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What is the point of rolling Republic?


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That's a serious question; I'm not trolling.


Granted, when 1.2 comes out, 3.5-4 months after the release of the game, they will be addressing some of the animation issues that up to this point have just been stupid for the Republic, but they're also introducing more same faction warzones. It's my understanding that the new warzone will have same faction fighting and Voidstar will have it as well, thus making the warzone titled Civil War the only warzone where the same faction can't fight against each other.


When I rolled Republic, I did so because I wanted be the underdog, I wanted to be outnumbered, I wanted to always be able to find someone to fight in world pvp. And I am in fact outnumbered; I play on a server where the average population of Dromund Kaas is about the same as the Republic Fleet (26-28 as I type this, with 56 on the Imperial Fleet). But this hasn't gotten me the pvp I desired. Instead I found planets far too large and segregated to be conducive to much world pvp, where you have to go out of your way to look for a fight most of the time. Ilum, the one place where that might not apply to, has been de-incentivized. And, as some sort of a cruel twist, I often have longer warzone queues because while 8 imps battle it out against 8 republic in Voidstar, and another 16 imps fight among themselves in Huttball, I sit in queue with the other 3 Republics who are online and queued.


So, with pvping opportunities being at best equal and pve opportunities being far greater for the Empire since they have a higher population (setting aside the subjectiveness of which stories are better, which, from my limited exposure, I've tended to enjoy the Empire story lines much more), what reason is there to not add to the snowball effect and re-roll? The one benefit, if you can call it that, to being a Republic up to this point is that I don't play Huttball all day long, but that's going away, so what's left?

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Honestly I only went Republic because my RL friends who started playing before me did... otherwise I would have went Imp because I knew from the start there would be ten times as many people playing Imps and grouping, etc... would be much easier.
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They have this light / dark side meter for your choices you make...in all honesty it was a great idea. My question is they could of made the PVP que times revolve around that choice.


If you were dark side you group vs. light side, to me you would have a mixture of all skills fighting each other, not just imps vs. reps or fighting your own kind.


Plus I believe that some races - i.e. "SITH" should never have the choice of Light Side Meter, I mean they returned from deep space to conquer, and most of them have hatred for the Republic so I just do not understand that part.


BioWare made the game so everyone would have all choices opened to them, but sometimes that is just wrong...you give up some things for other things period...that is the way it is.

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Plus I believe that some races - i.e. "SITH" should never have the choice of Light Side Meter, I mean they returned from deep space to conquer, and most of them have hatred for the Republic so I just do not understand that part.



so you don't believe light side sith exist. i.e lord Praven, scourge(not the best example) half the sith you interact with on both sides

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so you don't believe light side sith exist. i.e lord Praven, scourge(not the best example) half the sith you interact with on both sides


The whole implementation of light and dark side is so flaky and inconsistent, it's no wonder people are confused about what it all means.

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What is the point of rolling Republic?
It never occurred to me to do anything else. I was quite surprised so many people did not roll Republic.


But then again, I haven't really been following the Star Wars community since well before any of the "new" movies came along.


As it turns out, there isn't really a downside to playing Republic, at least pre-50. We get a good selection of warzones (for which I have never waited more than 5 minutes) and a target-rich environment when it comes to random onworld encounters.

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Even on Level 50 Republic is far the best side to play and get more and more skillfull. You get lots of exercise beating the **** out of FOTM Imps (like 80% seem to play by trashing there head on their keyboard) and rofling at the impside of the server who took around 1 and a half month longer to lear Nightmare Modes despite beeing more^^


Elite players, Reasonable People play Republic


****, WoW-Kiddies, FOTM play Imperium

Edited by Atlanis
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If you were dark side you group vs. light side, to me you would have a mixture of all skills fighting each other, not just imps vs. reps or fighting your own kind..
The War is Empire vs Republic, so the warzones should be empire vs. republic. If the Empire has Empire vs Empire warzones, that doesn't bother me too much since I don't see it, but I wouldn't want to see Republic vs Republic warzones.
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I like rep side animations for most classes better. The trooper, jedi knight, and sage animations I like better than their imp counter part. In fact, I deleted my mid 30's for sith warrior, sorce, and lvl 20 bounty hunter early January. I can't stand the way a sith warrior holds his saber when they are ideal, with one hand sticking out. The trooper I like a lot cause they get to use big guns where my bh uses this tinny pistol weapons. Now if Bh could use rifles it be different. For my imp sorc I hated the lightning casting animation cause it reminded me of an undead caster from wow, which I dislike the animation. Thus, when I tried out a sage I deleted my sorc and made a sage.


The only draw back are a few abilities not having parity with their imp counter part.

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Since PvP has no interest for me... I prefer being the 'good' guy in my games.


Feel free to call me old-fashioned, but I like being a hero, not a villain.


Just because you're on Empire doesn't mean you're a villain.

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Love playing Republic. I've spent far more time with my Trooper, Jedi, and Gunslinger than my Agent or Bounty Hunter. And frankly the Sith force characters just seem lame.


Plus, I don't have to spend so much time on Dromund Kaas, and the Republic fleet looks better to me than the Imp fleet.

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whats the point the point of rolling imps, so I can shoot lighting out of every orifice of my body..LOL I don't play the fotms or cookie cutter classes myself, but at some point in TOR I will to see the story, could care less about doing pvp on those classes..
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Three Republic and one Imperial toon, i think most people do or will fall into haveing both and go with what appeals to them.


I chose Repub because i knew they would be outnumbered,i became part of the solution,not the problem.

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I like the rep..because true to form were out numbered. I rolled my first 50 toon on rep..and enjoyed it more than i did the two 50s i rolled imp. I pretty much dont touch them now..in a week ill finish my second 50 toon rep... Side and be content with them. Im no fan of same faction fighting so i hope that ot doesnt happen as often as folks think it will.
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so you don't believe light side sith exist. i.e lord Praven, scourge(not the best example) half the sith you interact with on both sides


Scourge is darker than Vader, get your facts straight, while Praven wasn't outright cruel his strength came from the dark side as well until he converted after almost dying, don't twist this. The only light side pansy is completely non-canon players with the stupid light side sith system... No light side force user uses force lightning or choke or attacks like "vicious Slash"when you kill for killing's sake you're evil.


Reps are better, have more interesting stories and I like Jedi better that's the point. I have characters on the other side though because I'm interested in the stories anyway. Faction pride is an archaic concept.

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