I think they will come to some radically different conclusions on some topics. If things stay as is in 1.2, above that is, SWToR will have the distinction of being the only live MMO I have ever quit after only 3 months of play. I have never ever quit an MMO before playing it for quite some time first, at least not MMOs that were live.


Where the game is fun for 8 of 10 ppl there are the 2 left over that say it blows/sucks/doomed cause its not what they desire or there toon is nerfed, life goes on and we lose a few and gain alot more...


It's also hillarious that you say this would be the only mmo i quit after 3 months when its given more than any other MMO in history for content ever in the first year of being out, let alone only 3 months... bye

Edited by mordredz
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I was thinking of going hybrid Corruption+Madness for utility in rateds but with the gutting of the big heal nerf, no thanks.


I was really looking forward to 1.2 then saw some of the most horrible changes, its made me barely want to log on anymore.


I also have a 50 Jugg and a 47 Operative (healer), and people crying about the utility of sorcs, go find a good jugg and you'll be appalled at how good their utility is.


I'll probably still play but they killed the hybrid dps spec for sorcs and that reduced my incentive to play, my favorite playstyle getting gutted and no changes to the awful lightning tree for PvP either? Blegh.


I'll probably pick up D3 to mess around in (i'm in the beta and its good fun) its defintely not a game that can hold your attention like an MMO, but it'll be a good way to get away from the frustration of 1.2 (as-is according to the patch notes). I love this game, too.


Ya guardians have good utility too, but you're comparing two diff type of classes (tank/dps vs. heal/dps). It's apples and oranges. If you compare guardians to a shadow or vanguard, they aren't as impressive as they seem. In fact, a shadow makes just as good or better ball carrier than guardians.


If you're going to compare utility of a sage, do so with commandoes and scoundrels. Neither of those are as useful as a sage in huttball.

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Where the game is fun for 8 of 10 ppl there are the 2 left over that say it blows/sucks/doomed cause its not what they desire or there toon is nerfed, life goes on and we lose a few and gain alot more...


It's also hillarious that you say this would be the only mmo i quit after 3 months when its given more than any other MMO in history for content ever in the first year of being out, let alone only 3 months... bye


Could you fanboy any more than this? We all understand your opinion but perhaps a little less one sided responses would help your point a little better.


I mean, subs certainly didnt go up, most servers half lost over half their players, the server caps didnt go up, as a player who knew practically the entire pvp community on my server I already know a substantial amount quit. And this trend holds true for most other servers.


As far as the new content comment, the content they are providing now was meant to be in the game at release. Most of it has already been done even. All the operation content until patch 1.5 has already been data mined out of the client. Everything they "provide" us with was already in the game, which makes sense considering 5 years of development with such a large dev team and budget. But they certainly arent making this content new.



As for the topic at hand. I will continue to play my Guardian, in fact as far as I am understanding my play style is getting buffed. I am fairly certain the patch will only serve to make me cause other players to whine.

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Could you fanboy any more than this? We all understand your opinion but perhaps a little less one sided responses would help your point a little better.


I mean, subs certainly didnt go up, most servers half lost over half their players, the server caps didnt go up, as a player who knew practically the entire pvp community on my server I already know a substantial amount quit. And this trend holds true for most other servers.


As far as the new content comment, the content they are providing now was meant to be in the game at release. Most of it has already been done even. All the operation content until patch 1.5 has already been data mined out of the client. Everything they "provide" us with was already in the game, which makes sense considering 5 years of development with such a large dev team and budget. But they certainly arent making this content new.



As for the topic at hand. I will continue to play my Guardian, in fact as far as I am understanding my play style is getting buffed. I am fairly certain the patch will only serve to make me cause other players to whine.


Stopped reading after you stuck your foot in your mouth with the fan boi comment, ignorant posts like that i pretty much stop right there, but thanks...


Oh btw, reading stuff isnt hard, try google...

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I"m currently leveling my Marauder and that may be my main. Its not really that Juggs are being nerfed, but it seem the Rage tree is better dps for Marauders now and Affliction beats Vengeance for single targeting.


I play with a friend and a Marauder and Bubble just lays waste...

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I don't understand the original question.


"Will You Still Play Your Nerfed Class Post 1.2?"



To me, this sounds like some people actually choose and play certain classes solely on the grounds that they are powerful, and have no pride in the character/class they have chosen and leveled so far. :rolleyes:


I mean, even true PvPers - at least the skilled ones, anyway - complain about nerfs, but most usually it takes them around maybe 1 week to adapt to the new nerf, and come up with new tactics or tricks to bring their class back up to competition, despite the nerf.



Just abandon something because of a slight nerf...?? :rolleyes: Sounds like a spoiled brat throwing away toys, to me.



I'm guessing these are what make up the spineless FotM crowd, moving around to follow every new popular build/class and make mass-produced copycat builds. :D

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it certainly doesnt feel 2.3 mil or 1.7 in game thats for sure. look at all transfer me pls server is dead.

its a simple game with no content and on ezymode

I predict F2P within 6 months from now.

when I started all severs were heavy now most are light and std

I think your figures are grossly overestimated.


When the game released, they kept a lower cap to prevent overloading servers and spreading players out. They lifted this cap a while back and the servers LOOK like they're draining.

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Yes and no.


Playing a dps hybrid sorc right now- 1.2 without CL is both boring and gimped- no burst ability, worst aoe in game- low dot damage build is just boring. I will be respeccing heals, though, will likely go for more operations until they fix pure dps builds.



In the meantime for pvp damage, rolled a marauder, getting him up there in levels- he dominates, tears every 1v1 to shreds, rips apart sages in particular even if he's only at 40% health and they're full. More keybinds to look after, but the pressure I can keep on pretty much everyone but another marauder is amazing. Defensive CDs are better than all other classes combined- and I don't even have my immunity or stealth yet. Marauder's the god class, simply put- and no need to manage resources, they just keep coming. Alone I'm a god- with a healer or tank I'm king of gods- with both it's GG. For the first time I can start moving towards the 2 people defending a turret or door and not feel like I'm suiciding- because chances are I'll rip them to shreds.


Sure, 2v1 if they're good players I do get my butt handed to me from time to time- but when I see someone starting to drop- I leap in, trauma debuff, pressure them- dots, slow, interrupts, stun. No escape, period. Your sole chance is to knock me off a ramp in huttball after I leap- but considering that's one scenario where you can get the upper hand on me, I think I'll live with that.

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