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Everything posted by Graveside

  1. I have read many posts and I have to agree. 7.0 is not fun. Having played off and on, since release. I feel like BW has less people and it takes more time to add content which seems split in many directions; however not a single new aspect of the game has really developed. The longer the game is running, it seems everything is shrinking down to basic abilities to gear, and end game. I feel like we could do away with everything and give us 3 buttons that does everything. 1 - fight, 2 - shield, 3 - Skip (cut-scenes) (Joke) but honestly. I am also boggled by the BW adding the extra class to the class I have. The only benefits I see is: Not having to log off to switch to a char. need for something, taking a Stealth to make all heroics easier and able to bypass most what you do not want to fight, with the last being I can also jump to the other side if I want to play there. In my opinion BW seems like they took more away than added and sorry the short story alone (with bugs - Talking to you Malgus) just didn't seem worth all the changes. Oh well, I know I am not the only one and will not be the last. Good Luck all. P.S. - Oh I am wonder when BW will increase the credits to like infinity and beyond because our world has nothing on the inflation of SWTOR.
  2. I noticed a set of armor I wanted and spent about 3 million credits on it. This amount of credits can be a lot to some and just a drop in the bucket for others. I am referring to the armor pictures in both the Cartel Market and Collections. A prime example is the Bionic Warrior Armor set. The picture clearly shows what a buyer could believe are effects on the armor itself (I fell for it). In the U.S. I looked up false advertising laws and this is could be the case, because even thou the items can be are purchased with credits in game, they do sale cartel coins in which are required to purchase from the cartel market. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/media-resources/truth-advertising
  3. SWTOR had and has many dilemmas facing the game now and future. I believe the many out-weight the needs of one or even a few. I am talking about making one or two persistent Server. Bring us, all together without the need of cross realms; however change out to a new graphic engine for the entirety of the game. I believe this game has potential to go another 5 years easily with the right story's and the concept of releasing chapters every month and 1/2 right down to a dramatic (setting it up for another expansion) ending. Money will be involved in making these changes and probably not cheap. I believe thou, Star Wars has proven beyond a doubt, that it has a legacy of staying around. It could and should continue to grow esp., in this MMO, with all the current movies coming out. I don't care for pvp at the moment but hey I will suffer through it, if we had more players in the game at one single time. Instead of 33 on Nar Shada, I rather have 500 or 2000. I hope someone up there in the 1% groups that manage the company, stops and sits back and wonders how can we do this and still make money. Just think on it, thank you.
  4. I have played off and on, but I have come to a conclusion. EA has BW by the BALLS and Disney has anyone that wants to franchise the SW universe by the BALLS. This being said, I believe EA would be happy as hell if this game would just go away. They could get some other 3rd party company to make another SW MMO and milk it dry. It would be just like how the last movie was a repeat of SW IV, (Driod has secret, Droid has to get somewhere, person helping droid has to do rescue, and the big ending, we blow up a bigger deathstar). It's all about profits for the share-holders...because now days if you have two quarters of profit loss they want to replace you and over-haul the damn company because lord forbid a loss in the world of economics. Anyhow, I went on a rant, it's just a game and at time I sub and at times I don't because if I am not doing OP's or WZ's and just doing the story-arc, then no reason for me to spend any more money on the game. I wait ever few months and sub for one month, knockout all the story stuff and unsub. This suits me just fine...nothing in the cartel market is needed for the game imo.
  5. I think they should go with a 3 button rule, 1 - Paper, 2 - Rocks, 3 - Scissors and for ranked players a forth option, 4 - Spock or just publish their own binds and macro's for the game.
  6. I can go on and on, but thousands of players have already spoken, I am just one of those ignored voices.
  7. Since transfer has been down BW you have saved me 3600 credits...because I went ahead and leveled the 2 classes I was going to move.
  8. I wish you make AT Mounts just like normal mounts, it was my fault I bought one, but I will never get to ride it because I am in a small guild. I mean if players can ride a rancor around why not the AT mounts.
  9. What happened to the - Earned your "COOL" gear or "COOL" mount in MMO's. This game has a ton of things to offer and the future looks bright; however by damn, as a subscriber if I want the "Cool" items I just have to buy it. I don't have deep pockets in game or in real life and every once in a freakish moon, I will spend my credits on a pack, only to get a "stylish dancer's cap" as the BIG bonus with out even a kiss at being screwed. Even if I were to sale all the items from that pack, I would be lucky to get 10,000 credits...but most know half that crap will not sale. I know, I don't have to buy it and can save my credits up for the items I want...the 3 million dollar chair or the 10 million Revans Mask...or the ever so vary rare black/black or White/white dyes that require 4 million credits and 2 - kidney's (yours and your faithful companion). I just once in awhile like to open one and get something decent and I know it is just pure luck, but I have the worst luck of all and just waiting for the day to receive the pack that says, "SURPRISE...you receive the one ultra rare pile of BioWare Steam Pile of Dung, - figurally speaking."
  10. You know, this thread is about helping others but what you don't seem to understand is the rules. This is a GAME, and some people are f2p and some are subscribers, some are group players and others are solo players, some play with friends and some play with guild mates. The second rule: This game has currently two types of pvp - Ranked warzones and Unranked warzones; however please do not bring up open world pvp (I will not touch that Ilum). If you want players to be better overall then, I highly suggest you stay in Ranked Warzones with other like minded players. You should only join with friends, family, guild-mates or other made up teams with some type of communications in place. If you players ( you know who you are ) are upset because others are not doing what is obvious in the warzone then you should ask yourself. Why the hell are you calling out these players in the unranked warzones, scrubs, noobs or just you suck as a player? You players that think or know you are all-godly powerful and great at pvp and know about each new trick or exploit (I mean working as intended) upon each update, I ask this. Why the hell are you subjecting yourself to this type of torture? This is like some professional athlete going down to the high school level and getting mad because he lost a game to another team. I say this, stick to your ranked warzones and if you are not winning and losing all the time, perhaps some of you aren't as good as you think you are or the other team is that much better. I also suggest you petition BW to follow in the same steps as WOW and just create arenas with more gear as rewards for the players that believe or know they are uber / epic / boss. In the end leave the unranked warzones to us noobs, scrubs or whatever you want to call us, because we just want to have some fun, WIN or LOSE, because it is just a GAME.
  11. Graveside

    Level 54 gear

    This game is working at intended. The current developers are fixing minor things that will not completely mess the game up in its current state. Now, with that said they are adding things as well that will not completely mess the game up in its current state. Overall this game is not in repair mode, it is in operational mode and that is by seeing them push out cartel packs or cartel marketing items to generate (MORE) income from the standard of $15. I would say about 70% of the players currently subscribe with the 30% being the flux of F2P players coming and going. I know bolster is broken and has been, but with a new cartel pack and items some players will pay a million or 2 for the new cartel items. When a players buys them with real money and sales them on them on the GTN it allows them to buy all the player made lv 54 gear. This then in return allows everyone to get the same items and compete at the lv 55 cap. I believe in the future you will see a slight advantage down the road for the actual pvp gear if BW can tweak the bolster ability for the PVP gear then PvE 54 gear. If not then perhaps bolster taken completely out of the game and no telling what would happen then. If none of this is true, then perhaps EA (The Big Boss) over BW will basically say, keep the cartel marketing top priority and milk the game for all of its worth. If and when it starts to become a liability for EA (not enough cash cow), they will probably decide to shut it down and start another MMO star wars or focus on the new consoles coming out at years end. My money is on the consoles, because I believe EA is in the business of making short term games without having to cater to a money update or yearly expansion. They are a business and no matter how many times players vote them the worse company every...they damn sure do know how to make a profit and customers imo are on the bottom of their priority list, the only thing they want from consumers is what game genre is currently hot and what would they pay $60 for a basic game and $100+ for a Collector's Edition.
  12. Why can't we have lower lv brackets with a range of 10 or 15 levels at max? The bolster is jacked up, the abilities of higher lv characters do make a difference in pvp. If this isn't possible, then how about more balance selections of classes. I understand there are more dps than tanks and healers. I believe this would encourage more players to play a healer or tank class in pvp, I know I would. This would make pvp more challenging in the warzones and more coordination...as it stands right now, if I enter a WZ with zero healers, I just leave because 95% of the time you are going to lose if the other said has a healer and more so if two.
  13. My two credits, PvP is just crap now days, not fun in the least. If it was fun, there would be more RWZ matches, but I see more teams grouped in normal WZ's than anything. There are so many...Mechanical deficiencies of that game that some players will say they are exploits, hacks, or just cheats; however others will say that is how the game was made and they are none of those...it is operating as intended. SW:TOR needs a big overhaul, because I do not see this xpac lasting and keeping players engaged for another year with more mmo's on the horizon.
  14. I am wondering if this applies to everything you do? I was on an imp character this morning before the 200% boost that I was getting about 10k - 15k experience in pvp matches. I am doing some pvp matches currently and I am getting only the same amount of experience even with a minor warzone boost. Is anyone else having problems?
  15. I will say this...BW is not going to ban anyone until it bluntly violates the rules. You might ask why do I say this, well look below the rules listed. MMO's rules: 1. Make money 2. Keep customers (as many as possible) 3. Make more money You talk about bans and such, but when a player reports another in a game like TOR, they could very easily look at the accounts. If one person is spending $300 a month on the game and another is just $15 or F2P ... you get the picture I hope. As far as cheats go in MMO's the way I remember it is this: Unless it will significantly impact the overall game/economy, then they will take action. Time frame depends on the company and the importance of the cheat/exploit or what-not. Another method of cheats/exploits is what percentage of persons are doing this. If it is 10,000 players out of 3 million and not even a full guild, then they might not fix or fix later on down the road. I give you two examples: 1st - Diablo 3 the bots of opening the same chest over and over, players obtained hundreds of millions before it was actually fixed. 2st - SW:TOR, upon release, the slicing skill for crafting was HUGE - credits were in the 10K area upon release. The hardcore players/beta players knew about this (some not all) and leveled that skills as fast as possible. It took about a week or a little longer before BW hot fixed it. In both cases the damage was done, a certain few made out with millions of credits/gold and in neither case did they fix it immediately. No server was reset or back-dated because of the broader implications of messing up more players, but in the end, those that exploited or cheated still made out in either case. Conclusion: Just ignored those players, report only the real-life threats because that is an actual misdemeanor, no matter where or when it is stated, either verbally or typed.
  16. Bioware stated a ton of stuff prior to release, however quit looking at this game as a Bioware game. This is not a Bioware game it is owned and operated by EA, if they want something in the game or out of the game, they just have to snap their fingers. In saying this, EA is thinking about investors and that means income of money, profit driven business. The first thing is, why give away something free when you can make them pay for it. If they want it bad enough, they will pay, if not then buy it off the GTN from others that do. I don't fault BW much anymore because I believe half of the ppl at BW have probably moved on already, which means others are picking up the pieces. I just hope Disney gets involved and really looks at the "TRUE" potential of a Star Wars Universe.
  17. This is the truth, I will be flamed that is a given, but trust me this is the truth if you are new to this game. Cartel Market is for those not on a monthly subscription, and for others that want to have some better looking gear. The Imps get some okay armor but the Reps get mostly bland colors and ugly looking uniforms. If you are into PvE that is good, because you can do the flashpoints with easy, because you get so skip tons of the mobs that you would normally have to clear in most other MMO's. If you are into PvP well, all I can say is take it with a grain of salt. 10-49 PvP can be somewhat fun, 50 PvP is a different story because you are placed against other much more powerful players. Ranked Warzones doesn't have many teams it would seem. You will find a ton of the pre-mades in warzones, which is okay, if you don't mind losing 9/10 times. The good news is you can do PvE with PvP gear, or if you play long enough and save your credits you can buy almost all the components to deck yourself out for PvE. Prob. around 5 million credits, perhaps a little more but if you watch the GTN you can get deals. The Cons are whatever you dislike about the game. You will see speed hacks a bunch in PvP, and ever so often in open world. They are releasing an expansion this spring but still have problems with the very first Operation they announced at launch, along with many other bugs. In the end, the game has many flaws, exploits and cheaters, but if you don't mind that then you will like the story mode of the game. I suggest you do your research and find out what side you wish to play and find a server that is dominate in that side. It will make PvP and PvE easier to come by and probably the game more enjoyable.
  18. Everyone is wrong, there are TWO employees there. 1) Day time janitor, 2) Night time cleaning janitor. They both still haven't been told, they have been let go.
  19. BioWare was a great company that wanted to make great indeapth games; however EA is a company that is about making great indeapth profti. The two do not go hand in hand with EA, that being said, after $200 Million dollars spent and more was needed, EA decided to recoup what was invested as fast as they can. EA doesn't want to wait 5 years to turn a profit, they want it by the next quarterly statement. I resubbed for this game, but seeing the state it is in, it is like playing at the casino...EA will not make this F2P just yet until they believe they have milked the subscription fee as far as they can go. Then they will go F2P and try to milk it a little more with a cash shop..all the while telling Bioware Developers keep doing what you are doing, but they will never know when the big ol' axe will drop on them. Blizzard is focusing on the future with "Titan" and they will try to make it their next "Golden Egg", players will hate if there is a subscription but if is a great game, players will pay. The ones that don't, will just miss out or stay with games like GW2 or others. IMO subs are cheaper and can provide for a far more steady stream of content...if not games like GW2 or other F2P are only getting half of what they could be getting which means others are paying for others to play for free. I personally will never buy from a cash shop if I can play for free, sooner or later I will get the content that others payed for free This is all my opinion and doesn't mean a d**n thing but each their own and see how this one month of resubbing pays off.
  20. BW should call EVE and ask how they did a 1 server setup, and start looking into that, it would prob. fix their future problems as the game continues to decline.
  21. Game Broken, it has been broken, it will stay broken. EA is in salvage mode at this point in time, get what you can before the ship sinks. They have made their money back, now they are trying to milk it for all it has to offer...ie (layoffs, cut-backs, f2p - cost more then $15 a month for all the best stuff). I am not sure how GW2 will be; however it is F2P as well, but it is a fresh start and if anything is not right they have the ability to fix on the spot, so let's hope GW2 will fix any imbalance issues and other stuff faster and better than BW has.
  22. This game failed in several areas. FIrst failure was the Resolve Metric for pvp (copied from WoW); however it operates differently in some aspects. Second failure was the hard-core player base that rushed to lv 50 in the first week of release and basically hammered out Ilum for PVP gear. This gear was very easy to acquire and was on par with PvE gear. Guilds were doing all the PvE components in mostly PvP gear until they acquired the PvE gear. Third and as mentioned many times over, the Developers did not understand the player base or MMO operations. This being said Players will do anything to get ahead to end game content. Fifth mess up was the war zones, which had 10-50 total, they fixed the lv 50's for their own but still 10-49 is not really a fun aspect of pvp fun. A team of 40's will win vs. a team of 10's, abilities and skills do matter at lvs no matter if you are boosted. In the end it will not matter, the fans of Star Wars will defend it and rest will either move on to another game or not. This game is a failure by gaming standards, EA / investors and fans know it. The game had potential but with the announcment of f2p and layoffs at BW, I would say this game is just being milked for what money it can make with no real upgrades or expansions in the near future. Good Luck
  23. Concepts: Subscribe @ $15 a month = 30 day game play or Unlimited when f2p goes into effect. F2P = limited content and access Confused: 1. So! if I unsub and just do the F2P concept, will it only cost me $15 in the Cartel Shop to obtain the same content/access of the subscribers? 2. How does F2P allow for faster content to be developed and deployed into the game? Understanding: This leds me to believe the Cartel shop is for cosmetic content in game and to aquire end game content w/o doing end game content. Conclusion: My math: (Est. Per Month) current subs = 500k @ $15 = $7.5 M , F2P: Subs = 250k (lose 250k subs to f2p) @ $15 = $3.75 M + F2P player's = 750k (est. they spend $7.50 per month) = $5.625 M (total increase of player base for F2P was 500k and total over all now is 1 million player base), so over all with 1 M players = $9.375 M. (Est. Per Month) current subs = 500k @ $15 = $7.5 M, Put out content that is needed and advertised could bring in an additional 250 k of players @ $15 $3.75 M for a total of $11.25 M for just 750k current base of players subscribing. I'm guessing that the concent being released for this game would be identical, no matter what the future was in store. I would say it's a gamble for EA/BIO, because they need the numbers to increase with current subscribers in order to boost profits. I believe some players that sub will likely unsub and move over to f2p, which decrease revenue and place more importance on the cartel store. If EA would just put the money back in and allow a team to develop this game, players will come back from word of mouth which could expand the life of this game. If not, I see many spending less cash and treating this game as their f2p social site, a place to have some fun but not worth spending any money on what-so-ever.
  24. I have unsubbed and believe many more will as well. IMO EA has made at least 90% of their money back on TOR through sales of the game, subscriptions, item marking (Razer products), BIO cutbacks (lay-offs / you're fired), and misc. area. I also think, EA is trying to cut their losses, and want to get that last bit of 10% back plus some, so they offer the F2P and those that are subbed will get a "goody bag" ... sort of like the carrot on a stick trick. They will try and mysteriously appeal to the F2P'ers by stating "Oh!!! look what the subbers received this month, blah blah" trying to get others to sub. In the end, this game might be far less than it is now by EOY, which makes me sad.
  25. EA completely gets it...they want games that are developed and sold. I spectulate EA does not want to maintain a video game that would need continous growth and develop, plus changes in grapics and coding the longer it stays alive. EA acquired BIO in an effort to ensure no other company would get the greatiness that was coming from BIO prior to EA's befuddle fingers. I also blame some of BIO's developers for not listening to some alpha/beta (1st testers) that mentioned some little things that needed to be addressed. These developers imo were following to much of WoW's design and didn't go away from that besides the story-line questing.
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